The Psychology of Campus PC

List of liberals quoted in support of this thread, so far, below.

Not "good enough" for the Regressives, of course. These liberals must be Hitler Islamophobe Nazis.

Guy, you can quote anyone in support of anything.

It doesn't make you less obsessed and crazy.
WOW, this is great to see.

"We must avoid the 'heckler's veto'" - love it.

Thank you Dr. Cornell West, Dr. Robert George, two honest liberals.

28 of you on this thread, so far.
Of course, Noam Chomsky doesn't like what he's seeing either.

Interestingly, the interview also uses the term "heckler's veto". Good stuff.

WOW, this is great to see.

"We must avoid the 'heckler's veto'" - love it.

Thank you Dr. Cornell West, Dr. Robert George, two honest liberals.

Yawn, still not a crisis, as much as you want to believe it.

I guess we took care of all those starving kids in the world, if this is the worst thing we have to worry about.
Holy crap, even Mika mocks the situation, at 7:00: "Okay, every snowflake gets first place, you're all winners. You're all so good, you're perfect children" (claps):

Okay, 30 is a nice, round number. For now.

30 liberals, quoted directly on this thread, who agree with its premise.

30 racist Nazi Hitler Islamophobe Nazis.

  1. Barack Obama
  2. Bernie Sanders
  3. Liz Warren
  4. Van Jones
  5. Cornell West
  6. Norm Chomsky
  7. Sam Harris
  8. Mika Brzezinski
  9. Dave Rubin
  10. Johnathan Haidt
  11. Maajid Nawaz
  12. Fareed Zakaria
  13. Bill Maher
  14. Caitlin Flanagan
  15. Richard Dawkins
  16. Joe Rogan
  17. Nick Cohen
  18. Frank Bruni
  19. Don Lemon
  20. John Chait
  21. Fredrik DeBoer
  22. Keli Goff
  23. Carol McNamara
  24. Zeke Reed
  25. Professor Ronald Feinman
  26. Kirsten Powers
  27. Matt Rozsa
  28. Camille Paglia
  29. Dr. Robert George
  30. Tom Nichols
Holy crap, even Mika mocks the situation, at 7:00: "Okay, every snowflake gets first place, you're all winners. You're all so good, you're perfect children" (claps):
seriously, dude, do you spend all day looking for validation?
I do love rubbing this stuff in the faces of you Regressives, I must admit.

My bad!

I do love rubbing this stuff in the faces of you Regressives, I must admit.

My bad!

Naw, dude, it's kind of an obsession, I don't think you ever talk about anything else.

You are like the guy who sees obscene images in a Rorschach test and then says to his shrink, "You're the one with all the dirty pictures!"
  • Thanks
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I do love rubbing this stuff in the faces of you Regressives, I must admit.

My bad!

Naw, dude, it's kind of an obsession, I don't think you ever talk about anything else.

You are like the guy who sees obscene images in a Rorschach test and then says to his shrink, "You're the one with all the dirty pictures!"
Its gross!
I do love rubbing this stuff in the faces of you Regressives, I must admit.

My bad!

Naw, dude, it's kind of an obsession, I don't think you ever talk about anything else.

You are like the guy who sees obscene images in a Rorschach test and then says to his shrink, "You're the one with all the dirty pictures!"
You've tried desperately to make this thread about me. As usual.

I've provided specific supporting material all along the way.

As always, thanks.
You've tried desperately to make this thread about me. As usual.

I've provided specific supporting material all along the way.

Guy, you make this thread about you by constantly posting about the same thing, over and over again, and attributing things to your obsession that are out of any kind of sanity, like "Trump won because of Campus PC".

No, Trump won because Hillary was an awful candidate and the Russians interfered in our election.
I know the message it sends, but stronger is not always better. And you certainly didn't weaken her arguments or support, and likely did the opposite. In fact, you and they come off as huge sissies who would rather throw hissies than craft superior arguments. Again, this is what universities are for. And the lack of having to do this isnreally starting to shine through in this country. The way a debate is judged is no longer by the most forceful argument, but by who shouts the loudest. "Free exchange if ideas in a democracy" at its worst.

I think in this case, stronger is a lot better. I honestly think when the system allows a Nazi who got the least amount of votes to become president because he bullied the system into accepting him, that's not the time to sit down and talk. That's the time to fight.

And, sorry, if Ann Coulter is running away because someone might smack her in her filthy mouth for the shit she says, she's the sissy. And I'm good with that.
"Time to fight"

By throwing a hissy long enough that a speaking engagement is cancelled at a university? That's not fighting. It's the opposite. That's sissying out of a fight.
WOW, this is great to see.

"We must avoid the 'heckler's veto'" - love it.

Thank you Dr. Cornell West, Dr. Robert George, two honest liberals.

Yawn, still not a crisis, as much as you want to believe it.

I guess we took care of all those starving kids in the world, if this is the worst thing we have to worry about.
I guess we took care of all those starving kids in the world, if this is the worst thing we have to worry about."

If it's okay with you, massah, some of us will try to walk and chew gum at the same time. ;)
"Time to fight"

By throwing a hissy long enough that a speaking engagement is cancelled at a university? That's not fighting. It's the opposite. That's sissying out of a fight.

No, that's actually fighting. That's letting these people know that their bile is unacceptable in polite society.

If it's okay with you, massah, some of us will try to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Naw, I don't think you right wingers ever give a fuck about starving kids.
"Time to fight"

By throwing a hissy long enough that a speaking engagement is cancelled at a university? That's not fighting. It's the opposite. That's sissying out of a fight.

No, that's actually fighting. That's letting these people know that their bile is unacceptable in polite society.

If it's okay with you, massah, some of us will try to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Naw, I don't think you right wingers ever give a fuck about starving kids.
Nope, it's sissying out of a fight. An actual, intellectual fight involves meeting argument with argument (i.e., exactly the primary purpose of universities since the first university), not a bunch of uneducated babies throwing a tantrum. And yes, that's what these little crybabies are : uneducated. That's why they are at university. You are helping to shield them from acquiring the very skills they should be acquiring, as are the professors and school officials bending over to pamper their little asses.
Nope, it's sissying out of a fight. An actual, intellectual fight involves meeting argument with argument (i.e., exactly the primary purpose of universities since the first university), not a bunch of uneducated babies throwing a tantrum.

Why does someone like Coulter, who just says obnoxious things to sell books, deserve an argument? That's giving her attention she really doesn't deserve.

Hey, like that hilarious time she said that 9/11 widows were enjoying their husband's deaths. What a card, that Coulter.

And yes, that's what these little crybabies are : uneducated. That's why they are at university. You are helping to shield them from acquiring the very skills they should be acquiring, as are the professors and school officials bending over to pamper their little asses.

Actually, they are at a University because our wonderful society has decided you can't get a decent job unless you piss away $42,000 to get a piece of paper and put yourself in debt for decades. It's massively fucked up.

If you are paying $42,000 for something, you shouldn't have to put up with some fucking Nazi on your campus.

Hey, liberals in 1932 Germany probably said things like this.^^^^^ They felt pretty stupid when they were on their way to the ovens.
Nope, it's sissying out of a fight. An actual, intellectual fight involves meeting argument with argument (i.e., exactly the primary purpose of universities since the first university), not a bunch of uneducated babies throwing a tantrum.

Why does someone like Coulter, who just says obnoxious things to sell books, deserve an argument? That's giving her attention she really doesn't deserve.

Hey, like that hilarious time she said that 9/11 widows were enjoying their husband's deaths. What a card, that Coulter.

And yes, that's what these little crybabies are : uneducated. That's why they are at university. You are helping to shield them from acquiring the very skills they should be acquiring, as are the professors and school officials bending over to pamper their little asses.

Actually, they are at a University because our wonderful society has decided you can't get a decent job unless you piss away $42,000 to get a piece of paper and put yourself in debt for decades. It's massively fucked up.

If you are paying $42,000 for something, you shouldn't have to put up with some fucking Nazi on your campus.
Why does she "deserve arguments"? Precisely BECAUSE she sells books. Softball question.

And if that's why they are at a university, they're not there for the right reason. Thanks for helping make my point!

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