The PUSSY GRABBER says all men 'should be worried about sexual assault accusations' now

Accusations now equal guilt. So what's you're point?

Accusations? Reallly? TRUMP admitted to it. Proudly! To a reporter. Loudly.
Except he did not

I guess you don't believe that grabbing women's private areas or kissing them without their permission isn't abuse and wrong but you're wrong.

Most decent people believe what trump proudly said was disgusting, abuse and wrong. Many men have lost their jobs for what he proudly says he does.

I am not wrong.

When they let you it is by definition consent.
When consent is given it is not abuse.

Unless they are incapable of giving consent, regardless of what they say.
Just one more reason to insist, women make appointments for full body massage with happy ending.
Accusations now equal guilt. So what's you're point?

Accusations? Reallly? TRUMP admitted to it. Proudly! To a reporter. Loudly.
Trump did not admit to assault and that is fact

There is a larger issue however.

Regardless of how you feel about trump he is correct about this danger.

Yes for years now we have seen many on the left creating witch hunts which convict men based only on an accusation. Only to find out later, after the life of the accused is destroyed, that the accusation was false.

Duke lacrosse.
Rolling Stone and UVA.
Mattress girl.
Most of the officers in naval aviation.
Giam Ghomeshi ( ok he is Canadian but same story )
And of course hundreds if not more college students who have been wrecked in the title IX witch hunt started by Obama and ended by trump.

The growing trend on the left is to marginalize due process and go immediately to sentencing once any accusation is made.

Devos did a huge public service by stopping the title IX witch hunts but the threat remains.

Many on the left support retro active withdrawal of consent. Meaning a woman gives consent then later makes an accusation. She feels shame or is pissed at the guy for dumping her ( mattress girl ) whatever the reason though it is not assault or rape when one gives consent regardless of how much they regret it. Even of tricked or lied to by someone trying to get consent it is still consensual. I can agree that it is dishonest and wrong for a man to lie to a woman to obtain consent but it is not illegal and certainly not rape.

Trump is correct about this whether you like it or not and his warning is a prudent one.
I guess that's everyone should be worried except the PUSSYGRABBER himself. Anyone think there is even a HINT of irony in his brain?

White House source says ‘every man should be worried’ after sex assault accusations against Brett Kavanaugh


16 SEP 2018 AT 16:13 ET

to a Politico report, “A lawyer close to the White House said the nomination will not be withdrawn,” no matter what.

way, not even a hint of it,” the lawyer said according to the site. “If anything, it’s the opposite. If somebody can be brought down by accusations like this, then you, me, every man certainly should be worried. We can all be accused of something.”

Trump has been accused of sexual assault by several women for everything including forcibly kissing them, grouping them and sexual assault from his ex-wife. He confessed to sexual assault to former host Billy Bush during an “Access Hollywood” interview....

White House source says ‘every man should be worried’ after sex assault accusations against Brett Kavanaugh
lol at OP title. I betcha it would be OK with the left if Trump was a dick grabber

I guess that's everyone should be worried except the PUSSYGRABBER himself. Anyone think there is even a HINT of irony in his brain?

White House source says ‘every man should be worried’ after sex assault accusations against Brett Kavanaugh


16 SEP 2018 AT 16:13 ET

to a Politico report, “A lawyer close to the White House said the nomination will not be withdrawn,” no matter what.

way, not even a hint of it,” the lawyer said according to the site. “If anything, it’s the opposite. If somebody can be brought down by accusations like this, then you, me, every man certainly should be worried. We can all be accused of something.”

Trump has been accused of sexual assault by several women for everything including forcibly kissing them, grouping them and sexual assault from his ex-wife. He confessed to sexual assault to former host Billy Bush during an “Access Hollywood” interview....

White House source says ‘every man should be worried’ after sex assault accusations against Brett Kavanaugh
lol at OP title. I betcha it would be OK with the left if Trump was a dick grabber

I just need more practice and higher numbers to better deal with female bosses.
All men except Bill Clinton! Hey?
Bill Clinton many people voted for him after the Lewinsky affair came out?
America cared less about Clintons sexual escapades. At that time, the Democrats said what happens in the bedroom is private, move along, nothing to see. Matter of fact, Slick Willies approval ratings went up after talk of the cigar and baby battered dress

I guess that's everyone should be worried except the PUSSYGRABBER himself. Anyone think there is even a HINT of irony in his brain?

White House source says ‘every man should be worried’ after sex assault accusations against Brett Kavanaugh


16 SEP 2018 AT 16:13 ET

to a Politico report, “A lawyer close to the White House said the nomination will not be withdrawn,” no matter what.

way, not even a hint of it,” the lawyer said according to the site. “If anything, it’s the opposite. If somebody can be brought down by accusations like this, then you, me, every man certainly should be worried. We can all be accused of something.”

Trump has been accused of sexual assault by several women for everything including forcibly kissing them, grouping them and sexual assault from his ex-wife. He confessed to sexual assault to former host Billy Bush during an “Access Hollywood” interview....

White House source says ‘every man should be worried’ after sex assault accusations against Brett Kavanaugh
lol at OP title. I betcha it would be OK with the left if Trump was a dick grabber

Hmmmmm....tell us more......:eusa_think:
Accusations now equal guilt. So what's you're point?
Any man should know this and take steps to protect himself.

I once dated a woman I worked with. Not a superior or subordinate but just a colleague. Adult and consensual and on our own time.

Yes I know relations with people you work with are a bad idea. The relationship ended no harm no foul.

Another female coworker expressed strong disapproval of the relationship and stated she though I was a pervert. I over heard her telling people what she thought about me and stated she would never allow herself to be alone in the same room with me.

Some time later she noticed I would not enter a room with her unless other people were present. She noticed that I would call others to stand by me and listen in if she wanted to speak with me and I was adamant about having witnesses.

When she confronted me about this behavior I told her I was following her wishes.

She was outraged and offended. Not because I had over heard her talking about me but because I was implying that SHE could not be trusted alone on the same room with me.

Since then it has become a habit with me, not just with her but with any woman. Men need to be very cautious how they interact with women. A simple accusation can destroy a man even with no evidence.

Regardless of how bad you think trump is he is correct about this.
Here's the problem with the lying ass ho, Brett....he denies everything, even not being at this party.....guess what liar, the accuser can't remember party location or address, she was just 15 years old, so how can you deny not being there, when she herself can't remember the exact location????

When I was almost raped, to this day I can't tell you the exact location, but I can sure as hell remembered what happened and the 3 dumb nigga's I out smarted!!

We were at camp and a group of us wandered off to get high with the bad boys of camp.....after awhile of smoking, my home girls left me by myself, suddenly I was lured by these 3 black guys to a remote area....they started to take my clothes off and I begged them to leave me alone and then I went into survivor mode....I told them if they all took their clothes off, I'd have sex with each of them....I waited until they were buck fuckin naked and took off running and takes time to put your clothes back on....LOLOLOLO I never told a soul about this incident and left camp for home the next morning complaining of being gravely sick. Did I mention, I was in a catholic own camp!!
Boy are you smart. First you equate the fact that him and his buddy both say that they were never at a party like that and that they were never involved in that sort of activity as him saying he was not at that party. That is just retarded.

Next you tell a story about your attempted rape. I have no doubt you remember the camps name and where it was located. If you tried you could probably give a general direction and how far from the camp it took place. You could even tell us if there were trees around, some of the colors of the clothing the boys and you were wearing. If you did not know the guys names you could at least give a description. So you at least have information unlike this person.

Just because someone claims to be a religion does not make them a saint. No church or church run thing can make people saints. So have no idea why you even brought that up.
Here's the problem with the lying ass ho, Brett....he denies everything, even not being at this party.....guess what liar, the accuser can't remember party location or address, she was just 15 years old, so how can you deny not being there, when she herself can't remember the exact location????

When I was almost raped, to this day I can't tell you the exact location, but I can sure as hell remembered what happened and the 3 dumb nigga's I out smarted!!

We were at camp and a group of us wandered off to get high with the bad boys of camp.....after awhile of smoking, my home girls left me by myself, suddenly I was lured by these 3 black guys to a remote area....they started to take my clothes off and I begged them to leave me alone and then I went into survivor mode....I told them if they all took their clothes off, I'd have sex with each of them....I waited until they were buck fuckin naked and took off running and takes time to put your clothes back on....LOLOLOLO I never told a soul about this incident and left camp for home the next morning complaining of being gravely sick. Did I mention, I was in a catholic own camp!!
Boy are you smart. First you equate the fact that him and his buddy both say that they were never at a party like that and that they were never involved in that sort of activity as him saying he was not at that party. That is just retarded.

Next you tell a story about your attempted rape. I have no doubt you remember the camps name and where it was located. If you tried you could probably give a general direction and how far from the camp it took place. You could even tell us if there were trees around, some of the colors of the clothing the boys and you were wearing. If you did not know the guys names you could at least give a description. So you at least have information unlike this person.

Just because someone claims to be a religion does not make them a saint. No church or church run thing can make people saints. So have no idea why you even brought that up.

Yes this one engaged in some incredible mental gymnastics.

So here is an analogy not involving a sex crime but still an accurate comparison.

A man is accused of robbing a bank but the accuser cannot say when or which bank. Nevertheless the accuser insists the robbery happened.

The accused says " I was not there and never robbed a bank".

Now the accused is a liar because his denial was more specific than the accusation

I know this sort of thing works in a lot of movies or TV shows. The investigator pulls a gotcha moment when the accused knows a few too many details.

In reality however it is not evidence of dishonesty. A accusation was made and the accused denies it.

That is all we know. There is no evidence that Kavanaugh is lying.
Exactly what is wrong with grabbing a pussy, some women actually like it a lot. Just as some men would like for women to grab their crotch.
Is that like when Crooked Hillary attacked the women that Slick Willy grabbed their pussies? The dozen or so?

NOPE, TDS doesn't exist. That ain't LIBS say it. That's the psychiatric community.

The filthy bitch Crooked Hillary attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy's pussy grabbing and attempted rape.

Despicable and disgusting, isn't it?

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a well known serious national mental health problem. People that are afflicted with it should seek treatment immediately.

Here is a picture of a Moon Bat bitch that suffers from the aliment. In fact Trump is her President but due to her mental illness she is in denial. There are reports that the derange bitch even marched around in a pink pussy hat. How sicko is that? Pathetic, isn't it?


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