The putrefaction of America


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
In mathematics in order to understand the origin of a fraction one must reduce it to it's simplest form. The long agonizing corruption of American civilization is no different. People blame the decay of our American way of life on many different causes such as in the name of ultimate inclusivity, political correctness, social justice, democrat candidate running platforms or enclaves of radical college professors. That's all fine and dandy—those causes are all correct on a shallower level—but what is the true source and cause of the putrefaction of our nation? What might we find hiding out in the simplest form of this "fraction" after it is completely reduced?

These days hundreds of thousands of expectant or would-be mothers proposition "doctors" to murder their developing children in the womb—the most vulnerable and dependent stage of human life; that time in the growth of a human life when mother-to-be is called on by eons of human biology and innate humanity to defend the vulnerable, fragile life growing within her. These days thousands of "parents" sacrifice the natural bodies of their born children on the altar of transgender ideology, a pathological neurosis, desecrating their young flesh into unnatural abominations—a "procedure" often ending ultimately in suicide. These days the adults children must trust most—teachers, pastors, politicians, authors, directors, and yes, even parents, saturate their minds with LGTBQ propaganda in blatant mass attempts to stop them from reproducing.

These days women have been reduced to "cum buckets" and "fuck toys" and inadequate "weaklings" in general by a Hollywood and media and democratic party that despises all females. Don't believe it? Porn glorifies the destruction and abuse of the female body and spirit, and free porn is legion. As does transgenderism, a fanatical ideological psychosis that sees the female form carved up or crushed by men pretending to be women because those men cannot win in competition against other males—and everyone deserves a trophy, right? The ancient, primordial biological function of women is also relentlessly attacked in all pop culture, in education and in the workplace. Women are encouraged not to reproduce too young, if at all—all in the name of career and ultimate freedom from biological responsibility and competition with men. The aeonian biological purpose of women is vital to the perpetuation and survival of our species, but it is denied, debased, discouraged, damned.

These days patriotism is heresy. Being openly Christian equals immediate persecution. If you're loudly Christian and you haven't been damned for it, well, then you don't get out much. If you stand for something, believe in something, verbalize your faith in God, country, the President or anything that requires raw honesty or belief and lots of personal responsibility and being held accountable for truly bad deeds or behavior—you are mocked, disdained, cancelled in the social media and general public realm. These days few fellow human beings believe other humans can be pure of heart or genuinely good-hearted, which leads to widespread paranoia and distrust; everyone suspects everyone else of being a scumbag deep inside, so they act like scumbags themselves just so they don't get left out.

We could go on and on and on like this for tens of thousands of words, but we won't. What's the point? Everyone knows it all, right—because they asked Google. So what's simplest form of the fraction that is the putrefaction of our America? Call it lack of God and the ridicule will pour over your head like infinite ice water. Call it a pandemic of nasty human behavior, serious lack of patience to wait for anything at all, lack of willingness to work hard, fair, honestly for reward or everyone pretending to be God, and the cool kids on the internet will bash out your brains on any given message board.

Best guess, in the nutshell of a post short enough for the reading comprehension impaired crowd to read, it's a combination of reprogramming of our minds through social media, television/movie media, radical leftist education curriculum at all learning levels, and the attempted forced repetition of some of the darkest moments in human history. It's like someone decided it'd be a great idea to convince the human race entire to stop reproducing and reenact the most draconian acts of the French Revolution, all in conformity with the writings of Le Marquis de Sade. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist . . .

But the cool internet kids scoff . . . right? Because they all know better. They've all become gods unto themselves. But even gods wink out, go extinct. Just ask Ra or Loki or Ahura Mazda.
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Right wing nut jobs produce the decomposition. They pay lip service to the greatest generation but revile the culture and politics of Ike, for example, as their extremism promotes gangrene of the corpus America.
If you spend all your time on the internet you will certainly think things have deteriorated but what you are actually seeing is the same old shit people used to keep secret. People have always been hateful perverted pieces of shit walking around wearing masks of respectability. Now it is getting harder to be a secret "deviant" and many do not even try. Think about the people at your church, fine bunch of people right? They are just as perverted and fucked up as anyone but they wear the dishonest mask of respectability. In your congregation there are child molesters, secret homos, nymphomaniacs and a whole pile of women/girls who had abortions. This is the world you pine for, where everyone lies to each other.
If you spend all your time on the internet you will certainly think things have deteriorated but what you are actually seeing is the same old shit people used to keep secret. People have always been hateful perverted pieces of shit walking around wearing masks of respectability. Now it is getting harder to be a secret "deviant" and many do not even try. Think about the people at your church, fine bunch of people right? They are just as perverted and fucked up as anyone but they wear the dishonest mask of respectability. In your congregation there are child molesters, secret homos, nymphomaniacs and a whole pile of women/girls who had abortions. This is the world you pine for, where everyone lies to each other.
Maybe during your lifetime, but back when i was growing up, you could leave your doors unlocked at night, and not have a motorcade of cars when children go trick or treating. It was in the late 1970s when Jimmy Carter decided that it was better to allow totally insane people to return to their families, because that was liberal compassion. Then razor blades and needles started showing up in apples and other treats those kiddies never knew were in there. Always liberal compassion will end up killing people.
If you spend all your time on the internet you will certainly think things have deteriorated but what you are actually seeing is the same old shit people used to keep secret. People have always been hateful perverted pieces of shit walking around wearing masks of respectability. Now it is getting harder to be a secret "deviant" and many do not even try. Think about the people at your church, fine bunch of people right? They are just as perverted and fucked up as anyone but they wear the dishonest mask of respectability. In your congregation there are child molesters, secret homos, nymphomaniacs and a whole pile of women/girls who had abortions. This is the world you pine for, where everyone lies to each other.
Maybe during your lifetime, but back when i was growing up, you could leave your doors unlocked at night, and not have a motorcade of cars when children go trick or treating. It was in the late 1970s when Jimmy Carter decided that it was better to allow totally insane people to return to their families, because that was liberal compassion. Then razor blades and needles started showing up in apples and other treats those kiddies never knew were in there. Always liberal compassion will end up killing people.
Except for one incident where some monster was actually trying to murder his own son there are no credible accounts of halloween candy being messed with. Just one small example of how people think things have become more dangerous somehow. In the information age the truth walks while bullshit rides a rocket sled. You are simply hearing a lot more hienous mostly dishonest bullshit than you did when there were only three TV channels.
If you spend all your time on the internet you will certainly think things have deteriorated but what you are actually seeing is the same old shit people used to keep secret. People have always been hateful perverted pieces of shit walking around wearing masks of respectability. Now it is getting harder to be a secret "deviant" and many do not even try. Think about the people at your church, fine bunch of people right? They are just as perverted and fucked up as anyone but they wear the dishonest mask of respectability. In your congregation there are child molesters, secret homos, nymphomaniacs and a whole pile of women/girls who had abortions. This is the world you pine for, where everyone lies to each other.
Maybe during your lifetime, but back when i was growing up, you could leave your doors unlocked at night, and not have a motorcade of cars when children go trick or treating. It was in the late 1970s when Jimmy Carter decided that it was better to allow totally insane people to return to their families, because that was liberal compassion. Then razor blades and needles started showing up in apples and other treats those kiddies never knew were in there. Always liberal compassion will end up killing people.
Except for one incident where some monster was actually trying to murder his own son there are no credible accounts of halloween candy being messed with. Just one small example of how people think things have become more dangerous somehow. In the information age the truth walks while bullshit rides a rocket sled. You are simply hearing a lot more hienous mostly dishonest bullshit than you did when there were only three TV channels.
I lived when there was only 3 channels, ABC, NBC and CBS, those were the news sources telling the people they need to examine the candies for such dangerous items. Are you saying those 3 network news are "FAKE NEWS"?
If you spend all your time on the internet you will certainly think things have deteriorated but what you are actually seeing is the same old shit people used to keep secret. People have always been hateful perverted pieces of shit walking around wearing masks of respectability. Now it is getting harder to be a secret "deviant" and many do not even try. Think about the people at your church, fine bunch of people right? They are just as perverted and fucked up as anyone but they wear the dishonest mask of respectability. In your congregation there are child molesters, secret homos, nymphomaniacs and a whole pile of women/girls who had abortions. This is the world you pine for, where everyone lies to each other.
Maybe during your lifetime, but back when i was growing up, you could leave your doors unlocked at night, and not have a motorcade of cars when children go trick or treating. It was in the late 1970s when Jimmy Carter decided that it was better to allow totally insane people to return to their families, because that was liberal compassion. Then razor blades and needles started showing up in apples and other treats those kiddies never knew were in there. Always liberal compassion will end up killing people.
Except for one incident where some monster was actually trying to murder his own son there are no credible accounts of halloween candy being messed with. Just one small example of how people think things have become more dangerous somehow. In the information age the truth walks while bullshit rides a rocket sled. You are simply hearing a lot more hienous mostly dishonest bullshit than you did when there were only three TV channels.
I lived when there was only 3 channels, ABC, NBC and CBS, those were the news sources telling the people they need to examine the candies for such dangerous items. Are you saying those 3 network news are "FAKE NEWS"?
I say it created a lot of distrust in neighborhoods. I wasn't allowed to eat an apple that a nice couple from 2 doors down gave me.
They were good people. Their daughters taught me how to ride a bike and even gave me their old one.
He's saying you're a paranoid delusional, much like the rest of the right wing nuts.

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