The racist whites are at it again.....and yeah, its Obama's fault!!

Blacks are to blame for the whites since they evolved from them. Asclepias says so.
Blacks are to blame for educating whites twice. We arent to blame for their interbreeding with neanderthals though.
Blacks never had white traits until they mixed with them. The traits you call "white" are the genes you got from Blacks. That is what you fail to understand. Whites had no traits of their own until they became a race.

If whites got their genes from blacks then blacks had white genes all along.
The genes werent white. Whites came after Black people. Thats like saying white people discovered the americas even though there were already people here.

Nope. All humans come from a common ancestor. Unless you are arguing whites and blacks evolved on their own, you wouldn't be that stupid would you? Therefore our common ancestor had white and black traits, since we both have evolved from them.
I agree all humans come from Black people.

So black people had those white genes in there all along. Correct?
Incorrect. The genes were always Black. Black people were here first. This is why Black people can have a white child but a white couple cant have a dark Black child.
I'll answer...Caucasians killed the most people on the planet historically. Do you know the difference between a correlation vs causation?

Now answer mine. What's the leading CAUSE of death of American black young men?
Not just historically. This continues to this day. Yes I know the there is logical theory that says correlation is not causation.
Are you referring to Obamas drone program?
Not really. I was talking about the bombings carried out by his white male predecessors.
You mean that shit Condo Rice was a part of?
Yes she was part of a small part of it.
Let me guess, if she were white then it would have been a large part in it?
Not just historically. This continues to this day. Yes I know the there is logical theory that says correlation is not causation.
Are you referring to Obamas drone program?
Not really. I was talking about the bombings carried out by his white male predecessors.
You mean that shit Condo Rice was a part of?
Yes she was part of a small part of it.
Let me guess, if she were white then it would have been a large part in it?
No. White women are not as prone to violence as their men. if they were then they wouldnt be trying to have sex with Black men all the time. I'm sure it would have been the same small part.
Not just historically. This continues to this day. Yes I know the there is logical theory that says correlation is not causation.
Are you referring to Obamas drone program?
Not really.
Are you referring to Obamas drone program?
Not really. I was talking about the bombings carried out by his white male predecessors.
You mean that shit Condo Rice was a part of?
Yes she was part of a small part of it.
Let me guess, if she were white then it would have been a large part in it?
No. White women are not as prone to violence as their men. if they were then they wouldnt be trying to have sex with Black men all the time. I'm sure it would have been the same small part.

I was talking about the bombings out by his white male predecessors.
You mean that shit
Are you referring to Obamas drone program?
Not really. I was talking about the bombings carried out by his white male predecessors.
You mean that shit Condo Rice was a part of?
Yes she was part of a small part of it.
Let me guess, if she were white then it would have been a large part in it?
No. White women are not as prone to violence as their men. if they were then they wouldnt be trying to have sex with Black men all the time. I'm sure it would have been the same small part.

Keep em.
Asclepias it is very simple. If the earliest humans were black they evolved into all the races in the world, including white races. Therefore Irish traits and Chinese traits and Native American traits and Aboriginal traits and Arab traits and all the rest were in these early black humans. You don't get to say hey this branch is different and has nothing to do with the main branch. It is part of the main branch. We are all part of the main branch.

Trying to make your ancestry "exclusive" and "better" than the rest makes you a racist.
Asclepias it is very simple. If the earliest humans were black they evolved into all the races in the world, including white races. Therefore Irish traits and Chinese traits and Native American traits and Aboriginal traits and Arab traits and all the rest were in these early black humans. You don't get to say hey this branch is different and has nothing to do with the main branch. It is part of the main branch. We are all part of the main branch.

Trying to make your ancestry "exclusive" and "better" than the rest makes you a racist.
All you are doing is repeating what I am saying or you dont understand what I am saying. Thats right all the traits of the world are exhibited in Black people because thats where they all came from. Whites on the other hand had a later mutation and inbreeding that made them different. It has nothing to do with better. Its just facts.
Yea I think it's going to far with making a political statement. But I don't think it's racist. They would have done this regardless the race of the president. The OP represents the group of people in our nation still living in 1950 that see race in everything.
How convenient that you left out the part about them lynching someone dressed as Hillary as well
Note to white guy.....bottom line homey, your people are nothing but racist violent demagogues who reeeeekkkkkk of hypocricy.

I'm Asian......

But nice try at deflecting your deception
Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? Just because they're lynching two people who happen to be democrats, does make the matter ok? Uh, just to give you some historical back drop...
, just because hate comes in a diverse form does not make it right!!!
How convenient that you left out the part about them lynching someone dressed as Hillary as well
Note to white guy.....bottom line homey, your people are nothing but racist violent demagogues who reeeeekkkkkk of hypocricy.
Calling whites violent, oh the irony...
Whats ironic about calling the most violent and genocidal mistakes of mother nature violent? Six million Jews alone show how savage your kind is.
What's the leading cause of death of young black American males?
Cops having a bad stupid question?
Note to white guy.....bottom line homey, your people are nothing but racist violent demagogues who reeeeekkkkkk of hypocricy.
Calling whites violent, oh the irony...
Whats ironic about calling the most violent and genocidal mistakes of mother nature violent? Six million Jews alone show how savage your kind is.
What's the leading cause of death of young black American males?

Who is the world class leader of genocides? I'll answer that. White people.
socialist/communist/barbary muslims.

The evidence suggests that if Africans could manage to move from mud huts much sooner they'd take the prize.
African's moving from mud huts....this coming from a white guy who live in a can on wheels, ie a hoot trailor?
Calling whites violent, oh the irony...
Whats ironic about calling the most violent and genocidal mistakes of mother nature violent? Six million Jews alone show how savage your kind is.
What's the leading cause of death of young black American males?

Who is the world class leader of genocides? I'll answer that. White people.
socialist/communist/barbary muslims.

The evidence suggests that if Africans could manage to move from mud huts much sooner they'd take the prize.
African's moving from mud huts....this coming from a white guy who live in a can on wheels, ie a hoot trailor?
White guys always say that because they lived in caves and didnt have the ability to erect structures until Africans civilized them.

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