The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The more I
Read about Eric “The Red” Ciaramella, the more I realize how heavily involved he was in Joe Biden’s life, The Democrat Party, The Dirty Dossier, and was operating as a Spy & Saboteur and was a promoter of disinformation, a leaker of classified information, and like his attorney was complete devoted to taking down The Trump Administration from the inside the moment he won The Presidency. This is why Schiff wants to keep his identity secret.
The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

While the lawyers representing Eric Ciaramella, the alleged “whistleblower” in the Trump impeachment fiasco, describe him as having spent his entire career in “apolitical civil servant positions,” the truth is that Eric Ciaramella has been involved in radical political behavior throughout his life — including his years at Yale.

In fact, long before he was digging up dirt with the DNC’s Alexandra Chalupa about President Trump’s mythical collusion with Russia, Ciaramella was involved in leading a protest over what he believed was the poor treatment of Bassam Frangieh, a radical professor of Arabic Studies at Yale. On April 15, 2005, then first-year Yale student Ciaramella dressed in all white to lead a contingent of ten similarly dressed first-year Yale Arabic students to the offices of the Provost and the President of the university to demand that the university provide an incentive to encourage Frangieh to stay at Yale. The students were unhappy because Frangieh had decided earlier in the school year to accept a tenure-track position at the University of Delaware.

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was cited in key passage of Mueller report

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet

Judicial Watch unearths visitor log from Eric Ciaramella’s time at the White House | One America News Network

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The more I
Read about Eric “The Red” Ciaramella, the more I realize how heavily involved he was in Joe Biden’s life, The Democrat Party, The Dirty Dossier, and was operating as a Spy & Saboteur and was a promoter of disinformation, a leaker of classified information, and like his attorney was complete devoted to taking down The Trump Administration from the inside the moment he won The Presidency. This is why Schiff wants to keep his identity secret.
The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

While the lawyers representing Eric Ciaramella, the alleged “whistleblower” in the Trump impeachment fiasco, describe him as having spent his entire career in “apolitical civil servant positions,” the truth is that Eric Ciaramella has been involved in radical political behavior throughout his life — including his years at Yale.

In fact, long before he was digging up dirt with the DNC’s Alexandra Chalupa about President Trump’s mythical collusion with Russia, Ciaramella was involved in leading a protest over what he believed was the poor treatment of Bassam Frangieh, a radical professor of Arabic Studies at Yale. On April 15, 2005, then first-year Yale student Ciaramella dressed in all white to lead a contingent of ten similarly dressed first-year Yale Arabic students to the offices of the Provost and the President of the university to demand that the university provide an incentive to encourage Frangieh to stay at Yale. The students were unhappy because Frangieh had decided earlier in the school year to accept a tenure-track position at the University of Delaware.

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was cited in key passage of Mueller report

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet

Judicial Watch unearths visitor log from Eric Ciaramella’s time at the White House | One America News Network

Eric Ciaramella is precisely who the left is. He is the poster boy for the white, "educated" leftists. He is a perfect fit for Obama's circle.
It was often discussed, in reference to the exceptional number of hires during Obama's tenure, how he was packing the administrative state with fellow travelers, at all levels.
This is not just not puzzling, it is what has been long predicted to be the case. Some of us were long aware that the incoming Trump administration was going to be riddled with political "bomb throwers". It seemed obvious within the confines of what was being reported well before the end of Obama's administration...if you were paying attention.
At some point very soon we had better do two things; Purge the government of Poison Ivy League "public servants" and stop filling every gov't job (including) the Congress of Corrupt Cowards with Poison Ivy League grads and lawyers. Government of, by, and for the People is not what Poison Ivy League elitists and the legal "Profession" have in mind. Change, or tyranny awaits.
The government is riddled with Eric Ciaramella's. Just as liberal and left of center-ready to take down anyone the democrat establishment tells them too. The democrats over the decades have put their relatives, friends, friends of friends,fellow travelers in all of these jobs from town, city, county, state to DC. If they do not want you to get a permit then the word is put out and you either will not get the permit or it will become so burdensome and hard you will give up or learn to play the game the way they want you to. Even the few so called republicans in these offices understand "the game" and this is what President Trump terms "The Swamp". One doesn't have to have graduated from an Ivy league college to join. The Swamp is growing larger everyday and not getting any smaller.
If anyone can trust PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists in our government after what they are witnessing now they are bigger fools than "The Squad".
The more I
Read about Eric “The Red” Ciaramella, the more I realize how heavily involved he was in Joe Biden’s life, The Democrat Party, The Dirty Dossier, and was operating as a Spy & Saboteur and was a promoter of disinformation, a leaker of classified information, and like his attorney was complete devoted to taking down The Trump Administration from the inside the moment he won The Presidency. This is why Schiff wants to keep his identity secret.
The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

While the lawyers representing Eric Ciaramella, the alleged “whistleblower” in the Trump impeachment fiasco, describe him as having spent his entire career in “apolitical civil servant positions,” the truth is that Eric Ciaramella has been involved in radical political behavior throughout his life — including his years at Yale.

In fact, long before he was digging up dirt with the DNC’s Alexandra Chalupa about President Trump’s mythical collusion with Russia, Ciaramella was involved in leading a protest over what he believed was the poor treatment of Bassam Frangieh, a radical professor of Arabic Studies at Yale. On April 15, 2005, then first-year Yale student Ciaramella dressed in all white to lead a contingent of ten similarly dressed first-year Yale Arabic students to the offices of the Provost and the President of the university to demand that the university provide an incentive to encourage Frangieh to stay at Yale. The students were unhappy because Frangieh had decided earlier in the school year to accept a tenure-track position at the University of Delaware.

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was cited in key passage of Mueller report

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet

Judicial Watch unearths visitor log from Eric Ciaramella’s time at the White House | One America News Network

Eric Ciaramella is precisely who the left is. He is the poster boy for the white, "educated" leftists. He is a perfect fit for Obama's circle.
It was often discussed, in reference to the exceptional number of hires during Obama's tenure, how he was packing the administrative state with fellow travelers, at all levels.
This is not just not puzzling, it is what has been long predicted to be the case. Some of us were long aware that the incoming Trump administration was going to be riddled with political "bomb throwers". It seemed obvious within the confines of what was being reported well before the end of Obama's administration...if you were paying attention.
At some point very soon we had better do two things; Purge the government of Poison Ivy League "public servants" and stop filling every gov't job (including) the Congress of Corrupt Cowards with Poison Ivy League grads and lawyers. Government of, by, and for the People is not what Poison Ivy League elitists and the legal "Profession" have in mind. Change, or tyranny awaits.
The government is riddled with Eric Ciaramella's. Just as liberal and left of center-ready to take down anyone the democrat establishment tells them too. The democrats over the decades have put their relatives, friends, friends of friends,fellow travelers in all of these jobs from town, city, county, state to DC. If they do not want you to get a permit then the word is put out and you either will not get the permit or it will become so burdensome and hard you will give up or learn to play the game the way they want you to. Even the few so called republicans in these offices understand "the game" and this is what President Trump terms "The Swamp". One doesn't have to have graduated from an Ivy league college to join. The Swamp is growing larger everyday and not getting any smaller.
If anyone can trust PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists in our government after what they are witnessing now they are bigger fools than "The Squad".
Trump’s biggest mistake was not purging The Government of all of these traitors and globalists who think America’s existence is a danger to the planet.

Read this douchebag spy and his lawyer’s background and these are some treacherous hateful people. Both Zaid and Ciaramella have ties to Jihadists and Radical Islam as well as have ties to Burisma, Ukraine and Russia.
The more I
Read about Eric “The Red” Ciaramella, the more I realize how heavily involved he was in Joe Biden’s life, The Democrat Party, The Dirty Dossier, and was operating as a Spy & Saboteur and was a promoter of disinformation, a leaker of classified information, and like his attorney was complete devoted to taking down The Trump Administration from the inside the moment he won The Presidency. This is why Schiff wants to keep his identity secret.
The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

While the lawyers representing Eric Ciaramella, the alleged “whistleblower” in the Trump impeachment fiasco, describe him as having spent his entire career in “apolitical civil servant positions,” the truth is that Eric Ciaramella has been involved in radical political behavior throughout his life — including his years at Yale.

In fact, long before he was digging up dirt with the DNC’s Alexandra Chalupa about President Trump’s mythical collusion with Russia, Ciaramella was involved in leading a protest over what he believed was the poor treatment of Bassam Frangieh, a radical professor of Arabic Studies at Yale. On April 15, 2005, then first-year Yale student Ciaramella dressed in all white to lead a contingent of ten similarly dressed first-year Yale Arabic students to the offices of the Provost and the President of the university to demand that the university provide an incentive to encourage Frangieh to stay at Yale. The students were unhappy because Frangieh had decided earlier in the school year to accept a tenure-track position at the University of Delaware.

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was cited in key passage of Mueller report

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet

Judicial Watch unearths visitor log from Eric Ciaramella’s time at the White House | One America News Network

Crazy conspiracy theory.
This piece of shit is a traitor and enemy of The United States like you are.

He’s the asshole that has leaked classified conversations between The President of The United States, Australia, Mexico, Thailand and others.

When they started restricting his access he resorted to getting 2nd hand information to leak. He belongs burning in Hell which is where traitors and liars go when they die.

And you would get on your knees and suck his dick, because you are a piece of shit too.

Eric Ciaramella is a Spy and Traitor. In fact his report was so inaccurate and lame that I bet they were on to him and he was about to be arrested so this was his only move to keep himself from facing a firing squad.

The more I
Read about Eric “The Red” Ciaramella, the more I realize how heavily involved he was in Joe Biden’s life, The Democrat Party, The Dirty Dossier, and was operating as a Spy & Saboteur and was a promoter of disinformation, a leaker of classified information, and like his attorney was complete devoted to taking down The Trump Administration from the inside the moment he won The Presidency. This is why Schiff wants to keep his identity secret.
The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

While the lawyers representing Eric Ciaramella, the alleged “whistleblower” in the Trump impeachment fiasco, describe him as having spent his entire career in “apolitical civil servant positions,” the truth is that Eric Ciaramella has been involved in radical political behavior throughout his life — including his years at Yale.

In fact, long before he was digging up dirt with the DNC’s Alexandra Chalupa about President Trump’s mythical collusion with Russia, Ciaramella was involved in leading a protest over what he believed was the poor treatment of Bassam Frangieh, a radical professor of Arabic Studies at Yale. On April 15, 2005, then first-year Yale student Ciaramella dressed in all white to lead a contingent of ten similarly dressed first-year Yale Arabic students to the offices of the Provost and the President of the university to demand that the university provide an incentive to encourage Frangieh to stay at Yale. The students were unhappy because Frangieh had decided earlier in the school year to accept a tenure-track position at the University of Delaware.

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was cited in key passage of Mueller report

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet

Judicial Watch unearths visitor log from Eric Ciaramella’s time at the White House | One America News Network
Crazy conspiracy theory.
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This piece of shit is a traitor and enemy of The United States like you are.

He’s the asshole that has leaked classified conversations between The President of The United States, Australia, Mexico, Thailand and others.

And you would get on your knees and suck his dick, because you are a piece of shit too.

The more I
Read about Eric “The Red” Ciaramella, the more I realize how heavily involved he was in Joe Biden’s life, The Democrat Party, The Dirty Dossier, and was operating as a Spy & Saboteur and was a promoter of disinformation, a leaker of classified information, and like his attorney was complete devoted to taking down The Trump Administration from the inside the moment he won The Presidency. This is why Schiff wants to keep his identity secret.
The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

While the lawyers representing Eric Ciaramella, the alleged “whistleblower” in the Trump impeachment fiasco, describe him as having spent his entire career in “apolitical civil servant positions,” the truth is that Eric Ciaramella has been involved in radical political behavior throughout his life — including his years at Yale.

In fact, long before he was digging up dirt with the DNC’s Alexandra Chalupa about President Trump’s mythical collusion with Russia, Ciaramella was involved in leading a protest over what he believed was the poor treatment of Bassam Frangieh, a radical professor of Arabic Studies at Yale. On April 15, 2005, then first-year Yale student Ciaramella dressed in all white to lead a contingent of ten similarly dressed first-year Yale Arabic students to the offices of the Provost and the President of the university to demand that the university provide an incentive to encourage Frangieh to stay at Yale. The students were unhappy because Frangieh had decided earlier in the school year to accept a tenure-track position at the University of Delaware.

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was cited in key passage of Mueller report

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet

Judicial Watch unearths visitor log from Eric Ciaramella’s time at the White House | One America News Network
Crazy conspiracy theory.
That's a crazy conspiracy theory.

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