The radio is on fire claiming McCain's speech was one of the best in decades.

CAN we save the hate for the flamezone....

I just wanted to know if it was a good speech

And so you know, it's not hate anymore then being happy Half Black Jesus leaving Washington is. John McCain, always quick to send other folks kids off to war as well as giving guns to terriorist has had his time. Time for him to go.

Wishing death to be speedy because you disagree politically is both hate & incredibly pathetic.

Wishing swift death for a person who has brain cancer is a kindness in my book. Stop pretending you give two fucks about anything other other "agree" buttons where McCain is concerned. It's sad.
It was great all the way up until he started lying.

The ACA wasn't passed in secret. It was debated for a year and a half. McCain lied about that.

The ACA had over 130 GOP amendments as part of it. McCain lied about that.

After all that time and after all that input, the ACA didn't get a single GOP vote. That's true. The GOP was hoping to stretch it out until it went away. It didn't.

At least one Congressman in the house has healthcare and is under cancer treatment but voted against healthcare for millions of Americans.

And one in the Senate, same story.

Being under cancer treatment should not make a person immoral and socialist should it?

I bet it wouldn't if ol'blood and guts McCain gets his brain cancer treated in a county hospital and he is subject to ACA. If not? Fuck'em. All he is is another sick old man with a big mouth.
2008: The Democrats thought McCain was the Devil Incarnate
20017: He is their hero.
I didn't hear the speech but I suspect the reactions to it will be based on how people feel about McCain personally not the content of the speech.
I read it, and it was largely about bipartisanship, and how the democrats weren't even about not debating this thing. He's certainly not for Trump trying to threaten senators to vote, and frankly Trump doesn't give a shit what's in a bill anyway, he's proven that in both the House and the Senate.

We'll see if the gop has 50 votes for either repealing most of Medicaid and the supplements. If not the gop has to get with the dems and hammer out a compromise, which is what McCain faulted Obama for.

W's Iraq war was a mistake, but so was pretty much totally pulling out. As the saying went, you break it, you own it.
I don't like McCain, but the Hate coming from some people is just shocking, and downright IGNORANT.

McCain has done some good things for this country and he had failed, and at times imo been misguided but there is no reason to wish Death on anyone, unless they are brutally evil.


The Dems refused to allow discussion on Obamacare when they crammed it down America's throats, and they refuse to allow discussion on it, when it is about to be written out of the History books forever.

Terrible. Unacceptable.
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I don't like McCain, but the Hate coming from some people is just shocking, and downright IGNORANT.

McCain has done some good things for this country and he had failed, and at times imo been misguided but there is no reason to wish Death on anyone, unless they are brutally evil.

Death is a forgone conclusion here. So no one wishes dndeath on anyone. Many (my self included) would be happy if the traitor would just go pine for sympathy at home in Arizona. As far as his career, he has done what's good for him and husband legacy nothing more. Dead or alive Sen. McCain will be a nonissue here soon, hopefully real soon. And that is a good thing.
No. It was
Nothing more then an old washed up polititions last stab at legacy building before he takes his dirt nap. Hope the reaper does not dally with this guy and hurries up and takes him.
^good, I mean...trumpanzee.
No. It was
Nothing more then an old washed up polititions last stab at legacy building before he takes his dirt nap. Hope the reaper does not dally with this guy and hurries up and takes him.
^good, I mean...trumpanzee.

Nowhere near as entertaining as your lies about delivering plywood to starving Eskimo' s.
McCain is nuts. He needs to go away.

It is sickening and telling that the elites in NYC and DC shower him with affection. Our nation is so fucked up.
No. It was
Nothing more then an old washed up polititions last stab at legacy building before he takes his dirt nap. Hope the reaper does not dally with this guy and hurries up and takes him.
^good, I mean...trumpanzee.

Nowhere near as entertaining as your lies about delivering plywood to starving Eskimo' s.
That makes about as much sense as any ignorant trumpanzee would say.
I don't like McCain, but the Hate coming from some people is just shocking, and downright IGNORANT.

McCain has done some good things for this country and he had failed, and at times imo been misguided but there is no reason to wish Death on anyone, unless they are brutally evil.

Death is a forgone conclusion here. So no one wishes dndeath on anyone. Many (my self included) would be happy if the traitor would just go pine for sympathy at home in Arizona. As far as his career, he has done what's good for him and husband legacy nothing more. Dead or alive Sen. McCain will be a nonissue here soon, hopefully real soon. And that is a good thing.
You are on IGNORE

I don't like McCain, but the Hate coming from some people is just shocking, and downright IGNORANT.

McCain has done some good things for this country and he had failed, and at times imo been misguided but there is no reason to wish Death on anyone, unless they are brutally evil.


The Dems refused to allow discussion on Obamacare when they crammed it down America's throats, and they refuse to allow discussion on it, when it is about to be written out of the History books forever.

Terrible. Unacceptable.
Well the gop offered a couple hundred amendments to it, which has not been McConnell's approach, but you are right that in the end, the dem senate with 60 votes just ended debate and passed the damn thing. McCain's schtick has always been that if you pass something without bipartisan imput, you own it, and when power flips, you may lose your law. Obama wouldn't budge from "universal" care and the mandate. The gop couldn't go there. So here we are. Hatch tried to find a compromise.

the dems passed Medicare with 60 votes. The gop still dreams of killing it.
I don't like McCain, but the Hate coming from some people is just shocking, and downright IGNORANT.

McCain has done some good things for this country and he had failed, and at times imo been misguided but there is no reason to wish Death on anyone, unless they are brutally evil.

Death is a forgone conclusion here. So no one wishes dndeath on anyone. Many (my self included) would be happy if the traitor would just go pine for sympathy at home in Arizona. As far as his career, he has done what's good for him and husband legacy nothing more. Dead or alive Sen. McCain will be a nonissue here soon, hopefully real soon. And that is a good thing.
You are on IGNORE


No. It was
Nothing more then an old washed up polititions last stab at legacy building before he takes his dirt nap. Hope the reaper does not dally with this guy and hurries up and takes him.
^good, I mean...trumpanzee.

Nowhere near as entertaining as your lies about delivering plywood to starving Eskimo' s.
That makes about as much sense as any ignorant trumpanzee would say.

You are plywood Pete for a reason.
The real Crazy Johnny McCain....

As soon as John McCain had been diagnosed with brain cancer, Democrats and Republicans in Washington and the press spared no opportunity to lavish praise upon this lifelong government employee.

The truth, though, is that in exchange for the billions and billions of dollars that McCain has confiscated from them for well over three decades, taxpayers have received an ever-burgeoning administrative state, relentless illegal immigration from the Third World, and, of course, war—and all while McCain has pretended to be a “conservative.”

Thanks to his labors, hundreds of thousands of human beings, both foreign and American alike, are now dead.

The Real John McCain - LewRockwell

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