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The Rainbow Serpent


Gold Member
Feb 14, 2012
The other day, while doing some research on regional mythologies, I stumbled onto some interesting tales that have been passed down through the generations by several Australian Aboriginal groups.

From here:

[...]A Pitjantjatjara man named Peter Kunari (Anon, 1986:20) described comets as the manifestation of a being named Wurluru who lived in the sky and carried spears that he occasionally threw across the heavens (a possible reference to meteors?). A similar association is shared by the Kaitish, which is discussed further in section 3.3. The rainbow serpent, a much-feared evil spirit found in the Dreamings of many Aboriginal groups, was sometimes associated with comets (e.g. Healy, 1978:194)3.[...][E.A.]

Anyone familiar with Sitchin's interpretations of various ancient Sumerian texts might see a possible correlation to Nibiru, the winged disc, and the potential further corroboration of his theory regarding this periodic celestial interloper.

Personally, I see no greater evidence for a looming, unavoidable cataclysm than what's been happening on the home-front in recent decades.
For posterity's sake:

Pentagon bracing for public dissent over climate and energy shocks

NSA Prism is motivated in part by fears that environmentally-linked disasters could spur anti-government activism.

Top secret US National Security Agency (NSA) documents disclosed by the Guardian have shocked the world with revelations of a comprehensive US-based surveillance system with direct access to Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft and other tech giants. New Zealand court records suggest that data harvested by the NSA's Prism system has been fed into the Five Eyes intelligence alliance whose members also include the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

But why have Western security agencies developed such an unprecedented capacity to spy on their own domestic populations? Since the 2008 economic crash, security agencies have increasingly spied on political activists, especially environmental groups, on behalf of corporate interests. This activity is linked to the last decade of US defence planning, which has been increasingly concerned by the risk of civil unrest at home triggered by catastrophic events linked to climate change, energy shocks or economic crisis - or all three.

Just last month, unilateral changes to US military laws formally granted the Pentagon extraordinary powers to intervene in a domestic "emergency" or "civil disturbance":

"Federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the President is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances."

Other documents show that the "extraordinary emergencies" the Pentagon is worried about include a range of environmental and related disasters.

In 2006, the US National Security Strategy warned that:

"Environmental destruction, whether caused by human behavior or cataclysmic mega-disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, or tsunamis. Problems of this scope may overwhelm the capacity of local authorities to respond, and may even overtax national militaries, requiring a larger international response."

Two years later, the Department of Defense's (DoD) Army Modernisation Strategy described the arrival of a new "era of persistent conflict" due to competition for "depleting natural resources and overseas markets" fuelling "future resource wars over water, food and energy." The report predicted a resurgence of:

"... anti-government and radical ideologies that potentially threaten government stability."

In the same year, a report by the US Army's Strategic Studies Institute warned that a series of domestic crises could provoke large-scale civil unrest. The path to "disruptive domestic shock" could include traditional threats such as deployment of WMDs, alongside "catastrophic natural and human disasters" or "pervasive public health emergencies" coinciding with "unforeseen economic collapse." Such crises could lead to "loss of functioning political and legal order" leading to "purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency...

"DoD might be forced by circumstances to put its broad resources at the disposal of civil authorities to contain and reverse violent threats to domestic tranquility. Under the most extreme circumstances, this might include use of military force against hostile groups inside the United States. Further, DoD would be, by necessity, an essential enabling hub for the continuity of political authority in a multi-state or nationwide civil conflict or disturbance."

That year, the Pentagon had begun developing a 20,000 strong troop force who would be on-hand to respond to "domestic catastrophes" and civil unrest - the programme was reportedly based on a 2005 homeland security strategy which emphasised "preparing for multiple, simultaneous mass casualty incidents."

The following year, a US Army-funded RAND Corp study called for a US force presence specifically to deal with civil unrest.

Such fears were further solidified in a detailed 2010 study by the US Joint Forces Command - designed to inform "joint concept development and experimentation throughout the Department of Defense" - setting out the US military's definitive vision for future trends and potential global threats. Climate change, the study said, would lead to increased risk of:

"... tsunamis, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and other natural catastrophes... Furthermore, if such a catastrophe occurs within the United States itself - particularly when the nation's economy is in a fragile state or where US military bases or key civilian infrastructure are broadly affected - the damage to US security could be considerable."

The study also warned of a possible shortfall in global oil output by 2015:

"A severe energy crunch is inevitable without a massive expansion of production and refining capacity. While it is difficult to predict precisely what economic, political, and strategic effects such a shortfall might produce, it surely would reduce the prospects for growth in both the developing and developed worlds. Such an economic slowdown would exacerbate other unresolved tensions."

That year the DoD's Quadrennial Defense Review seconded such concerns, while recognising that "climate change, energy security, and economic stability are inextricably linked."

Also in 2010, the Pentagon ran war games to explore the implications of "large scale economic breakdown" in the US impacting on food supplies and other essential services, as well as how to maintain "domestic order amid civil unrest."

Speaking about the group's conclusions at giant US defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton's conference facility in Virginia, Lt Col. Mark Elfendahl - then chief of the Joint and Army Concepts Division - highlighted homeland operations as a way to legitimise the US military budget:

"An increased focus on domestic activities might be a way of justifying whatever Army force structure the country can still afford."

Two months earlier, Elfendahl explained in a DoD roundtable that future planning was needed:

"Because technology is changing so rapidly, because there's so much uncertainty in the world, both economically and politically, and because the threats are so adaptive and networked, because they live within the populations in many cases."

The 2010 exercises were part of the US Army's annual Unified Quest programme which more recently, based on expert input from across the Pentagon, has explored the prospect that "ecological disasters and a weak economy" (as the "recovery won't take root until 2020") will fuel migration to urban areas, ramping up social tensions in the US homeland as well as within and between "resource-starved nations."

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden was a computer systems administrator for Booz Allen Hamilton, where he directly handled the NSA's IT systems, including the Prism surveillance system. According to Booz Allen's 2011 Annual Report, the corporation has overseen Unified Quest "for more than a decade" to help "military and civilian leaders envision the future."

The latest war games, the report reveals, focused on "detailed, realistic scenarios with hypothetical 'roads to crisis'", including "homeland operations" resulting from "a high-magnitude natural disaster" among other scenarios, in the context of:

"... converging global trends [which] may change the current security landscape and future operating environment... At the end of the two-day event, senior leaders were better prepared to understand new required capabilities and force design requirements to make homeland operations more effective."

It is therefore not surprising that the increasing privatisation of intelligence has coincided with the proliferation of domestic surveillance operations against political activists, particularly those linked to environmental and social justice protest groups.

Department of Homeland Security documents released in April prove a "systematic effort" by the agency "to surveil and disrupt peaceful demonstrations" linked to Occupy Wall Street, according to the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF).

Similarly, FBI documents confirmed "a strategic partnership between the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the private sector" designed to produce intelligence on behalf of "the corporate security community." A PCJF spokesperson remarked that the documents show "federal agencies functioning as a de facto intelligence arm of Wall Street and Corporate America."

In particular, domestic surveillance has systematically targeted peaceful environment activists including anti-fracking activists across the US, such as the Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition, Rising Tide North America, the People's Oil & Gas Collaborative, and Greenpeace. Similar trends are at play in the UK, where the case of undercover policeman Mark Kennedy revealed the extent of the state's involvement in monitoring the environmental direct action movement.

A University of Bath study citing the Kennedy case, and based on confidential sources, found that a whole range of corporations - such as McDonald's, Nestle and the oil major Shell, "use covert methods to gather intelligence on activist groups, counter criticism of their strategies and practices, and evade accountability."

Indeed, Kennedy's case was just the tip of the iceberg - internal police documents obtained by the Guardian in 2009 revealed that environment activists had been routinely categorised as "domestic extremists" targeting "national infrastructure" as part of a wider strategy tracking protest groups and protestors.

Superintendent Steve Pearl, then head of the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit (Nectu), confirmed at that time how his unit worked with thousands of companies in the private sector. Nectu, according to Pearl, was set up by the Home Office because it was "getting really pressured by big business - pharmaceuticals in particular, and the banks." He added that environmental protestors were being brought "more on the radar." The programme continues today, despite police acknowledgements that environmentalists have not been involved in "violent acts."

The Pentagon knows that environmental, economic and other crises could provoke widespread public anger toward government and corporations in coming years. The revelations on the NSA's global surveillance programmes are just the latest indication that as business as usual creates instability at home and abroad, and as disillusionment with the status quo escalates, Western publics are being increasingly viewed as potential enemies that must be policed by the state.

Elenin and Ison are simply the harbingers.

The Powers that Be have known about the approaching system since before the launches of Pioneers 10 and 11, and they've done their damnedest to keep this knowledge from the general population; but truth be told, it's pretty easy to see why. It's not as though attempting to save the whole of humanity was ever a feasible option anyway, so allowing (even forcing) the masses to live in ignorance (and relative bliss) for as long as possible ...might seem the most humane way to approach the disclosure issue.

On the bright side, Earth (and even humanity) has survived the passage of this interloper before (although extinction cycles in general are very clear in the geological record), so there's hope for our species yet...
The aliens will warn us first

Is that a pejorative, Eots?

As to whether 'the elect' have been (or will be) warned in advance by extraterrestrial or supernatural beings, who can say?
the aliens will warn us first

is that a pejorative, eots?

As to whether 'the elect' have been (or will be) warned in advance by extraterrestrial or supernatural beings, who can say?

well the are few choices really...either defense misters and apollo astronauts are involved in a conspiracy or gone mad or we have had and have ongoing alien contact
well the are few choices really...either defense misters and apollo astronauts are involved in a conspiracy or gone mad or we have had and have ongoing alien contact

An overt warning, terrestrial or not, might not be intended for the ears of all humans.

In any case, the Earthly signs are there to be read. From the astronomical records and creation myths of the ancients, to the modern-day suppression of astronomical research/data (see the classification of 'near-Earth-objects' as Top Secret as of 2009), to the present day efforts in the halls of government all over the globe, the overall message is clear: ...something catastrophic this way comes.
well the are few choices really...either defense misters and apollo astronauts are involved in a conspiracy or gone mad or we have had and have ongoing alien contact

An overt warning, terrestrial or not, might not be intended for the ears of all humans.

In any case, the Earthly signs are there to be read. From the astronomical records and creation myths of the ancients, to the modern-day suppression of astronomical research/data (see the classification of 'near-Earth-objects' as Top Secret as of 2009), to the present day efforts in the halls of government all over the globe, the overall message is clear: ...something catastrophic this way comes.

I'm alright with that...
I've read Sitchen's work. He didn't believe that the return of "Nibiru" would happen any where near this time.

Zecharia Sitchin and Sumer

Although Lieder originally referred to the object as "Planet X", it has become deeply associated with Nibiru, a planet from the works of ancient astronaut proponent Zecharia Sitchin, particularly his book The 12th Planet. According to Sitchin's interpretation of Babylonian religious texts, which contradicts conclusions reached by credited scholars on the subject,[15][16] a giant planet (called Nibiru or Marduk) passes by Earth every 3,600 years and allows its sentient inhabitants to interact with humanity. These beings, which Sitchin identified with the Annunaki of Sumerian myth, would become humanity's first gods.[17] Lieder first made the connection between Nibiru and her Planet X on her site in 1996 ("Planet X does exist, and it is the 12th Planet, one and the same.").[18]

However, Sitchin, who died in 2010, denied any connection between his work and Lieder's claims. In 2007, partly in response to Lieder's proclamations, Sitchin published a book, The End of Days, which set the time for the last passing of Nibiru by Earth at 556 BC, which would mean, given the object's supposed 3,600-year orbit, that it would return sometime around AD 2900.[19] He did however say that he believed that the Annunaki might return earlier by spaceship, and that the timing of their return would coincide with the shift from the astrological Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, sometime between 2090 and 2370.[20]

I also thought there were several problem with his work. If we are indeed part of a binary system, and the other star is a brown dwarf, he never made clear if the Annunaki actually live ON the star, and the star is named Nibiru, or if the Nibiru is one planet of many that orbit that star. If it is one planet of many, how does a highly advanced civilization get enough radiant light and heat to grow food, etc. to survive? It just doesn't make enough sense. How would the world not see it coming? You would have to if an entire civilization could live around that star, wouldn't you?

That second thing someone would know if they studied cosmology is that first, the Sol system is basically in the backwater, BFE of the galaxy. And second, the region of the Galaxy we are in has actually, in the past, collided with another galaxy!

This means two very important things. First, originally, our planet was an ideal place for an advanced civilization to practice its technological craft of bioengineering. And second, now that we are in the midst of a high energy collision, we are becoming the subject of some interest. . . . This of course, is my speculation of what it could mean.

We need to understand that there are many, not just one, civilizations that have been and are visiting us. And just like local, regional, national, and international politics, exo-politics is complicated. Each civilization has its own agenda. From the civilization that bio-engeered life here, to the civilization that wanted to extract raw materials here, to the civilization that once lost a group of colonists here. Everyone has it's own agenda. Who knows what they are. But for some reason, certain systems do seem to intervene to prevent "global killer" situations.

I am not sure they are all on entirely friendly terms with each other either.

There also seems to be some sort of "quantum spiritual" rules they all like to observe for their own safety. It has karmic applications for us on Earth too, but many of us are too stupid and unenlightened too understand them. In other words, when in doubt, try not to get involved, and let them learn the lessons they need to learn. Several of these races have come down to try to teach these rules, but humans, being the political animals they are, have usually muddied them up for control and political purposes.

Here is an interesting video I recently found, confirming that yes, the Annunaki are planet side once again. But like I said, I highly doubt they are from our system. Probably they hail from somewhere very close by though. (At least now we have an explanation for all those giant skeletons that mainstream archeology love to ignore.)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phJXcUY-Y8Y]Confirmed: The U.S. Military Has Worked With Aliens? 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

The one thing I think they can not abide by is the unsafe use and control of fissionable material. That foul up at the Fukishima number four reactor is highly suppressed in the press. People really aren't aware of how badly it has, and could further screw the planet up. And like I said, this collision is warming the Sun up quite a bit, and hence, all the planets. We may need some real help to avert a massive global catastrophe sending us back into the stone age. The world's elite's really don't want the help, and have said so in no uncertain terms. They are like teenagers refusing to move back home. If they do, they will lose their power and the people will be free. They don't want that. So right now, it is hands off. But the truth is slowly leaking out. Certain members of the elect are preparing for it. Some would rather destroy the planet first to maintain their privileged position. And I think, they might even have the support of some off-worlders. It might get interesting. :eek:

It's too bad we don't have an Exo-poltics sub-forum to discuss these things. It's one of my favorite political sub topics. :eusa_angel:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=XEQdvYFMBAU#at=399]BREAKING!!! UFO ALIEN DISCLOSURE by Canadian Minister of Defense May 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

US to create Exopolitics Department to run alien affairs according to insiders
According to well-informed sources the US Government is set to announce a new department or office that would run extraterrestrial affairs. Today, in his latest installment in the popular Veterans Today website about an undeclared space war, Dr Preston James argues that an internal decision is about to be reached by a secret “exopolitics” committee that manages extraterrestrial affairs. They are on the verge of deciding that the time has arrived to go public – full disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence. The Secret Committee is called Majestic 12 or MJ-12 according to Dr James, and it is about to approve the creation of a formal Department or Office of Exopolitics. Its job would be to formally conduct relations with extraterrestrial life in the same way that the Department of State manages US relations with international governments. Dr James claims several “esteemed” individuals are under consideration to run the first Department/Office of Exopolitics.

Then again. . . it could all be a hoax. Right? Right? :tongue:

God, you have to love this stuff. . . .
I've read Sitchen's work. ...

That makes two of us. :)

Zecharia Sitchin and Sumer

Although Lieder originally referred to the object as "Planet X", it has become deeply associated with Nibiru, a planet from the works of ancient astronaut proponent Zecharia Sitchin, particularly his book The 12th Planet. According to Sitchin's interpretation of Babylonian religious texts, which contradicts conclusions reached by credited scholars on the subject,[15][16] a giant planet (called Nibiru or Marduk) passes by Earth every 3,600 years and allows its sentient inhabitants to interact with humanity. These beings, which Sitchin identified with the Annunaki of Sumerian myth, would become humanity's first gods.[17] Lieder first made the connection between Nibiru and her Planet X on her site in 1996 ("Planet X does exist, and it is the 12th Planet, one and the same.").[18] ...

That quote in parentheses called to mind a couple of paragraphs from the 1991 book, Genesis Revisited (Ch. 13, In Secret Anticipation, pgs. 322-323):

"When Pluto was discovered in 1930 it was a great astronomical and scientific discovery, but no earthshaking event. The same would have applied to the discovery of Planet X; but not anymore -- not if Planet X and Nibiru are one and the same. For if Nibiru exists, then the Sumerians were also right about the Anunnaki.
If Planet X exists we are not alone in this solar system. And the implications for Mankind, its societies, its national divisions, and its arms races are indeed so profound that the American president [Reagan] was right to apply the consequences to the superpowers' confrontation on Earth and cooperation in space."

That's Sitchin himself conflating Planet X with Nibiru.

[...] However, Sitchin, who died in 2010, denied any connection between his work and Lieder's claims. In 2007, partly in response to Lieder's proclamations, Sitchin published a book, The End of Days, which set the time for the last passing of Nibiru by Earth at 556 BC, which would mean, given the object's supposed 3,600-year orbit, that it would return sometime around AD 2900.[19] ...

I haven't read The End of Days, but I do have a copy of Journeys to the Mythical Past (also published in 2007), in which Sitchin referenced the book and the date mentioned (I suspect somewhat misleadingly) by your Wikipedia source as follows:

"The inevitable conclusion from all that must be that, from at least 610 B.C. through probably 560 B.C., the Anunnaki gods were methodically leaving planet Earth," I wrote in The End of Days, the concluding volume of The Earth Chronicles series. Its subtitle is Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return; and as stated in a previous chapter, it was only when I had arrived at those conclusions that the enigmatic fog enveloping the Antikythera Mechanism began to lift. [. . .] But as I was researching for The End of Days, it became evident that crucial events in the first millennium B.C. were predicated on celestial phenomena, and first and foremost on solar eclipses; and one of the most significant occurred in 584 b.c. -- a date that, with all the calendrical changes, adjustments, and revisions over two and a half millenia, can be the very solar eclipse indicated on the Mechanism." (Postscript: Prophecies of the Return, pgs. 214-215)

Referencing the model from page 19 of Price's Gears from the Greeks, Sitchin went on to extrapolate a predicted "celestial omen" for A.D. 2074, then asked the question, "Is this a date in the realm of Prophecies of the Return?" (Postscript, pg. 216).

Clearly, he was talking about the comings and goings of the Anunnaki, NOT necessarily about the catastrophic passage of Nibiru through the ecliptic plane, which corroborates the following concession by your Wikipedia source:

...He did however say that he believed that the Annunaki might return earlier by spaceship, and that the timing of their return would coincide with the shift from the astrological Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, sometime between 2090 and 2370.[20] [emphasis Capstone's]

With that out of the way, my nod to Sitchin in the OP was intended for the comparison of the striking imagery of the respective celestial mythologies; it was NOT an endorsement of every idea ever uttered by the man ...(which is not to say I don't believe the guy was brilliant, mind you).

I'll have to get back to you later (possibly tomorrow) WRT the rest of your post. Duty calls.
I have to admit, I only read the last two books in the series. Very esoteric, very fascinating. I find it annoying how public libraries and Universities never seem to carry them. One of the world's foremost scholars on Cuneiform? At the very least, you wold think he deserves consideration.
I have to admit, I only read the last two books in the series. Very esoteric, very fascinating. I find it annoying how public libraries and Universities never seem to carry them. One of the world's foremost scholars on Cuneiform? At the very least, you wold think he deserves consideration.

He was a proponent of 'dangerous ideas' with dire geopolitical and theological implications for the status quo. The fact that his work is as well distributed as it is (and I agree that it's not as available as it should be), is a testament to his resilience, courage, and ability.

I also thought there were several problem with his work. If we are indeed part of a binary system, and the other star is a brown dwarf, he never made clear if the Annunaki actually live ON the star, and the star is named Nibiru, or if the Nibiru is one planet of many that orbit that star. If it is one planet of many, how does a highly advanced civilization get enough radiant light and heat to grow food, etc. to survive? ...

Those "problems" look more to me like the weeds of human ignorance than the cultivated crops of scientific understanding (and please don't take that personally); but as with so many of the formerly 'impossible' brain-children of innovation, new discoveries have a way of tearing down old obstacles.

As for Sitchin's lack of clarity on the issues of Nibiru's status as a star or a planet and the details of the living conditions for its inhabitants (though he speculates WRT its dwindling atmosphere), how could he be clear about what wasn't clearly provided by the texts themselves?

Per Sitchin's interpretation, we read that at the time of The Celestial Battle (Nibiru's first and second encounters with Tiamat, the proto-Earth), Nibiru had seven satellites, and that three were involved in direct collisions with Tiamat in successive passages of the newly captured "wanderer". Nibiru itself also brushed the already broken ("cleaved") planet, hammering out "Tiamet's bracelet" (the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter), assigning what was left of her body to an orbit near her single surviving moon (which had already been struck and ejected to the new region (Earth's present orbit), and slinging several chunks of leftover material into permanent retrograde orbits (the comets) that now trumpet the return of Nibiru as it approaches the ecliptic plane. So, withstanding any new satellites or debris that may have been collected or lost by Nibiru over the years, it seems reasonable to expect four bodies in its entourage. But as you rightly pointed out, this does little to answer the question as to whether Nibiru is a planet with moons or a mini solar system in its own right.

What it does tell us (beyond the fact that life on or around Nibiru would also have been threatened at the time of its introduction into our solar system) is that, if Nibiru can be classified as a binary counterpart to our Sun, the union wouldn't be a conventional one (at least not as we humans view the convention).

...How would the world not see it coming? You would have to if an entire civilization could live around that star, wouldn't you?

First, the world sees what our handlers allow us to see (I think you know that, Mr. Beale).

Second, its orbit, according to Sitchin's rendering of Sumerian/Babylonian cosmogony and astronomy, is highly elliptical and inclined 30 degrees (yes, there are ancient texts that apparently corroborate this description). That means it only becomes visible to the naked eye as it nears the ecliptic, crosses the plane, continues upward and around the Sun, before dropping back downward and once again out of sight.

There will come a time when the current deceptions of the governments of the world (and their puppet space agencies) will be exposed in the sky for all to see.

...That second thing someone would know if they studied cosmology is that first, the Sol system is basically in the backwater, BFE of the galaxy. And second, the region of the Galaxy we are in has actually, in the past, collided with another galaxy!

This means two very important things. First, originally, our planet was an ideal place for an advanced civilization to practice its technological craft of bioengineering. And second, now that we are in the midst of a high energy collision, we are becoming the subject of some interest. . . . This of course, is my speculation of what it could mean.

We need to understand that there are many, not just one, civilizations that have been and are visiting us. And just like local, regional, national, and international politics, exo-politics is complicated. Each civilization has its own agenda. From the civilization that bio-engeered life here, to the civilization that wanted to extract raw materials here, to the civilization that once lost a group of colonists here. Everyone has it's own agenda. Who knows what they are. But for some reason, certain systems do seem to intervene to prevent "global killer" situations.

I am not sure they are all on entirely friendly terms with each other either.

There also seems to be some sort of "quantum spiritual" rules they all like to observe for their own safety. It has karmic applications for us on Earth too, but many of us are too stupid and unenlightened too understand them. In other words, when in doubt, try not to get involved, and let them learn the lessons they need to learn. Several of these races have come down to try to teach these rules, but humans, being the political animals they are, have usually muddied them up for control and political purposes.

Here is an interesting video I recently found, confirming that yes, the Annunaki are planet side once again. But like I said, I highly doubt they are from our system. Probably they hail from somewhere very close by though. (At least now we have an explanation for all those giant skeletons that mainstream archeology love to ignore.)

Confirmed: The U.S. Military Has Worked With Aliens? 2013 - YouTube

The one thing I think they can not abide by is the unsafe use and control of fissionable material. That foul up at the Fukishima number four reactor is highly suppressed in the press. People really aren't aware of how badly it has, and could further screw the planet up. And like I said, this collision is warming the Sun up quite a bit, and hence, all the planets. We may need some real help to avert a massive global catastrophe sending us back into the stone age. The world's elite's really don't want the help, and have said so in no uncertain terms. They are like teenagers refusing to move back home. If they do, they will lose their power and the people will be free. They don't want that. So right now, it is hands off. But the truth is slowly leaking out. Certain members of the elect are preparing for it. Some would rather destroy the planet first to maintain their privileged position. And I think, they might even have the support of some off-worlders. It might get interesting. :eek:

It's too bad we don't have an Exo-poltics sub-forum to discuss these things. It's one of my favorite political sub topics. :eusa_angel:

US to create Exopolitics Department to run alien affairs according to insiders

According to well-informed sources the US Government is set to announce a new department or office that would run extraterrestrial affairs. Today, in his latest installment in the popular Veterans Today website about an undeclared space war, Dr Preston James argues that an internal decision is about to be reached by a secret “exopolitics” committee that manages extraterrestrial affairs. They are on the verge of deciding that the time has arrived to go public – full disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence. The Secret Committee is called Majestic 12 or MJ-12 according to Dr James, and it is about to approve the creation of a formal Department or Office of Exopolitics. Its job would be to formally conduct relations with extraterrestrial life in the same way that the Department of State manages US relations with international governments. Dr James claims several “esteemed” individuals are under consideration to run the first Department/Office of Exopolitics.

I really don't have a problem with anything said here, despite the fact that some of it is a little farther 'out there' than I normally tread.

I will say this: I don't believe aspects of Sitchin's work and the idea of a 'galactic alliance' (or even warring factions of disparate alien species with opposing interests in our planet) are mutually exclusive.

What I like most about the work of Zechariah Sitchin though, is that it's largely based on concrete evidence (pun intended).
Yeah, I'll admit, I come up with some pretty unorthodox ideas occasionally. They are constantly open to revision as new information becomes available.

Added to that, in the world we live in today, one never knows what information can be relied on, and what information is simply disinformation. :tongue:
More news that's at least consistent with an expected cataclysm.

Despite the 6.5% stock market rally over the last three months, a handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast.

Warren Buffett, who has been a cheerleader for U.S. stocks for quite some time, is dumping shares at an alarming rate. He recently complained of “disappointing performance” in dyed-in-the-wool American companies like Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Kraft Foods.

In the latest filing for Buffett’s holding company Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett has been drastically reducing his exposure to stocks that depend on consumer purchasing habits. Berkshire sold roughly 19 million shares of Johnson & Johnson, and reduced his overall stake in “consumer product stocks” by 21%. Berkshire Hathaway also sold its entire stake in California-based computer parts supplier Intel.

With 70% of the U.S. economy dependent on consumer spending, Buffett’s apparent lack of faith in these companies’ future prospects is worrisome. ...

Obviously, any economy so heavily dependent on consumers would be doomed in the wake of mass casualties.
One more question, before letting the topic rest for awhile: WRT the discoveries of all these 'virgin' comets, how is it that NASA (with its multi-billion-dollar eyes in the skies) is being scooped by "amateur astronomers" around the globe?

Think about it, People.
Of course all of the so-called "amateur discoveries" in recent years have been ruses designed to promote the illusion of amateur participation in conjunction with coming 'naked-eye events'. In reality, the general public would never hear anything about the work of ANY astronomer (amateur or otherwise) deemed too close to the truth.

In other news:

In what should be front page news blasted out nationwide as a breaking news alert, the DHS has openly established extensive ‘Constitution free zones’ in which your Fourth Amendment does not exist.

It’s not ‘conspiracy’ and it’s not fraud, the DHS has literally created an imaginary ‘border’ within the United States that engulfs 100 miles from every single end of the nation. Within this fabricated ‘border’, the DHS can search your electronic belongings for no reason. We’re talking about no suspicion, no reasonable cause, nothing. No reason whatsoever is required under their own regulations. The DHS is now above the Constitution under their own rules, and even Wired magazine authors were amazed at the level of pure tyranny going on here.

While these regions were established in 2008, their full significance only became apparent in the wake of more recent 'national tragedies' (*wink-wink*) like those in Newtown, Boston, and California ...and the true aim has clearly been one of increased domestic population control within 100 miles of the "borders".

The map from the ACLU's website really drives the point home.


What's also clear is that the government won't inform the public until equipment and personnel are fully in place to mitigate the effects of the expected mass exodus away from the coasts (and, of course, to protect the assets of the elite in the process).

The biggest question of all: WHEN will the shit hit the fan?

Don't expect your social media to be there when it does.
On Jan. 20, 10 days shy of 33 years from the day in which its presence was initially confirmed by several mainstream sources (circa Jan. 30, 1983), Cal Tech astronomers have affirmed, in part, the recent findings of ALMA astronomers and verified the existence of what they're calling "Planet 9" - a celestial object larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune with a 20k year orbit around the Sun.

I'm taking this opportunity to predict that a series of terrifying revelations is forthcoming, culminating in the disclosure of the fact that the perihelion of this periodic perturber will bring it into dangerously close proximity to the inner solar system. Say hello to Sitchin's Nibiru, People.
well the are few choices really...either defense misters and apollo astronauts are involved in a conspiracy or gone mad or we have had and have ongoing alien contact

An overt warning, terrestrial or not, might not be intended for the ears of all humans.

In any case, the Earthly signs are there to be read. From the astronomical records and creation myths of the ancients, to the modern-day suppression of astronomical research/data (see the classification of 'near-Earth-objects' as Top Secret as of 2009), to the present day efforts in the halls of government all over the globe, the overall message is clear: ...something catastrophic this way comes.

Unless it isn't. Remember, you're taking disparate pieces of information and assembling them into a pattern. Take information from the same sources and you could make any number of other patterns. Each very different from your own. And each as based in the 'facts'.

Its like a bag of scrabble tiles. Where you've searched through the bag and grabbed the tiles to that spell "apocalypse". And then insist that its a portend of 'something catastrophic'. I can take the same bag of scrabble tiles and spell 'blue hippo lunchbox'. Which tends to have a much less 'catastrophic' vibe. And uses your exact process.

Your *assumption* is that these disparate sources and facts are connected and that those connections have significance. But that's not necessarily the case. Occam's Razor alone renders that highly unlikely.
Jon Grey at Beforeus.com pretty much says that Sitchin has no basis whatsoever for his translations, they're just made up

More and more, people ask me about

* Planet X, the Anunnaki and the Nephilim.

* Did extraterrestrials from a distant planet
called Nibiru (Planet X) come to earth and
crossbreed with creatures here?

* And does Nibiru’s orbit bring it into our solar
system every 3,600 years?

* Is it due to visit us soon?


With many confusing claims these days, how can one
sift fact from fiction? That’s an important question.

The answer is to test everything. Demand real evidence.
Because there are many self-proclaimed "experts" out
there, who either
(a) don’t understand their topic, or
(b) fake data.


Now, what about this Planet X story?

It’s the kind of story you might want to believe. A
certain popular writer, describing himself as an expert
on ancient texts, tells us that beyond the planet Pluto
there is an outer planet called Nibiru.

Nibiru was populated by a reptilian super race. Those
extraterrestrials were known as Annunaki.

The Anunnakis’ own planet was dying. So the Anunnaki
came to Planet Earth to attempt a rescue of their planet.
The gold on Planet Earth was needed to create a shield
for preserving Nibiru’s dwindling atmosphere.

One can actually feel sorry for the Anunnaki.

Anyway, this Planet Nibiru, in its orbit, came close to
Planet Earth.

A group of 50 astronauts from Nibiru, with their leader
called Enki, splashed down in the waters of the Persian
Gulf. Some Anunnaki were sent to mine gold in Africa.

When the toil became unbearable, Enki ‘created’
‘primitive workers’ by mixing the genes of male Anunnaki
with the eggs of early female hominoids, to bring about
Homo sapiens - you and me.

This sudden speed-up given to our evolution explains how
the Sumerian civilization began suddenly, fully
developed, with no evidence of a primitive beginning.

You can credit these extraterrestrials for jump-starting
it, this popular writer says.

Oh, and something else. The orbit of Nibiru (which some
label Planet X) brings it into our solar system every
3,600 years. It will return to Planet Earth very soon.

Well, that awakens my interest. What about you?


In any case, this gentleman, whom we shall call Mr S,
assures us that this is what the clay tablets say. In
fact, he has been heavily promoting this topic.

In contrast to the airy speculation of von Danicken, Mr S
claims to be a scholar. He graduated in economics. But he
claims to be an expert in ancient Sumerian texts and

You have to admit, an argument appealing to ancient clay
tablets does sound somewhat scholarly.

For a number of years I accepted this gentleman's claim
that the above story was in those ancient Sumerian records.
After all, you just don’t make up such things, do you?

When Mr S first spun his exciting story to us, how many
of us had access to all the Sumerian texts?


From my years of independent research, I knew that Mr S
had at least one thing correct - that the Sumerian
civilization began suddenly, fully developed, with no
evidence of a primitive beginning.

As you know, in today’s world, where we are taught that
early man was primitive, it is rare to hear about high
technology in the ancient world. So I felt a measure
of rapport with Mr S.

For this reason, my customary cautious approach softened
toward him. And I did enjoy reading his books.
So I let down my guard just a little to give the “facts”
in his books due respect – in particular, the claimed
fact that certain ancient texts existed that backed up
his story.

Accepting his claim also to be a responsible scholar, I
went as far as to quote him a couple of times in my book
Dead Men’s Secrets.

After all, it was apparent to me that Mr S did have a
number of things right:

1. That a Global Flood had devastated the world in
the past.(See the evidence for that event in my book
Surprise Witness.)

2. That there was a civilization that started in
Mesopotamia, from descendants of the Flood survivors.
(See the archaeological evidence in my book, The
Corpse Came Back.)

3. That Sumerian civilization started at a high
level.(See Dead Men’s Secrets, chapter 2.) does need


Now, getting back to the Sumerians: It is a fact that
Sumerian civilization appeared suddenly, unexpected and
out of nowhere.

Yes, Sumeria sprang into existence already fully
developed - that is, without transition from a primitive
state, with a fantastic ready-made high society.

In the remotest period of which there are records,
Sumeria shows a level of civilization which is, by
popular understanding, inexplicable. It sounds crazy I
know, but it’s a fact!

H. Frankfort (Tell Uqair) called it “astonishing.” Pierre
Amiet (Elam) termed it “extraordinary.” A. Parrot (Sumer)
described it as “a flame which blazed up so suddenly.”
Leo Oppenheim (Ancient Mesopotamia) stressed “the
astonishingly short period” within which the civilization
had arisen. Joseph Campbell (The Masks of God) summed it
up this way: “With stunning abruptness. . . there appears
in this little Sumerian mud garden. . . the whole cultural
syndrome that has since constituted the germinal unit of
all the high civilizations of the world.”


How could such a society suddenly spring up, at the top,
not at the bottom? Just like that?

Mr S to the rescue. He proposed that the reason ancient
Sumerian culture was able to spring up suddenly, out of
nowhere – was because of aliens from outer space.

He says the advanced knowledge was given to the Sumerians
by extraterrestrials. And he identifies them as the
Anunnaki gods spoken about in Sumero-Mesopotamian

And how does Mr S know all this?


Well, it’s on the Sumerian ancient clay tablets, he tells

You have to admit, an argument appealing to ancient clay
tablets does sound rather scholarly, right?

Oh well, you must have guessed by now who Mr S is, so I
might as well name him.

But I shall make it absolutely clear that what follows is
not about the man. It’s about the subject. I have no
problem with Zecharia Sitchin as a person. He’s probably
quite a nice guy.

For a number of years I assumed that his story was, as he
claimed, in the Sumerian records. After all, you just
don’t make up such things, do you?


Over a period of time I had been receiving emails asking
me about

* Planet Nibiru (Planet X)
* The Anunnaki
* The Nephilim
* The 3,600 year orbit of this planet, which is
said to bring destruction each time its passes
close the earth.

So I felt an increasing obligation to dig deeper.

Well, I was checking carefully through the story. And an
irritating anomaly cropped up. Assuming this story were
true, such a misfit piece made no sense. It should not

Naturally, this bothered me. Shrug it off as an isolated
problem? Perhaps. But it did cry out to be resolved.

But, pursuing this matter was not so easy. You see,
very soon another inconsistency surfaced.… then another…
and another.

Bother! The problem was not just one, but a growing
procession of non-fitting pieces.

That’s when it struck me that the problem might be not
with the inconsistencies, but with Mr S’ story.

Here are some of the serious questions that arose:

1. Mr S said that the Anunnaki come from the planet
Nibiru (a 12th planet). How do we know this is so?
According to our friend, it’s in the Sumerian texts.

PROBLEM: Search, search and search! But, no
matter how hard one might search, it was
absolutely impossible to find even one
such Sumerian text!

2. Nibiru is a planet beyond Pluto. How do we know?
According to our friend, the Sumerian texts say

PROBLEM: Again, I could find not one
single Sumerian text that says so.

3. This planet Nibiru cycles through our solar
system every 3600 years. According to Mr S, the
Sumerian texts say this.

PROBLEM: But try as one might, no such
Sumerian texts could be found! Not anywhere.

Was the problem with me?

Search as one might, the Sumerian texts displayed a
distressing habit of not being there. Was the problem
with me?

As I scratched my head over this, a few more awkward
questions began to nag at me:

+ Why did Mr S claim that the biblical pre-Flood
“sons of God” who married the “daughters of men”
were called “nephilim” – when the Genesis text
itself said something very different?

+ Why did Mr S say that “nephilim” means “people of
the fiery rockets” and also “those who came down
from heaven”? – when, in the Hebrew language, the
word “nephilim” meant nothing like this.

+ Why did many of Mr S’ vital translations of
Sumerian and Mesopotamian words, differ so much
from Mesopotamian cuneiform bilingual dictionaries?

Why… why… why? Here was a whole mass of questions
now crying out for an answer.


You should understand something here. Experience in
front line archaeology has taught me that facts must
always override theories. If a theory says yes, but
the discovered facts say no, then the theory is wrong.
That is plain common sense.

In an investigation, there may be hundreds of
information bits to consider. One may start out
imagining a scenario, but when all the facts are in,
the final picture may turn out to be quite different.

Let’s say you have hundreds of torn-up bits of newspaper
scattered over the table, and you want to fit them
together to form a page. But after working for hours,
you discover the pieces just do not fit.

Well, that’s where I was with the many pieces to Mr
Sitchin’s theory. They just did not fit.

So what would you do? What better than to ask the man
who gave us the pieces? So I sat down and wrote to
Zecharia Sitchin, asking him to help me clarify these

Surely he would substantiate his story better than
anyone. Perhaps he had sources not available to the
rest of the world?

I waited and waited. And then, it came. As I pulled it
out of the post box, my my heart thumped heavily. I tore
open the envelope, and there, inside, was a photocopy
of my letter, with Mr S’ few brief notes scribbled over

If you are a lover the TRUTH, then you will be excited
that the truth is now ready to come out.


I’m going to tell you the rest of this startling story
in my special brand new and explosive 217 page report,
"Is This Really Sitchin Fiction?"

It took months to put this important document together.

1. because it is so vitally important
that you must have this, and
2. because you are a valued client,
this shocking report is yours as a gift from me - all
217 pages of it.

You can download it right here:


Yes, this amazing report is yours immediately. The
information in it will soon affect the lives of millions
of people worldwide. And, as an important person on my
list, you are one the first to gain access to it.

Oh, and something else. If you want the hard facts about
+ the UFO phenomenon,
+ the reported "abductions",
+ the identity of those "ETs", and so on
(related to today's subject), just go to

Wishing you a good week,

Your archaeologist friend,
Jonathan Gray
[email protected]
Jon Grey at Beforeus.com pretty much says that Sitchin has no basis whatsoever for his translations, they're just made up

More and more, people ask me about

* Planet X, the Anunnaki and the Nephilim.

* Did extraterrestrials from a distant planet
called Nibiru (Planet X) come to earth and
crossbreed with creatures here?

* And does Nibiru’s orbit bring it into our solar
system every 3,600 years?

* Is it due to visit us soon?


With many confusing claims these days, how can one
sift fact from fiction? That’s an important question.

The answer is to test everything. Demand real evidence.
Because there are many self-proclaimed "experts" out
there, who either
(a) don’t understand their topic, or
(b) fake data.


Now, what about this Planet X story?

It’s the kind of story you might want to believe. A
certain popular writer, describing himself as an expert
on ancient texts, tells us that beyond the planet Pluto
there is an outer planet called Nibiru.

Nibiru was populated by a reptilian super race. Those
extraterrestrials were known as Annunaki.

The Anunnakis’ own planet was dying. So the Anunnaki
came to Planet Earth to attempt a rescue of their planet.
The gold on Planet Earth was needed to create a shield
for preserving Nibiru’s dwindling atmosphere.

One can actually feel sorry for the Anunnaki.

Anyway, this Planet Nibiru, in its orbit, came close to
Planet Earth.

A group of 50 astronauts from Nibiru, with their leader
called Enki, splashed down in the waters of the Persian
Gulf. Some Anunnaki were sent to mine gold in Africa.

When the toil became unbearable, Enki ‘created’
‘primitive workers’ by mixing the genes of male Anunnaki
with the eggs of early female hominoids, to bring about
Homo sapiens - you and me.

This sudden speed-up given to our evolution explains how
the Sumerian civilization began suddenly, fully
developed, with no evidence of a primitive beginning.

You can credit these extraterrestrials for jump-starting
it, this popular writer says.

Oh, and something else. The orbit of Nibiru (which some
label Planet X) brings it into our solar system every
3,600 years. It will return to Planet Earth very soon.

Well, that awakens my interest. What about you?


In any case, this gentleman, whom we shall call Mr S,
assures us that this is what the clay tablets say. In
fact, he has been heavily promoting this topic.

In contrast to the airy speculation of von Danicken, Mr S
claims to be a scholar. He graduated in economics. But he
claims to be an expert in ancient Sumerian texts and

You have to admit, an argument appealing to ancient clay
tablets does sound somewhat scholarly.

For a number of years I accepted this gentleman's claim
that the above story was in those ancient Sumerian records.
After all, you just don’t make up such things, do you?

When Mr S first spun his exciting story to us, how many
of us had access to all the Sumerian texts?


From my years of independent research, I knew that Mr S
had at least one thing correct - that the Sumerian
civilization began suddenly, fully developed, with no
evidence of a primitive beginning.

As you know, in today’s world, where we are taught that
early man was primitive, it is rare to hear about high
technology in the ancient world. So I felt a measure
of rapport with Mr S.

For this reason, my customary cautious approach softened
toward him. And I did enjoy reading his books.
So I let down my guard just a little to give the “facts”
in his books due respect – in particular, the claimed
fact that certain ancient texts existed that backed up
his story.

Accepting his claim also to be a responsible scholar, I
went as far as to quote him a couple of times in my book
Dead Men’s Secrets.

After all, it was apparent to me that Mr S did have a
number of things right:

1. That a Global Flood had devastated the world in
the past.(See the evidence for that event in my book
Surprise Witness.)

2. That there was a civilization that started in
Mesopotamia, from descendants of the Flood survivors.
(See the archaeological evidence in my book, The
Corpse Came Back.)

3. That Sumerian civilization started at a high
level.(See Dead Men’s Secrets, chapter 2.) does need


Now, getting back to the Sumerians: It is a fact that
Sumerian civilization appeared suddenly, unexpected and
out of nowhere.

Yes, Sumeria sprang into existence already fully
developed - that is, without transition from a primitive
state, with a fantastic ready-made high society.

In the remotest period of which there are records,
Sumeria shows a level of civilization which is, by
popular understanding, inexplicable. It sounds crazy I
know, but it’s a fact!

H. Frankfort (Tell Uqair) called it “astonishing.” Pierre
Amiet (Elam) termed it “extraordinary.” A. Parrot (Sumer)
described it as “a flame which blazed up so suddenly.”
Leo Oppenheim (Ancient Mesopotamia) stressed “the
astonishingly short period” within which the civilization
had arisen. Joseph Campbell (The Masks of God) summed it
up this way: “With stunning abruptness. . . there appears
in this little Sumerian mud garden. . . the whole cultural
syndrome that has since constituted the germinal unit of
all the high civilizations of the world.”


How could such a society suddenly spring up, at the top,
not at the bottom? Just like that?

Mr S to the rescue. He proposed that the reason ancient
Sumerian culture was able to spring up suddenly, out of
nowhere – was because of aliens from outer space.

He says the advanced knowledge was given to the Sumerians
by extraterrestrials. And he identifies them as the
Anunnaki gods spoken about in Sumero-Mesopotamian

And how does Mr S know all this?


Well, it’s on the Sumerian ancient clay tablets, he tells

You have to admit, an argument appealing to ancient clay
tablets does sound rather scholarly, right?

Oh well, you must have guessed by now who Mr S is, so I
might as well name him.

But I shall make it absolutely clear that what follows is
not about the man. It’s about the subject. I have no
problem with Zecharia Sitchin as a person. He’s probably
quite a nice guy.

For a number of years I assumed that his story was, as he
claimed, in the Sumerian records. After all, you just
don’t make up such things, do you?


Over a period of time I had been receiving emails asking
me about

* Planet Nibiru (Planet X)
* The Anunnaki
* The Nephilim
* The 3,600 year orbit of this planet, which is
said to bring destruction each time its passes
close the earth.

So I felt an increasing obligation to dig deeper.

Well, I was checking carefully through the story. And an
irritating anomaly cropped up. Assuming this story were
true, such a misfit piece made no sense. It should not

Naturally, this bothered me. Shrug it off as an isolated
problem? Perhaps. But it did cry out to be resolved.

But, pursuing this matter was not so easy. You see,
very soon another inconsistency surfaced.… then another…
and another.

Bother! The problem was not just one, but a growing
procession of non-fitting pieces.

That’s when it struck me that the problem might be not
with the inconsistencies, but with Mr S’ story.

Here are some of the serious questions that arose:

1. Mr S said that the Anunnaki come from the planet
Nibiru (a 12th planet). How do we know this is so?
According to our friend, it’s in the Sumerian texts.

PROBLEM: Search, search and search! But, no
matter how hard one might search, it was
absolutely impossible to find even one
such Sumerian text!

2. Nibiru is a planet beyond Pluto. How do we know?
According to our friend, the Sumerian texts say

PROBLEM: Again, I could find not one
single Sumerian text that says so.

3. This planet Nibiru cycles through our solar
system every 3600 years. According to Mr S, the
Sumerian texts say this.

PROBLEM: But try as one might, no such
Sumerian texts could be found! Not anywhere.

Was the problem with me?

Search as one might, the Sumerian texts displayed a
distressing habit of not being there. Was the problem
with me?

As I scratched my head over this, a few more awkward
questions began to nag at me:

+ Why did Mr S claim that the biblical pre-Flood
“sons of God” who married the “daughters of men”
were called “nephilim” – when the Genesis text
itself said something very different?

+ Why did Mr S say that “nephilim” means “people of
the fiery rockets” and also “those who came down
from heaven”? – when, in the Hebrew language, the
word “nephilim” meant nothing like this.

+ Why did many of Mr S’ vital translations of
Sumerian and Mesopotamian words, differ so much
from Mesopotamian cuneiform bilingual dictionaries?

Why… why… why? Here was a whole mass of questions
now crying out for an answer.


You should understand something here. Experience in
front line archaeology has taught me that facts must
always override theories. If a theory says yes, but
the discovered facts say no, then the theory is wrong.
That is plain common sense.

In an investigation, there may be hundreds of
information bits to consider. One may start out
imagining a scenario, but when all the facts are in,
the final picture may turn out to be quite different.

Let’s say you have hundreds of torn-up bits of newspaper
scattered over the table, and you want to fit them
together to form a page. But after working for hours,
you discover the pieces just do not fit.

Well, that’s where I was with the many pieces to Mr
Sitchin’s theory. They just did not fit.

So what would you do? What better than to ask the man
who gave us the pieces? So I sat down and wrote to
Zecharia Sitchin, asking him to help me clarify these

Surely he would substantiate his story better than
anyone. Perhaps he had sources not available to the
rest of the world?

I waited and waited. And then, it came. As I pulled it
out of the post box, my my heart thumped heavily. I tore
open the envelope, and there, inside, was a photocopy
of my letter, with Mr S’ few brief notes scribbled over

If you are a lover the TRUTH, then you will be excited
that the truth is now ready to come out.


I’m going to tell you the rest of this startling story
in my special brand new and explosive 217 page report,
"Is This Really Sitchin Fiction?"

It took months to put this important document together.

1. because it is so vitally important
that you must have this, and
2. because you are a valued client,
this shocking report is yours as a gift from me - all
217 pages of it.

You can download it right here:


Yes, this amazing report is yours immediately. The
information in it will soon affect the lives of millions
of people worldwide. And, as an important person on my
list, you are one the first to gain access to it.

Oh, and something else. If you want the hard facts about
+ the UFO phenomenon,
+ the reported "abductions",
+ the identity of those "ETs", and so on
(related to today's subject), just go to


Wishing you a good week,

Your archaeologist friend,
Jonathan Gray

[email protected]
The concerted evangelical effort to discredit Sitchin has been a transparent sham from day one. Men like Jonathan Gray and Michael Heiser have done a great disservice to society, in affirming only the aspects of Sitchin's work that happened to be compatible with their shared Christian worldview. Most telling of all about their effort has been the focus on denouncing the ancient astronaut theory by way of supporting a fully biblical take on Sumerian mythology, as if affirming the existence of 'fallen angels' (ETC.) were somehow less scientifically problematic than viewing such beings as alien astronauts. :rolleyes:

Having said that, I'm not here to defend Sitchin from his agenda-driven critics (something he saw no need to do himself while he was living); I'm here to point out the nature of the 'real world' events unfolding before our eyes, particularly as they relate to Sitchin's theories.

Interestingly, the description of this recently "discovered" Planet 9 roughly matches that of Harrington's postulations back in the early 90's.

Between 4:27 and 4:47:

"If it is in the kind of orbit we describe here, it would be a planet that would have a mass something like 3 to 5 times the mass of the Earth. This would put it intermediate between the gaseous planets, like Uranus and Neptune, and the terrestrial planets that we have in the inner part of the solar system."

The orbit he proposed was strikingly similar to that of the Cal Tech astonomers, as well, taking into account a possible miscalculation of precession.

When new "discoveries" line up so nicely with the work of past scientists, especially those who were demonized and discredited for the views they expressed in their own time, it's fair to call for a reevaluation of the status quo (then and now). :doubt:

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