The Ranch Davidians

so, the rancher is a child molester?

Thanks for letting us know.

Apparently...if there's to be an accurate comparison.

The victors write the history books. The media made up all sorts of stories to justify the incredible spectacle of military tanks used against American citizens. Allegations of child molestation was not part of the search warrant that authorized a bunch of cowboy ATF agents in a civilian car dressed in camouflage to attack the Branch Davidian compound but it is implanted in the minds of the public by the liberal media just as wild charges were directed at Jews to justify the Holocaust. No justification was ever found for the initial warrant that alleged the ludicrous charge that Davidians were converting rusty hunks of WW2 surplus to fully automatic weapons.
They had a class 3 license. They could have all the full autos they wanted. I believe the receivers in question were M-16 lowers or M-16/AR 15 blank lowers that can be easily machined into semi-auto or full depending on white kind of gear you have lying around like CNC or even a drill press plus the stencil for lack of a better term. When the UPS saw the hollow grenades in the box he assumed the worst, and called the pigs.

As far as who shot first we'll never know because the front door that could provide that information was seen leaving in a truck never to be seen again as the cleaned up the crime scene.
You people do know that the land Bundy is on is really the Shoshone lands that whites settled illegally by squatting upon, and the feds did nothing??
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You people do know that the land Bundy is on is really the Shoshone lands that white settled illegally squatted upon and the feds did nothing??

Say what? The federal abuse of the Bundy ranch is pay back for the federal abuse of the Indians? You almost gotta laugh.
How about we use the hundreds of thousands of dollars it cost to intimidate this family to help seal our boarders?...this can be settled in court, not with unreasonable, gestapo type tactics used by the Obama administration.

Why not just do both?

Seal the borders and nail those mooching off the taxpayer

Wouldn't it be nice if your boy would actually seal the boarders and enforce immigration law....No such luck though. He'd rather label those who want to do so as unfeeling racists :cuckoo:

Can you guys ever give up on the myth?

Illegal immigration is lower than under Bush, deportations are way up. But when confronted with contradictory information....repeat the lie
Why not just do both?

Seal the borders and nail those mooching off the taxpayer

Wouldn't it be nice if your boy would actually seal the boarders and enforce immigration law....No such luck though. He'd rather label those who want to do so as unfeeling racists :cuckoo:

Can you guys ever give up on the myth?

Illegal immigration is lower than under Bush, deportations are way up. But when confronted with contradictory information....repeat the lie

The Obama propaganda machine works well with people like you:doubt: this is a year and I/2 old but still accurate

Facts Dispel Myth that Obama Has Increased Deportations

September 4, 2012

As with the past five presidents, our current leader Barack Obama failed for the past three years to secure the nation’s borders. Illegal aliens cross over at the U.S. Border Patrol’s estimates of 800,000 annually.

Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Home | Federation for American Immigration Reform, spoke to me about what is actually happening as to deportations once an illegal alien crosses the border.

“For several years, those following immigration policy have been perplexed by seemingly contradictory events,” said Stein. “While President Obama has been dismantling most immigration enforcement and putting into place a massive amnesty for two million illegal aliens, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been claiming that deportations are increasing to all-time highs. How can this be true?

“The simple answer is that it isn’t true. Deportations are decreasing and the administration has been fudging the numbers.

“Now, thanks to the investigative work of Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) we learn that the total number of deportations – including both criminal and non-criminal – is falling as well. The reason is that DHS has revised their definition of what constitutes a “removal” and developed a new trick for keeping track.”

Smith explains, “Since 2011, the Obama administration has included numbers from a Border Patrol program that returns illegal immigrants to Mexico right after they cross the Southwest border in their year-end deportation statistics. It is dishonest to count illegal immigrants apprehended by the Border Patrol along the border as ICE removals. And these ‘removals’ from the Border Patrol program do not subject the illegal immigrant to any penalties or bars for returning to the U.S. This means a single illegal immigrant can show up at the border and be removed numerous times in a single year – and counted each time as a removal.”

“The accounting is deceptive, yet obviously self-serving,” said Stein. “After all, any little leaguer could trump Hank Aaron’s RBI record in baseball provided they simply took it upon themselves to redefine what constitutes a major league RBI.”

Properly accounted for by using an apples-to-apples comparison, the Obama deportation numbers reflect quite a different story:

“Deportations began rising under President Bush in 2007 and continued into Obama’s first year in office, although he cannot claim credit even for that,” said Stein. “The brief increase was the result of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens put in proceedings under Bush. This “pipeline” of cases carried over into the Obama administration. After the initial rise, deportations have fallen.”

Year Total

2007: 291,060

2008: 369,221

2009: 389,834

2010: 392,862

2011: 360,000

2012 263,000 (Year to Date)

2012 315,000 (Year End Estimate)

“The President has been able to hide his non-enforcement policies behind a thinly veiled claim of increased deportations which has helped him play both sides of the fence,” said Stein. “For special interests demanding amnesty, he’s dismantled most interior enforcement and put into place guidelines to grant millions of illegal aliens deferred action. For those wanting some semblance of enforcement – a rule of law – he’s fabricated a thinly veiled claim of increased deportations

Facts Dispel Myth that Obama Has Increased Deportations | Immigration
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Why is it so hard for these goons 5 realize Bundy broke the law. PERIOD.

Here's an easy resolution to the problem. Have Bundy pay his grazing fees going back to whenever, after an accurate accounting of the number of cattle, and reapply for restoration of grazing rights.

It's that simple

Whether he broke the law or not no longer matters. But here's another simple solution. Give the land to the people. Government should not be allowed to hold on to that much land. We (more rather you) are here acting as if the government is an innocent victim, when in reality it has victimized so many others. Lawfully, yes he broke the law. Morally, this is wrong. A man should be able to graze wherever the hell he wants to.

The feds should not own 86 percent of a state for any reason in today's modern society.
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Wouldn't it be nice if your boy would actually seal the boarders and enforce immigration law....No such luck though. He'd rather label those who want to do so as unfeeling racists :cuckoo:

Can you guys ever give up on the myth?

Illegal immigration is lower than under Bush, deportations are way up. But when confronted with contradictory information....repeat the lie

The Obama propaganda machine works well with people like you:doubt: this is a year and I/2 old but still accurate

Facts Dispel Myth that Obama Has Increased Deportations

September 4, 2012

As with the past five presidents, our current leader Barack Obama failed for the past three years to secure the nation’s borders. Illegal aliens cross over at the U.S. Border Patrol’s estimates of 800,000 annually.

Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Home | Federation for American Immigration Reform, spoke to me about what is actually happening as to deportations once an illegal alien crosses the border.

“For several years, those following immigration policy have been perplexed by seemingly contradictory events,” said Stein. “While President Obama has been dismantling most immigration enforcement and putting into place a massive amnesty for two million illegal aliens, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been claiming that deportations are increasing to all-time highs. How can this be true?

“The simple answer is that it isn’t true. Deportations are decreasing and the administration has been fudging the numbers.

“Now, thanks to the investigative work of Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) we learn that the total number of deportations – including both criminal and non-criminal – is falling as well. The reason is that DHS has revised their definition of what constitutes a “removal” and developed a new trick for keeping track.”

Smith explains, “Since 2011, the Obama administration has included numbers from a Border Patrol program that returns illegal immigrants to Mexico right after they cross the Southwest border in their year-end deportation statistics. It is dishonest to count illegal immigrants apprehended by the Border Patrol along the border as ICE removals. And these ‘removals’ from the Border Patrol program do not subject the illegal immigrant to any penalties or bars for returning to the U.S. This means a single illegal immigrant can show up at the border and be removed numerous times in a single year – and counted each time as a removal.”

“The accounting is deceptive, yet obviously self-serving,” said Stein. “After all, any little leaguer could trump Hank Aaron’s RBI record in baseball provided they simply took it upon themselves to redefine what constitutes a major league RBI.”

Properly accounted for by using an apples-to-apples comparison, the Obama deportation numbers reflect quite a different story:

“Deportations began rising under President Bush in 2007 and continued into Obama’s first year in office, although he cannot claim credit even for that,” said Stein. “The brief increase was the result of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens put in proceedings under Bush. This “pipeline” of cases carried over into the Obama administration. After the initial rise, deportations have fallen.”

Year Total

2007: 291,060

2008: 369,221

2009: 389,834

2010: 392,862

2011: 360,000

2012 263,000 (Year to Date)

2012 315,000 (Year End Estimate)

“The President has been able to hide his non-enforcement policies behind a thinly veiled claim of increased deportations which has helped him play both sides of the fence,” said Stein. “For special interests demanding amnesty, he’s dismantled most interior enforcement and put into place guidelines to grant millions of illegal aliens deferred action. For those wanting some semblance of enforcement – a rule of law – he’s fabricated a thinly veiled claim of increased deportations

Facts Dispel Myth that Obama Has Increased Deportations | Immigration

Oh yes.....typical rightwing response

"Obama is fudging the numbers"

Same response we get on employment numbers, Obamacare, the economy, polls or any number you are not comfortable with
Why is it so hard for these goons 5 realize Bundy broke the law. PERIOD.

Here's an easy resolution to the problem. Have Bundy pay his grazing fees going back to whenever, after an accurate accounting of the number of cattle, and reapply for restoration of grazing rights.

It's that simple

Whether he broke the law or not no longer matters. But here's another simple solution. Give the land to the people. Government should not be allowed to hold on to that much land. We're (more rather you) are here acting as if the government is an innocent victim, when in reality it has victimized so many others. Lawfully, yes he broke the law. Morally, this is wrong. A man should be able to graze wherever the hell he wants to.

The feds should not own 86 percent of a state for any reason in today's modern society.
Why should the government give away anything? We are $17 trillion in debt and you are giving land away?
Why is it so hard for these goons 5 realize Bundy broke the law. PERIOD.

Here's an easy resolution to the problem. Have Bundy pay his grazing fees going back to whenever, after an accurate accounting of the number of cattle, and reapply for restoration of grazing rights.

It's that simple

Oh, but that doesn't make for good umbrage, now does it?

I remember a time when I was a child where the GOP stood for law and order.

Apparently, that has changed.


Bundy was breaking the law for the last 20 years, which means he was defying Bush-43's BLM, which was also trying to get him to pay his fees and keep the cows from dumping on the turtles.
Why is it so hard for these goons 5 realize Bundy broke the law. PERIOD.

Here's an easy resolution to the problem. Have Bundy pay his grazing fees going back to whenever, after an accurate accounting of the number of cattle, and reapply for restoration of grazing rights.

It's that simple

Oh, but that doesn't make for good umbrage, now does it?

I remember a time when I was a child where the GOP stood for law and order.

Apparently, that has changed.


Bundy was breaking the law for the last 20 years, which means he was defying Bush-43's BLM, which was also trying to get him to pay his fees and keep the cows from dumping on the turtles.

I remember being at NTC in Ft Irwin CA. This is where the Army does its war games. When you arrived you were given a briefing on reporting procedures if you spotted a desert tortoise. Activities would come to a halt if a tortoise was spotted
The problem is, inside the liberal mind, it is impossible to consider the possibility that the government under a democrat can ever do any wrong.
Why is it so hard for these goons 5 realize Bundy broke the law. PERIOD.

Here's an easy resolution to the problem. Have Bundy pay his grazing fees going back to whenever, after an accurate accounting of the number of cattle, and reapply for restoration of grazing rights.

It's that simple

Oh, but that doesn't make for good umbrage, now does it?

I remember a time when I was a child where the GOP stood for law and order.

Apparently, that has changed.


Bundy was breaking the law for the last 20 years, which means he was defying Bush-43's BLM, which was also trying to get him to pay his fees and keep the cows from dumping on the turtles.

Yeah million dollars for grass eating fee? Really? armed snipers Really?:cuckoo:
Oh, but that doesn't make for good umbrage, now does it?

I remember a time when I was a child where the GOP stood for law and order.

Apparently, that has changed.


Bundy was breaking the law for the last 20 years, which means he was defying Bush-43's BLM, which was also trying to get him to pay his fees and keep the cows from dumping on the turtles.

I remember being at NTC in Ft Irwin CA. This is where the Army does its war games. When you arrived you were given a briefing on reporting procedures if you spotted a desert tortoise. Activities would come to a halt if a tortoise was spotted

Ranching and war games are not quit the same thing are they genus :cuckoo:
Oh, but that doesn't make for good umbrage, now does it?

I remember a time when I was a child where the GOP stood for law and order.

Apparently, that has changed.


Bundy was breaking the law for the last 20 years, which means he was defying Bush-43's BLM, which was also trying to get him to pay his fees and keep the cows from dumping on the turtles.

Yeah million dollars for grass eating fee? Really? armed snipers Really?:cuckoo:

Funny you mentioned armed snipers. You must have read the link I just provided. Showing armed militia snipers.

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Atlantic Mobile

Bundy was breaking the law for the last 20 years, which means he was defying Bush-43's BLM, which was also trying to get him to pay his fees and keep the cows from dumping on the turtles.

I remember being at NTC in Ft Irwin CA. This is where the Army does its war games. When you arrived you were given a briefing on reporting procedures if you spotted a desert tortoise. Activities would come to a halt if a tortoise was spotted

Ranching and war games are not quit the same thing are they genus :cuckoo:

Wait a minute....

Ranching and military war games are not the same thing....

Holy shit! :eek: You are right
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