The real – and far scarier – reason Republicans think Biden is illegitimate

Leftists are the fascists, everyone knows that.

Yeah that Nazi Fascist Hitler was a typical liberal leftist and demanded a multicultural Germany. It was the German Deep State that did all those crimes against humanity and then pinned it all on Hitler.

this is a quite scary article. The author pushes the theory that most republicans dont actually believe in the big lie that trump has been pushing..

They undertand its value with stuid people but they realise that if there had been any evidencewe would have seen it by now.

The real reson they think Biden isnt legit is somply that he believes in different things to them. That is really scary.They have a narow limited view on what the US should look like and are not prepared to to accept a different point of view.

there are other names for this but I will leave them to one side for now. Have a look at the article and tell me what you think.


Oh how well this describes liberals in 2016.

this is a quite scary article. The author pushes the theory that most republicans dont [SIC] actually believe in the big lie that trump has been pushing..

They undertand [SIC] its value with stuid [SIC] people but they realise that if there had been any evidencewe [SIC] would have seen it by now.

The real reson [SIC] they think Biden isnt [SIC] legit is somply [SIC] that he believes in different things to them. That is really scary.They have a narow [SIC] limited view on what the US should look like and are not prepared to to accept a different point of view.

there are other names for this but I will leave them to one side for now. Have a look at the article and tell me what you think.

As always, being a piece of British shit, you know nothing, and have no standing,. with regard to American politics.

Ditto for the British source that you're citing, as if it had any credibility at all on the subject.

You do not speak for any American Republicans, and neither does The Guardian.
You can guarantee that at least one of them will parrot that the US is a Republic noot [sic] a democracy"…

I would certainly not expect an ignorant, one-legged, mentally-retarded British faggot to understand it at all, but it is certainly true that the U.S. is, in fact, a republic, and not a democracy. That's how the Constitution is set up, and the great men who established this nation left writings explaining their intent to set us up as a republic, to avoid some of the nasty disadvantages of a true democracy.
Again, you do not speak for any “goppers”. You have no standing to say what any of us do or do not believe.

You're not one of us; you're just a worthless British piece of shit who has no standing to say anything at all about our politics here in America.
You either believe the big lie, or you pretend to do so.

So, a slobbering moron, or a lying asshole.

You chose your path.
I would certainly not expect an ignorant, one-legged, mentally-retarded British faggot to understand it at all, but it is certainly true that the U.S. is, in fact, a republic, and not a democracy. That's how the Constitution is set up, and the great men who established this nation left writings explaining their intent to set us up as a republic, to avoid some of the nasty disadvantages of a true democracy.
Democratic Republic. A mix of both.
Again, you do not speak for any “goppers”. You have no standing to say what any of us do or do not believe.

You're not one of us; you're just a worthless British piece of shit who has no standing to say anything at all about our politics here in America.
Tommy doesn't understand that in a true democracy, if he were among say 5 people and 4 of them voted to rape him he would be legally raped. LOL
Tommy doesn't understand that in a true democracy, if he were among say 5 people and 4 of them voted to rape him he would be legally raped. LOL
I am not aware of any democracy where rape is legal. Why dont you come back to planet earth and deal with actual facts rather than nonsense.
I have never liked it. The fact that sometimes the majority makes the right decision doesn't mean it never makes the wrong decision. The majority makes the wrong decision in almost every election.

You problem is that you assume some people have to impose their agenda on others. In a free country no one rules over others.
Your views are unamerican.Maybe you would be happier somewhere like Syria ?
Your views are unamerican.Maybe you would be happier somewhere like Syria ?
What's "unamerican" about what you just responded to? The idea of limiting the power of government, the power of the majority, is core to the American experiment. The idolization is "democracy" was tacked on later, by socialists.

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