The real – and far scarier – reason Republicans think Biden is illegitimate

I have never liked it. The fact that sometimes the majority makes the right decision doesn't mean it never makes the wrong decision. The majority makes the wrong decision in almost every election.

You problem is that you assume some people have to impose their agenda on others. In a free country no one rules over others.
The problem is that your "free vountry" is an ideal, like communism, that sounds great 9n paper but utterly ignores basic human behavior.
Sorry but you're projecting.

You're so used to what YOUR arty does you assume that they both do the same.

They don't

There's no other way to understand the slavish devotion to Trump
I don't have a party, I left the Republicans long ago, I am conservative but the racism, the spending, the games they play are nothing I want to be a part of, the democrats have the same issues, I won't belong or vote for either group they are party over country. It is sad but true.

I don't expect diehards to understand they never do, I get criticized by the left and the right for this stand.
I don't have a party, I left the Republicans long ago, I am conservative but the racism, the spending, the games they play are nothing I want to be a part of
And yet you spout GOP talking points and vote Republican.


this is a quite scary article. The author pushes the theory that most republicans dont actually believe in the big lie that trump has been pushing..

They undertand its value with stuid people but they realise that if there had been any evidencewe would have seen it by now.

The real reson they think Biden isnt legit is somply that he believes in different things to them. That is really scary.They have a narow limited view on what the US should look like and are not prepared to to accept a different point of view.

there are other names for this but I will leave them to one side for now. Have a look at the article and tell me what you think.

Yeah sure, I have time to read STORY TIME written in TDS trying to validate your own.

Never mind the fact Demonicrats sold out our society under the disguise of COVID. Never mind all, I say ALL the anomalies demonstrating an illegitimate election selection of POTUS. Just the idea that we've dumbed down & have been pussified so far that 80 some million are fucked over so badly they'd support these Democracks..................tells guys like me there's something very wrong.
You tried to equivocate between the Trump led madness after his defeat, and those other election losses by Gore, Kerry and Clinton.
As far as opinions of both Democrats and Republicans. Democrats believe 2000, 2004 and 2016 were stolen Republicans claimed the election fraud in 2008, 2012 and 2020. I stated facts, Jan 6th was over the top stupid. That didn't change what Democrats or Republicans thought about election fraud in previous years.
As far as opinions of both Democrats and Republicans. Democrats believe 2000, 2004 and 2016 were stolen Republicans claimed the election fraud in 2008, 2012 and 2020. I stated facts, Jan 6th was over the top stupid. That didn't change what Democrats or Republicans thought about election fraud in previous years.
No major candidate refused to concede and call for unity by the time the EC voted, all but one.
It appears to be all about Nationalism vs. Globalism now. So the hyper-nationalist strongman types (USA, Russia, etc.) are most appealing to them. There is clearly some kind of floodgate they think will be opened if hyper-nationalism doesn't win out (and who knows what they imagine that would look like). They are, literally, terrified.
Nice to see two of the biggest blowholes on this forum agree. Fuck both of you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Ok, but that still does not change the fact that every election since 2000 someone has claimed it was stolen, does it?
NO one said 2016 was stolen moron.

2000 was all kinds of fucked up and there were serious question about 2004 in Ohio.

But we moved on...we DIDN'T spend a year screaming FRAUD and we didn't raid the fucking Capitol in a coup attempt.

We let the system work it out
Ok, but that still does not change the fact that every election since 2000 someone has claimed it was stolen, does it?
No it doesn't, but some wacky House Rep doesn't have the same impact as the leader of Party and presidential Candidate has. Gore had to gable down members of his own party, to certify his own defeat to Bush.
No it doesn't, but some wacky House Rep doesn't have the same impact as the leader of Party and presidential Candidate has. Gore had to gable down members of his own party, to certify his own defeat to Bush.
I never mentioned House member or Presidents. Democrats believed 2000, 2004, 2016 were stolen and Republicans believe 2008, 2012, 2020 were stolen, why are you trying to twist my facts and words?
I never mentioned House member or Presidents. Democrats believed 2000, 2004, 2016 were stolen and Republicans believe 2008, 2012, 2020 were stolen, why are you trying to twist my facts and words?
So any election you lose had to be stolen?

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