The Real coup d'etat

Biden is the President. The buck stops at his desk. You can't have your cake and eat it to. Your party impeached an innocent President, then you expect compliance? Haha.

Nothing pains me more than to agree with BULLDOG on this, but he's right. Biden doesn't control the stock prices, future prices or how much oil is pumped from existing well. Or the price the oil companies charge us at the pump. He's only the president and don't have that much authority.

He could allow US oil companies to buy oil from Russia. But I'm pretty sure his MIC handlers wouldn't want that to happen. They love it when our government sticks it's nose where it don't belong.
Nothing pains me more than to agree with BULLDOG on this, but he's right. Biden doesn't control the stock prices, future prices or how much oil is pumped from existing well. Or the price the oil companies charge us at the pump. He's only the president and don't have that much authority.

He could allow US oil companies to buy oil from Russia. But I'm pretty sure his MIC handlers wouldn't want that to happen. They love it when our government sticks it's nose where it don't belong.
And for that, Biden is responsible.
Anyone believing the lie that Russia didn't interfere in the 2016 election on behalf of the Trumpybear has been completely Groomed by the Neo-GOP PR team. Good luck re-installing your leader.
Russia interfered against Hillary, any benefit to Trump was incidental.
The right has accused her of everything else. You might as well throw that one in the pile too. If she was guilty of all the things you have accused her of, why can't you prove any of them?
I think Hillary must be the smartest person on the planet...

She is the public eye and she committed all these crimes... She then cleverly hides all the money and power she gained and let Trump become President...
The woman is amazing, think if she could have used this brilliance as President... She would have been great President, she is so smart...

The GOP and Trump just look incompetent compared to Hillary, she can evade them with ease... Look at all the crimes the say she is guilty off but they can't even construct a proper investigation into her when they had control of the DOJ...
Trump looks like an idiot President that couldn't get anything except tax breaks for his rich buddies while loosing a Trade War...

So even if you are a GOP supporter, you have to wish you voted for Hillary, she maybe a crook to you but is our crook... Her husband (who you also accused of being a crook) was a great President (Same thinking)
I think Hillary must be the smartest person on the planet...

She is the public eye and she committed all these crimes... She then cleverly hides all the money and power she gained and let Trump become President...
The woman is amazing, think if she could have used this brilliance as President... She would have been great President, she is so smart...

The GOP and Trump just look incompetent compared to Hillary, she can evade them with ease... Look at all the crimes the say she is guilty off but they can't even construct a proper investigation into her when they had control of the DOJ...
Trump looks like an idiot President that couldn't get anything except tax breaks for his rich buddies while loosing a Trade War...

So even if you are a GOP supporter, you have to wish you voted for Hillary, she maybe a crook to you but is our crook... Her husband (who you also accused of being a crook) was a great President (Same thinking)
She's still pretty damn good looking too.
Here, poster 'shrugged'....go to one of two places, or hell, go to both: Read the piece by Woodward & Bernstein in today's Washington Post; or, go to the nearby thread about the 'Select Committee stepping into the batter box'. In both you will see a succinct statement from this famous reporting duo on how Don Trump was more dangerous to America, and more corrupt, than was Richard Nixon.
Maybe it can fill in some blanks in your perception. Maybe it can add some nuance to your conviction that "the election was stolen".


The above triptych would make for an interesting stand-alone thread.
I would urge the poster Gipper to be the OP on that one .... based on his perceptive insights in the three posts above.

"New World Order"?
Umm, hate to sound like a naïf but, .....but, just exactly what is that?
Who is involved?
Can the poster name names?
And what would be the reason for a "New World Order". And who is funding it.
And how does the poster know about it?


I am often stunned that people who post in Politics literally have no idea what is going on in the world.

It was Literally the Theme at the recent needing in Davos when the World Economic Forum met.
It is Literally the plan of the WHO to be able to control (force) Health Care world wide.
It is part of the ESG world wide social credit scores.

None of this in hidden.
It is part of the ESG world wide social credit scores.

Look, good poster jeens, I readily admit I ain't the brightest candle on the cake, so sometimes acronyms can speedbump me.

So, help a fellow poster here, and explain what it is you are referring to with ..."ESG -- social credit score".

Thanx, in advance.
Look, good poster jeens, I readily admit I ain't the brightest candle on the cake, so sometimes acronyms can speedbump me.

So, help a fellow poster here, and explain what it is you are referring to with ..."ESG -- social credit score".

Thanx, in advance.


What is ESG? Definition and meaning​

ESG stands for Environmental Social and Governance, and refers to the three key factors when measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a business or company. Most socially responsible investors check companies out using ESG criteria to screen investments.
It is a generic term used in capital markets and commonly used by investors to evaluate the behavior of companies, as well as determining their future financial performance.
The Environmental Social and Governance factors are a subset of non-financial performance indicators which include ethical, sustainable and corporate government issues such as making sure there are systems in place to ensure accountability and managing the corporation’s carbon footprint.
The number of investment funds that incorporate ESG factors has been growing rapidly since the beginning of this decade, and is expected to continue rising significantly over the decade to come.
Well, thank you, Billiejeans. I did not know that. I've been retired for am no longer plugged into financial markets as I once was.

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