The real difference between the TEA Party and OWS

[ame=]Wall Street Protestors Getting Paid? - YouTube[/ame]
Wall Street Protestors Getting Paid?
The Tea Party was not protesting, they were rallying. People who rally to support the status quo and the plutocracy are not going to be pepper sprayed, are they QW?

When order is paramount...

I see.

So you when you earn a buck, it's rational "self interest" - good.

When I earn a buck, its "greed" - bad.

Do you actually expect anyone to swallow your horse manure?

The status quo is massive government spending on social programs. That's what the OWS clowns support, not the TEA Party.

Yea, why would anyone protest a plutocracy?


When you understand what conservatism is, every argument they make leads to the same end.

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

When you understand this and view their words, ask the question; will this lead to some form of an aristocracy?

The answer is always YES...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Lenin called his movement the Bolshevik Revolution, that translates as majority revolution. Lenin never had a majority, and never spoke for the majority, which is why he had to rule by fear when he got control. OWS, AKA the 99%, does not have a majority, is not actually 99% of anything but the lunatic fringe, and does not represent, or speak for, 99% of America. They, like Lenin, will have to rule by fear if they get control. They, like Lenin, will go down in history as failures.
That looks like occupied space, not abandoned space. It looks like people plan on returning to sleep, doesn't it?

Can you show me a single picture of an TEA Party site that looked anything like this? When the those angry, armed, racists ever feel a need to camp out?

Keep in mind that the Tea baggers left as soon as Fox News turned off their cameras and reported that 10,000 people were really 100,000 people

Is that like MSNBC reporting that OWS is really hundreds of thousands of people when they are only hundreds?
That looks like occupied space, not abandoned space. It looks like people plan on returning to sleep, doesn't it?

Can you show me a single picture of an TEA Party site that looked anything like this? When the those angry, armed, racists ever feel a need to camp out?

It's called Occupy Wall Street. Do occupiers go home at the end of the day and quit? Maybe we should ask Iraq and Afghanistan, they might have an idea.

Exactly. this is not a protest.

Occupy Chicago Day 10 by Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, on Flickr

Occupy Chicago Day 10 by Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, on Flickr

Occupy Chicago Day 10 by Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, on Flickr
Government has the Force of Law on It's side, the Courts, The Police, the Prisons, the Power to confiscate. The assertion is a lie. Government does achieve Power through Wealth, encouraging Monopoly, and supporting it by discriminating against Small Enterprise. The Government creates these Mega Companies and runs cover for them while we get both abused and the Bill in the end. Progressivism has always supported these Unfair Laws and Restrictions on the weak, in favor of Centralization and control. Funny how Government want's to separate itself from all of this, and claim it played no part in it. Progressive Government does not want to save us from this Evil, but disenfranchise It's long Established Partners, to gain full control. It does not want us Liberated, it just does not want to split the Loot anymore. :D "Meet The New Boss, Same as The Old Boss".


you guys are REALLY having to stretch to find a way to blame the left for the deregulation and lack of oversite promoted by the right huh?

You are the corporate minions.

The left has always been the one to try and keep "to big to fail" from taking place.

It has NEVER been the right who tried to beat down monopolies.

You guys evern hate your own Teddy Roosevelt for his trust busting moves.

You did not even read his post.
If the TEA Party had done this the picture would have been all over the news.


Then we have the fact that they leave a huge mess behind when they finally leave. Does anyone remember seeing any pictures of all the trash the TEA Party left?


I love the "We the People Say Planet Before Profits" sign. It is always nice to see true believers cleaning up after themselves.

look at the liberal taking a shit beside a police car !!! and look at all the trash and garbage the tree hugging scumbags left lying on the ground !!!the tea party never behaved as badly as these stupid assholes !!
Prove that guy was shitting as claimed.

Where was the shit?

The brown stains on the side of the car aren't there because he is using his ass to clean it.


The pictures of trash were not trash.

WHY did this article call a sleeping person trash?

SFPD moved in and threw away everything at the Occupy SF camp, including the tents. Why would they do that if it was not trash?

By the way, there is no one sleeping in the picture I posted.
and this tasty treat is corn on the cob !!! it is best eaten with a little salt and butter !!:eusa_angel:


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Government has the Force of Law on It's side, the Courts, The Police, the Prisons, the Power to confiscate. The assertion is a lie. Government does achieve Power through Wealth, encouraging Monopoly, and supporting it by discriminating against Small Enterprise. The Government creates these Mega Companies and runs cover for them while we get both abused and the Bill in the end. Progressivism has always supported these Unfair Laws and Restrictions on the weak, in favor of Centralization and control. Funny how Government want's to separate itself from all of this, and claim it played no part in it. Progressive Government does not want to save us from this Evil, but disenfranchise It's long Established Partners, to gain full control. It does not want us Liberated, it just does not want to split the Loot anymore. :D "Meet The New Boss, Same as The Old Boss".


you guys are REALLY having to stretch to find a way to blame the left for the deregulation and lack of oversite promoted by the right huh?

You are the corporate minions.

The left has always been the one to try and keep "to big to fail" from taking place.

It has NEVER been the right who tried to beat down monopolies.

You guys evern hate your own Teddy Roosevelt for his trust busting moves.

You did not even read his post.

Are you surprised? She never even reads Her Own posts.
What exactly are the merits of occupy wall streets movement ? And on what issues do they agree ?
Opposition to corporate bailouts, opposition to the undue influence of lobbyists in the political process, opposition to politicians being sold to the highest bidder, and a fundamental belief that the system is broken to the point where the concerns of average Americans are ignored.

That the OWS movement focuses its emphasis on ‘big business,’ where the TPM focuses its emphasis on ‘big government,’ is superficial; at the heart of the matter remains the fact that the OWS and TPM are similar in their belief that government has failed to address the needs of average Americans, and caters only to the needs of special interests.

OWS supports corporate bailouts if they go to the proper companies, I oppose all of them.

OWS opposes lobbyist that help business but they like ones that support unions, I oppose both,

OWS supports politicians that rent themselves to the environmental industrial complex, I think politicians should be required to actually work for a living, and should only receive rudimentary expenses and a salary of $100 a month, with no pensions.

I see no commonalities between my positions and OWS. I do not speak for the TEA Party, but I doubt they agree with OWS either.

you guys are REALLY having to stretch to find a way to blame the left for the deregulation and lack of oversite promoted by the right huh?

You are the corporate minions.

The left has always been the one to try and keep "to big to fail" from taking place.

It has NEVER been the right who tried to beat down monopolies.

You guys evern hate your own Teddy Roosevelt for his trust busting moves.

You did not even read his post.

Are you surprised? She never even reads Her Own posts.

Not really.

you guys are REALLY having to stretch to find a way to blame the left for the deregulation and lack of oversite promoted by the right huh?

You are the corporate minions.

The left has always been the one to try and keep "to big to fail" from taking place.

It has NEVER been the right who tried to beat down monopolies.

You guys evern hate your own Teddy Roosevelt for his trust busting moves.

You did not even read his post.

Are you surprised? She never even reads Her Own posts.

Can you show me a single picture of an TEA Party site that looked anything like this? When the those angry, armed, racists ever feel a need to camp out?

The Tea Party was not protesting, they were rallying. People who rally to support the status quo and the plutocracy are not going to be pepper sprayed, are they QW?

When order is paramount...


street shitter mentality,, show us your nazi pictures some mo.

How about the REAL Tea Party...

The Tea Party was not protesting, they were rallying. People who rally to support the status quo and the plutocracy are not going to be pepper sprayed, are they QW?

When order is paramount...


street shitter mentality,, show us your nazi pictures some mo.

How about the REAL Tea Party...


Is that what you are advocating? Revolution in a Free Society? What are you rebelling against? The Banks? Stop borrowing. Cut up your Credit Cards and Check Books. Wall Street? Don't invest.

As far as the Original Tea Party was concerned, I think they should have closed the Pubs earlier. I side with Adams.
That the TPM may be treated unfairly by the press is an issue between the TPM and the press – it has nothing to do with the merits of the OWS’s issues or the fact both the OWS and TPM have the same position on many issues.

again, there is NOTHING the same between OWS useful tools and the Tea party. but you all can't run on your own merits it seems. I guess the Tea should be flattered, I'm sure they are the joke you all look like.
Is that what you are advocating? Revolution in a Free Society? What are you rebelling against? The Banks? Stop borrowing. Cut up your Credit Cards and Check Books. Wall Street? Don't invest.

As far as the Original Tea Party was concerned, I think they should have closed the Pubs earlier. I side with Adams.

Your belief that we live in a free society is charming.
Is that what you are advocating? Revolution in a Free Society? What are you rebelling against? The Banks? Stop borrowing. Cut up your Credit Cards and Check Books. Wall Street? Don't invest.

As far as the Original Tea Party was concerned, I think they should have closed the Pubs earlier. I side with Adams.

Your belief that we live in a free society is charming.

Just because they want to make Us commodities, we don't have to buy into it. They do not control your Perspective, nor your Conscience.
Is that what you are advocating? Revolution in a Free Society? What are you rebelling against? The Banks? Stop borrowing. Cut up your Credit Cards and Check Books. Wall Street? Don't invest.

As far as the Original Tea Party was concerned, I think they should have closed the Pubs earlier. I side with Adams.

Your belief that we live in a free society is charming.

You should read my signature. Any society I love in is free because we refuse to let anyone enslave us.

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