The Real 'Far Right'

[Hate to break this to you...but conservatism is what made this country the great country that it is.

Really? So you agree with the conservatives of the 19th century who fought to preserve slavery, because they stood for greatness?

You agree with the conservatives of the 20th century who fought to preserve child labor, who fought women getting the vote, who fought to preserve segregation in the south, who fought against gay rights, who fought against Medicare, who fought against anti-pollution laws, because they stood for greatness?

CaliforniaGirl is right. When you listen to main stream media, you hear liberal, moderate, and far-right. Or ultra right, or extreme right. Very rarely is it simply "right" or "conservative."

And I'm not getting the memos about the insurrection. Am I not on the right mailing lists?
CaliforniaGirl is right. When you listen to main stream media, you hear liberal, moderate, and far-right. Or ultra right, or extreme right. Very rarely is it simply "right" or "conservative."

And I'm not getting the memos about the insurrection. Am I not on the right mailing lists?

You are now, Lucky. Git yo gun and head for the hills.
CaliforniaGirl is right. When you listen to main stream media, you hear liberal, moderate, and far-right. Or ultra right, or extreme right. Very rarely is it simply "right" or "conservative."

And I'm not getting the memos about the insurrection. Am I not on the right mailing lists?

The far right itself has demanded the distinction by actively distancing themselves from the moderate right.

Example: John McCain is a conservative, but the likes of Rush Limbaugh and all of that crowd insist on vilifying him as not a 'real' conservative, not 'pure' enough to be in their club. And many other conservatives fall into that category - i.e. - the category of incurring the wrath of the far right.

If you don't have some sort of simple modifiers for these two distinct factions you can't distinguish between the two.
[Hate to break this to you...but conservatism is what made this country the great country that it is.

Really? So you agree with the conservatives of the 19th century who fought to preserve slavery, because they stood for greatness?

You agree with the conservatives of the 20th century who fought to preserve child labor, who fought women getting the vote, who fought to preserve segregation in the south, who fought against gay rights, who fought against Medicare, who fought against anti-pollution laws, because they stood for greatness?


So you've decided that only conservatives were slave-holders.

What a narrow viewpoint.

Don't get me started on the subject of who supported Civil Rights and Abolition in our history. Because you would lose that argument hands down.
The proof in the end is in the pudding. Every step that moves this nation forward has been done by a liberal president. Be it freedom, social security, public education, medicare, equal rights, or any you care to mention.

The constant berating of the other has always been from the right, the reactionary forces that oppose progress and change. These are laws it seems of the political and cultural universe. This opposition to change will always be from the right.

Talk, friends is cheap, but accomplishments come hard as healthcare demonstrates. In the final page it is what you do not how you define the other.

"If by a 'Liberal' they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'Liberal,' then I'm proud to say I'm a 'Liberal.'" President John F Kennedy on September 14, 1960

I totally agree. America and progress are synonymous. We have always been leaders, not followers. America has always been at the cutting edge of science, exploration, cultural and human rights advancements.

When you really think about it, conservatism is the antithesis of America...

A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Hate to break this to you...but conservatism is what made this country the great country that it is.

Your ideas are what made us into what we are because your ideas are already at work in Europe.

Your ideas are counterproductive while hard work and persistence are what allows us to accomplish what most other countries feel is the impossible.

Yeah, tell that to the Torrie conservatives that were run out on a rail. Conservatism of the day is what we revolted against. You seem to have as little understanding of the history of your ideology as you do history itself...
CaliforniaGirl is right. When you listen to main stream media, you hear liberal, moderate, and far-right. Or ultra right, or extreme right. Very rarely is it simply "right" or "conservative."

And I'm not getting the memos about the insurrection. Am I not on the right mailing lists?

The far right itself has demanded the distinction by actively distancing themselves from the moderate right.

Example: John McCain is a conservative, but the likes of Rush Limbaugh and all of that crowd insist on vilifying him as not a 'real' conservative, not 'pure' enough to be in their club. And many other conservatives fall into that category - i.e. - the category of incurring the wrath of the far right.

If you don't have some sort of simple modifiers for these two distinct factions you can't distinguish between the two.

To you John McCain is a conservative....but in reality....which you tend to avoid....he's a moderate....and always has been no matter how falsely Obama tried to paint him as another Bush.
[Hate to break this to you...but conservatism is what made this country the great country that it is.

Really? So you agree with the conservatives of the 19th century who fought to preserve slavery, because they stood for greatness?

You agree with the conservatives of the 20th century who fought to preserve child labor, who fought women getting the vote, who fought to preserve segregation in the south, who fought against gay rights, who fought against Medicare, who fought against anti-pollution laws, because they stood for greatness?


So you've decided that only conservatives were slave-holders.

What a narrow viewpoint.

Don't get me started on the subject of who supported Civil Rights and Abolition in our history. Because you would lose that argument hands down.

Who opposed the civil rights legislation of the 50's and 60's?

The Conservative Coalition.

Do they stand for greatness?
The conservatives in both parties opposed Civil Rights, the liberals and moderates in both parties supported Civil Rights. Next.
CaliforniaGirl is right. When you listen to main stream media, you hear liberal, moderate, and far-right. Or ultra right, or extreme right. Very rarely is it simply "right" or "conservative."

And I'm not getting the memos about the insurrection. Am I not on the right mailing lists?

The far right itself has demanded the distinction by actively distancing themselves from the moderate right.

Example: John McCain is a conservative, but the likes of Rush Limbaugh and all of that crowd insist on vilifying him as not a 'real' conservative, not 'pure' enough to be in their club. And many other conservatives fall into that category - i.e. - the category of incurring the wrath of the far right.

If you don't have some sort of simple modifiers for these two distinct factions you can't distinguish between the two.

To you John McCain is a conservative....but in reality....which you tend to avoid....he's a moderate....and always has been no matter how falsely Obama tried to paint him as another Bush.

You're making my point. John McCain is and has always been right-of-center, but those on the far right like yourself want to disassociate yourselves from those like McCain because they're not 'far right' enough for you.

Hence the term 'far right' is perfectly appropriate to use to refer to those of you who fall on or about that area of the political spectrum.
Responsible Republicanism can be imaged by the McCains of the party, certainly not by the Palins and the teawhackos.
The conservatives in both parties opposed Civil Rights, the liberals and moderates in both parties supported Civil Rights. Next.

Please provide a link....:lol:

Liberals during the Civil Rights movement are Conservative compared the the dickwads in there now.

Now what you have is Marxists and Communists in the Democrat party running things.
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The conservatives in both parties opposed Civil Rights, the liberals and moderates in both parties supported Civil Rights. Next.

Please provide a link....:lol:

No need to. Reponsible Americans know the truth of the matter. If you disagree, that is certainly your right, but you are wrong. Just to let you know ahead of time and to save you further disappointment.
The conservatives in both parties opposed Civil Rights, the liberals and moderates in both parties supported Civil Rights. Next.

Please provide a link....:lol:

Liberals are what used to be called conservatives by the way.

Now what you have is Marxists and Communists in the Democrat party running things.

Once again Nimoy proves to be completely ignorant of Civil Rights era politics
If you are suggesting, Dan, that the Civil Rights was a progressive/liberal movement that illustrates that which is good for and with America, why, then, give me your right hand of fellowship.

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