The Real 'Far Right'

The conservatives in both parties opposed Civil Rights, the liberals and moderates in both parties supported Civil Rights. Next.

Please provide a link....:lol:

Liberals are what used to be called conservatives by the way.

Now what you have is Marxists and Communists in the Democrat party running things.

Once again Nimoy proves to be completely ignorant of Civil Rights era politics

Notice that I corrected this.....
Please provide a link....

Liberals during the Civil Rights movement are Conservative compared the the dickwads in there now.

Now what you have is Marxists and Communists in the Democrat party running things.
I'm not ignorant of it. I'm more in tune to it then your ass is.

You beliefs about it are based on Urban Myth and phony stereotypes.
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Responsible Republicanism can be imaged by the McCains of the party, certainly not by the Palins and the teawhackos.

The same kind of responsible bullsht that assured a complete takeover of our government by radicals like Obama, Bill Ayers, the list goes on and on.

Stop deflecting, whistle, start paying attention. That has always been your problem. Thank heavens that McCain stays in the favorable light of most Americans while Palin is favored by a small minority. Tells a lot, does it not?
CaliforniaGirl is right. When you listen to main stream media, you hear liberal, moderate, and far-right. Or ultra right, or extreme right. Very rarely is it simply "right" or "conservative."

And I'm not getting the memos about the insurrection. Am I not on the right mailing lists?

The far right itself has demanded the distinction by actively distancing themselves from the moderate right.

Example: John McCain is a conservative, but the likes of Rush Limbaugh and all of that crowd insist on vilifying him as not a 'real' conservative, not 'pure' enough to be in their club. And many other conservatives fall into that category - i.e. - the category of incurring the wrath of the far right.

If you don't have some sort of simple modifiers for these two distinct factions you can't distinguish between the two.

To you John McCain is a conservative....but in reality....which you tend to avoid....he's a moderate....and always has been no matter how falsely Obama tried to paint him as another Bush.

That's true. Remember when McCain was every Dems favorite Republican?
Responsible Republicanism can be imaged by the McCains of the party, certainly not by the Palins and the teawhackos.

The same kind of responsible bullsht that assured a complete takeover of our government by radicals like Obama, Bill Ayers, the list goes on and on.

Stop deflecting, whistle, start paying attention. That has always been your problem. Thank heavens that McCain stays in the favorable light of most Americans while Palin is favored by a small minority. Tells a lot, does it not?

Fuck you..I'll use every bit of information at my disposal and won't allow you to compartmentalize and rationalize this issue so you can win the argument.

The fact is McCain was a moderate who compromised on his conservative principles to gain a more populist following and as a result alienated most of the GOP base....which by the way assured his defeat. McCain is your love him because he tends to agree with you and the reason you hate Sarah Palin is because she refuses to compromise her principles to make dumb-shits like you happy.
I don't hate Sarah at all, and if I had known her in Alaska, then who knows? She is very appealing. But she is a meatball, 'whistle, just like you, in the vast minority on the far, far, over-the-edge and down-in-the-hole with the crap-falling-on-it of extremist America.

Get over it. You are a loon and beyond the moon.
If you are suggesting, Dan, that the Civil Rights was a progressive/liberal movement that illustrates that which is good for and with America, why, then, give me your right hand of fellowship.

Civil rights is a good example of what liberalism used to be, and yes, liberals were right. They've been coasting on it ever since.

Sure, here's my nictone-stained right hand, pal.
You are wrong about the coasting, right about the rest of it, and I return your fellowship with a rep.
CaliforniaGirl is right. When you listen to main stream media, you hear liberal, moderate, and far-right. Or ultra right, or extreme right. Very rarely is it simply "right" or "conservative."

And I'm not getting the memos about the insurrection. Am I not on the right mailing lists?

The far right itself has demanded the distinction by actively distancing themselves from the moderate right.

Example: John McCain is a conservative, but the likes of Rush Limbaugh and all of that crowd insist on vilifying him as not a 'real' conservative, not 'pure' enough to be in their club. And many other conservatives fall into that category - i.e. - the category of incurring the wrath of the far right.

If you don't have some sort of simple modifiers for these two distinct factions you can't distinguish between the two.

To you John McCain is a conservative....but in reality....which you tend to avoid....he's a moderate....and always has been no matter how falsely Obama tried to paint him as another Bush.

There's no such thing as a moderate conservative? Well, then calling you people the far right makes perfect sense.
For those not competent to recognize that anyone who disagrees with liberal policies is not a 'far right' whackjob, the article below outlines the real 'far right'. Now, on the day that this becomes the SOP for Republicans, Conservatives, TEA Partiers or any other group, you are welcome to refer to them as 'far right', otherwise, I would suggest that you STFU about 'far right' to describe everyone who does not hero worship Obama. You make yourselves look fucking stupid.

The attack seemed singularly horrific: an Egyptian pharmacist, Marwa el-Sherbini, was testifying during an appeal hearing in a Dresden courtroom on July 1 when a Russian émigré, Alex Wiens, lunged at her with a 7-in. kitchen knife. The pregnant mother was stabbed to death as her husband and 3-year-old son looked on helplessly. After protests swept the Arab world, Wiens was sentenced in November to life in prison for what the court deemed a racially motivated murder.

Though shocking in its brutality, the attack was not an anomaly in Germany. Authorities say the country has experienced a disturbing rise in extreme-right-wing violence in recent years. The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) said in a report released last week that politically and racially motivated crimes by the far right hit a record high of more than 20,000 in 2008. Figures for 2009 won't be released until early next year, but the BKA expects them also to be above normal.

Read more: Violent Right-Wing Attacks on the Rise in Germany - TIME

I think your own generalization of what Obama supporters believe "far righties" are needs better logical rationalization. When I call someone off to the "far right," I mean the person is so naive about reality that s/he wants the world to stop and everything (everybody) in America to only abide what is literally stated in the Constitution. We should all carry loaded guns; none of us should pay taxes; and the states should answer to no higher power in Washington--they should just close their gates--like separate countries. I don't think so. That's ignorant far-right thinking.

Another example would be the concocted perceptions regarding certain issues that people like Glenn Beck do all the time AND GET PAID FOR. He loves to whip up fear about "New World Order" by imagining "messages" in artwork, for example, or that China will soon be dictating a new world currency. Newsflash: Getting "world leaders" to universally agree on some "order" is impossible. You can't even get six people in a minivan to agree on where to have lunch. FAR RIGHT people like Beck are flamethrowers, period, and their audiences are people who thrive on conspiracy theories. Even Limbaugh isn't that bad.
so short of blowing things up, you don't see a far right in this country?

what about people who talk about armed insurrection?

Talking about armed insurrection has happened for decades, actually for more than decades..... It was quite prevelent during the '60s..... but that was the left so pretend that didn't happen.

What I am saying is that the 'far right'... is not the GOP, the TEA Partiers, Conservatives or any other 'mainstream' group. The 'far right' in our country are hiding in the hills awaiting Armaggedon. The Nazis are far right. There are far right groups all over the world. I am just sick to the back teeth of idiot liberals calling everyone and anyone who disagrees with them the 'far right'. They can go fuck themselves into oblivion with their stupidity. You are not one of them.

Not neocons, not Nazis, and really not your basic Republican conservatives. So then perhaps a new moniker is needed if "far right" is unsuitable.

That said, I don't like being called a "liberal" either, but these days, anyone who opposes your party's platform is labeled a "liberal" with the inference being something dirty. The moral of this story is that labeling that affronts or insults works both ways, and I'm surprised you don't already know that.
Many of the teabaggers and Conservatives are indeed part of the far wing nut right. They are not mainstream in any sense of the word.
Tim McVeigh was a right wing fringe Tax protestor

your "opinions" are worthless. Protesting outrageous tax increases is not a "wing nut" activity.

Tim McVeigh was not a tax protester. He was outraged that the FBI sent a "death squad" to Ruby Ridge. Shooting a mother holding a newborn.

You apparently don't know many facts.
Many of the teabaggers and Conservatives are indeed part of the far wing nut right. They are not mainstream in any sense of the word.

Either you're stupid, or a hack. Don't you research before you post?
Teabaggers are tax protesters the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

Calling conservatives wing-nuts without providing a reason is also poor posting style.

kyzr, I have been to several Tea Party events, and let me tell you that many of those who I talked to were absolutely whacko. So, please, don't dissemble, hmmm. You lose creditibility when you do.
The conservatives in both parties opposed Civil Rights, the liberals and moderates in both parties supported Civil Rights. Next.

Please provide a link....:lol:

Liberals during the Civil Rights movement are Conservative compared the the dickwads in there now.

Now what you have is Marxists and Communists in the Democrat party running things.


Conservative coalition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fuck Wiki....anybody can post false information on that site.
The far right itself has demanded the distinction by actively distancing themselves from the moderate right.

Example: John McCain is a conservative, but the likes of Rush Limbaugh and all of that crowd insist on vilifying him as not a 'real' conservative, not 'pure' enough to be in their club. And many other conservatives fall into that category - i.e. - the category of incurring the wrath of the far right.

If you don't have some sort of simple modifiers for these two distinct factions you can't distinguish between the two.

To you John McCain is a conservative....but in reality....which you tend to avoid....he's a moderate....and always has been no matter how falsely Obama tried to paint him as another Bush.

There's no such thing as a moderate conservative? Well, then calling you people the far right makes perfect sense.

I didn't say he was a moderate conservative...I said he was a moderate.

Attempting to lie or place words in my mouth isn't gonna win this argument for you.

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