The Real 'Far Right'

Many of the teabaggers and Conservatives are indeed part of the far wing nut right. They are not mainstream in any sense of the word.

Either you're stupid, or a hack. Don't you research before you post?
Teabaggers are tax protesters the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

Calling conservatives wing-nuts without providing a reason is also poor posting style.

kyzr, I have been to several Tea Party events, and let me tell you that many of those who I talked to were absolutely whacko. So, please, don't dissemble, hmmm. You lose creditibility when you do.

Yea right. Like I almost believe you. I posted their official web site with positions, and you post garbage. Thanks for playing. Try the conspiracy threads, or the flame threads.
mudpizzle, you deliberately misinterpret folks' words all the time, so your hypocrisy here is laughable.
To you John McCain is a conservative....but in reality....which you tend to avoid....he's a moderate....and always has been no matter how falsely Obama tried to paint him as another Bush.

There's no such thing as a moderate conservative? Well, then calling you people the far right makes perfect sense.

I didn't say he was a moderate conservative...I said he was a moderate.

Attempting to lie or place words in my mouth isn't gonna win this argument for you.

I asked you whether or not there was any such thing as a moderate conservative, because I called McCain a conservative, and you said he was not, he was a moderate.

So, again, is there no such thing as a moderate conservative?
There's no such thing as a moderate conservative? Well, then calling you people the far right makes perfect sense.

I didn't say he was a moderate conservative...I said he was a moderate.

Attempting to lie or place words in my mouth isn't gonna win this argument for you.

I asked you whether or not there was any such thing as a moderate conservative, because I called McCain a conservative, and you said he was not, he was a moderate.

So, again, is there no such thing as a moderate conservative?

No fucken shit.

You must be going senile because I don't think you asked me that. If you did I wasn't paying attention nor do I give a flying fuck about it.:gives:
Either you're stupid, or a hack. Don't you research before you post?
Teabaggers are tax protesters the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

Calling conservatives wing-nuts without providing a reason is also poor posting style.

kyzr, I have been to several Tea Party events, and let me tell you that many of those who I talked to were absolutely whacko. So, please, don't dissemble, hmmm. You lose creditibility when you do.

Yea right. Like I almost believe you. I posted their official web site with positions, and you post garbage. Thanks for playing. Try the conspiracy threads, or the flame threads.

Many are whackos. Why do you lie?
I didn't say he was a moderate conservative...I said he was a moderate.

Attempting to lie or place words in my mouth isn't gonna win this argument for you.

I asked you whether or not there was any such thing as a moderate conservative, because I called McCain a conservative, and you said he was not, he was a moderate.

So, again, is there no such thing as a moderate conservative?

No fucken shit.

You must be going senile because I don't think you asked me that. If you did I wasn't paying attention nor do I give a flying fuck about it.:gives:

My asking it is right in the quotes in your post.

So what is your answer?

Here's a clue for you:

John McCain on the issues:


John McCain on the Issues
For those not competent to recognize that anyone who disagrees with liberal policies is not a 'far right' whackjob, the article below outlines the real 'far right'. Now, on the day that this becomes the SOP for Republicans, Conservatives, TEA Partiers or any other group, you are welcome to refer to them as 'far right', otherwise, I would suggest that you STFU about 'far right' to describe everyone who does not hero worship Obama. You make yourselves look fucking stupid.

The attack seemed singularly horrific: an Egyptian pharmacist, Marwa el-Sherbini, was testifying during an appeal hearing in a Dresden courtroom on July 1 when a Russian émigré, Alex Wiens, lunged at her with a 7-in. kitchen knife. The pregnant mother was stabbed to death as her husband and 3-year-old son looked on helplessly. After protests swept the Arab world, Wiens was sentenced in November to life in prison for what the court deemed a racially motivated murder.

Though shocking in its brutality, the attack was not an anomaly in Germany. Authorities say the country has experienced a disturbing rise in extreme-right-wing violence in recent years. The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) said in a report released last week that politically and racially motivated crimes by the far right hit a record high of more than 20,000 in 2008. Figures for 2009 won't be released until early next year, but the BKA expects them also to be above normal.

Read more: Violent Right-Wing Attacks on the Rise in Germany - TIME

Meh....semantics.....and propagadizing....and redundency: "extreme-right-wing-violence."

Let's face it violence is "extreme."

And in Germany, a country that is perhaps best known for violence toward minorities, even a small "rise" is disturbing.

I cannot concieve how anything in Germany can possibly be used to seriously compare anything in the USA, much less the "far right," or far left, or weather patterns, or the price of rice in China.
It's only when WHITES engage in violence for political purposes that anyone calls it "far-right extremism."

Interesting, don't you think?

When Jews do it, it's called "founding and/or protecting Israel."

When Hispanics do it, it's called "viva la revolucion!"

When blacks do it, it's called "civil disobedience."

Don't be suckered, white man. You have EVERY RIGHT TO ENGAGE IN VIOLENCE AGAINST THOSE WHO WOULD DENY YOU FREEDOM. It might even be YOUR DUTY. Never mind cheering for the Steelers, guys. Cheer for your right to refresh the tree of liberty without a lot of blood.
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It's only when WHITES engage in violence for political purposes that anyone calls it "far-right extremism."

Interesting, don't you think?

When Jews do it, it's called "founding and/or protecting Israel."

When Hispanics do it, it's called "viva la revolucion!"

When blacks do it, it's called "civil disobedience."

When was the last time a Russian Black/Hispanic Jewish woman stabbed an Egyptian in a German Courtroom?

It probably doesn't happen often.
I asked you whether or not there was any such thing as a moderate conservative, because I called McCain a conservative, and you said he was not, he was a moderate.

So, again, is there no such thing as a moderate conservative?

No fucken shit.

You must be going senile because I don't think you asked me that. If you did I wasn't paying attention nor do I give a flying fuck about it.:gives:

My asking it is right in the quotes in your post.

So what is your answer?

Here's a clue for you:

John McCain on the issues:


John McCain on the Issues

I don't know what you're talking about.:cuckoo:
There is actually an error in this article because it describes NAZI style violent crimes against other races as the far right but NAZIism was leftward from the beginning for several reasons such as National SOCIALISM which puts it in the left. The second reason is that many NAZI programs were affiliated with things the left would do today such as anti-smoking campaigns and telling people that public health is not a private option which sounds like something a person on the left today would say.

The biggest thing that puts it on the left is Black Nationalism that is practiced by the black panthers. That idealogy had its roots in NAZI ideas about race and even if you do not believe that Black Nationalism doesn't have anything to do with socialism then look at what the black panther party believes and you will find many ideas revolving around communism.

I would be careful before anyone attributes the far right with NAZIs because it ain't difficult for anyone to look up a bit of history and check out how much NAZIism had to do with the far left.
(sigh) Control of the Nazi Party was the power struggle pivot between its leftist and rightist wings. Guess, iknowyoufailed, who won? (sigh) Stop the lies.
Talking about armed insurrection has happened for decades, actually for more than decades..... It was quite prevelent during the '60s..... but that was the left so pretend that didn't happen.

I don't think anyone is pretending that didn't happen. People who advocate armed insurrection are extremist nutters. There are extremist nutters on the left and there are extremist nutters on the right. The extremist nutters on the left were more prominent in the 60s. The extremist nutters on the right are more prominent today. Pretending that it isn't happening doesn't change the fact.
The gunners are prevalent on the wingnut right today in comparison to the left. The best way is to sue them and take their property, like the Aryan whackos in the northwest. What a bunch of loonies.
(sigh) Control of the Nazi Party was the power struggle pivot between its leftist and rightist wings. Guess, iknowyoufailed, who won? (sigh) Stop the lies.


That was hilarious...

let me stop laughing for a minute...

OK. I'm back.

Here is a link to the NAZI party platform and notice this slogan "common good before any individual good" and tell me what party repeats that mantra today.

Nazi Party Platform

We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality

This is why the left today caters to the "middle-class" because both NAZIism was based on communism and its ideas.
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The gunners are prevalent on the wingnut right today in comparison to the left. The best way is to sue them and take their property, like the Aryan whackos in the northwest. What a bunch of loonies.

Those people have not done anything wrong other than decide to live on a commune with a lot of guns and that is not a crime in itself so why would you see them as a threat?
Tell me which side had won the struggle. Why do you keep ignoring this? Go look up Night of the Long Knives and tell us what you have learned.
No fucken shit.

You must be going senile because I don't think you asked me that. If you did I wasn't paying attention nor do I give a flying fuck about it.:gives:

My asking it is right in the quotes in your post.

So what is your answer?

Here's a clue for you:

John McCain on the issues:


John McCain on the Issues

I don't know what you're talking about.:cuckoo:

I'm talking about why we shouldn't refer to those who don't think John McCain is conservative enough for them as the 'far right',

since that's clearly what they are.

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