The Real 'Far Right'

The far right indeed believe that McCain is too far to the left. They don't realize that they are too far to the right to be conservative, that they are in fact reactionary wingnuts. Yes, McCain is a true conservative and they are not.

They like to claim that McCain lost because he is not conservative enough, but not one of them can come up with one alternative candidate who could have both satisfied their conservative litmus test AND beaten Barack Obama.

In short, the far right is generally full of shit.

Problem is the last election was rigged.

Our candidate never made it past the primaries.

Huckabee and Romney split the conservative vote.

McCain got good press till he won the nomination....then they made him look like GWB jr.

Ah yes, another identifying characteristic of the far right. Everything is a conspiracy to undermine them. Everyone is out to get them.

Neither Huckabee nor Romney was going to beat Obama anyway. Both of them were polling worse against Obama head to head than McCain was.
The racial hatred foaming out from these radical right hate groups has taken on an increasingly hysterical tone in response to the election of our nation's first black president and is chillingly remenicient of the hate erupting among this same element during the Kennedy administration.

Keep prosecuting and jailing them. When they murder, execute them.

are you talking about IKA or Al Qaeda here?
Is there a significant difference OTHER than geography?
Do you advocate different responses? Why or why not?
Just curious, does the John Birch Society qualify as the 'far right'?

Of course.

As sponsors of the CPAC convention this year, that would make them an integral part of mainstream conservatism, wouldn't it?

btw, I'm going to miss that fluoride in my water. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I think that's an overstatement. Just because this group is one of dozens of sponsors doesn't mean that much IMHO. Sure, they'll take their money to help fund the event and let them have an information table/booth out in the lobby - but that doesn't mean they embrace ALL of their positions.
However, The fact that so many radical-right and/or racist organizations find a more receptive audience at CPAC events is telling ............
Of course.

As sponsors of the CPAC convention this year, that would make them an integral part of mainstream conservatism, wouldn't it?

btw, I'm going to miss that fluoride in my water. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I think that's an overstatement. Just because this group is one of dozens of sponsors doesn't mean that much IMHO. Sure, they'll take their money to help fund the event and let them have an information table/booth out in the lobby - but that doesn't mean they embrace ALL of their positions.

Money supercedes principle? I wonder, will they take the money and provide a booth to the Socialist Worker's Party? If not, one must asume at least tacit approval of the JBS.
As sponsors of the CPAC convention this year, that would make them an integral part of mainstream conservatism, wouldn't it?

btw, I'm going to miss that fluoride in my water. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I think that's an overstatement. Just because this group is one of dozens of sponsors doesn't mean that much IMHO. Sure, they'll take their money to help fund the event and let them have an information table/booth out in the lobby - but that doesn't mean they embrace ALL of their positions.

Money supercedes principle? I wonder, will they take the money and provide a booth to the Socialist Worker's Party? If not, one must asume at least tacit approval of the JBS.

I think if CPAC only took money from individuals or groups that they agree with on 100% of ALL issues, then they'd be holding their meeting at Motel 6 somewhere.

I think you HAVE to leave room for some disagreement on some issues. Demanding ideological purity is often where the far-right errs imho.
Many of the teabaggers and Conservatives are indeed part of the far wing nut right. They are not mainstream in any sense of the word.

Either you're stupid, or a hack. Don't you research before you post?
Teabaggers are tax protesters the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

Calling conservatives wing-nuts without providing a reason is also poor posting style.

Jake said "many" of the teabaggers. You mean you missed some of these kinds of protests?

Either you're stupid, or a hack. Don't you research before you post?
Teabaggers are tax protesters the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

Calling conservatives wing-nuts without providing a reason is also poor posting style.

kyzr, I have been to several Tea Party events, and let me tell you that many of those who I talked to were absolutely whacko. So, please, don't dissemble, hmmm. You lose creditibility when you do.

Yea right. Like I almost believe you. I posted their official web site with positions, and you post garbage. Thanks for playing. Try the conspiracy threads, or the flame threads.

So how often does one of us get smacked down by conspiracy/flame threads (or rebuttals in the form of right-wing opinions from NewsMax, WND, Pajamayamma (or whatever it is), and the other endless lists of so-called "conservative" sites you guys continually stick your noses into and remain glued to believing all of it to be gospel truth?

I'm sure the tea party movement attempts to play fair, but in today's mood of pure hatred, all the loonies use it as carte blanche permission to air all of their personal absurdities and they have overwhelmed the cause itself. By now, any validity of the Tea Party as a political organization is just about gone because they allowed too much dirty laundry to hang alongside the clean.
There is actually an error in this article because it describes NAZI style violent crimes against other races as the far right but NAZIism was leftward from the beginning for several reasons such as National SOCIALISM which puts it in the left. The second reason is that many NAZI programs were affiliated with things the left would do today such as anti-smoking campaigns and telling people that public health is not a private option which sounds like something a person on the left today would say.

The biggest thing that puts it on the left is Black Nationalism that is practiced by the black panthers. That idealogy had its roots in NAZI ideas about race and even if you do not believe that Black Nationalism doesn't have anything to do with socialism then look at what the black panther party believes and you will find many ideas revolving around communism.

I would be careful before anyone attributes the far right with NAZIs because it ain't difficult for anyone to look up a bit of history and check out how much NAZIism had to do with the far left.

The fact that SOCIALISM appears in the name means squat. You don't now your history of the Reich movements, that's for damned sure.
(sigh) Control of the Nazi Party was the power struggle pivot between its leftist and rightist wings. Guess, iknowyoufailed, who won? (sigh) Stop the lies.


That was hilarious...

let me stop laughing for a minute...

OK. I'm back.

Here is a link to the NAZI party platform and notice this slogan "common good before any individual good" and tell me what party repeats that mantra today.

Nazi Party Platform

We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality

This is why the left today caters to the "middle-class" because both NAZIism was based on communism and its ideas.

Except that never happened. So now you're actually BELIEVING what the Nazi manifesto said? Newsflash: They lied. A LOT.
The gunners are prevalent on the wingnut right today in comparison to the left. The best way is to sue them and take their property, like the Aryan whackos in the northwest. What a bunch of loonies.

Those people have not done anything wrong other than decide to live on a commune with a lot of guns and that is not a crime in itself so why would you see them as a threat?

At least by that statement we know where YOU'RE coming from in just about any comment you make in any thread. Heil Hitler!
Those people have not done anything wrong other than decide to live on a commune with a lot of guns and that is not a crime in itself so why would you see them as a threat?

That's EXACTLY what Al Qaeda supporters say .......

Or are you trying to claim that AMERICA'S far right hate mongers have NEVER followed through on their threats of violence???????

Not in it's recent history.

The KKK is the only organized group that has followed through on their threats.

Most of it comes from the left....the Weather Underground, Black Panthers, ACORN, SEIU, Green Terrorists, I know I'm leaving a bunch of them out.

Non-violent? Just because they don't come down from their gated mountaintops saving Nazi flags, doesn't mean the Ayran Nation sects aren't heavily involved in violent criminal activities.

Public Enemy Number 1 (PENI) -- Extremism in America
Either you are dissembling or you are truly ignorant on this subject. You will have to do your own research, then we can discuss it.

Is it possible to "discuss" anything like this with Nazi sympathizers? You just vomit and walk away.
The far right indeed believe that McCain is too far to the left. They don't realize that they are too far to the right to be conservative, that they are in fact reactionary wingnuts. Yes, McCain is a true conservative and they are not.

The only reason he chose Palin as his running mate was to win over the fringers.
Not in it's recent history.

The KKK is the only organized group that has followed through on their threats.

Most of it comes from the left....the Weather Underground, Black Panthers, ACORN, SEIU, Green Terrorists, I know I'm leaving a bunch of them out.

So the OP is wrong? There is no such thing as the far right?

The Far Right isn't inherently violent.

That much is true. So for those of you who DO consider yourselves simply far right of center, you'd better take a look around you and see just who is trying to ruin your honest causes.
The far right indeed believe that McCain is too far to the left. They don't realize that they are too far to the right to be conservative, that they are in fact reactionary wingnuts. Yes, McCain is a true conservative and they are not.

They like to claim that McCain lost because he is not conservative enough, but not one of them can come up with one alternative candidate who could have both satisfied their conservative litmus test AND beaten Barack Obama.

In short, the far right is generally full of shit.

Conservatives need to stop harping on ideologies and concentrating on realities and how to best apply those ideologies. And thats not just me talking, it's what every single serious, and intelligent Republican conservative worried to death about the future of conservatism has to say. You can't serve "freedom" for dinner or treat cancer.

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