The Real 'Far Right'

There is actually an error in this article because it describes NAZI style violent crimes against other races as the far right but NAZIism was leftward from the beginning for several reasons such as National SOCIALISM which puts it in the left. The second reason is that many NAZI programs were affiliated with things the left would do today such as anti-smoking campaigns and telling people that public health is not a private option which sounds like something a person on the left today would say.

The biggest thing that puts it on the left is Black Nationalism that is practiced by the black panthers. That idealogy had its roots in NAZI ideas about race and even if you do not believe that Black Nationalism doesn't have anything to do with socialism then look at what the black panther party believes and you will find many ideas revolving around communism.

I would be careful before anyone attributes the far right with NAZIs because it ain't difficult for anyone to look up a bit of history and check out how much NAZIism had to do with the far left.

The fact that SOCIALISM appears in the name means squat. You don't now your history of the Reich movements, that's for damned sure.

I think it does matter a lot since hitler often declared himself as a proud national socialist movement for whatever reason.
The gunners are prevalent on the wingnut right today in comparison to the left. The best way is to sue them and take their property, like the Aryan whackos in the northwest. What a bunch of loonies.

Those people have not done anything wrong other than decide to live on a commune with a lot of guns and that is not a crime in itself so why would you see them as a threat?

At least by that statement we know where YOU'RE coming from in just about any comment you make in any thread. Heil Hitler!

Someone who does nothing but say something offensive to you should have nothing done to them since they haven't done anything to you but upset you.
(sigh) Control of the Nazi Party was the power struggle pivot between its leftist and rightist wings. Guess, iknowyoufailed, who won? (sigh) Stop the lies.


That was hilarious...

let me stop laughing for a minute...

OK. I'm back.

Here is a link to the NAZI party platform and notice this slogan "common good before any individual good" and tell me what party repeats that mantra today.

Nazi Party Platform

We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality

This is why the left today caters to the "middle-class" because both NAZIism was based on communism and its ideas.

Except that never happened. So now you're actually BELIEVING what the Nazi manifesto said? Newsflash: They lied. A LOT.

Does it really matter if it did or not? Its pretty apparent that the heart of the NAZI party idealogy was the preservation of the middle-class which is similar to what a lot of modern democrats.
After looking at all these post by angry liberals I see that its going to be a nasty fight in the coming year. Its to bad you guys try to paint your opponents as NAZIs. If this is the path you want to go we can start looking up history and you might not like what you see such as realizing that the difference between communist was only a difference in scope since most socialist were converting to socialism on a national scale instead of a international scale. Here is a quote from stallin himself as he threw away lenin's original idea for national socialism.

Stalin 1929 "socialism in one country"

So, you see, there wasn't much of a difference between communism and fascism at all.
None of the whackos will come within a mile of that question, NYC.

And what gets me is that the Republican administration's relationship with business was reminiscent of that of Nazi Germany with business. As Political Chic pointed out elsewhere, that is called "corporatism".

weknowyoufailed has trouble understanding the rightwing fascists defeated the leftwing fascists in the Night of the Long Knives. What a poor, lost soul.
None of the whackos will come within a mile of that question, NYC.

And what gets me is that the Republican administration's relationship with business was reminiscent of that of Nazi Germany with business. As Political Chic pointed out elsewhere, that is called "corporatism".

weknowyoufailed has trouble understanding the rightwing fascists defeated the leftwing fascists in the Night of the Long Knives. What a poor, lost soul.

Is that all we got as a choice in this world. One form of fascism or another. We can choose left or right but in either case it is still fascism. That is a really sad world view you seem to have because some of us like to think outside of those endzones of tyranny and wish to play on a different political field all together.

And corpratism was the fascist economic mode that allowed business owners to own their businesses as long as they did it for the purpose of the community. It was a twist on marxism which believed all labor belonged to the community and for the community's purpose but corpratism allowed people to own their factories as long as they did it for the purpose of the community.
None of the whackos will come within a mile of that question, NYC.

And what gets me is that the Republican administration's relationship with business was reminiscent of that of Nazi Germany with business. As Political Chic pointed out elsewhere, that is called "corporatism".

weknowyoufailed has trouble understanding the rightwing fascists defeated the leftwing fascists in the Night of the Long Knives. What a poor, lost soul.

Like what....

What was the relationship exactly. I would like to know some specific details before you make wide sweeping statements that probably don't make to much sense when you break them down.
Two posts up, weknowhewillfailagain finally admitted that the rightwing fascists won. Now he wants to debate the merits of fascism. What a loon.
Two posts up, weknowhewillfailagain finally admitted that the rightwing fascists won. Now he wants to debate the merits of fascism. What a loon.

I said that fascism was an offshoot of communism and belongs in that family of political thinking because it has a lot more to deal with socialism than conservatism unless you are saying that conservatism is a socialist idealogy?

I'm wondering what wing of fascism do you practice. Do you practice the right wing or left wing version of it?
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Two posts up, weknowhewillfailagain finally admitted that the rightwing fascists won. Now he wants to debate the merits of fascism. What a loon.

I said that fascism was an offshoot of communism and belongs in that family of political thinking because it has a lot more to deal with socialism than conservatism unless you are saying that conservatism is a socialist idealogy?

I'm wondering what wing of fascism do you practice. Do you practice the right wing or left wing version of it?

I practice liberal democracy, as a good conservative should. I suspect you practice right wing fascism that links portions of my Party's leadership with Big Business. Am I right?
Two posts up, weknowhewillfailagain finally admitted that the rightwing fascists won. Now he wants to debate the merits of fascism. What a loon.

I said that fascism was an offshoot of communism and belongs in that family of political thinking because it has a lot more to deal with socialism than conservatism unless you are saying that conservatism is a socialist idealogy?

I'm wondering what wing of fascism do you practice. Do you practice the right wing or left wing version of it?

I practice liberal democracy, as a good conservative should. I suspect you practice right wing fascism that links portions of my Party's leadership with Big Business. Am I right?


A liberal democracy was one thing most progressives and socialist hated and it was one that allowed the freedom of anyone to trade and prosper as they wanted. It allowed for the individual to do as they want and believe as they want. This is not something that modern liberals practice because they enact laws that restrain people from making decision over their own lives such as anti-smoking campaigns or regulate business for the sole purpose of making them do what the government wants them to do which is corpratism.

Most leftist today either practice fascism or communism and that is evident by how they view the political scale in this country as either left (communism) or right (fascism) which is saying that the only political position you can have it so to have some kind of socialist way of thinking.

This is why you said that NAZIism was a war between left-wing fascism and right wing fascism. Its your viewpoint in life that the only political position we can have is some kind of totalitrarianism. I prefer to say that communism is left and fascism is just a tad right of that but both are way left of what 70% of Americans think should exist.
There have been more terrorist attacks on abortion clinics and doctors in the last 20 years than there have been Islamic terror attacks in this country.

Where do you suppose those attacks came from?

Yes, that was a rhetorical question.

Where have the more recent mass-murders been taking place?

VT.....ring a bell?

We have been having politically oriented mass murders by liberals taking place in Vermont? Could you be more specific?
I never said, implied, or suggested that, "Its your viewpoint in life that the only political position we can have is some kind of totalitrarianism." I believe in and practice liberal democracy. You, on the other hand, appear to be a libertarian, which really is nothing more than "get off my land". OK, I get it.
The Far Right isn't inherently violent.

There have been more terrorist attacks on abortion clinics and doctors in the last 20 years than there have been Islamic terror attacks in this country.

Where do you suppose those attacks came from?

Yes, that was a rhetorical question.

and how many abortion clinic personel have been killed vs Americans killed by terrorist acts?

What a dopey analogy NYC.
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I never said, implied, or suggested that, "Its your viewpoint in life that the only political position we can have is some kind of totalitrarianism." I believe in and practice liberal democracy. You, on the other hand, appear to be a libertarian, which really is nothing more than "get off my land". OK, I get it.

I know you never said, implied, or suggested that but I pointed out that anyone who thinks that the complete political spectrum composes either fascism or communism must somehow think that the governing structure of any society must compose all or some element of these two kinds of thinking.

Since your entire thinking is caged between these two endzones it is no possible for you to think outside of that field.

Stop trying to say you are a liberal when you are not because a liberal is someone who believe in freedom of the individual which allows that person to do just about anything such as be super-rich or smoke and these are things that the people who claim to be liberal today oppose. Why is that?
Abortion assassinations certainly are political. VA Tech was simply by a crazy man.
There have been more terrorist attacks on abortion clinics and doctors in the last 20 years than there have been Islamic terror attacks in this country.

Where do you suppose those attacks came from?

Yes, that was a rhetorical question.

and how many abortion clinic personel have been killed vs Americans killed by terrorist acts?

What a dopey analogy NYC.

Those should not be tolerated by the way. Terrorism committed by anyone for any reason is murder and abortion clinics bombers should be prosecuted.

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