The REAL Ike exposed for the war criminal he was.

I keep saying all the time there is no difference in the two parties,they are one in the same. anybody who has doubts about this,it can be erased right now. We all know FDR was buddies with Stalin.well Ike was as well. I posted a pic on another thread years ago of Ike standing next to Stalin while he ordered his troops to rape german women.Ike is standing there next to him having a jolly old good time with him.I can repost that pic if anyone wishes.

well here is MORE proof that Stalin,FDR and Eisenhower were all in bed together.

Eisenhower: America’s 5-Star Assassin

In December 1943, Roosevelt announced Ike would be the supreme Allied commander in Europe and promoted him immediately to the rank of four-star major general.

The announcement sent shock waves through the U.S. and Allied forces as Ike was promoted over the heads of over 50 seasoned military leaders, all of whom had far greater skills and merit.
You are confused here. Eisenhower was the man that was the "overlord", he directed and ultimately led Us in the west into victory in that great crusade. He warned us of the military industrial complex. Jeez. Troll thread.
Well he did warn of the Military Industrial Complex, yet he was very much afraid to limit it's power when he was in the White House. He also had to know JFK had been murdered by those he warned us about, yet he still did nothing. For this he is deserving of our scorn.

He also failed to allow Patton's plan to break out of Normandy, when that could have shortened the war and saved many lives. However mistakes are made in all wars, but this was a big one.
Patton overran his logistic supply lines
We all know FDR was buddies with Stalin

Well .... duh ...

They were working on this little project called 'World War 2'


all this pic is doing is HELPING my cause.Just put Ike in there and you have FOUR mass murderers of innocent women and children.:haha:


Ike,Churchill and FDR were all communists as well. Lets see,they were allies back then.well if you are allies then WHY did Russian soldiers not have the CHOICE of where they wanted to stay? american and british prisoners of war were allowed to go back to their countries after the war was over.why were the Russians deprived of this?

many Russians who faught AGAINST stalin were held at gunpoint and told to go back home.many of them commited suicide they so much did not want to go back to Russia and live under stalins rule. Oh and FDR and Ike knew all about this.

The REASON this was the case was because had they been ALLOWED to stay in america,word would get out around america from these 1 million russian prisoners that Stalin was the REAL enemy as Patton later found out and was killed for wanting to go into Russia and overtake Stalin.:rolleyes:

Stalin,Ike and FDR obviously had a huge hand in the murder of Patton.

these three cowards in this pic along with IKE,are ALL burning in hell with their pal Stalin.

you Eisenhower and FDR worshippers wont watch these short videos here because you dont want to get educated by me.:biggrin:

Peace for Germany (synopsis of the book "Other Losses")

sure Ike was a great general and president and had morals. and the CIA did not kill JFK either and oswald was the lone assassin and magic bullets exist that stop in mid air and do crazy turns as well.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

Uh huh digging up the real dirt, the stuff where people have forgotten.
I keep saying all the time there is no difference in the two parties,they are one in the same. anybody who has doubts about this,it can be erased right now. We all know FDR was buddies with Stalin.well Ike was as well. I posted a pic on another thread years ago of Ike standing next to Stalin while he ordered his troops to rape german women.Ike is standing there next to him having a jolly old good time with him.I can repost that pic if anyone wishes.

well here is MORE proof that Stalin,FDR and Eisenhower were all in bed together.

Eisenhower: America’s 5-Star Assassin

In December 1943, Roosevelt announced Ike would be the supreme Allied commander in Europe and promoted him immediately to the rank of four-star major general.

The announcement sent shock waves through the U.S. and Allied forces as Ike was promoted over the heads of over 50 seasoned military leaders, all of whom had far greater skills and merit.
You are confused here. Eisenhower was the man that was the "overlord", he directed and ultimately led Us in the west into victory in that great crusade. He warned us of the military industrial complex. Jeez. Troll thread.
Well he did warn of the Military Industrial Complex, yet he was very much afraid to limit it's power when he was in the White House. He also had to know JFK had been murdered by those he warned us about, yet he still did nothing. For this he is deserving of our scorn.

He also failed to allow Patton's plan to break out of Normandy, when that could have shortened the war and saved many lives. However mistakes are made in all wars, but this was a big one.
Patton overran his logistic supply lines

Patton was a very good division commander, but not much of a strategist or Army commander. He was very good at PR, so we hear all about how wonderful and perfect he was these days, as they did then via the Press Corps. In fact he owed quite a bit of his 'success' to Omar Bradley, which is why Bradley got promoted over him, and his personal friendship with Ike is all that kept him from being sacked and relegated to a training command back in the States a couple of times. So much for 'Da Evul Ike' and Saint George of Patton and his media myth.
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So much nonsense, so little historical reality, typical of ideologues just spouting crap they read and thought it sounded good n stuff.

Ike got 'leap-frogged' over the regular military 'good old boy' system because a majority of those 'good old boys' lobbied for him to be leap-frogged, including George Patton. He also impressed the Brits when interviewed by them, by going off for a half hour and coming back with a complete strategy and timeline for winning the war in Europe, and that is the same plan he followed throughout the war. Taking Berlin served no military purpose, it was rubble, and also in a region hard to defend and not worth the extra trouble it would require to keep, and Ike stopped his advances precisely where he said he would years earlier, a few weeks ahead of schedule, actually. He chose that point because it was the most defensible if the Soviets chose to keep advancing in spite of the previous agreements, and he was right to do so.
Patton overran his logistic supply lines

As did many other commanders, all more obsessed with gaining glory and good press than military concerns. Mark Clark was at least as egotistical and press savvy as Patton was, hence the Italian campaign being much bloodier and riskier than it needed to be. He completely ignored the campaign plan in his race to be the 'first' in Rome and getting his picture in the papers. He carried two press corp members around with him wherever he went.
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FDR chose right

Yes, he did; following the advice of a lot of the military people was indeed the right thing to do.

However, it was George Marshall who was the mastermind of the war

Don't know if I would go that far, but yes, he was a very capable administrator, and knew who to listen to and who to ignore. He sucked at foreign policy, though, and his opinions re Asia were a disaster in hindsight. Americans in those years had a hard time believing just how vile and nasty most of the rest of the world was, especially the upper class types like Roosevelt, and they thought they could just be charming and witty n stuff and all these psychopaths and sociopaths would be awed by them and see them as being as wonderful as they thought themselves to be. This is a consequence of being surrounded by yes men all one's life, and thinking the maids and chauffeurs all really did like you and weren't just pretending to. lol

This was FDR's fatal flaw re Stalin; he thought he could charm the pants off of him; he died before it became clear Stalin wasn't going to honor a single agreement and in fact would continue his imperialist plans, as would Mao.
I'm having a hard time drumming up sympathy for Nazis ....


True. I also have a hard time feeling sympathy for the eastern European countries the Soviets occupied after the war, too, except maybe Hungary and couple of others.
I'm having a hard time drumming up sympathy for Nazis ....

Why? Patton realized we fought the wrong enemy and should have sided with them taking on Russia.

hey since you are the only one on here who is obviously not afraid to watch videos and does not go into discussions only seeing what you want to see,have you seen this video these cowards wont watch by chance and run off from cowardly with their tail between their legs?

these coward trolls wont read my link either how i exposed Ike had nothing but a desk job and was VERY incompetent to be a general and never deserved those promotions.:rolleyes: they wont read read it of course since it debunks the lies and propaganda of our corrupt school system that brainwashed them with lies,they cant come to grips with it they were brainwashed in their history claasses and come to grips with it as myself and you have.

This particular line of inane BS is pretty popular with the conspiratards; too bad Europe faced a famine because of the war, and other countries and civilians around the globe had priorities for American food relief over feeding some of the German Army for the next two years from '45 to '47.
I'm having a hard time drumming up sympathy for Nazis ....

Why? Patton realized we fought the wrong enemy and should have sided with them taking on Russia.

hey since you are the only one on here who is obviously not afraid to watch videos and does not go into discussions only seeing what you want to see,have you seen this video these cowards wont watch by chance and run off from cowardly with their tail between their legs?

these coward trolls wont read my link either how i exposed Ike had nothing but a desk job and was VERY incompetent to be a general and never deserved those promotions.:rolleyes: they wont read read it of course since it debunks the lies and propaganda of our corrupt school system that brainwashed them with lies,they cant come to grips with it they were brainwashed in their history claasses and come to grips with it as myself and you have.

This particular line of inane BS is pretty popular with the conspiratards; too bad Europe faced a famine because of the war, and other countries and civilians around the globe had priorities for American food relief over feeding some of the German Army for the next two years from '45 to '47.

This stuff has been around for a long time ... if you look closely, you'll see they always blame Jews or claim Eisenhower was Jewish.
you Eisenhower and FDR worshippers wont watch these short videos here because you dont want to get educated by me.:biggrin:

Never considered politicians worship worthy.
Not watching your short videos because I don't give that much of a shit about your opinion of past presidents.
You're 0 for 2.
you Eisenhower and FDR worshippers wont watch these short videos here because you dont want to get educated by me.:biggrin:

Never considered politicians worship worthy.
Not watching your short videos because I don't give that much of a shit about your opinion of past presidents.
You're 0 for 2.

o for 2 and getting you to look at facts that prove your ramblings that Ike was a great general and had morals and great president yeah that,i am o for two on.:D
I'm having a hard time drumming up sympathy for Nazis ....

Why? Patton realized we fought the wrong enemy and should have sided with them taking on Russia.

hey since you are the only one on here who is obviously not afraid to watch videos and does not go into discussions only seeing what you want to see,have you seen this video these cowards wont watch by chance and run off from cowardly with their tail between their legs?

these coward trolls wont read my link either how i exposed Ike had nothing but a desk job and was VERY incompetent to be a general and never deserved those promotions.:rolleyes: they wont read read it of course since it debunks the lies and propaganda of our corrupt school system that brainwashed them with lies,they cant come to grips with it they were brainwashed in their history claasses and come to grips with it as myself and you have.

This particular line of inane BS is pretty popular with the conspiratards; too bad Europe faced a famine because of the war, and other countries and civilians around the globe had priorities for American food relief over feeding some of the German Army for the next two years from '45 to '47.

another coward troll who does this-:scared1: when he cant counter facts in videos he is afraid to look at.:up::clap:
Ike the Dike. , this goddamn low life should have been charged with war crimes and strung up by the neck . this murdering bastard is no war hero , this sleazy half Jew was a coward a national disgrace !!!

amen to that.:thup::udaman::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

oh and that was NOT my post Ike

again the REAL IKE same as FDR.
We all know FDR was buddies with Stalin

Well .... duh ...

They were working on this little project called 'World War 2'


all this pic is doing is HELPING my cause.Just put Ike in there and you have FOUR mass murderers of innocent women and children.:haha:


Ike,Churchill and FDR were all communists as well. Lets see,they were allies back then.well if you are allies then WHY did Russian soldiers not have the CHOICE of where they wanted to stay? american and british prisoners of war were allowed to go back to their countries after the war was over.why were the Russians deprived of this?

many Russians who faught AGAINST stalin were held at gunpoint and told to go back home.many of them commited suicide they so much did not want to go back to Russia and live under stalins rule. Oh and FDR and Ike knew all about this.

The REASON this was the case was because had they been ALLOWED to stay in america,word would get out around america from these 1 million russian prisoners that Stalin was the REAL enemy as Patton later found out and was killed for wanting to go into Russia and overtake Stalin.:rolleyes:

Stalin,Ike and FDR obviously had a huge hand in the murder of Patton.

these three cowards in this pic along with IKE,are ALL burning in hell with their pal Stalin.

you Eisenhower and FDR worshippers wont watch these short videos here because you dont want to get educated by me.:biggrin:

Peace for Germany (synopsis of the book "Other Losses")

sure Ike was a great general and president and had morals. and the CIA did not kill JFK either and oswald was the lone assassin and magic bullets exist that stop in mid air and do crazy turns as well.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

LIKE clockwork,the Eisenhowers worshipperer cowardly do this-:scared1:when facts on Ike being the mass murderer of women and children are exposed in these videos s video here and how he violated the geneva agreement and was a traiter cause of that. never gets old watching them run of,:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I could have taken it (Berlin) had I been allowed.”

Letter from General George Patton to his wife on July 21, 1945.

Had Patton and Bradley not changed ranks after the soldier slap, the Allies would have been in Berlin 6 months ahead of Uncle Joe. Patton wanted to close Faliase Pocket and that would have been the end of the Western Front. Ike send Patton chasing the imaginary "National Redoubt" 2 million solider German reserve Army that only existed as Soviet disinformation.

Patton said WWII Was a huge strategic failure for the US and Brits because it left most of Eastern Europe in the hand of the descendants of Genghis Khan. Ike and Truman working for Stalin allowed Uncle Joe to sweep south and pick up Hungary rather than drive to Berlin...what a fucking, despicable anti American Soviet orchestrated war effort. Only genuine Communists can think WWII ended well for us
well have to wait to see what the NEXT troll in denial with their head up their ass on Eisenhower has to post babble about.done so far with ALL the trolls that have come on here I have taken to school so far that cant stand toe to toe in a debate.the Eisenhower and FDR worshippers are always incapable of that.
The Eisenhower worshippers who have their head up his ass,cant think of anymore LIES to tell knowing they have had their asses owned and handed to them on a platter from me in this entire thread.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I could have taken it (Berlin) had I been allowed.”

Letter from General George Patton to his wife on July 21, 1945.

Had Patton and Bradley not changed ranks after the soldier slap, the Allies would have been in Berlin 6 months ahead of Uncle Joe. Patton wanted to close Faliase Pocket and that would have been the end of the Western Front. Ike send Patton chasing the imaginary "National Redoubt" 2 million solider German reserve Army that only existed as Soviet disinformation.

Patton said WWII Was a huge strategic failure for the US and Brits because it left most of Eastern Europe in the hand of the descendants of Genghis Khan. Ike and Truman working for Stalin allowed Uncle Joe to sweep south and pick up Hungary rather than drive to Berlin...what a fucking, despicable anti American Soviet orchestrated war effort. Only genuine Communists can think WWII ended well for us

You are making way too much sense frank.I am afraid the Eisenhower worshippers are too much in denial mode on this that you would have better luck trying to talk to a brick wall than with them about this than getting them to listen to your well summed up post.they only see what they want to see as evidenced by one poster ADMITTING they dismiss facts as opinions proving they are afraid to watch just a few short videos since it tears down their hero fraud.:biggrin:
sure would like to know this guy who made this informative post below.:thup:

I personally knew a former German POW who taped a book review of Bacque's book on the wall around 1990 and told me that Bacque's book verified what he had seen with his own eyes. He survived because he could draw and the Americans took him out of the camp and into the commissary where he had food and where he drew sketches of American soldiers. The commissary had plenty of food. This man, Willi Muller-Lux, told me that the German soldiers were intentionally starved and left out in the open rain and cold and denied material to construct shelters. I personally knew a former German POW interned in a French camp. I don't know if he was starved there, but he more or less lost his mind there. Rheinhold Steinbrenner.
I keep saying all the time there is no difference in the two parties,they are one in the same. anybody who has doubts about this,it can be erased right now. We all know FDR was buddies with Stalin.well Ike was as well. I posted a pic on another thread years ago of Ike standing next to Stalin while he ordered his troops to rape german women.Ike is standing there next to him having a jolly old good time with him.I can repost that pic if anyone wishes.

well here is MORE proof that Stalin,FDR and Eisenhower were all in bed together.

Eisenhower: America’s 5-Star Assassin

In December 1943, Roosevelt announced Ike would be the supreme Allied commander in Europe and promoted him immediately to the rank of four-star major general.

The announcement sent shock waves through the U.S. and Allied forces as Ike was promoted over the heads of over 50 seasoned military leaders, all of whom had far greater skills and merit.
Your integrity is at stake. You made a comment that you had a photo and offered to post it. Now post it so we can see how you came to your conclusion simply by looking at a photo.

Jesus Chist,hold on to your panties for christ sakes.I am only coming back just now because it took forever for the replies to start coming in.they did not come in quick as i hoped they would so i left the computer for a while. I dont hang out here all day long as I am suspecting is the case with you.:rolleyes:

ah but it WASN'T by just simply looking at a photo.:D see unlike many other brainwashed sheep in america who worship these mass murdering traiter presidents Ike,FDR and the biggest conjob phony of them all that so many sheep in amerca fell for over the years hook,line,and sinker as the best president of the 20th century thanks to our propaganda media and our corrupt school system, ronald reagan,:rolleyes: unlike THOSE sheep,I did my research not listening to the corrupt media and our textbooks in our corrupt schools looking at alternative news sources over the years coming to to this conclusion.:D

THAT being said,ask and you shall receive.:D

. I could not find my thread I made on it a long time ago but i will,but here is the photo that you asked for. Like I said,i posted it on a thread years ago,not my fault you ignored it back then.:rolleyes:


By stopping General Patton's advance and handing Eastern Germany to Stalin, "Ike" enabled the mass rapes and murders.


As 2 million German women were being gang raped on Stalin's orders, Eisenhower partied with 'Uncle Joe' - atop Lenin's tomb!

oh and that is NOT a fake.Its the real Mccoy son.:biggrin:

could not find my thread on it but i WILL do a better search for it if and find that if you want that as well?:biggrin:

When you go by what our corrupt government-the CRIMINALS in washington running the country,by what THEY say as well as the LAMESTREAM media,and our textbooks in our history classes in our corrupt school system tells you-"the SAME corrupt school system that likes to get you to belive that magic bullets exist in stop in mid air and turn around>:rofl::haha:

If you go by what THEY say folks,we are taught of course that Ike was a great general and a great president who bravely served the america people. that is the EDITED version frpom again,out corrupt facist government and our corrupt school system,THEY edit out he was chums wit mass murderer stalin same as FDR. THEY dont tell you what countless survivors and some american soldiers who had a conscience tell youi,the documented facts how Eisenhower murdered women and children.they EDIT OUT the REAL version here below,the TRUTH.:mad:

I have accepted i was brainwashed for decades on this,:mad:other sheep here obviously have not which and obviously refuse to watch that video i posted :rolleyes:

Ii can understand.It was hard for me to accept as well for many years as well.

Eisenhower took millions of German prisoners and murdered 1.5 million of them in peacetime (more than he had killed in wartime). German prisoners were herded into vast enclosures surrounded by barbed wire fences. Eisenhower, acting under Baruch/Morganthau instructions, ordered them starved to death and tortured by vast stores of food outside their fences. Any German bringing them food was to be shot. One woman and her children brought a bottle of wine for her prisoner husband; the American guard smashed the bottle on the ground and shot the husband five times killing him in front of his family. Village women were bayoneted for the same “crime”. A humanitarian American soldier was told by his captain that he would be shot if he gave any more food to the prisoners. It was all kept from the American people by the Zionist-Jewish media and masked by the lucrative Zionist-Jewish Shoah Show. Was Patton going to “spill the beans”?

In American history Andersonville of Civil War infamy is condemned for imprisoning 50,000 Northern troops during the war without adequate food, water, shelter, sanitation, medical care, causing extensive exposure, disease and death. Like at Zionist-Jewish Nuremburg, the commander, Henry Wirtz, was hung. A horrific movie of this human outrage was made recently by Hollywood. But Eisenhower did exactly the same thing to millions of German soldiers in peacetime. Will Zionist-Jewish Hollywood make a movie of Andernach? Or will it be more Shoahs and Shindler Lists? Their latest movie about Pearl Harbor perpetuates their myth of the “surprise attack” and Einsteins the perfidious Franklin Roosevelt who provoked the attack in order to bring a reluctant America into the Zionist-Jewish war in Europe. Moose Jaw was one of many Zionist controlled presidents going back to Woodrow Wilson and World War I. ”

No surprise that USMB's other resident troll Toto who always has his head up agent wrongwingers ass,posts a funny to this informative post of mine he cant counter same as his lover always does.two peas in a pod,when they cant refute facts,all they can do is post funnys.

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