The REAL Ike exposed for the war criminal he was.

I keep saying all the time there is no difference in the two parties,they are one in the same. anybody who has doubts about this,it can be erased right now. We all know FDR was buddies with Stalin.well Ike was as well. I posted a pic on another thread years ago of Ike standing next to Stalin while he ordered his troops to rape german women.Ike is standing there next to him having a jolly old good time with him.I can repost that pic if anyone wishes.

well here is MORE proof that Stalin,FDR and Eisenhower were all in bed together.

Eisenhower: America’s 5-Star Assassin

In December 1943, Roosevelt announced Ike would be the supreme Allied commander in Europe and promoted him immediately to the rank of four-star major general.

The announcement sent shock waves through the U.S. and Allied forces as Ike was promoted over the heads of over 50 seasoned military leaders, all of whom had far greater skills and merit.

Ike had a seat on the CFR and what he did by ordering Operation Keelhaul should be enough proof right there that Ike was and a less than honorable man and puppet. Stalin, Eisenhower, FDR...all very high level freemasons.

see you unlike these trolls,YOU same as me,have accepted you were brainwashed and programmed your whole life growing up by our corrupt school system and dont go into debates only seeing what you want to see.You are making way too much sense for these trolls to comprehend I am afraid so they will do this-:scared1: when they see this post of yours same as how they wont read my link and have cowardly run off from.:up:

Ike to his credit in the end,as I said earlier,Ike did do what most presidents did not do and actually by having LITTLE bit of conscience of his actions doing what his puppet masters told him to do by spilling the beans at the end that the military industrial complex was an evil organization that STILL exists today but as far that hardly saved him a trip to hell though,too little too late.yet people think that was ENOUGH for him to be a hero.oh REALLY?:rolleyes::uhoh3::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

PATTON was a hero,standing up the evil establishment that Ike let pull his strings.:rolleyes:
I keep saying all the time there is no difference in the two parties,they are one in the same. anybody who has doubts about this,it can be erased right now. We all know FDR was buddies with Stalin.well Ike was as well. I posted a pic on another thread years ago of Ike standing next to Stalin while he ordered his troops to rape german women.Ike is standing there next to him having a jolly old good time with him.I can repost that pic if anyone wishes.

well here is MORE proof that Stalin,FDR and Eisenhower were all in bed together.

Eisenhower: America’s 5-Star Assassin

In December 1943, Roosevelt announced Ike would be the supreme Allied commander in Europe and promoted him immediately to the rank of four-star major general.

The announcement sent shock waves through the U.S. and Allied forces as Ike was promoted over the heads of over 50 seasoned military leaders, all of whom had far greater skills and merit.
You are confused here. Eisenhower was the man that was the "overlord", he directed and ultimately led Us in the west into victory in that great crusade. He warned us of the military industrial complex. Jeez. Troll thread.
Well he did warn of the Military Industrial Complex, yet he was very much afraid to limit it's power when he was in the White House. He also had to know JFK had been murdered by those he warned us about, yet he still did nothing. For this he is deserving of our scorn.

He also failed to allow Patton's plan to break out of Normandy, when that could have shortened the war and saved many lives. However mistakes are made in all wars, but this was a big one.

yeah that was what I was saying earlier that he did warn of the MIC in the end but that dont make it all right,that hardly saves him a trip to hell for murdering women and children in WWII.

somehow these trolls warped logic and hypocrites think it is not okay for german people to do that however it IS okay for stalin and IKE to do so,:rolleyes:fucking hypocrites.they are going to join IKE,stalin and FDR for their particpation in this coverup in the future,they think everything is going great for them now with not a worry in the world but in the end,they will regret their lies and propaganda they post in the end.major BIG TIME.

Patton being a real patriot like he was and TRUE american,is in heaven right now if there is one.
Some see it as BS because they choose to NOT believe that the gov. they worship could ever be criminals. So it's easier to deny it all.
I keep saying all the time there is no difference in the two parties,they are one in the same. anybody who has doubts about this,it can be erased right now. We all know FDR was buddies with Stalin.well Ike was as well. I posted a pic on another thread years ago of Ike standing next to Stalin while he ordered his troops to rape german women.Ike is standing there next to him having a jolly old good time with him.I can repost that pic if anyone wishes.

well here is MORE proof that Stalin,FDR and Eisenhower were all in bed together.

Eisenhower: America’s 5-Star Assassin

In December 1943, Roosevelt announced Ike would be the supreme Allied commander in Europe and promoted him immediately to the rank of four-star major general.

The announcement sent shock waves through the U.S. and Allied forces as Ike was promoted over the heads of over 50 seasoned military leaders, all of whom had far greater skills and merit.

But in defense of his title of " Assassin" that is putting it a bit harsh. Because an assassin picks out people as individuals. Where as Eisenhower was a " General" who was given orders and orders he has to follow not picking out anybody individually.
Some see it as BS because they choose to NOT believe that the gov. they worship could ever be criminals. So it's easier to deny it all.

you nailed it.thats why they cover their ears and close their eyes each time i challenge them to look at that video.hee hee.

here are some americans in these posts of mine below, that same as you and me are awake and not afraid to deal with reality.our government is a facist dictatership and that the politicians in washington who run the country are all criminals:clap2::thup: they NAILED it in all their posts below.:thup: they are all EXCELLENT posts below and so very truthful,these americans have not let the government brainwash them as all the trolls that have penetrated this thread have

you are so full of crap or you work for israel, Hitler did not want war but he was pushed in it by fuget churchill and US because zionists had been in power long before we realized it

I knew it..General Eisenhower was ass buddies with a Mr Balfour AKA the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Where Eisenhower tortured and killed thousands of Germans including women and children came back to the US as a hero and became president... The fact that Patton died in a "car accident" is not an accident...

People see the movie Patton and think that's who he was and it was just to distort history and make him look like an idiot. Patton made a speech that costs him his life-assassinated by the US before he even got out of Germany! It was an auto accident?? I think not. Very heartbreaking. :( He was one of the good ones!

This world would be a much better place if Germany had won. Most of what we are told about Hitler are nothing but lies. He was trying to save Germany and Europe from Jews and communism.

We should have teamed up with Germany and overthrown Stalin. Do you know how easy that would have been?

Patton was murdered right after the war? Shocker!! At least he was on the side of good not evil.

We have defeated the wrong enemy" - General George S. Patton 1945


Eisenhower was a Swedish JEW who murdered Germans in concentration camps after the war

Over one million Germans starved to death after WWII Eisenhower is not the hero we were taught he was.

I read Eisen hower was part Swiss just like Hoover,but yes the Rhine Meadows was a cow pasture were Germans (citizens)farmers were starved in the field with no shelter or food.

Eisenhower instigated the mass murder of young German soldiers, many of them in their teens when there was no need to kill. Being a Jew he relished in the death of the Goyim.

and the BEST one of them all below.:thup:

I wouldn't be surprised if the truth came out that General Patton was assasinated ( murdered is more like it ). They always murder the greatest men in history, Abraham Lincoln for example. Let's not forget President John F. Kennedy also.

ALL excellent informative posts by americans who dont worship what their government tells them
there are a lot of great posts in that previous post by mine by many different posters i copied and pasted from from another site just now a minute ago,they are americans who are awake and DONT worship the government as so many of the trolls here that have penetrated this thread that worship Eisenhower do that made a lot of EXCELLENT posts but this one below is the best because it says exactly what I have been saying the whole time just to watch ti go ignored by the the trolls that have their head Up Ikes ass.:D

I knew it..General Eisenhower was ass buddies with a Mr Balfour AKA the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Where Eisenhower tortured and killed thousands of Germans including women and children came back to the US as a hero and became president... The fact that Patton died in a "car accident" is not an accident...

He nailed it.could not have said it better myself.:thup:
Some see it as BS because they choose to NOT believe that the gov. they worship could ever be criminals. So it's easier to deny it all.

yeah this is a pic of them when i post that video i have posted may times that they have all cowardly run off from.:lmao:

Some see it as BS because they choose to NOT believe that the gov. they worship could ever be criminals. So it's easier to deny it all.

yeah this is a pic of them when i post that video i have posted may times that they have all cowardly run off from.:lmao:


You would think we would be use to it all by now ( the guy in the pic ), but we keep informing and informing sooner or late some of them do wake up to the games played.

if they actually woke up how they're all killing us and the methods used, Can you imagine what they'd look like lmao.

It would be like a rabid dog on full blown crack.
Some see it as BS because they choose to NOT believe that the gov. they worship could ever be criminals. So it's easier to deny it all.

yeah this is a pic of them when i post that video i have posted may times that they have all cowardly run off from.:lmao:


hey since i get cant those chickenshit coward trolls to watch that video,have you seen this video by chance? if not,please watch it sometime and comment on it in the future.:) thanks.

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Some see it as BS because they choose to NOT believe that the gov. they worship could ever be criminals. So it's easier to deny it all.

yeah this is a pic of them when i post that video i have posted may times that they have all cowardly run off from.:lmao:


You would think we would be use to it all by now ( the guy in the pic ), but we keep informing and informing sooner or late some of them do wake up to the games played.

if they actually woke up how they're all killing us and the methods used, Can you imagine what they'd look like lmao.

It would be like a rabid dog on full blown crack.

you know,I guess it really is not very surprising they are in denial mode on their hero and other american heros being exposed for the mass murderers they really were because there are actually Russian citizens today that envy Stalin and are proud of HIS history as well same as them.:rolleyes:

Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.:rolleyes:

i am glad none of them are my lawyers,if they acted like this in a court of law the same way they troll here,they would lose every case for me in court the way they never look at the evidence or facts.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

the judge would say to them if they acted like that in his courtroom as they do here-he has presented evidence and facts for you to refute,you are not saying anything.answer your opponents evidence or you are conceding you have nothing to refute it.

we know it,THEY know it.:rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::muahaha::muahaha::muahaha::muahaha:
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Excellent general, excellent president ? :cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

that is a good imitation of USMB's resident troll WRONG winger who lives in denial that the Rams are in LA cause he is butthurt today STILL that I took him to school on that.:haha:

I see someone who has part of the same user name i do "RAM",has ALSO been brainwashed and programmed by her corrupt school system as i once was.
Like so many IKE worshippers here,did no more than read the title of the thread which is trolling.:rolleyes:
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there are a lot of great posts in that previous post by mine by many different posters i copied and pasted from from another site just now a minute ago,they are americans who are awake and DONT worship the government as so many of the trolls here that have penetrated this thread that worship Eisenhower do that made a lot of EXCELLENT posts but this one below is the best because it says exactly what I have been saying the whole time just to watch ti go ignored by the the trolls that have their head Up Ikes ass.:D

I knew it..General Eisenhower was ass buddies with a Mr Balfour AKA the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Where Eisenhower tortured and killed thousands of Germans including women and children came back to the US as a hero and became president... The fact that Patton died in a "car accident" is not an accident...

He nailed it.could not have said it better myself.:thup:
I keep saying all the time there is no difference in the two parties,they are one in the same. anybody who has doubts about this,it can be erased right now. We all know FDR was buddies with Stalin.well Ike was as well. I posted a pic on another thread years ago of Ike standing next to Stalin while he ordered his troops to rape german women.Ike is standing there next to him having a jolly old good time with him.I can repost that pic if anyone wishes.

well here is MORE proof that Stalin,FDR and Eisenhower were all in bed together.

Eisenhower: America’s 5-Star Assassin

In December 1943, Roosevelt announced Ike would be the supreme Allied commander in Europe and promoted him immediately to the rank of four-star major general.

The announcement sent shock waves through the U.S. and Allied forces as Ike was promoted over the heads of over 50 seasoned military leaders, all of whom had far greater skills and merit.

Ike had a seat on the CFR and what he did by ordering Operation Keelhaul should be enough proof right there that Ike was and a less than honorable man and puppet. Stalin, Eisenhower, FDR...all very high level freemasons.

see you unlike these trolls,YOU same as me,have accepted you were brainwashed and programmed your whole life growing up by our corrupt school system and dont go into debates only seeing what you want to see.You are making way too much sense for these trolls to comprehend I am afraid so they will do this-:scared1: when they see this post of yours same as how they wont read my link and have cowardly run off from.:up:

Ike to his credit in the end,as I said earlier,Ike did do what most presidents did not do and actually by having LITTLE bit of conscience of his actions doing what his puppet masters told him to do by spilling the beans at the end that the military industrial complex was an evil organization that STILL exists today but as far that hardly saved him a trip to hell though,too little too late.yet people think that was ENOUGH for him to be a hero.oh REALLY?:rolleyes::uhoh3::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

PATTON was a hero,standing up the evil establishment that Ike let pull his strings.:rolleyes:

Yep, you said it better than I ever could. Of course you know why Patton wasn't allowed to crush communism in Russia because Russia was to be used in the phony cold war that gave way to the rise of military industrial complex and justify all the spending so we could protect our (snicker) "freedoms". You nailed it perfectly and people don't like having their preconceived notions ripped to shreds with with truth bombs.
I keep saying all the time there is no difference in the two parties,they are one in the same. anybody who has doubts about this,it can be erased right now. We all know FDR was buddies with Stalin.well Ike was as well. I posted a pic on another thread years ago of Ike standing next to Stalin while he ordered his troops to rape german women.Ike is standing there next to him having a jolly old good time with him.I can repost that pic if anyone wishes.

well here is MORE proof that Stalin,FDR and Eisenhower were all in bed together.

Eisenhower: America’s 5-Star Assassin

In December 1943, Roosevelt announced Ike would be the supreme Allied commander in Europe and promoted him immediately to the rank of four-star major general.

The announcement sent shock waves through the U.S. and Allied forces as Ike was promoted over the heads of over 50 seasoned military leaders, all of whom had far greater skills and merit.

Ike had a seat on the CFR and what he did by ordering Operation Keelhaul should be enough proof right there that Ike was and a less than honorable man and puppet. Stalin, Eisenhower, FDR...all very high level freemasons.

see you unlike these trolls,YOU same as me,have accepted you were brainwashed and programmed your whole life growing up by our corrupt school system and dont go into debates only seeing what you want to see.You are making way too much sense for these trolls to comprehend I am afraid so they will do this-:scared1: when they see this post of yours same as how they wont read my link and have cowardly run off from.:up:

Ike to his credit in the end,as I said earlier,Ike did do what most presidents did not do and actually by having LITTLE bit of conscience of his actions doing what his puppet masters told him to do by spilling the beans at the end that the military industrial complex was an evil organization that STILL exists today but as far that hardly saved him a trip to hell though,too little too late.yet people think that was ENOUGH for him to be a hero.oh REALLY?:rolleyes::uhoh3::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

PATTON was a hero,standing up the evil establishment that Ike let pull his strings.:rolleyes:

Yep, you said it better than I ever could. Of course you know why Patton wasn't allowed to crush communism in Russia because Russia was to be used in the phony cold war that gave way to the rise of military industrial complex and justify all the spending so we could protect our (snicker) "freedoms". You nailed it perfectly and people don't like having their preconceived notions ripped to shreds with with truth bombs.

yeah that is actually in one of my videos I plan to post tomorrow that this really good researcher who really knows his stuff on all this said,that Patton was murdered because had he been allowed by his superiors to go after Stalin and Russia as he wanted to,we could have stopped Stalin from murdering 65,000 of his own people.Stalin was way ahead of his time by light years.He was about the only one back then who KNEW Stalin was the REAL enemy we should have gone after that had we done so,he would have defeated Stalin and the Russian army and the world would have been a better place for Russians for four decades because there never would have been the cold war the establishment wanted between the two sides that lasted for over four decades nor would they have been imprisoned by a dictater that long as well.

You so much nailed there.:thup:
Stalin was not allowed to crush Communism as he wanted to and KNEW he could if he was allowed because as you said so well,it would have defeated their phony cold war that gave rise to the military industrial comeplex. there is a great book out there by this really good researcher who has exposed the murder of stalin for what it was by our corrupt government,they were afraid he would spill the truth about our government that Stalin was the REAL enemy america should have gone after.

His death was very suspecious alot like the JFK assassination.same as in that case,there was NO AUTOPSY conveinent that turned out for the government both times huh?

even if a PRIVATE is killed like Patton was,they ALWAYS have an autopsy and this was a GENERAL that was killed under very mysterious circumstances yet there was NO autopsy done here? get serious.:rolleyes:
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oh one more thing,someone else posted something over there i thought was a great post as well saying thank god that Stalin is no longer around and neither is communism in Russia that NOW Putin is their leader.:thup:

Many countries such as new zealand that have good governments,THEY all LOVE Putin because of the fact he has reformed their country and got Russia off the dollar which infuriates the bankers.:D that is why our CIA media is trying to make Russia and Putin look like stalin now cause they are the GOOD guys.:D I just hope Trump is brave like Putin is and gets america off the dollar as well,Till he does,I dont consider him to be any different than each president we have had since LBJ.
Excellent general, excellent president. Back in a time when common sense ruled. Russia was our ally in that war. We won that war Fan, because of people like Ike. You just accused him of rape by way of guilt by association with Stalin. Stalin was a necessary evil for a short amount of time. Together they got the job done, and liberated a world.
And afterward, there was no patting of Stalin's knee and promising him uranium to make bombs to use against us. There were no "donations" to any Eisenhower slush funds.

You are from an era that only knows what you are told about WW2. This country thought enough of Ike's leadership in war, to make him the leader of our country. If he was leading today, there would be no ISIS. No gun running to drug cartels, no interference in Israel's elections, no Muslim quotas spilling into our country.
He was a moral man. He was a patriot of the highest caliber.

A moral man and a patriot and an excellent general and excellent president? oh REALLY Irish Ram?:cuckoo:

Well if you consider a man who violated the geneva agreement and not only murdered german soldiers "many being young teenagers just getting into the war" as well as murdering countless WOMEN AND CHILDREN, who tried to feed and give water to their father and husband murdered by american soldiers on direct orders from Eisenhower himself,if you somehow have that definition of a moral man who also stood by a mass murderer and watched him give orders to his troops to rape german women a moral man,a patriot,and a great general,then you for sure have a warped world you live in Irish Ram.

Stalin as Patton wrote home to his wife about was the REAL enemy america should gone after but did not because the bankers wanted that phony war on the cold war to drag on for four decades which would have been spared had Pattons superiours allowed him to go after.Patton was pretty much the only person back then in the military who knew that Stalin was the REAL enemy america should have gone after.:uhoh3:

Time for you to get checkmated by me in this short 3 minute video below.:lmao:

with these ramblings of yours,you seriously sound like WRONGwinger,USMB's resident troll who cant handle facts I proved him wrong that the Rams would come back to LA.:lmao: are you going to do the same thing HE always does and troll ignoring i took you to school in this very short video below?:rofl: you obviously cant accept facts as i have,that you were brainwashed and programmed you whole like about Ike from our corrupt school system growing up as MILLIONS of americans were including me at one time.

seriously,by saying what you just did,you just did this just now in this post of yours.:dig::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao:

are you going to be like WRONGwinger now and ignore you were proven wrong by me as well?:muahaha:

You excuse Eisenhower's hatred for the Germans, yet Gen Patton realized our mistake and wanted to join forces with the Germans... Patton, after being in Germany for a couple weeks - lamented the war and proclaimed the Germans the best race in Europe! Patton lost men, and was actually out in the field to see it happen. Why the difference? Patton was offed not long after making his sentiments public and promising to tell the American people how we'd been tricked into slaughtering our own brothers in Europe for a false cause.
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Ike the Dike. , this goddamn low life should have been charged with war crimes and strung up by the neck . this murdering bastard is no war hero , this sleazy half Jew was a coward a national disgrace !!!

amen to that.:thup::udaman::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

oh and that was NOT my post Ike
We all know FDR was buddies with Stalin

Well .... duh ...

They were working on this little project called 'World War 2'


all this pic is doing is HELPING my cause.Just put Ike in there and you have FOUR mass murderers of innocent women and children.:haha:


Ike,Churchill and FDR were all communists as well. Lets see,they were allies back then.well if you are allies then WHY did Russian soldiers not have the CHOICE of where they wanted to stay? american and british prisoners of war were allowed to go back to their countries after the war was over.why were the Russians deprived of this?

many Russians who faught AGAINST stalin were held at gunpoint and told to go back home.many of them commited suicide they so much did not want to go back to Russia and live under stalins rule. Oh and FDR and Ike knew all about this.

The REASON this was the case was because had they been ALLOWED to stay in america,word would get out around america from these 1 million russian prisoners that Stalin was the REAL enemy as Patton later found out and was killed for wanting to go into Russia and overtake Stalin.:rolleyes:

Stalin,Ike and FDR obviously had a huge hand in the murder of Patton.

these three cowards in this pic along with IKE,are ALL burning in hell with their pal Stalin.

you Eisenhower and FDR worshippers wont watch these short videos here because you dont want to get educated by me.:biggrin:

Peace for Germany (synopsis of the book "Other Losses")

sure Ike was a great general and president and had morals. and the CIA did not kill JFK either and oswald was the lone assassin and magic bullets exist that stop in mid air and do crazy turns as well.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
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yeah baby.:thup: another american awake,yeah.:thup:
:udaman::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: if the ike worshippers would accept realith they have been brainwashed and programmed by our corrupt government and corrupt school system,they would indeed know this to be factual and the TRUTH below here.:rolleyes:

Eisenhower was a monster, criminal, and murderer. The war was over in May 1945 and he did not let the Red Cross have access to German prisoners of war. Medicine and food could have come from the USA and other American countries, but is was up to the Allied military to make sure it got there. Eisenhower had the power to make it happen but decided to commit crimes against humanity even after the war was officially over. One notices that his soldiers were well fed and had access to medicine. To use the argument that logistics was a problem does not make sense in this context. Historical fact is not open to debate. Conversely, Patton was a true soldier and humanitarian and allowed defeated German soldiers to go home. "Months after the war was officially over, Eisenhower’s special German DEF camps were still in operation forcing the men into confinement, but denying that they were prisoners. As soon as the war was over, General George Patton simply turned his prisoners loose to fend for themselves and find their way home as best they could. Eisenhower was furious, and issued a specific order to Patton, to turn these men over to the DEF camps. Knowing Patton as we do from history, we know that these orders were largely ignored, and it may well be that Patton’s untimely and curious death may have been a result of what he knew about these wretched Eisenhower DEF camps" (1).

well said.:thup: and one thing this post did not cover is what i said before that Ike the tike,murdererd innocent WOMEN AND CHILDREN as well who tried to help their fellow germans who were being mistreated and abused on orders from asshole Eisenhower.
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