The REAL Issue Regarding Obama's Birth

We're talking about what God says should happen to someone who harms an unborn child.
Is it okay to drop a bomb on a pregnant Muslim woman?

What does this have to do with dropping bombs on people?

The bible clearly states that God stitched together everyone in the womb and is the only person who can give life or take it. We're not talking about adulterers, we're not talking about bombs.

Stay on topic. We're talking about abortion. The scripture clearly states any man who strikes a pregnant woman and kills the child shall suffer the same fate as the child, life for a life. Its undeniable. It's scripture.
Christians are not pro choice. Not a real Christian, anyway. God states in the bible in Exodus that if a pregnant woman is harmed and loses her baby, the person who harmed her should be executed. It's pretty clear that no Christian could possibly see killing a baby in the womb as acceptable. That proves God believes that the life of an unborn is equal to that of a grown man.

If I am accused of stealing something from a store and I produce a fraudulent receipt for that item, have I cleared myself of the accusations simply because I produced some kind of receipt when asked? According to liberals, yes.

Same thing with Obama and his BC.
Have to correct you on your scripture there:
Exodus 21 KJV
22If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

That's KJV. Here is ESV:

“When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman's husband shall impose on him, and vhe shall pay as the wjudges determine. But if there is harm4 then you shall pay life for life, 24eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

Clear as day. Life for a life. Kill a baby in the womb, kill the person who did it.

I appreciate your efforts but I've read the bible cover to cover more times than you've opened one. I used to lead bible study classes. Trust me, I know scripture.
You probably have read the Bible a lot more than me. I did check with my Interlinear Peshitta Old Testament. They all agree if one takes the word "depart" as a premature birth, not as the mother loses the child. There does remain two questions; 1) Does this apply to the unborn? and 2) Are you applying all the laws of Moses universally?
So that is a 'yes' on #2?
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio.

Who says they took words out of thin air? There were numerous news articles on Obama at the time. His bio reads like a hasty summary of several of them.

Oh, and the newspaper articles BEFORE the pamphlet cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. With Obama's autobiography AFTER the pamphlet citing Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

Try again.

They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

You insist Obama wrote it. The woman who edited the pamphlet claims that the mistake was hers.

You're nobody. She's the world's leading expert. Why would I ignore her.....and believe you? Remember, you don't have the first clue what the fuck you're talking about.

While she edited the pamphlet personally.
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio.

Who says they took words out of thin air? There were numerous news articles on Obama at the time. His bio reads like a hasty summary of several of them.

Oh, and the newspaper articles BEFORE the pamphlet cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. With Obama's autobiography AFTER the pamphlet citing Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

Try again.

They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

You insist Obama wrote it. The woman who edited the pamphlet claims that the mistake was hers.

You're nobody. She's the world's leading expert. Why would I ignore her.....and believe you? Remember, you don't have the first clue what the fuck you're talking about.

While she edited the pamphlet personally.

Lol, of course the pamphlet editor is trying to walk it back to spare The One any grief. All my point was is that Obama has himself muddied those waters and was very reluctant to provide his phony short form Birth certificate, so it isn't all on the Birthers that they think there maybe something to this question of exactly where Obama was born.

But of course you see no justifiable reason to EVER question the Great Leader Obama, el Presidente for Life.

And yes, SCOTUS has pulled words out of thin air as when they suddenly found a 'right to privacy' and determined that corporations are people too, all just straight up made up bullshit judicial legislation.
Obama has respect for other countries, especially poor ones, and this is a PROBLEM for you? Do you not realise how damn stupid that sounds?

Yes, because some countries and some traditions in many third world countries do NOT deserve respect, like the fatalism of many cultures that prevents helping the poor, or the countries that do female mutilations, cutting off their clit, etc.

Of course that sort of thing is OK by you because you stopped think for yourself ages ago.
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio.

Who says they took words out of thin air? There were numerous news articles on Obama at the time. His bio reads like a hasty summary of several of them.

Oh, and the newspaper articles BEFORE the pamphlet cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. With Obama's autobiography AFTER the pamphlet citing Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

Try again.

They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

You insist Obama wrote it. The woman who edited the pamphlet claims that the mistake was hers.

You're nobody. She's the world's leading expert. Why would I ignore her.....and believe you? Remember, you don't have the first clue what the fuck you're talking about.

While she edited the pamphlet personally.

Lol, of course the pamphlet editor is trying to walk it back to spare The One any grief. All my point was is that Obama has himself muddied those waters and was very reluctant to provide his phony short form Birth certificate, so it isn't all on the Birthers that they think there maybe something to this question of exactly where Obama was born.

And by 'very reluctant, you mean releasing a certified copy of his birth certificate in 2008.....which you summarily ignored?

Just because you ignore evidence doesn't mean that the evidence magically vanishes. Alas, the world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes.

But of course you see no justifiable reason to EVER question the Great Leader Obama, el Presidente for Life.

I'm not quoting Obama. I'm quoting the State of Hawaii. You're the one ignoring Hawaii and making up your own batshit narrative.

Citing yourself.
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio.

Who says they took words out of thin air? There were numerous news articles on Obama at the time. His bio reads like a hasty summary of several of them.

Oh, and the newspaper articles BEFORE the pamphlet cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. With Obama's autobiography AFTER the pamphlet citing Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

Try again.

They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

You insist Obama wrote it. The woman who edited the pamphlet claims that the mistake was hers.

You're nobody. She's the world's leading expert. Why would I ignore her.....and believe you? Remember, you don't have the first clue what the fuck you're talking about.

While she edited the pamphlet personally.

Lol, of course the pamphlet editor is trying to walk it back to spare The One any grief. All my point was is that Obama has himself muddied those waters and was very reluctant to provide his phony short form Birth certificate, so it isn't all on the Birthers that they think there maybe something to this question of exactly where Obama was born.

And by 'very reluctant, you mean releasing a certified copy of his birth certificate in 2008.....which you summarily ignored?

Just because you ignore evidence doesn't mean that the evidence magically vanishes. Alas, the world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes.

For security purposes the birth certificate short form is nothing more than a quick print of state data and when I was in the service e it was not accepted as proof of legal birth in the US. You had to have a along form to prove that, which was the original form given to your parents at birth.

To my knowledge Obama never provided that till late around last year and it was a fake.

But of course you see no justifiable reason to EVER question the Great Leader Obama, el Presidente for Life.

I'm not quoting Obama. I'm quoting the State of Hawaii. You're the one ignoring Hawaii and making up your own batshit narrative.

Citing yourself.

No I am citing Obama's own pamphlet for his book.

You are the one insisting that Obama is such a liar that no one should take the bio seriously.
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio.

Who says they took words out of thin air? There were numerous news articles on Obama at the time. His bio reads like a hasty summary of several of them.

Oh, and the newspaper articles BEFORE the pamphlet cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. With Obama's autobiography AFTER the pamphlet citing Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

Try again.

They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

You insist Obama wrote it. The woman who edited the pamphlet claims that the mistake was hers.

You're nobody. She's the world's leading expert. Why would I ignore her.....and believe you? Remember, you don't have the first clue what the fuck you're talking about.

While she edited the pamphlet personally.

Lol, of course the pamphlet editor is trying to walk it back to spare The One any grief. All my point was is that Obama has himself muddied those waters and was very reluctant to provide his phony short form Birth certificate, so it isn't all on the Birthers that they think there maybe something to this question of exactly where Obama was born.

And by 'very reluctant, you mean releasing a certified copy of his birth certificate in 2008.....which you summarily ignored?

Just because you ignore evidence doesn't mean that the evidence magically vanishes. Alas, the world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes.

For security purposes the birth certificate short form is nothing more than a quick print of state data and when I was in the service e it was not accepted as proof of legal birth in the US. You had to have a along form to prove that, which was the original form given to your parents at birth.

Says you, citing you. The State Department accepts them as establishing citizenship. You can use them to get passports. They're prima facie evidence in any court of law.

And you ignored it. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence disappears. It only means you're willfully blind to it.

To my knowledge Obama never provided that till late around last year and it was a fake.
The Registrar of Hawaii affirmed that the information on the LFBC image on the White House website was accurate and matched their original records.

Twice. Once for the Secretary of State of Arizona.

So a 100% accurate fake? That has to be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.

No I am citing Obama's own pamphlet for his book.

A pamphlet he didn't write. While ignoring the State of Hawaii. And ignoring Obama's autobiography which cites his place of birth as Hawaii. Which Obama did write.

Again, you're literally arguing your own willful ignorance.
You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio.

Who says they took words out of thin air? There were numerous news articles on Obama at the time. His bio reads like a hasty summary of several of them.

Oh, and the newspaper articles BEFORE the pamphlet cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. With Obama's autobiography AFTER the pamphlet citing Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

Try again.

They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

You insist Obama wrote it. The woman who edited the pamphlet claims that the mistake was hers.

You're nobody. She's the world's leading expert. Why would I ignore her.....and believe you? Remember, you don't have the first clue what the fuck you're talking about.

While she edited the pamphlet personally.

Lol, of course the pamphlet editor is trying to walk it back to spare The One any grief. All my point was is that Obama has himself muddied those waters and was very reluctant to provide his phony short form Birth certificate, so it isn't all on the Birthers that they think there maybe something to this question of exactly where Obama was born.

And by 'very reluctant, you mean releasing a certified copy of his birth certificate in 2008.....which you summarily ignored?

Just because you ignore evidence doesn't mean that the evidence magically vanishes. Alas, the world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes.

For security purposes the birth certificate short form is nothing more than a quick print of state data and when I was in the service e it was not accepted as proof of legal birth in the US. You had to have a along form to prove that, which was the original form given to your parents at birth.

Says you, citing you. The State Department accepts them as establishing citizenship. You can use them to get passports. They're prima facie evidence in any court of law.

And you ignored it. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence disappears. It only means you're willfully blind to it.

If they take the short form as proof then they are idiots as all it takes is for a hacker to load false information then run the print to fake a short form birth certificate. The long form is far more secure, moron.

To my knowledge Obama never provided that till late around last year and it was a fake.
The Registrar of Hawaii affirmed that the information on the LFBC image on the White House website was accurate and matched their original records.

Twice. Once for the Secretary of State of Arizona.

So a 100% accurate fake? That has to be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.

I'm sure you have heard stupid things, but that isn't one of them. That is just you being an idiot again. The long form is a better and far more secure form, and you don't care because you are a partisan hack and a fucking liar.

No I am citing Obama's own pamphlet for his book.

A pamphlet he didn't write. While ignoring the State of Hawaii. And ignoring Obama's autobiography which cites his place of birth as Hawaii. Which Obama did write.

Again, you're literally arguing your own willful ignorance.

No, you are arguing that you are a dumbass. You completely ignore anything that you want to ignore, like the more secure long form BC, and you make shit up if you think it works.

You are why people in this country hate politicians and political hacks like you because you are liars, whores and frauds.
Obama's not a muslim because he's pro choice and pro gay rights? Well then he's not a Christian either. Christians wouldn't do either of those.

So what the hell is he, really?

An atheist.

And an idiot, an asshole, a queer and a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath.

And he's married to a shaved wookie.

He clearly has no real respect for religion period. He merely sympathizes with muzbots because they're the enemy of western civilization like all libtards are. They have an enemy in kind basically.

I remember every president before him regularly attending church. The media is always up his ass, but I don't remember one time where it came up that obozo attended a church. Libtards use religion to make themselves appear down to earth, most of them are soulless, Godless, and have no standards or moral compass.

Unless they're talking about a conservative, them all of a sudden moonbats are beacons of spiritual wisdom.

The most over looked aspect of the moonbat messiah's background I think is that Frank Marshal Davis is his real father.

Who says they took words out of thin air? There were numerous news articles on Obama at the time. His bio reads like a hasty summary of several of them.

Oh, and the newspaper articles BEFORE the pamphlet cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. With Obama's autobiography AFTER the pamphlet citing Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

Try again.

You insist Obama wrote it. The woman who edited the pamphlet claims that the mistake was hers.

You're nobody. She's the world's leading expert. Why would I ignore her.....and believe you? Remember, you don't have the first clue what the fuck you're talking about.

While she edited the pamphlet personally.

Lol, of course the pamphlet editor is trying to walk it back to spare The One any grief. All my point was is that Obama has himself muddied those waters and was very reluctant to provide his phony short form Birth certificate, so it isn't all on the Birthers that they think there maybe something to this question of exactly where Obama was born.

And by 'very reluctant, you mean releasing a certified copy of his birth certificate in 2008.....which you summarily ignored?

Just because you ignore evidence doesn't mean that the evidence magically vanishes. Alas, the world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes.

For security purposes the birth certificate short form is nothing more than a quick print of state data and when I was in the service e it was not accepted as proof of legal birth in the US. You had to have a along form to prove that, which was the original form given to your parents at birth.

Says you, citing you. The State Department accepts them as establishing citizenship. You can use them to get passports. They're prima facie evidence in any court of law.

And you ignored it. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence disappears. It only means you're willfully blind to it.

If they take the short form as proof then they are idiots as all it takes is for a hacker to load false information then run the print to fake a short form birth certificate. The long form is far more secure, moron.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with the State Department on its own issuance of their own passports rather some random dude on the internet who insists he knows better.

As would any rational person.

The State Department has specific security criteria that every certified copy must meet. The COLB of the State of Hawaii meets every single one. The State Department knows its own business. You don't.

I'm sure you have heard stupid things, but that isn't one of them. That is just you being an idiot again. The long form is a better and far more secure form, and you don't care because you are a partisan hack and a fucking liar. one gives a shit about your personal opinion on what is 'secure' and what isn't. As you're nobody.

A COLB, like the one issued by the State of Hawaii to Obama and Obama to the public in 2008 is prima facie evidence in any court of law. You can establish US citizenship with it with any government agency. You can get a US passport with it.

But per you, its not evidence of where someone was born? Again, you're argument is literally willful ignorance where you ignore undeniable verification of Obama's place of birth.

And the world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes.

The fact that you're ignoring the Registrar of Hawaii affirming that Obama's LFBC on the White House website is accurate and matches their original vital records only reaffirms your willful ignorance. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean that the evidence doesn't exist.

It just means you don't want to see it.

No, you are arguing that you are a dumbass. You completely ignore anything that you want to ignore, like the more secure long form BC, and you make shit up if you think it works.

So you're citing yourself as better than the State Department on what they should accept.....and better than the woman who actually edit the pamphlet in question on how it was made?'re nobody.
You citing you is meaningless gibberish, as you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Miriam Goderich, the State of Hawaii, Registrar of Hawaii Alvin Onaka, Secretary of State of Arizona Bennett, and the State Department do.

Try again.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

And who says Obama's a Muslim?

That would be you. Obama says he's a Christian. Why would any rational person ignore Obama and instead believe you on Obama's religion?

Yeah, best not to think about that too hard.
No. Muslims say he is a Muslim. His daddy was a Muslim. That makes BO one.

but I could care less...just making a point of the hypocrisy of the Left.
Not to mention that the phrase "My muslim religion..." has fallen from his lips.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

And who says Obama's a Muslim?

That would be you. Obama says he's a Christian. Why would any rational person ignore Obama and instead believe you on Obama's religion?

Yeah, best not to think about that too hard.
No. Muslims say he is a Muslim. His daddy was a Muslim. That makes BO one.

but I could care less...just making a point of the hypocrisy of the Left.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

And who says Obama's a Muslim?

That would be you. Obama says he's a Christian. Why would any rational person ignore Obama and instead believe you on Obama's religion?

Yeah, best not to think about that too hard.
No. Muslims say he is a Muslim. His daddy was a Muslim. That makes BO one.

but I could care less...just making a point of the hypocrisy of the Left.

Islam is an act of faith. Not a genetic disposition. Obama says he's a Christian. And he's the best source on earth on his own religion.

Certainly better than you.
And his muslim religion not only condones, but encourages lying in order to deceive the infidel.
Christians are not pro choice. Not a real Christian, anyway. God states in the bible in Exodus that if a pregnant woman is harmed and loses her baby, the person who harmed her should be executed. It's pretty clear that no Christian could possibly see killing a baby in the womb as acceptable. That proves God believes that the life of an unborn is equal to that of a grown man.

If I am accused of stealing something from a store and I produce a fraudulent receipt for that item, have I cleared myself of the accusations simply because I produced some kind of receipt when asked? According to liberals, yes.

Same thing with Obama and his BC.

who are you to decide who is a real anything?

oh wait.... you aren't.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

And who says Obama's a Muslim?

That would be you. Obama says he's a Christian. Why would any rational person ignore Obama and instead believe you on Obama's religion?

Yeah, best not to think about that too hard.
No. Muslims say he is a Muslim. His daddy was a Muslim. That makes BO one.

but I could care less...just making a point of the hypocrisy of the Left.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

And who says Obama's a Muslim?

That would be you. Obama says he's a Christian. Why would any rational person ignore Obama and instead believe you on Obama's religion?

Yeah, best not to think about that too hard.
No. Muslims say he is a Muslim. His daddy was a Muslim. That makes BO one.

but I could care less...just making a point of the hypocrisy of the Left.

Islam is an act of faith. Not a genetic disposition. Obama says he's a Christian. And he's the best source on earth on his own religion.

Certainly better than you.
And his muslim religion not only condones, but encourages lying in order to deceive the infidel.

Says you. Citing yourself as Barack Obama...a man you don't know, have never met, have never been in the same room with.

Sorry, but I'm gonna go with Obama on what he believes rather than you imagining you know better.
Christians are not pro choice. Not a real Christian, anyway. God states in the bible in Exodus that if a pregnant woman is harmed and loses her baby, the person who harmed her should be executed. It's pretty clear that no Christian could possibly see killing a baby in the womb as acceptable. That proves God believes that the life of an unborn is equal to that of a grown man.

If I am accused of stealing something from a store and I produce a fraudulent receipt for that item, have I cleared myself of the accusations simply because I produced some kind of receipt when asked? According to liberals, yes.

Same thing with Obama and his BC.

who are you to decide who is a real anything?

oh wait.... you aren't.

You're dealing with people that can't distinguish their personal opinion from evidence. They genuinely believe that anything they believe, anything at all, is evidence that the world is bound to.

Its a haircut and a shopping cart away from the kind of gibberish you'd hear a homeless guy muttering to himself as he walked down the street.
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio.

Who says they took words out of thin air? There were numerous news articles on Obama at the time. His bio reads like a hasty summary of several of them.

Oh, and the newspaper articles BEFORE the pamphlet cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. With Obama's autobiography AFTER the pamphlet citing Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

Try again.

They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

You insist Obama wrote it. The woman who edited the pamphlet claims that the mistake was hers.

You're nobody. She's the world's leading expert. Why would I ignore her.....and believe you? Remember, you don't have the first clue what the fuck you're talking about.

While she edited the pamphlet personally.
What was the name of that book again?
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio.

Who says they took words out of thin air? There were numerous news articles on Obama at the time. His bio reads like a hasty summary of several of them.

Oh, and the newspaper articles BEFORE the pamphlet cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. With Obama's autobiography AFTER the pamphlet citing Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

Try again.

They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

You insist Obama wrote it. The woman who edited the pamphlet claims that the mistake was hers.

You're nobody. She's the world's leading expert. Why would I ignore her.....and believe you? Remember, you don't have the first clue what the fuck you're talking about.

While she edited the pamphlet personally.
What was the name of that book again?

Which book is that?
I do not seriously doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii but I think that is a trivial issue compared to the simple fact that Obama's formative years were in a Muslim country and he shares an undue respect for Third World issues and prejudices that makes him un-American and unfit for the Presidency.

Its certainly not a constitutional issue, as there is no requirement that a president can't have live in a Muslim country. Leaving us with a matter of judgment for the electorate.

And they've clearly made their judgment on Obama's eligibility to be president. Twice.

It wasn't even close either time.

Why do you libtards keep lying about Obamas two elections? They were not landslides at all and had three states gotten a few thousand votes the other way it would be a Republican sitting in the WH now, and not that Kenyan President.

I didn't say 'landslide'. I said it wasn't even close. Obama won by millions and millions of votes and a wide margin on the electoral college.

He won easily.

OK, so you admit that you are blowing smoke.


No, I said what I said. It wasn't even close. Obama won by millions and millions of votes and wide margin on the electoral college.

He won easily.

And you don't even disagree with me.
You know what's really scary? The same bunch of low-information, racist morons are insisting that Hillary is presidential material, too!

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