The REAL Issue Regarding Obama's Birth

In people's younger days they may switch religions, have no religion, just not think about it much. When they get older they usually go back to the religion of their upbring. Obama is a Muslim at heart and soul.
We know what the real issue regarding Obama's birth is, and it's nothing to do with geography.
Agreed. He`s going to be president for another 472 days and guess what children....he`s going to remain black for every one of them. He was born that way.

One of the best indicator of a coward, poltroon and a cad is split loyalty.

This particular coward and poltroon and cad is the President because his mother was a WHITE American woman.

Yet, this particular coward and poltroon and cad sells himself as BLACK, spitting on and disrespecting the woman - communist trash as she was - who gave him birth.

Did it to his mother, doing it to the country.
I do not seriously doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii but I think that is a trivial issue compared to the simple fact that Obama's formative years were in a Muslim country and he shares an undue respect for Third World issues and prejudices that makes him un-American and unfit for the Presidency.

I really wish that Birthers had focused more on that and Obama being raised by card carrying Communists than the distraction of exactly what country he was born in because that seemed like, to so many, to be a little more than a technicality that they could not understand anyway.

Obama may not have been born in Kenya, but he has the heart and soul of an Indonesian and there is no doubt about that as it is apparent from the Third World character of his regime which is also an offshoot of one of the worst Tammany Hall style political machines in the whole nation.

Wasn't Rubio born in Cuba? That's cool though?
I do not seriously doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii but I think that is a trivial issue compared to the simple fact that Obama's formative years were in a Muslim country and he shares an undue respect for Third World issues and prejudices that makes him un-American and unfit for the Presidency..

Wow- you really have a tremendous lack of respect for America.

I say this because Barack Obama spent 4 years in Indonesia- compared to14 years(of his 18 years of childhood) in the United States. Apparently you believe the ideas of Indonesia are just that more convincing than the ideas of the United States.

But you will be happy to know that American voters knew about his 4 years of his childhood in Indonesia and still voted for him.

Apparently they had more confidence in America than you have.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

And who says Obama's a Muslim?

That would be you. Obama says he's a Christian. Why would any rational person ignore Obama and instead believe you on Obama's religion?

Yeah, best not to think about that too hard.
No. Muslims say he is a Muslim. His daddy was a Muslim. That makes BO one.

but I could care less...just making a point of the hypocrisy of the Left.

The only one displaying hypocrisy here is you.

You are the one calling President Obama a Muslim- not Muslims.
We know what the real issue regarding Obama's birth is, and it's nothing to do with geography.
Agreed. He`s going to be president for another 472 days and guess what children....he`s going to remain black for every one of them. He was born that way.

One of the best indicator of a coward, poltroon and a cad is split loyalty.

This particular coward and poltroon and cad is the President because his mother was a WHITE American woman.

Yet, this particular coward and poltroon and cad sells himself as BLACK, spitting on and disrespecting the woman - communist trash as she was - who gave him birth.

Did it to his mother, doing it to the country.

The only one spitting on someone's dead mother is you.

Now that- that is an indicator of a coward, and a complete asshole.
I do not seriously doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii but I think that is a trivial issue compared to the simple fact that Obama's formative years were in a Muslim country and he shares an undue respect for Third World issues and prejudices that makes him un-American and unfit for the Presidency.

Its certainly not a constitutional issue, as there is no requirement that a president can't have live in a Muslim country. Leaving us with a matter of judgment for the electorate.

And they've clearly made their judgment on Obama's eligibility to be president. Twice.

It wasn't even close either time.

Why do you libtards keep lying about Obamas two elections? They were not landslides at all and had three states gotten a few thousand votes the other way it would be a Republican sitting in the WH now, and not that Kenyan President.
I do not seriously doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii but I think that is a trivial issue compared to the simple fact that Obama's formative years were in a Muslim country and he shares an undue respect for Third World issues and prejudices that makes him un-American and unfit for the Presidency.

I really wish that Birthers had focused more on that and Obama being raised by card carrying Communists than the distraction of exactly what country he was born in because that seemed like, to so many, to be a little more than a technicality that they could not understand anyway.

Obama may not have been born in Kenya, but he has the heart and soul of an Indonesian and there is no doubt about that as it is apparent from the Third World character of his regime which is also an offshoot of one of the worst Tammany Hall style political machines in the whole nation.

Wasn't Rubio born in Cuba? That's cool though?

No, Rubio is not cool, either.
Obama's not a muslim because he's pro choice and pro gay rights? Well then he's not a Christian either. Christians wouldn't do either of those.

So what the hell is he, really?
Christians are not pro choice. Not a real Christian, anyway. God states in the bible in Exodus that if a pregnant woman is harmed and loses her baby, the person who harmed her should be executed. It's pretty clear that no Christian could possibly see killing a baby in the womb as acceptable. That proves God believes that the life of an unborn is equal to that of a grown man.

If I am accused of stealing something from a store and I produce a fraudulent receipt for that item, have I cleared myself of the accusations simply because I produced some kind of receipt when asked? According to liberals, yes.

Same thing with Obama and his BC.
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