The REAL Issue Regarding Obama's Birth

OK, so you admit that you are blowing smoke.


No, I said what I said. It wasn't even close. Obama won by millions and millions of votes and wide margin on the electoral college.

He won easily.

And you don't even disagree with me.
You know what's really scary? The same bunch of low-information, racist morons are insisting that Hillary is presidential material, too!

Yeah, insult the electorate when you can't convince them to vote for your candidate. That'll work. Don't take any responsibility for your own losses. Always, always blame it on someone else.

Why is it that in the party of 'personal responsibility', its always someone else's fault?
Sorry to say, but so much of the electorate deserves insult. They are willfully ignorant and will cast a vote for a candidate who promises them the most goodies, or who most resembles them in appearance, or who may be perceived as "cute" or attractive in some way. It's difficult to persuade those who are incapable of looking beyond their own individual self interest and recognizing how their stupid, ignorant choices affect the nation as an entirety, including themselves. They accept liars, cheats, criminals, and pretenders for no other reason than they like to believe the swill fed to them by the lackey media.

And I'm sure that telling the electorate how stupid they are and how worthy of insult they are is a winning strategy.

I mean, your ilk have managed to convince the majority of the electorate to vote for your candidate.....ONCE in the last quarter century? How's that 'the electorate can go fuck itself' strategy working out for you?
I suppose you are now including Jonathan Gruber among those of my "ilk"?
No, I said what I said. It wasn't even close. Obama won by millions and millions of votes and wide margin on the electoral college.

He won easily.

And you don't even disagree with me.
You know what's really scary? The same bunch of low-information, racist morons are insisting that Hillary is presidential material, too!

Yeah, insult the electorate when you can't convince them to vote for your candidate. That'll work. Don't take any responsibility for your own losses. Always, always blame it on someone else.

Why is it that in the party of 'personal responsibility', its always someone else's fault?
Sorry to say, but so much of the electorate deserves insult. They are willfully ignorant and will cast a vote for a candidate who promises them the most goodies, or who most resembles them in appearance, or who may be perceived as "cute" or attractive in some way. It's difficult to persuade those who are incapable of looking beyond their own individual self interest and recognizing how their stupid, ignorant choices affect the nation as an entirety, including themselves. They accept liars, cheats, criminals, and pretenders for no other reason than they like to believe the swill fed to them by the lackey media.

And I'm sure that telling the electorate how stupid they are and how worthy of insult they are is a winning strategy.

I mean, your ilk have managed to convince the majority of the electorate to vote for your candidate.....ONCE in the last quarter century? How's that 'the electorate can go fuck itself' strategy working out for you?
I suppose you are now including Jonathan Gruber among those of my "ilk"?

I wasn't aware Johnathan Gruber ran for president. The GOP on the other hand has tried over and over, every 4 years. And in the last quarter century has managed to convince the majority of the electorate to vote for thier candidate a grand total of....

Wait for it.....

Wait ....




So how's insulting the electorate and blaming them for your losses working out?
No doubt in my mind Obama won. It's just sad WHY he won. He didn't win from being a good president, he won because so many people are dependent on the gov't they didn't want to lose their handouts. With 1/3 of the nation unemployed it becomes a significant number of voters.

Or more accurately because the GOP ran a mediocre campaign with an inadequate candidate.

Notice how you absolve conservatives of all responsibility for their own loss. How every factor you acknowledge is someone *else*'s fault. But never the fault of the folks who ran the campaign, picked the candidate, or established his platform.

The 'party of personal responsibility' indeed.

What does that have to do with losing an election? "Personal responsibility" means you did something wrong. What did Romney do wrong? He was not elected because he was seen as rich and successful. How was Obama's campaign better? Let me ask you this, why did Obama get elected? What did he do right? Record unemployment, record food stamp participation, stagnant job growth. Yet he was reelected. Sounds to me like the ones who need to take responsibility are those that voted for him to keep receiving handouts.

It's like losing your job through no fault of your own and you coming along and touting "What happened to personal responsibility?" For what? You can lose your job, or an election, through no fault of your own.

Funny how if a liberal wins its because the republican sucked. It can't possibly be because of the handouts given by the liberal who won.
No doubt in my mind Obama won. It's just sad WHY he won. He didn't win from being a good president, he won because so many people are dependent on the gov't they didn't want to lose their handouts. With 1/3 of the nation unemployed it becomes a significant number of voters.

Or more accurately because the GOP ran a mediocre campaign with an inadequate candidate.

Notice how you absolve conservatives of all responsibility for their own loss. How every factor you acknowledge is someone *else*'s fault. But never the fault of the folks who ran the campaign, picked the candidate, or established his platform.

The 'party of personal responsibility' indeed.

What does that have to do with losing an election? "Personal responsibility" means you did something wrong. What did Romney do wrong? He was not elected because he was seen as rich and successful. How was Obama's campaign better? Let me ask you this, why did Obama get elected? What did he do right? Record unemployment, record food stamp participation, stagnant job growth. Yet he was reelected. Sounds to me like the ones who need to take responsibility are those that voted for him to keep receiving handouts.

Simple. You won't acknowledge any reason for Obama's victory and the GOP's pair of losses that puts any responsibility on republicans.

Apparently the folks LEAST responsible for the outcome of the GOP's presidential the GOP. They're just helpless victims of factors beyond their control.

Why would I want to elect victims?
I do not seriously doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii but I think that is a trivial issue compared to the simple fact that Obama's formative years were in a Muslim country and he shares an undue respect for Third World issues and prejudices that makes him un-American and unfit for the Presidency.

I really wish that Birthers had focused more on that and Obama being raised by card carrying Communists than the distraction of exactly what country he was born in because that seemed like, to so many, to be a little more than a technicality that they could not understand anyway.

Obama may not have been born in Kenya, but he has the heart and soul of an Indonesian and there is no doubt about that as it is apparent from the Third World character of his regime which is also an offshoot of one of the worst Tammany Hall style political machines in the whole nation.
“...Obama being raised by card carrying Communists...”

“Obama may not have been born in Kenya...”

What's funny is conservatives don't even realize how stupid they sound.
I do not seriously doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii but I think that is a trivial issue compared to the simple fact that Obama's formative years were in a Muslim country and he shares an undue respect for Third World issues and prejudices that makes him un-American and unfit for the Presidency.

I really wish that Birthers had focused more on that and Obama being raised by card carrying Communists than the distraction of exactly what country he was born in because that seemed like, to so many, to be a little more than a technicality that they could not understand anyway.

Obama may not have been born in Kenya, but he has the heart and soul of an Indonesian and there is no doubt about that as it is apparent from the Third World character of his regime which is also an offshoot of one of the worst Tammany Hall style political machines in the whole nation.
“...Obama being raised by card carrying Communists...”

“Obama may not have been born in Kenya...”

What's funny is conservatives don't even realize how stupid they sound.

That's the best part. They cast themselves as the "Batshit Party'". And you don't even have to trick them into doing it. They go out of their way to drape themselves in tinfoil.
Apparently the folks LEAST responsible for the outcome of the GOP's presidential the GOP. They're just helpless victims of factors beyond their control.

Why would I want to elect victims?

OMG the liberal party gets elected because they say everyone is a victim!!!!! LOL Talk about pot calling kettle black.
Apparently the folks LEAST responsible for the outcome of the GOP's presidential the GOP. They're just helpless victims of factors beyond their control.

Why would I want to elect victims?

OMG the liberal party gets elected because they say everyone is a victim!!!!! LOL Talk about pot calling kettle black.

You're the one refusing to acknowledge any responsibility for the GOP in their own losses. Instead, laughably, blaming the voters.

How does that square with the ol' 'party of personal responsibility' schtick the GOP spins?
How can you win when the party in charge gives handouts to 25% of the nation?

I can't blame the voters, if I got all kinds of free shit I wouldn't vote against him either. It all goes back to "don't bite the hand that feeds you."

Tell me, what could republicans have done differently to win the election in 2012? Be specific.
How can you win when the party in charge gives handouts to 25% of the nation?

Leadership? Good ideas? A decent campaign? A candidate worth voting for?

But instead of taking an ounce of responsibility......we get snivelling excuses for why its everyone *else's* fault why GOP presidential candidates lose.

With the folks LEAST responsible for GOP presidential campaign outcomes....being the GOP.

Once again, in the 'party of personal responsibility' its always someone else's fault.
I do not seriously doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii but I think that is a trivial issue compared to the simple fact that Obama's formative years were in a Muslim country and he shares an undue respect for Third World issues and prejudices that makes him un-American and unfit for the Presidency.

Its certainly not a constitutional issue, as there is no requirement that a president can't have live in a Muslim country. Leaving us with a matter of judgment for the electorate.

And they've clearly made their judgment on Obama's eligibility to be president. Twice.

It wasn't even close either time.

Why do you libtards keep lying about Obamas two elections? They were not landslides at all and had three states gotten a few thousand votes the other way it would be a Republican sitting in the WH now, and not that Kenyan President.

Why do you idiots keep lying about Barack Obama being 'that Kenyan President'?
Obama's not a muslim because he's pro choice and pro gay rights? Well then he's not a Christian either. Christians wouldn't do either of those.

So what the hell is he, really?

Millions of Christians are pro choice and pro gay rights.

So who the hell are you, really?
^^^^^^^thinks it's possible that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii^^^^^^


Well that is what he said himself on his book flier.

Oh, I know what you are going to say, that Obama is such a fucking liar, who can believe him about anything. And that is my point.


No- it just you lying again. Because we have had this discussion before.

According to the only person who knows- the editor of that pamphlet- Obama never said any such thing- but you knew that. Your point once again is that Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.
If I am accused of stealing something from a store and I produce a fraudulent receipt for that item, have I cleared myself of the accusations simply because I produced some kind of receipt when asked? According to liberals, yes.

Same thing with Obama and his BC.

Well by that analogy- if I am walking outside a store, and you happen to see me- and accuse me of stealing from the store- and then you demand I prove that I didn't steal from the store.

The Store manager comes out and says "No he didn't steal from the store"

You- being the random passerby- refuse to believe the Store- or me- or anything other than your claim.

Just like you refuse to believe the State of Hawaii.

Birthers are idiots.
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

So your answer is- everyone is lying- because you say that they are.

Well unlike Birthers like yourself, Americans don't rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

That is what Birthers do.
Ok, I said be specific. You weren't specific.

Leadership, Good ideas, a decent campaign, and a candidate worth voting for aren't specific enough for you? Its now MY responsibility to spoon feed YOU the exact policy positions, the qualities of a good candidate, how to run your own campaigns?

Christ, you can't even take responsibility for your own conceptions of leadership. Let alone the outcomes of your own campaigns. I don't think 'personal responsibility means what you think it means.

I get're helpless victims. You can't be held responsible for your own campaigns, your own choices, your own candidates. You are merely leaves on the water the water incapable of affecting their own destiny or the outcome of the election.

But why would I want to vote for someone like that?

Try again. By all means, if you're going to say someone lost because of them, you need to come up with the reasons why. So go ahead. Try again.

The GOP ran a candidate people didn't care for who had lousy ideas. Mitt Romney's solution for the healthcare crisis?

Emergency rooms.

That's what you call policy? Really? The campaign was poorly executed, Romney essentially insulted half the electorate with his moronic '47% speech....which he gave in secret, mind you. The GOP did a lousy job appealing to the minority voter, instead doubling down on angry white guys. And there weren't enough of them.

The GOP didn't inspire. They didn't present leadership. They didn't have anything but their typical 'tax cuts for the rich, program cuts for the poor' mantra. They had no policy solutions for global warming, denying as a party that it even existed. Their solution for the immigration crisis was....nothing. 'Self Deportation'. The maintainance of the status quo.

From top to bottom.....the GOP didn't earn the votes they needed. And still they blame the voters.

Specific enough for you?

You may want to read your own source. As you're casting yourself as helpless victims who can't get a break.

I wasn't aware that helplessness was an attribute of personal responsibility.
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

So your answer is- everyone is lying- because you say that they are.

Exactly! That's a birther for you.
We're talking about what God says should happen to someone who harms an unborn child.

God says the husband gets to decide the punishment- or as the judges decide he should pay.

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life.

What is mischief? Well it certainly is not the 'fruit departing' since that happens every time.

Nothing in this whole chapter says anything about abortion- it is about penalties when someone harms someone else- in this case the woman(or more specifically- the husband's property).

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