The REAL Issue Regarding Obama's Birth

We invaded and bombed Afghanistan because they harbored the people responsible for destroying the World Trade Center and killing several thousand of our people. We invaded Iraq for multiple reasons and all justified.

Your attitude about the US is why I want to withdraw our forces from around the world and let you dumbasses fend for yourselves. I pray to God we never have to step into some European or Asian bullshit to save ungrateful morons like you from the consequences of your own stupidity.

Ever heard of EXTRADITION? This is the NORMAL way of moving a wanted person from one country to another.
Are you saying that if Mexico harbors a criminal who killed people that the US would be justified in invading and bombing Mexico? Do you realize what policy you're advancing? That the US can do whatever it likes no matter what?

None of the reasons to invade Iraq were justified. But then I guess seeing as the US got hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Iraqis killed, then Iraq would be justified in BOMBING and invading the US. Right?

So do you accept the Boston bombing as justified?

I would be fine with US troops being withdrawn from the world. The biggest threat to world peace is.... the USA.

AQ is not a single person, jack. Thus your whole post dissolves into a frothing pile of bubbles, lol.

Who or what is AQ, who is jack? Are you replying to my post? Doesn't seem like it.

Al Qaeda, dumbass. And jack is simply short for jack ass, a title you have earned all by yourself.
We invaded and bombed Afghanistan because they harbored the people responsible for destroying the World Trade Center and killing several thousand of our people. We invaded Iraq for multiple reasons and all justified.

Your attitude about the US is why I want to withdraw our forces from around the world and let you dumbasses fend for yourselves. I pray to God we never have to step into some European or Asian bullshit to save ungrateful morons like you from the consequences of your own stupidity.

Ever heard of EXTRADITION? This is the NORMAL way of moving a wanted person from one country to another.
Are you saying that if Mexico harbors a criminal who killed people that the US would be justified in invading and bombing Mexico? Do you realize what policy you're advancing? That the US can do whatever it likes no matter what?

None of the reasons to invade Iraq were justified. But then I guess seeing as the US got hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Iraqis killed, then Iraq would be justified in BOMBING and invading the US. Right?

So do you accept the Boston bombing as justified?

I would be fine with US troops being withdrawn from the world. The biggest threat to world peace is.... the USA.

AQ is not a single person, jack. Thus your whole post dissolves into a frothing pile of bubbles, lol.

Who or what is AQ, who is jack? Are you replying to my post? Doesn't seem like it.

Al Qaeda, dumbass. And jack is simply short for jack ass, a title you have earned all by yourself.

Oh, now we're getting onto insults. Fine, I won't be bothering you any more.
We invaded and bombed Afghanistan because they harbored the people responsible for destroying the World Trade Center and killing several thousand of our people. We invaded Iraq for multiple reasons and all justified.

Your attitude about the US is why I want to withdraw our forces from around the world and let you dumbasses fend for yourselves. I pray to God we never have to step into some European or Asian bullshit to save ungrateful morons like you from the consequences of your own stupidity.

Ever heard of EXTRADITION? This is the NORMAL way of moving a wanted person from one country to another.
Are you saying that if Mexico harbors a criminal who killed people that the US would be justified in invading and bombing Mexico? Do you realize what policy you're advancing? That the US can do whatever it likes no matter what?

None of the reasons to invade Iraq were justified. But then I guess seeing as the US got hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Iraqis killed, then Iraq would be justified in BOMBING and invading the US. Right?

So do you accept the Boston bombing as justified?

I would be fine with US troops being withdrawn from the world. The biggest threat to world peace is.... the USA.

AQ is not a single person, jack. Thus your whole post dissolves into a frothing pile of bubbles, lol.

Who or what is AQ, who is jack? Are you replying to my post? Doesn't seem like it.

Al Qaeda, dumbass. And jack is simply short for jack ass, a title you have earned all by yourself.

Oh, now we're getting onto insults. Fine, I won't be bothering you any more.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I am just talking shit, not trying to offend you. Apparently I did and I want you to know that I am simply using the symbol for the Democratic Party as a double meaning symbol.

You'd seemed a little slow in grasping some of my posts, but that is as likely as much my fault as it is yours.
Um, it says further harm. If the baby dies, that is further harm. If the mother dies its further harm. Quit hating babies you sick fucktard.

LOL.....oh the faux Christians and how they cherry pick the Bible to find rationalizations for beliefs.

Quit hating women, you sick bastard.
That's 3 times I've asked for specifics on what Romney could have done to beat Obozo and his leech followers and 3 times they've gone off on a tangent about victims.

I'll call that a victory for me.

Good job, me.

Well first of all- Romney could have been a better candidate.

He has as little charisma as John Kerry does.

Want to look at why Romney lost- look at the Bush/Kerry race and Romney lost for pretty much the same reasons as Kerry did.
Um, it says further harm. If the baby dies, that is further harm. If the mother dies its further harm. Quit hating babies you sick fucktard.

LOL.....oh the faux Christians and how they cherry pick the Bible to find rationalizations for beliefs.

Quit hating women, you sick bastard.

Quit you fetish with killing babies, you sick freak.

You just love it when women die from illegal abortions- don't you?

Better yet- you look forward to the day where you can put woman in prison for having an abortion.

And of course.....then you will start making women prove that that miscarriage was not her fault.....
That's 3 times I've asked for specifics on what Romney could have done to beat Obozo and his leech followers and 3 times they've gone off on a tangent about victims.

I'll call that a victory for me.

Good job, me.

Well first of all- Romney could have been a better candidate.

He has as little charisma as John Kerry does.

Want to look at why Romney lost- look at the Bush/Kerry race and Romney lost for pretty much the same reasons as Kerry did.

Romney lost for a lot of reasons, the biggest being that he was a corporate raider and made his fortune downsizing companies and firing people. that wasn't something most felt comfortable with. Romney was also an habitual liar and a complete fraud, pretending to have completely converted to a conservative perspective the year before he first ran for President.

Kerry is a bit of a fraud, too, but not nearly so bad as Romney is. Kerry's chief problem is that many have not forgiven him for the lies he told about our troops in Vietnam and his hypocrisy.
Um, it says further harm. If the baby dies, that is further harm. If the mother dies its further harm. Quit hating babies you sick fucktard.

LOL.....oh the faux Christians and how they cherry pick the Bible to find rationalizations for beliefs.

Quit hating women, you sick bastard.

Quit you fetish with killing babies, you sick freak.

You just love it when women die from illegal abortions- don't you?

Better yet- you look forward to the day where you can put woman in prison for having an abortion.

And of course.....then you will start making women prove that that miscarriage was not her fault.....

No, I don't like the idea that a woman is so committed to killing her own baby that she is willing to risk going to some drunk with a coat hanger.

But it is her 'choice' and she is risking death by that choice, while the baby has NONE at all.

When will libtard leftist Nazis stop dehumanizing whole groups of people and slaughtering them en masse?

The Jacobins slaughtered Catholic priests and Catholics that refused to obey the Jacobins orders to change religion, the Bolsheviks slaughtered millions under Lenin and Stalin, the Chicoms slaughtered more tens of millions under Mao, then Pol Pot came along etc.

More people have died under the banner of secular socialism than all religious wars from the dawn of time combined.

Why are you ideologues such murderous pieces of shyte?
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

So your answer is- everyone is lying- because you say that they are.

I am defending the pamphlet's author, not calling them liars; that is what you are doing, not me.

No you are calling the author a liar.

Here let me show you specifically

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, foo

But what did the author of those words say?

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Why do you call Miriam Goderich a liar?

Because you don't like what she said.

So you don't believe Obama was born in Kenya- you just believe other Birther talking points- you are a proto-Birther.

And just like all Birthers- you rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

So your answer is- everyone is lying- because you say that they are.

I am defending the pamphlet's author, not calling them liars; that is what you are doing, not me.

No you are calling the author a liar.

Here let me show you specifically

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, foo

But what did the author of those words say?

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Why do you call Miriam Goderich a liar?

Because you don't like what she said.

So you don't believe Obama was born in Kenya- you just believe other Birther talking points- you are a proto-Birther.

And just like all Birthers- you rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Oh, good greif, she contradicts herself and recants, there is no way to avoid implying she is lying with at least one of those two statements.

She says now that she made an error, but what would you expect her to say? That doesn't make her a liar, per se, since it is not an established pattern of behavior, this one incident.

But you Democrats are liars when you simply dismiss out of hand all distinction between short form BCs and long form, or your just too stupid to get the point.
Um, it says further harm. If the baby dies, that is further harm. If the mother dies its further harm. Quit hating babies you sick fucktard.

LOL.....oh the faux Christians and how they cherry pick the Bible to find rationalizations for beliefs.

Quit hating women, you sick bastard.

Quit you fetish with killing babies, you sick freak.

You just love it when women die from illegal abortions- don't you?

Better yet- you look forward to the day where you can put woman in prison for having an abortion.

And of course.....then you will start making women prove that that miscarriage was not her fault.....

No, I don't like the idea that a woman is so committed to killing her own baby that she is willing to risk going to some drunk with a coat hanger.

But it is her 'choice' and she is risking death by that choice, while the baby has NONE at all.

When will libtard leftist Nazis stop dehumanizing whole groups of people and slaughtering them en masse?

The Jacobins slaughtered Catholic priests and Catholics that refused to obey the Jacobins orders to change religion, the Bolsheviks slaughtered millions under Lenin and Stalin, the Chicoms slaughtered more tens of millions under Mao, then Pol Pot came along etc.

More people have died under the banner of secular socialism than all religious wars from the dawn of time combined.

Why are you ideologues such murderous pieces of shyte?

Oh please at best- Christians can proudly boast "We killed fewer millions than Communists' did. The history of Christianity is the history of Christians killing other Christians in the name of Christ, killing non-Christians in the name of Christ- or just killing. From the sack of Constantinople by proud Christian Crusaders, to the slaughter of Catholics and Protestants on both sides of the Reformation and the 100 years war- to the Nordic Crusades against pagans- to the forcible conversion- and death of millions of Native Americans, and other natives all around the globe.

You want to argue your piece of shit argument about abortion- go start a thread on it- religious zealots like yourself cannot talk rationally and its why I usually avoid dealing with pieces of shit like yourself regarding abortion. Might as well be trying to convince a pig to find Jesus.

I will go back to pointing out what an idiot you are for sounding like a Birther.
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

So your answer is- everyone is lying- because you say that they are.

I am defending the pamphlet's author, not calling them liars; that is what you are doing, not me.

No you are calling the author a liar.

Here let me show you specifically

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, foo

But what did the author of those words say?

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Why do you call Miriam Goderich a liar?

Because you don't like what she said.

So you don't believe Obama was born in Kenya- you just believe other Birther talking points- you are a proto-Birther.

And just like all Birthers- you rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Oh, good greif, she contradicts herself and recants, there is no way to avoid implying she is lying with at least one of those two statements.

She says now that she made an error, but what would you expect her to say? That doesn't make her a liar, per se, since it is not an established pattern of behavior, this one incident.

But you Democrats are liars when you simply dismiss out of hand all distinction between short form BCs and long form, or your just too stupid to get the point.

Only a lying piece of shit like you would make up any story about her contradicting herself.

You said you didn't say she was lying- I pointed out that you did indeed do so- and now you go back and say she was lying.


Because like all good Birthers- you are fact adverse- and rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Once again- fact- not speculation:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Um, it says further harm. If the baby dies, that is further harm. If the mother dies its further harm. Quit hating babies you sick fucktard.

LOL.....oh the faux Christians and how they cherry pick the Bible to find rationalizations for beliefs.

Quit hating women, you sick bastard.

Quit you fetish with killing babies, you sick freak.

You just love it when women die from illegal abortions- don't you?

Better yet- you look forward to the day where you can put woman in prison for having an abortion.

And of course.....then you will start making women prove that that miscarriage was not her fault.....

No, I don't like the idea that a woman is so committed to killing her own baby that she is willing to risk going to some drunk with a coat hanger.

But it is her 'choice' and she is risking death by that choice, while the baby has NONE at all.

When will libtard leftist Nazis stop dehumanizing whole groups of people and slaughtering them en masse?

The Jacobins slaughtered Catholic priests and Catholics that refused to obey the Jacobins orders to change religion, the Bolsheviks slaughtered millions under Lenin and Stalin, the Chicoms slaughtered more tens of millions under Mao, then Pol Pot came along etc.

More people have died under the banner of secular socialism than all religious wars from the dawn of time combined.

Why are you ideologues such murderous pieces of shyte?

Oh please at best- Christians can proudly boast "We killed fewer millions than Communists' did. The history of Christianity is the history of Christians killing other Christians in the name of Christ, killing non-Christians in the name of Christ- or just killing. From the sack of Constantinople by proud Christian Crusaders, to the slaughter of Catholics and Protestants on both sides of the Reformation and the 100 years war- to the Nordic Crusades against pagans- to the forcible conversion- and death of millions of Native Americans, and other natives all around the globe.

You want to argue your piece of shit argument about abortion- go start a thread on it- religious zealots like yourself cannot talk rationally and its why I usually avoid dealing with pieces of shit like yourself regarding abortion. Might as well be trying to convince a pig to find Jesus.

I will go back to pointing out what an idiot you are for sounding like a Birther.

Lol, you fucking retard, I can argue circles around you any day of the week. And that you think *I* am an idiot because you cannot remember that I am not a Birther is just an example of what an idiot you are, chump.
I do not seriously doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii but I think that is a trivial issue compared to the simple fact that Obama's formative years were in a Muslim country and he shares an undue respect for Third World issues and prejudices that makes him un-American and unfit for the Presidency.

I really wish that Birthers had focused more on that and Obama being raised by card carrying Communists than the distraction of exactly what country he was born in because that seemed like, to so many, to be a little more than a technicality that they could not understand anyway.

Obama may not have been born in Kenya, but he has the heart and soul of an Indonesian and there is no doubt about that as it is apparent from the Third World character of his regime which is also an offshoot of one of the worst Tammany Hall style political machines in the whole nation.

Worth repeating again- why do you have so little respect for America?

Obama spent 14 of his 18 years of his childhood in the United States. 4 years in Indonesia- but you think that Indonesia is so culturally superior to the U.S. that those 4 years were more influential than 14 years in the United States?
You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

So your answer is- everyone is lying- because you say that they are.

I am defending the pamphlet's author, not calling them liars; that is what you are doing, not me.

No you are calling the author a liar.

Here let me show you specifically

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, foo

But what did the author of those words say?

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Why do you call Miriam Goderich a liar?

Because you don't like what she said.

So you don't believe Obama was born in Kenya- you just believe other Birther talking points- you are a proto-Birther.

And just like all Birthers- you rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Oh, good greif, she contradicts herself and recants, there is no way to avoid implying she is lying with at least one of those two statements.

She says now that she made an error, but what would you expect her to say? That doesn't make her a liar, per se, since it is not an established pattern of behavior, this one incident.

But you Democrats are liars when you simply dismiss out of hand all distinction between short form BCs and long form, or your just too stupid to get the point.

Only a lying piece of shit like you would make up any story about her contradicting herself.

You said you didn't say she was lying- I pointed out that you did indeed do so- and now you go back and say she was lying.


Because like all good Birthers- you are fact adverse- and rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Once again- fact- not speculation:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

I didn't say she was lying before because I was unfamiliar with her recanting her pamphlet. So one way or the other she misrepresented facts, but it doesn't make her a liar.

So I never said she was a liar and I still don't. My whole point about the Birther argument is that it is pointless when Obamie has repeatedly demonstrated that he is not culturally an American and has far more sympathy for Muslims than Christians.

It is you libtards that are using the whole topic as a red herring in almost any discussion of Obamies cultural disconnect with the rest of America.
Ever heard of EXTRADITION? This is the NORMAL way of moving a wanted person from one country to another.
Are you saying that if Mexico harbors a criminal who killed people that the US would be justified in invading and bombing Mexico? Do you realize what policy you're advancing? That the US can do whatever it likes no matter what?

None of the reasons to invade Iraq were justified. But then I guess seeing as the US got hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Iraqis killed, then Iraq would be justified in BOMBING and invading the US. Right?

So do you accept the Boston bombing as justified?

I would be fine with US troops being withdrawn from the world. The biggest threat to world peace is.... the USA.

AQ is not a single person, jack. Thus your whole post dissolves into a frothing pile of bubbles, lol.

Who or what is AQ, who is jack? Are you replying to my post? Doesn't seem like it.

Al Qaeda, dumbass. And jack is simply short for jack ass, a title you have earned all by yourself.

Oh, now we're getting onto insults. Fine, I won't be bothering you any more.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I am just talking shit, not trying to offend you. Apparently I did and I want you to know that I am simply using the symbol for the Democratic Party as a double meaning symbol.

You'd seemed a little slow in grasping some of my posts, but that is as likely as much my fault as it is yours.

Hurt my feelings no. However what I don't abide by are people who replace debate and argument with insults and nonsense.
So your answer is- everyone is lying- because you say that they are.

I am defending the pamphlet's author, not calling them liars; that is what you are doing, not me.

No you are calling the author a liar.

Here let me show you specifically

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, foo

But what did the author of those words say?

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Why do you call Miriam Goderich a liar?

Because you don't like what she said.

So you don't believe Obama was born in Kenya- you just believe other Birther talking points- you are a proto-Birther.

And just like all Birthers- you rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Oh, good greif, she contradicts herself and recants, there is no way to avoid implying she is lying with at least one of those two statements.

She says now that she made an error, but what would you expect her to say? That doesn't make her a liar, per se, since it is not an established pattern of behavior, this one incident.

But you Democrats are liars when you simply dismiss out of hand all distinction between short form BCs and long form, or your just too stupid to get the point.

Only a lying piece of shit like you would make up any story about her contradicting herself.

You said you didn't say she was lying- I pointed out that you did indeed do so- and now you go back and say she was lying.


Because like all good Birthers- you are fact adverse- and rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Once again- fact- not speculation:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

I didn't say she was lying before because I was unfamiliar with her recanting her pamphlet. So one way or the other she misrepresented facts, but it doesn't make her a liar.

So I never said she was a liar and I still don't..

Your quote:
You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, foo

What Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

So you aren't calling Goderich a liar when she said Obama did not say he was born in Kenya?

So you have changed your mind now- and believe her?
I do not seriously doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii but I think that is a trivial issue compared to the simple fact that Obama's formative years were in a Muslim country and he shares an undue respect for Third World issues and prejudices that makes him un-American and unfit for the Presidency.

I really wish that Birthers had focused more on that and Obama being raised by card carrying Communists than the distraction of exactly what country he was born in because that seemed like, to so many, to be a little more than a technicality that they could not understand anyway.

Obama may not have been born in Kenya, but he has the heart and soul of an Indonesian and there is no doubt about that as it is apparent from the Third World character of his regime which is also an offshoot of one of the worst Tammany Hall style political machines in the whole nation.

Worth repeating again- why do you have so little respect for America?

Obama spent 14 of his 18 years of his childhood in the United States. 4 years in Indonesia- but you think that Indonesia is so culturally superior to the U.S. that those 4 years were more influential than 14 years in the United States?

Now you resort to lying again. I have far more respect for American than Indonesia. But the age Obama was at (6 to ten) is an important distinction. IT obviously affected Obamas preference for Muslims over Christians, and the Third World over America. Then after his return he was surrounded by communists and other radicals.

So yeah, the culture he grew up in has made him an America hating little bastard.

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