The REAL Issue Regarding Obama's Birth

We really don't know who the hell he is or where he came from, but we know one thing, he will go down as one of the worst presidents in history. Unfortunately, with our country suffering right alongside..

Anybody who doesn't know who President Obama is- or where he came from is a total idiot- aka a Birther.
No you are calling the author a liar.

Here let me show you specifically

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, foo

But what did the author of those words say?

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Why do you call Miriam Goderich a liar?

Because you don't like what she said.

So you don't believe Obama was born in Kenya- you just believe other Birther talking points- you are a proto-Birther.

And just like all Birthers- you rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Oh, good greif, she contradicts herself and recants, there is no way to avoid implying she is lying with at least one of those two statements.

She says now that she made an error, but what would you expect her to say? That doesn't make her a liar, per se, since it is not an established pattern of behavior, this one incident.

But you Democrats are liars when you simply dismiss out of hand all distinction between short form BCs and long form, or your just too stupid to get the point.

Only a lying piece of shit like you would make up any story about her contradicting herself.

You said you didn't say she was lying- I pointed out that you did indeed do so- and now you go back and say she was lying.


Because like all good Birthers- you are fact adverse- and rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Once again- fact- not speculation:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

I didn't say she was lying before because I was unfamiliar with her recanting her pamphlet. So one way or the other she misrepresented facts, but it doesn't make her a liar.

So I never said she was a liar and I still don't..

Your quote:
You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, foo

What Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

So you aren't calling Goderich a liar when she said Obama did not say he was born in Kenya?

So you have changed your mind now- and believe her?

No, I don't believe her as I doubt that a professional in the book publishing industry would just make shit up...

Nor did she claim to have 'made shit up'- that is purely your claim.

She said it was an error- a mistake.

Birthers make false claims- like you have in this thread all the time. But anyone else makes an error? Oh that must be part of the Konspiracy!
So your answer is- everyone is lying- because you say that they are.

I am defending the pamphlet's author, not calling them liars; that is what you are doing, not me.

No you are calling the author a liar.

Here let me show you specifically

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, foo

But what did the author of those words say?

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Why do you call Miriam Goderich a liar?

Because you don't like what she said.

So you don't believe Obama was born in Kenya- you just believe other Birther talking points- you are a proto-Birther.

And just like all Birthers- you rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Oh, good greif, she contradicts herself and recants, there is no way to avoid implying she is lying with at least one of those two statements.

She says now that she made an error, but what would you expect her to say? That doesn't make her a liar, per se, since it is not an established pattern of behavior, this one incident.

But you Democrats are liars when you simply dismiss out of hand all distinction between short form BCs and long form, or your just too stupid to get the point.

Only a lying piece of shit like you would make up any story about her contradicting herself.

You said you didn't say she was lying- I pointed out that you did indeed do so- and now you go back and say she was lying.


Because like all good Birthers- you are fact adverse- and rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Once again- fact- not speculation:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

I didn't say she was lying before because I was unfamiliar with her recanting her pamphlet. So one way or the other she misrepresented facts, but it doesn't make her a liar.

We have no evidence that Miriam Gooderich lies- but in this very thread you have demonstrated that you lie

Quoting you:
Oh, good greif, she contradicts herself and recants, there is no way to avoid implying she is lying with at least one of those two statements.

I didn't say she was lying before because I was unfamiliar with her recanting her pamphlet. So one way or the other she misrepresented facts, but it doesn't make her a liar

Well you clearly misrepresented your own opinion- and yes that does make you are liar.

When his lies don't stir things up enough, then he just resorts to lies.

What lie have I told? You are the one lying over and over and over.

Two obvious ones- you said Barack Obama was raised by 'card carrying communists'- lie.

And you said that Miriam Goderich was lying- and then said you didn't say she was lying.

Wouldn't take much to find others of your lies.

In this thread- or others.
Yeah. No reporters ever even asked a single question about Obama. We don't know ANYTHING about him.


May by one or two reporters may have asked..

Tell me. Did two hundred reporters ever try to dig up anything of Barry like they did on Palin??

Nope. They did not. That's why no one knows what he did in Pakistan or any of the other countries he was in.
Yeah. No reporters ever even asked a single question about Obama. We don't know ANYTHING about him.


May by one or two reporters may have asked..

Tell me. Did two hundred reporters ever try to dig up anything of Barry like they did on Palin??

Nope. They did not. That's why no one knows what he did in Pakistan or any of the other countries he was in.

Yes. They did. You are in nutter upside-down ba ward land. Perhaps beyond help.
No you are calling the author a liar.

Here let me show you specifically

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, foo

But what did the author of those words say?

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Why do you call Miriam Goderich a liar?

Because you don't like what she said.

So you don't believe Obama was born in Kenya- you just believe other Birther talking points- you are a proto-Birther.

And just like all Birthers- you rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Oh, good greif, she contradicts herself and recants, there is no way to avoid implying she is lying with at least one of those two statements.

She says now that she made an error, but what would you expect her to say? That doesn't make her a liar, per se, since it is not an established pattern of behavior, this one incident.

But you Democrats are liars when you simply dismiss out of hand all distinction between short form BCs and long form, or your just too stupid to get the point.

Only a lying piece of shit like you would make up any story about her contradicting herself.

You said you didn't say she was lying- I pointed out that you did indeed do so- and now you go back and say she was lying.


Because like all good Birthers- you are fact adverse- and rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Once again- fact- not speculation:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

I didn't say she was lying before because I was unfamiliar with her recanting her pamphlet. So one way or the other she misrepresented facts, but it doesn't make her a liar.

So I never said she was a liar and I still don't..

Your quote:
You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, foo

What Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

So you aren't calling Goderich a liar when she said Obama did not say he was born in Kenya?

So you have changed your mind now- and believe her?

No, I don't believe her as I doubt that a professional in the book publishing industry would just make shit up...well she is a Democrat, isn't she? So maybe she would, lol.

But I didn't make up the pamphlet, that was Obama and his publishers. Don't blame me for their screw ups.

I have already stated that I think he was most likely born in Hawaii, but I don't know that for a fact since he still has not presented his long form BC to the public to review.
You can't be serious.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.
Means nothing. He said he is a Muslim and he is born of a Muslim he is a Muslim. Bad or good Muslim, is meaningless.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

And who says Obama's a Muslim?

That would be you. Obama says he's a Christian. Why would any rational person ignore Obama and instead believe you on Obama's religion?

Yeah, best not to think about that too hard.
No. Muslims say he is a Muslim. His daddy was a Muslim. That makes BO one.

but I could care less...just making a point of the hypocrisy of the Left.

Psychologically heathy people say you're totally bat crap crazy.

I guess since people say that about you it must be true.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

And who says Obama's a Muslim?

That would be you. Obama says he's a Christian. Why would any rational person ignore Obama and instead believe you on Obama's religion?

Yeah, best not to think about that too hard.
No. Muslims say he is a Muslim. His daddy was a Muslim. That makes BO one.

but I could care less...just making a point of the hypocrisy of the Left.

Psychologically heathy people say you're totally bat crap crazy.

I guess since people say that about you it must be true.
You likely believe everything Big Ears says, so I am just doing the same. He said he is a Muslim...then the little dork on ABC, corrected him. But, he still said it.
We're talking about what God says should happen to someone who harms an unborn child.

Your christian god has no problem with anything happening to a fetus. In fact, that god gave instructions on how to induce an abortion in your bible.

I guess you believe your god would do something horrible to those priests.

Numbers 5:12-31New International Version (NIV)
12 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him 13 so that another man has sexual relations with her, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act), 14 and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure—or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure— 15 then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephah[a] of barley flour on her behalf. He must not pour olive oil on it or put incense on it, because it is a grain offering for jealousy, a reminder-offering to draw attention to wrongdoing.

16 “‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord. 17 Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. 18 After the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse.19 Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. 20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”— 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a curse[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

“‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.”

23 “‘The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water. 24 He shall make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and this water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering will enter her. 25 The priest is to take from her hands the grain offering for jealousy, wave it before the Lord and bring it to the altar. 26 The priest is then to take a handful of the grain offering as a memorial[c] offering and burn it on the altar; after that, he is to have the woman drink the water. 27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. 28 If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children.

29 “‘This, then, is the law of jealousy when a woman goes astray and makes herself impure while married to her husband, 30 or when feelings of jealousy come over a man because he suspects his wife. The priest is to have her stand before the Lord and is to apply this entire law to her. 31 The husband will be innocent of any wrongdoing, but the woman will bear the consequences of her sin.’”
We're talking about what God says should happen to someone who harms an unborn child.

God says the husband gets to decide the punishment- or as the judges decide he should pay.

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life.

What is mischief? Well it certainly is not the 'fruit departing' since that happens every time.

Nothing in this whole chapter says anything about abortion- it is about penalties when someone harms someone else- in this case the woman(or more specifically- the husband's property).

However Numbers 5:12-31 sure talks about abortion.

It tells how to induce an abortion.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.

Of course, Muslims are duty bound to deceive non-muslims where deception is necessary to promote Islam... thus a Muslim insurgent in the office of the POTUS definitely falls into that category.

Then there's obama's consistent aid and comfort to Islamic terrorists, his hysterical refusal to associate Islam with terrorism, his refusal to allow Christians being persecuted in the Middle East to come to the US... even as he is importing MUSLIMS from the Middle East... by the GROSS.

So... where one is a Muslim, operating as an insurgent in the Office of the US Presidency... it follows that part of that job would BE to BE a bad a Muslim as possible, so as to prolong to the extent possible, the means to promote the interests of Islam, from the most powerful office in the world.
We're talking about what God says should happen to someone who harms an unborn child.

Your christian god has no problem with anything happening to a fetus. In fact, that god gave instructions on how to induce an abortion in your bible.

I guess you believe your god would do something horrible to those priests.

Numbers 5:12-31New International Version (NIV)
12 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him 13 so that another man has sexual relations with her, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act), 14 and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure—or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure— 15 then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephah[a] of barley flour on her behalf. He must not pour olive oil on it or put incense on it, because it is a grain offering for jealousy, a reminder-offering to draw attention to wrongdoing.

16 “‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord. 17 Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. 18 After the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse.19 Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. 20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”— 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a curse[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

“‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.”

23 “‘The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water. 24 He shall make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and this water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering will enter her. 25 The priest is to take from her hands the grain offering for jealousy, wave it before the Lord and bring it to the altar. 26 The priest is then to take a handful of the grain offering as a memorial[c] offering and burn it on the altar; after that, he is to have the woman drink the water. 27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. 28 If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children.

29 “‘This, then, is the law of jealousy when a woman goes astray and makes herself impure while married to her husband, 30 or when feelings of jealousy come over a man because he suspects his wife. The priest is to have her stand before the Lord and is to apply this entire law to her. 31 The husband will be innocent of any wrongdoing, but the woman will bear the consequences of her sin.’”


SOooo... Reader, THAT is a wonderful demonstration of how Leftists find the "RIGHT TO MARRY ANYTHING YA WANT! (Except your Family, of course and except for those that want to marry multiple parties... Fuck those guys!) in the 14th Amendment.

(We've also been told that within the 14th Amendment is a lovely recipe for Chicken Soup... IF ya know where to look!)
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.
Means nothing. He said he is a Muslim and he is born of a Muslim he is a Muslim. Bad or good Muslim, is meaningless.

I don't believe he ever said those words.

However, what does his religious faith have to do with him being able to do his job?

And why do you keep violating the constitution? It plainly states that there is to never be any religious test to be run for and be elected to public political office.

You seem to believe that only a christian can be president. You're wrong.

I'm not christian or muslim or jewish and I'm not the only American like that. There's MILLIONS of us here in America and we prefer to follow the CONSTITUTION. Which that and it's amendments are what our nation is based on. Not your paranoia or hate.

Tell me this, why is it ok for ted cruz to be born in Canada and your party allows him to run as president? He wasn't born in America so according to the standards you erroneously impose on Obama, cruz can't ever run for president but there his is, running for president as a republican. Why don't any of you birthers have a problem with that?

Why would you believe he's a muslim when he doesn't do anything that a muslim does? Why do you believe the lies of birthers but not actual actions of Obama? Why does his actual actions mean nothing? If that's true, then what's your problem? If what Obama does means nothing then you have nothing to fear from him. He can't do anything for or to America since what he does means nothing.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.
Means nothing. He said he is a Muslim and he is born of a Muslim he is a Muslim. Bad or good Muslim, is meaningless.

I don't believe he ever said those words.

However, what does his religious faith have to do with him being able to do his job?

And why do you keep violating the constitution? It plainly states that there is to never be any religious test to be run for and be elected to public political office.

You seem to believe that only a christian can be president. You're wrong.

I'm not christian or muslim or jewish and I'm not the only American like that. There's MILLIONS of us here in America and we prefer to follow the CONSTITUTION. Which that and it's amendments are what our nation is based on. Not your paranoia or hate.

Tell me this, why is it ok for ted cruz to be born in Canada and your party allows him to run as president? He wasn't born in America so according to the standards you erroneously impose on Obama, cruz can't ever run for president but there his is, running for president as a republican. Why don't any of you birthers have a problem with that?

Why would you believe he's a muslim when he doesn't do anything that a muslim does? Why do you believe the lies of birthers but not actual actions of Obama? Why does his actual actions mean nothing? If that's true, then what's your problem? If what Obama does means nothing then you have nothing to fear from him. He can't do anything for or to America since what he does means nothing.
His religious faith means little to me too. However, as is typical of politicians who for the most part, are psychopaths (BO is a classical psychopath). We must expose their lies.
I don't believe he ever said those words.

And you'd be wrong...

However, what does his religious faith have to do with him being able to do his job?

His job is to defend the Constitution of the United States and as a Muslim one cannot do that, as the US Constitution stands in direct opposition to Islam. As it stands upon the principle that the individual is endowed by God with rights SO CERTAIN that they are self evident... and that ALL MEN are created equal. Islam takes a different view... .

And why do you keep violating the constitution? It plainly states that there is to never be any religious test to be run for and be elected to public political office.

Well, yes... but it also founded upon principles which defy Islam... and states several precepts which rule out Islam as a viable candidate for those who must swear to DEFEND the Constitution of the United States. SO, within that subtext, the Constitution actually does rule Islam out, as an acceptable religion. Plus... Islam is not a Religion, so much as a political cult, posing as a religion.

I'm not christian or muslim or jewish and I'm not the only American like that.

ROFL! Oh... Sweety. You're a Leftist. And Left-think is an advocacy of Foreign Ideas that are Hostile to American Principle. Therefore, you're are not an American.

Ya see scamp, one can't simultaneously promote ideas that reject American Principle and claim yourself to be one who recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to American Principle.

It's quite literally a natural impossibility.

But... In fairness to you, as a Leftist, you prove yourself to be incapable of being anything else... meaning you're an imbecile; so there is NO WAY you could have known that.
Why would you believe he's a muslim when he doesn't do anything that a muslim does?

So... Muslims do not persecute Christians, take measures to prevent Christians from effectively forming opposition to Islam and otherwise promote the interests of Islam?

Are you SERIOUS?

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