The REAL Issue Regarding Obama's Birth

Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.

Of course, Muslims are duty bound to deceive non-muslims where deception is necessary to promote Islam... thus a Muslim insurgent in the office of the POTUS definitely falls into that category.

Then there's obama's consistent aid and comfort to Islamic terrorists, his hysterical refusal to associate Islam with terrorism, his refusal to allow Christians being persecuted in the Middle East to come to the US... even as he is importing MUSLIMS from the Middle East... by the GROSS.

So... where one is a Muslim, operating as an insurgent in the Office of the US Presidency... it follows that part of that job would BE to BE a bad a Muslim as possible, so as to prolong to the extent possible, the means to promote the interests of Islam, from the most powerful office in the world.


This thread is full of win.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.
Obama's muslim prayer rug:

Some interesting notes on the rug. Obama had the rug installed in 2010. There are five quotes on the rug (a):
  • “The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, But it Bends Towards Justice” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • “Government of the People, By the People, For the People” – President Abraham Lincoln
  • “No Problem of Human Destiny is Beyond Human Beings” – President John F. Kennedy
  • “The Welfare of Each of Us is Dependent Fundamentally Upon the Welfare of All of Us” – President Theodore Roosevelt
The quote attributed to MLK Jr. is actually a quote from Theodore Parker (b).

a) Obama replaces Bush Oval Office rug with new quote-emblazoned carpet
b) Jamie Stiehm - Oval Office rug gets history wrong
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.

Of course, Muslims are duty bound to deceive non-muslims where deception is necessary to promote Islam... thus a Muslim insurgent in the office of the POTUS definitely falls into that category.

Then there's obama's consistent aid and comfort to Islamic terrorists, his hysterical refusal to associate Islam with terrorism, his refusal to allow Christians being persecuted in the Middle East to come to the US... even as he is importing MUSLIMS from the Middle East... by the GROSS.

So... where one is a Muslim, operating as an insurgent in the Office of the US Presidency... it follows that part of that job would BE to BE a bad a Muslim as possible, so as to prolong to the extent possible, the means to promote the interests of Islam, from the most powerful office in the world.


This thread is full of win.

And THAT dear Reader is how the lowly Prog concedes the argument.

They feign the notion that the argument is flawed, then ... fail to demonstrate a flaw.

And this is because Progs are Leftists and Left-think rests entirely in Relativism... and Relativism rejects the objectivity essential to discerning truth, thus absent the means to know objective truth, they're limited to their 'feelings' on such matters... and those feelings rarely provide a viable position.

But ... 'that said, the would-be 'contributor's' concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Add that to the '57 states', which would be perfectly reasonable for someone with little to no connection to or familiarity with, the United States. Formalities important to Americans, would naturally seem unimportant, if not irrelevant to the advocates of Foreign Ideas, hostile to America, her principles, heritage and traditions.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.

Of course, Muslims are duty bound to deceive non-muslims where deception is necessary to promote Islam... thus a Muslim insurgent in the office of the POTUS definitely falls into that category.

Then there's obama's consistent aid and comfort to Islamic terrorists, his hysterical refusal to associate Islam with terrorism, his refusal to allow Christians being persecuted in the Middle East to come to the US... even as he is importing MUSLIMS from the Middle East... by the GROSS.

So... where one is a Muslim, operating as an insurgent in the Office of the US Presidency... it follows that part of that job would BE to BE a bad a Muslim as possible, so as to prolong to the extent possible, the means to promote the interests of Islam, from the most powerful office in the world.


This thread is full of win.

And THAT dear Reader is how the lowly Prog concedes the argument.

They feign the notion that the argument is flawed, then ... fail to demonstrate a flaw.

And this is because Progs are Leftists and Left-think rests entirely in Relativism... and Relativism rejects the objectivity essential to discerning truth, thus absent the means to know objective truth, they're limited to their 'feelings' on such matters... and those feelings rarely provide a viable position.

But ... 'that said, the would-be 'contributor's' concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Mocking retarded straw men isn't refuting an argument, Pubes.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.

Of course, Muslims are duty bound to deceive non-muslims where deception is necessary to promote Islam... thus a Muslim insurgent in the office of the POTUS definitely falls into that category.

Then there's obama's consistent aid and comfort to Islamic terrorists, his hysterical refusal to associate Islam with terrorism, his refusal to allow Christians being persecuted in the Middle East to come to the US... even as he is importing MUSLIMS from the Middle East... by the GROSS.

So... where one is a Muslim, operating as an insurgent in the Office of the US Presidency... it follows that part of that job would BE to BE a bad a Muslim as possible, so as to prolong to the extent possible, the means to promote the interests of Islam, from the most powerful office in the world.


This thread is full of win.

And THAT dear Reader is how the lowly Prog concedes the argument.

They feign the notion that the argument is flawed, then ... fail to demonstrate a flaw.

The that Obama isn't a Muslim. Making all your babble about Muslims gloriously irrelevant.

And this is because Progs are Leftists and Left-think rests entirely in Relativism... and Relativism rejects the objectivity essential to discerning truth, thus absent the means to know objective truth, they're limited to their 'feelings' on such matters... and those feelings rarely provide a viable position.

Says the poor, confused soul that quotes himself as God, Nature, and 'Objective Truth'. You're the most relativistic poster on our board. As you insist that your personal opinion defines objectivity.

Sigh...if only reality worked that way.

But ... 'that said, the would-be 'contributor's' concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

And your tell. Your little white flag showing us that you're preparing to run.

That was easy.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.
Obama's muslim prayer rug:

Some interesting notes on the rug. Obama had the rug installed in 2010. There are five quotes on the rug (a):
  • “The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, But it Bends Towards Justice” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • “Government of the People, By the People, For the People” – President Abraham Lincoln
  • “No Problem of Human Destiny is Beyond Human Beings” – President John F. Kennedy
  • “The Welfare of Each of Us is Dependent Fundamentally Upon the Welfare of All of Us” – President Theodore Roosevelt
The quote attributed to MLK Jr. is actually a quote from Theodore Parker (b).

a) Obama replaces Bush Oval Office rug with new quote-emblazoned carpet
b) Jamie Stiehm - Oval Office rug gets history wrong

I see no prayer rug in that room. Please tell me where it is.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.
Obama's muslim prayer rug:

Some interesting notes on the rug. Obama had the rug installed in 2010. There are five quotes on the rug (a):
  • “The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, But it Bends Towards Justice” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • “Government of the People, By the People, For the People” – President Abraham Lincoln
  • “No Problem of Human Destiny is Beyond Human Beings” – President John F. Kennedy
  • “The Welfare of Each of Us is Dependent Fundamentally Upon the Welfare of All of Us” – President Theodore Roosevelt
The quote attributed to MLK Jr. is actually a quote from Theodore Parker (b).

a) Obama replaces Bush Oval Office rug with new quote-emblazoned carpet
b) Jamie Stiehm - Oval Office rug gets history wrong

I see no prayer rug in that room. Please tell me where it is.

Maybe the bowl of fruit IS the Muslim Prayer rug?
Yeah. No reporters ever even asked a single question about Obama. We don't know ANYTHING about him.


May by one or two reporters may have asked..

Tell me. Did two hundred reporters ever try to dig up anything of Barry like they did on Palin??

Nope. They did not. That's why no one knows what he did in Pakistan or any of the other countries he was in.

Birthers are amazingly ignorant. How do you manage to keep yourself so ignorant about President Obama? It must take some real effort.

Of course the reality is- you don't want 'information'- you want dirt. So you ignore anything that is not 'dirt'.

Mr. Obama visited Pakistan in 1981, on the way back from Indonesia, where his mother and half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, were living. He spent “about three weeks” there, Mr. Obama’s press secretary, Bill Burton, said, staying in Karachi with the family of a college friend, Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, but also traveling to Hyderabad, in India.

Pakistan Times! » Obama’s larkana Connection

United State’s Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has a connection with Larkana, city of Bhuttos of Pakistan. In 1981 Obama as a student visited Larkana for a partridge hunting session. His host was one Hasan Chandio. City of Larkana was renamed. Its original name before the raj was Chandka. Chandios are still considered be the biggest landlords of Sindh.

During his visit to Pakistan he stayed in Hasan Chandio’s residence and later he traveled to interior Sindh for partridge hunting. In Sindh partridge hunting is considered as a symbol of good hospitality.

For information on his time in Indonesia- well there are tons of articles on his 4 years as a child in Indonesia- interviews with friends, teachers, classmates.

The information is out there- Birthers just refuse to go beyond lies, speculation and innuendo.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.
Means nothing. He said he is a Muslim and he is born of a Muslim he is a Muslim. Bad or good Muslim, is meaningless.

Obama says he is a Christian. He didn't say he is- or was- a Muslim.

You are just once again showing that Birthers rely upon nothing more than lies, speculation and innuendo.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

And who says Obama's a Muslim?

That would be you. Obama says he's a Christian. Why would any rational person ignore Obama and instead believe you on Obama's religion?

Yeah, best not to think about that too hard.
No. Muslims say he is a Muslim. His daddy was a Muslim. That makes BO one.

but I could care less...just making a point of the hypocrisy of the Left.

Psychologically heathy people say you're totally bat crap crazy.

I guess since people say that about you it must be true.
You likely believe everything Big Ears says, so I am just doing the same. He said he is a Muslim...then the little dork on ABC, corrected him. But, he still said it.

No- you are just lying- but then again- that is what Birthers do.
Romney's a Mormon....we can't have that.

Obama's a Muslim....oh that's okay.

If Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim in the world.

He doesn't have a prayer rug he prays on. He doesn't pray 5 times a day. He never went to Mecca as required by the muslim religion. He eats pork. He drinks alcohol. He married a christian woman in a christian church. He is a member of and attended a christian church for 20 years that some on the right hate the pastor of that church and says that pastor hates America. He was baptized in a christian church. He had his children baptized christian in a christian church and is raising them christian. He's not a member of any muslim mosque and doesn't attend one.

So if Obama is a muslim he's the WORST muslim on the planet.

On the other hand since he attended a christian church for 20 years, was married in a christian church, baptized in a christian church, is married to a christian woman and his kids are christian, he's a pretty good christian.

Your post and the ones in this thread by you birthers is nothing but garbage.
Means nothing. He said he is a Muslim and he is born of a Muslim he is a Muslim. Bad or good Muslim, is meaningless.

I don't believe he ever said those words.

However, what does his religious faith have to do with him being able to do his job?

And why do you keep violating the constitution? It plainly states that there is to never be any religious test to be run for and be elected to public political office.

You seem to believe that only a christian can be president. You're wrong.

I'm not christian or muslim or jewish and I'm not the only American like that. There's MILLIONS of us here in America and we prefer to follow the CONSTITUTION. Which that and it's amendments are what our nation is based on. Not your paranoia or hate.

Tell me this, why is it ok for ted cruz to be born in Canada and your party allows him to run as president? He wasn't born in America so according to the standards you erroneously impose on Obama, cruz can't ever run for president but there his is, running for president as a republican. Why don't any of you birthers have a problem with that?

Why would you believe he's a muslim when he doesn't do anything that a muslim does? Why do you believe the lies of birthers but not actual actions of Obama? Why does his actual actions mean nothing? If that's true, then what's your problem? If what Obama does means nothing then you have nothing to fear from him. He can't do anything for or to America since what he does means nothing.
His religious faith means little to me too. However, as is typical of politicians who for the most part, are psychopaths (BO is a classical psychopath). We must expose their lies.

Means so little that you have lied about Obama's faith twice now in this thread.

The only lies you are exposing are your own.

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