The REAL Issue Regarding Obama's Birth

Christians are not pro choice. Not a real Christian, anyway. God states in the bible in Exodus that if a pregnant woman is harmed and loses her baby, the person who harmed her should be executed. It's pretty clear that no Christian could possibly see killing a baby in the womb as acceptable. That proves God believes that the life of an unborn is equal to that of a grown man.

If I am accused of stealing something from a store and I produce a fraudulent receipt for that item, have I cleared myself of the accusations simply because I produced some kind of receipt when asked? According to liberals, yes.

Same thing with Obama and his BC.
Have to correct you on your scripture there:
Exodus 21 KJV
22If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

That's KJV. Here is ESV:

“When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman's husband shall impose on him, and vhe shall pay as the wjudges determine. But if there is harm4 then you shall pay life for life, 24eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

Clear as day. Life for a life. Kill a baby in the womb, kill the person who did it.

I appreciate your efforts but I've read the bible cover to cover more times than you've opened one. I used to lead bible study classes. Trust me, I know scripture.

Clearly you don't.

Here is the CEV version

22 Suppose a pregnant woman suffers a miscarriaged]">[d] as the result of an injury caused by someone who is fighting. If she isn’t badly hurt, the one who injured her must pay whatever fine her husband demands and the judges approve.
23 But if she is seriously injured, the payment will be life for life,
24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 burn for burn, cut for cut, and bruise for bruise.

Penalty for harming the woman- not for harming her potential child.

We're talking about what God says should happen to someone who harms an unborn child.

And what about 'born child'?

And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. -- Numbers 31:15-17

I do not remember Moses being put to death.
We're talking about what God says should happen to someone who harms an unborn child.
Is it okay to drop a bomb on a pregnant Muslim woman?

What does this have to do with dropping bombs on people?

The bible clearly states that God stitched together everyone in the womb and is the only person who can give life or take it. We're not talking about adulterers, we're not talking about bombs.

Stay on topic. We're talking about abortion. The scripture clearly states any man who strikes a pregnant woman and kills the child shall suffer the same fate as the child, life for a life. Its undeniable. It's scripture.

From the same chapter of Leviticus

Do you follow God's instructions if a bull kills a man or a woman- do you have it stoned to death?

28 “If an ox gores a man or a woman to death, the ox is to be stoned and its flesh not eaten, but the owner of the ox will have no further liability. 29 However, if the ox was in the habit of goring in the past, and the owner was warned but did not confine it, so that it ended up killing a man or a woman; then the ox is to be stoned, and its owner too is to be put to death. 30 However, a ransom may be imposed on him; and the death penalty will be commuted if he pays the amount imposed. 31 If the ox gores a son or daughter, the same rule applies. 32 If the ox gores a male or female slave, its owner must give their master twelve ounces of silver; and the ox is to be stoned to death.
Well that is what he said himself on his book flier.

Oh, I know what you are going to say, that Obama is such a fucking liar, who can believe him about anything. And that is my point.

The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?
Of course, you can post the retraction that was published to negate that bit of "untruth"?

And what 'retraction' are you referring to?

Let me guess; the kind of 'retraction' that's irrefutable and long we don't ever ask to see it, read it, or verify its existence?
How about a retraction that mentions that little oopsie about being born in Kenya, for starters? Just let that one slip by, didn't they? Oh, wait, that was just to insure book sales. My bad, capitalism rules.

Ensure what book sales? That brochure was for a book that was never published. In Barack Obama's actual book he says he was born in Hawaii- like every major publication in America which mentions his place of birth.

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

My favorite of course from WND- who managed to find this nugget


Chicago Daily Herald 5/3/90- courtesy of WND

Birthers are hilarious.
I didn't say 'landslide'. I said it wasn't even close. Obama won by millions and millions of votes and a wide margin on the electoral college.

He won easily.

OK, so you admit that you are blowing smoke.


No, I said what I said. It wasn't even close. Obama won by millions and millions of votes and wide margin on the electoral college.

He won easily.

And you don't even disagree with me.
You know what's really scary? The same bunch of low-information, racist morons are insisting that Hillary is presidential material, too!

Yeah, insult the electorate when you can't convince them to vote for your candidate. That'll work. Don't take any responsibility for your own losses. Always, always blame it on someone else.

Why is it that in the party of 'personal responsibility', its always someone else's fault?
Sorry to say, but so much of the electorate deserves insult. They are willfully ignorant and will cast a vote for a candidate who promises them the most goodies, or who most resembles them in appearance, or who may be perceived as "cute" or attractive in some way. It's difficult to persuade those who are incapable of looking beyond their own individual self interest and recognizing how their stupid, ignorant choices affect the nation as an entirety, including themselves. They accept liars, cheats, criminals, and pretenders for no other reason than they like to believe the swill fed to them by the lackey media.

Yet they are the very people entrusted by our Constitution to cast the votes, used by the Electoral College in the election.

You don't have to respect American voters of course.

Nor do we have to respect you.
Um, it says further harm. If the baby dies, that is further harm. If the mother dies its further harm. Quit hating babies you sick fucktard.

Oh, and to the dumbass not able to comprehend "go into detail", "better ideas" is not detail. You blame Romney, I say then tell me what Romney should have done. You can't, because you know that there was no beating that racist idiot in the white house. Republicans could have ran the pope and he wouldn't have been able to touch Obozo.
Um, it says further harm. If the baby dies, that is further harm. If the mother dies its further harm. Quit hating babies you sick fucktard.

Oh, and to the dumbass not able to comprehend "go into detail", "better ideas" is not detail. You blame Romney, I say then tell me what Romney should have done. You can't, because you know that there was no beating that racist idiot in the white house. Republicans could have ran the pope and he wouldn't have been able to touch Obozo.

Of course I blame Romney for his own campaign, dipshit. Who else is there to blame? It was HIS campaign. I gave you a half dozen explicit, specific, costly mistakes he made.

And in defiance of all reason, you ignore every one of them, and refuse to hold Romney responsible for any aspect of his OWN campaign.

I get it: you're just victims. You're helpless leaves on the water....capable of nothing.....responsible for nothing.....subject to powers you have no capacity nor hope of ever influencing. Let alone controlling.

But why would any rational person VOTE for that? And how is that 'personal responsibility'?
Obama has respect for other countries, especially poor ones, and this is a PROBLEM for you? Do you not realise how damn stupid that sounds?

Yes, because some countries and some traditions in many third world countries do NOT deserve respect, like the fatalism of many cultures that prevents helping the poor, or the countries that do female mutilations, cutting off their clit, etc.

Of course that sort of thing is OK by you because you stopped think for yourself ages ago.

You think the US deserves respect? I mean, they go around the world causing problems all over the place. Invading, bombing, all for their own interests. Great.

Many poor countries do things we'd call "traditional", why? Because they're poor and poorly educated. Until these countries stop being poor then these sorts of problems will exist.

Then again the US is rich and can't solve its own problems, and has people who go against the rights of others. The country had slavery, then segregation, also pounded down on gay people, Native Americans, the Irish and so on and on and on. Things change.

If you go with a disrespectful attitude because some of the things that exist aren't good, then you're not a statesman but someone who doesn't understand how to make change in such countries.
Um, it says further harm. If the baby dies, that is further harm. If the mother dies its further harm. Quit hating babies you sick fucktard.

Oh, and to the dumbass not able to comprehend "go into detail", "better ideas" is not detail. You blame Romney, I say then tell me what Romney should have done. You can't, because you know that there was no beating that racist idiot in the white house. Republicans could have ran the pope and he wouldn't have been able to touch Obozo.

Of course I blame Romney for his own campaign, dipshit. Who else is there to blame? It was HIS campaign. I gave you a half dozen explicit, specific, costly mistakes he made.

And in defiance of all reason, you ignore every one of them, and refuse to hold Romney responsible for any aspect of his OWN campaign.

I get it: you're just victims. You're helpless leaves on the water....capable of nothing.....responsible for nothing.....subject to powers you have no capacity nor hope of ever influencing. Let alone controlling.

But why would any rational person VOTE for that? And how is that 'personal responsibility'?
If a certain someone had been attacking Obama over Benghazi rather than defending him things might be very different right about now. Guess that just goes to show no good deed goes unpunished.
That's 3 times I've asked for specifics on what Romney could have done to beat Obozo and his leech followers and 3 times they've gone off on a tangent about victims.

I'll call that a victory for me.

Good job, me.
Obama has respect for other countries, especially poor ones, and this is a PROBLEM for you? Do you not realise how damn stupid that sounds?

Yes, because some countries and some traditions in many third world countries do NOT deserve respect, like the fatalism of many cultures that prevents helping the poor, or the countries that do female mutilations, cutting off their clit, etc.

Of course that sort of thing is OK by you because you stopped think for yourself ages ago.

You think the US deserves respect? I mean, they go around the world causing problems all over the place. Invading, bombing, all for their own interests. Great.

Many poor countries do things we'd call "traditional", why? Because they're poor and poorly educated. Until these countries stop being poor then these sorts of problems will exist.

Then again the US is rich and can't solve its own problems, and has people who go against the rights of others. The country had slavery, then segregation, also pounded down on gay people, Native Americans, the Irish and so on and on and on. Things change.

If you go with a disrespectful attitude because some of the things that exist aren't good, then you're not a statesman but someone who doesn't understand how to make change in such countries.

We invaded and bombed Afghanistan because they harbored the people responsible for destroying the World Trade Center and killing several thousand of our people. We invaded Iraq for multiple reasons and all justified.

Your attitude about the US is why I want to withdraw our forces from around the world and let you dumbasses fend for yourselves. I pray to God we never have to step into some European or Asian bullshit to save ungrateful morons like you from the consequences of your own stupidity.
Well that is what he said himself on his book flier.

Oh, I know what you are going to say, that Obama is such a fucking liar, who can believe him about anything. And that is my point.

The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?
Of course, you can post the retraction that was published to negate that bit of "untruth"?

And what 'retraction' are you referring to?

Let me guess; the kind of 'retraction' that's irrefutable and long we don't ever ask to see it, read it, or verify its existence?
How about a retraction that mentions that little oopsie about being born in Kenya, for starters? Just let that one slip by, didn't they? Oh, wait, that was just to insure book sales. My bad, capitalism rules.

Ensure what book sales? That brochure was for a book that was never published. In Barack Obama's actual book he says he was born in Hawaii- like every major publication in America which mentions his place of birth.

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

My favorite of course from WND- who managed to find this nugget

View attachment 51742

Chicago Daily Herald 5/3/90- courtesy of WND

Birthers are hilarious.

And the point of the OP has nothing to with WHERE Obama was born. It is really irrelevant where he was born, when the culture he adopted to a great degree was Indonesian culture and he seems to identify with it more than America.

That is the point of the thread.
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The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

So your answer is- everyone is lying- because you say that they are.

Exactly! That's a birther for you.

Where did I say that everyone is lying? That is your claim, dude.
The pamphlet you're citing wasn't written by Obama.

And I'm pretty sure you know that. If I go back and do a search with your name and the words 'Miriam Goderich', am I going to find that you know exactly who she is and have commented on her before?

You are a stupid ass if you think that the publisher just took words out of thin air and put it in Obamies bio. They wrote what he told them, plain as day, fool.

So your answer is- everyone is lying- because you say that they are.

I am defending the pamphlet's author, not calling them liars; that is what you are doing, not me.

Well unlike Birthers like yourself, Americans don't rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

That is what Birthers do.

Except I am not a Birther as I think Obama was born in Hawaii, idiot and I have said this several times. All I am saying is that Obama and his associates have not given any particularly sizable effort to cleaning the confusion up. In fact I think it is a deliberate Tar Baby tactic.

BTW, you can barely speak for yourself, you certainly don't speak for all Americans, jack ass.
I do not seriously doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii but I think that is a trivial issue compared to the simple fact that Obama's formative years were in a Muslim country and he shares an undue respect for Third World issues and prejudices that makes him un-American and unfit for the Presidency.

I really wish that Birthers had focused more on that and Obama being raised by card carrying Communists than the distraction of exactly what country he was born in because that seemed like, to so many, to be a little more than a technicality that they could not understand anyway.

Obama may not have been born in Kenya, but he has the heart and soul of an Indonesian and there is no doubt about that as it is apparent from the Third World character of his regime which is also an offshoot of one of the worst Tammany Hall style political machines in the whole nation.
“...Obama being raised by card carrying Communists...”

“Obama may not have been born in Kenya...”

What's funny is conservatives don't even realize how stupid they sound.

That's the best part. They cast themselves as the "Batshit Party'". And you don't even have to trick them into doing it. They go out of their way to drape themselves in tinfoil.

You cant even get it straight that I am not a Birther, let along get anything regarding policy and culture straight.

You are one of the biggest arrogant jack asses on this board, so your comments about me are only a little less than amusing to me.
We invaded and bombed Afghanistan because they harbored the people responsible for destroying the World Trade Center and killing several thousand of our people. We invaded Iraq for multiple reasons and all justified.

Your attitude about the US is why I want to withdraw our forces from around the world and let you dumbasses fend for yourselves. I pray to God we never have to step into some European or Asian bullshit to save ungrateful morons like you from the consequences of your own stupidity.

Ever heard of EXTRADITION? This is the NORMAL way of moving a wanted person from one country to another.
Are you saying that if Mexico harbors a criminal who killed people that the US would be justified in invading and bombing Mexico? Do you realize what policy you're advancing? That the US can do whatever it likes no matter what?

None of the reasons to invade Iraq were justified. But then I guess seeing as the US got hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Iraqis killed, then Iraq would be justified in BOMBING and invading the US. Right?

So do you accept the Boston bombing as justified?

I would be fine with US troops being withdrawn from the world. The biggest threat to world peace is.... the USA.
We invaded and bombed Afghanistan because they harbored the people responsible for destroying the World Trade Center and killing several thousand of our people. We invaded Iraq for multiple reasons and all justified.

Your attitude about the US is why I want to withdraw our forces from around the world and let you dumbasses fend for yourselves. I pray to God we never have to step into some European or Asian bullshit to save ungrateful morons like you from the consequences of your own stupidity.

Ever heard of EXTRADITION? This is the NORMAL way of moving a wanted person from one country to another.
Are you saying that if Mexico harbors a criminal who killed people that the US would be justified in invading and bombing Mexico? Do you realize what policy you're advancing? That the US can do whatever it likes no matter what?

None of the reasons to invade Iraq were justified. But then I guess seeing as the US got hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Iraqis killed, then Iraq would be justified in BOMBING and invading the US. Right?

So do you accept the Boston bombing as justified?

I would be fine with US troops being withdrawn from the world. The biggest threat to world peace is.... the USA.

AQ is not a single person, jack. Thus your whole post dissolves into a frothing pile of bubbles, lol.
I do not seriously doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii but I think that is a trivial issue compared to the simple fact that Obama's formative years were in a Muslim country and he shares an undue respect for Third World issues and prejudices that makes him un-American and unfit for the Presidency.

I really wish that Birthers had focused more on that and Obama being raised by card carrying Communists than the distraction of exactly what country he was born in because that seemed like, to so many, to be a little more than a technicality that they could not understand anyway.

Obama may not have been born in Kenya, but he has the heart and soul of an Indonesian and there is no doubt about that as it is apparent from the Third World character of his regime which is also an offshoot of one of the worst Tammany Hall style political machines in the whole nation.
“...Obama being raised by card carrying Communists...”

“Obama may not have been born in Kenya...”

What's funny is conservatives don't even realize how stupid they sound.

What's funny is how stupid you really are.
We invaded and bombed Afghanistan because they harbored the people responsible for destroying the World Trade Center and killing several thousand of our people. We invaded Iraq for multiple reasons and all justified.

Your attitude about the US is why I want to withdraw our forces from around the world and let you dumbasses fend for yourselves. I pray to God we never have to step into some European or Asian bullshit to save ungrateful morons like you from the consequences of your own stupidity.

Ever heard of EXTRADITION? This is the NORMAL way of moving a wanted person from one country to another.
Are you saying that if Mexico harbors a criminal who killed people that the US would be justified in invading and bombing Mexico? Do you realize what policy you're advancing? That the US can do whatever it likes no matter what?

None of the reasons to invade Iraq were justified. But then I guess seeing as the US got hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Iraqis killed, then Iraq would be justified in BOMBING and invading the US. Right?

So do you accept the Boston bombing as justified?

I would be fine with US troops being withdrawn from the world. The biggest threat to world peace is.... the USA.

AQ is not a single person, jack. Thus your whole post dissolves into a frothing pile of bubbles, lol.

Who or what is AQ, who is jack? Are you replying to my post? Doesn't seem like it.
You know what's really scary? The same bunch of low-information, racist morons are insisting that Hillary is presidential material, too!

Yeah, insult the electorate when you can't convince them to vote for your candidate. That'll work. Don't take any responsibility for your own losses. Always, always blame it on someone else.

Why is it that in the party of 'personal responsibility', its always someone else's fault?
Sorry to say, but so much of the electorate deserves insult. They are willfully ignorant and will cast a vote for a candidate who promises them the most goodies, or who most resembles them in appearance, or who may be perceived as "cute" or attractive in some way. It's difficult to persuade those who are incapable of looking beyond their own individual self interest and recognizing how their stupid, ignorant choices affect the nation as an entirety, including themselves. They accept liars, cheats, criminals, and pretenders for no other reason than they like to believe the swill fed to them by the lackey media.

And I'm sure that telling the electorate how stupid they are and how worthy of insult they are is a winning strategy.

I mean, your ilk have managed to convince the majority of the electorate to vote for your candidate.....ONCE in the last quarter century? How's that 'the electorate can go fuck itself' strategy working out for you?
I suppose you are now including Jonathan Gruber among those of my "ilk"?

I wasn't aware Johnathan Gruber ran for president. The GOP on the other hand has tried over and over, every 4 years. And in the last quarter century has managed to convince the majority of the electorate to vote for thier candidate a grand total of....

Wait for it.....

Wait ....




So how's insulting the electorate and blaming them for your losses working out?

Lol, you are so transparent basing your data sample on the last 6 elections, which isn't a big enough data sample to draw any conclusions other than that the GOP establishment needs to get the fuck out of the way and let their members pick, candidates.

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