The REAL Jacob Blake. The man the left have elevated to sainthood.

Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.

He wasn't unarmed, he had a knife.


And Convicts have shivs. Yet somehow the corrections officers manage to take them into custody without guns. Are you saying the CO’s are better than the cops?

23 feet, do you know the significance of that distance?


So why is it that the Prison Guards are able to get a guy restrained but the cops have only one option?
1. He broke into his victims home twice.
2. He raped his victim twice. At least once in front of one of her children.
3. He stole her car.
4. He stole her debit card and withdrew money.
5. When confronted by police he fought them.
6. After being tazzed he still managed to take the violence to his car in front of children.

And here we are weeks later watching the left defend this scumbag.
Personally im glad they shot him. He will no longer be a sexual predator.
now the NFL is going to have his name on a helmet. Can you imagine if you were the one who got raped and they are idolizing her rapist
....ALL of these jackasses fked up many peoples' lives.....they robbed/raped/etc lot of these blacks that protest against the police!!!!!! =the protesters are very stupid
Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.

He wasn't unarmed, he had a knife.


And Convicts have shivs. Yet somehow the corrections officers manage to take them into custody without guns. Are you saying the CO’s are better than the cops?

23 feet, do you know the significance of that distance?


So why is it that the Prison Guards are able to get a guy restrained but the cops have only one option? still at at???? we've been over this before Mr James Bond Perfect--stop the stupid shit
and you are wrong, anyway -here:
etc etc
Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.
.....SMann is PERFECT--he could do it right all the time with jackasses criminals
Was Blake doing all these things when he was shot in the back 8 times?

This is just like the lie about George Floyd pulling a gun on a pregnant woman. I posted the case here and nothing in the charges are about Floyd pulling a gun on a pregnant woman.

Now had Blake been doing all those things at the time then tried avoiding the police and was shot, no one would be saying anything. But you racists rush to make blacks criminals in order to justify your racist wishes for black extermination.
Yes idiot---he was a violent rapist with a knife----who refused to drop the knife as he got in a car with kids--the cops had to act to protect his kids from him. They couldn't chance him using them as hostages.

Only a moron would be upset that this violent rapist has shot by cops.
Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.

He wasn't unarmed, he had a knife.


And Convicts have shivs. Yet somehow the corrections officers manage to take them into custody without guns. Are you saying the CO’s are better than the cops?

23 feet, do you know the significance of that distance?


So why is it that the Prison Guards are able to get a guy restrained but the cops have only one option?

Probably got a lot to do with the criminals being in cages thus
Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.
.....SMann is PERFECT--he could do it right all the time with jackasses criminals
He had a knife and was getting into a car with kids---they had no choice.

Criminals who resist arrest should expect to be shot. Simple
Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.
.....SMann is PERFECT--he could do it right all the time with jackasses criminals

Help me out here Scooter. If someone runs a red light and T bones a car are we supposed to shrug and say it could happen to anyone and we don’t know the story? Or are we all going to say the dumbass ran a red light.

We do that sort of thing with literally everything. We do it in sports. We do it with politicians. We do it with every other facet of life. Yet we are not allowed to do it with police. No one is allowed to say the cops screwed up.

I will stop saying the cops screwed up when they obviously screwed up when you and the rest of the cheerleaders stop posting it was good and right and necessary to shoot unarmed people.
Was Blake doing all these things when he was shot in the back 8 times?

This is just like the lie about George Floyd pulling a gun on a pregnant woman. I posted the case here and nothing in the charges are about Floyd pulling a gun on a pregnant woman.

Now had Blake been doing all those things at the time then tried avoiding the police and was shot, no one would be saying anything. But you racists rush to make blacks criminals in order to justify your racist wishes for black extermination.
Let's be honest here. If the police officers had a poor or questionable history on the job, you would be the first to post it.

But we all know that the judgment has to be made once the investigation is done. The thread is about how the "Peaceful protesters" are making him as the most innocent man in the city which of course was not true.
1. He broke into his victims home twice.
2. He raped his victim twice. At least once in front of one of her children.
3. He stole her car.
4. He stole her debit card and withdrew money.
5. When confronted by police he fought them.
6. After being tazzed he still managed to take the violence to his car in front of children.

And here we are weeks later watching the left defend this scumbag.
Personally im glad they shot him. He will no longer be a sexual predator.
So, why was this man free on the streets? With that record, he should have been in prison.
1. He broke into his victims home twice.
2. He raped his victim twice. At least once in front of one of her children.
3. He stole her car.
4. He stole her debit card and withdrew money.
5. When confronted by police he fought them.
6. After being tazzed he still managed to take the violence to his car in front of children.

And here we are weeks later watching the left defend this scumbag.
Personally im glad they shot him. He will no longer be a sexual predator.
So, why was this man free on the streets? With that record, he should have been in prison.
That is what the police were trying to do when he resisted arrest and was shot.
1. He broke into his victims home twice.
2. He raped his victim twice. At least once in front of one of her children.
3. He stole her car.
4. He stole her debit card and withdrew money.
5. When confronted by police he fought them.
6. After being tazzed he still managed to take the violence to his car in front of children.

And here we are weeks later watching the left defend this scumbag.
Personally im glad they shot him. He will no longer be a sexual predator.
So, why was this man free on the streets? With that record, he should have been in prison.
That is what the police were trying to do when he resisted arrest and was shot.
Evidently he was arrested and tried earlier for the crimes listed in the first post. Why didn't he serve time and he should still be there.
Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.
.....SMann is PERFECT--he could do it right all the time with jackasses criminals

Help me out here Scooter. If someone runs a red light and T bones a car are we supposed to shrug and say it could happen to anyone and we don’t know the story? Or are we all going to say the dumbass ran a red light.

We do that sort of thing with literally everything. We do it in sports. We do it with politicians. We do it with every other facet of life. Yet we are not allowed to do it with police. No one is allowed to say the cops screwed up.

I will stop saying the cops screwed up when they obviously screwed up when you and the rest of the cheerleaders stop posting it was good and right and necessary to shoot unarmed people.
1. you are saying you never make mistakes
2. unarmed does not mean not a threat/dangerous
3.. there is not a problem of police brutality--if you think there is, read this thread and reply to my posts
making mistakes/etc all explained here
1. He broke into his victims home twice.
2. He raped his victim twice. At least once in front of one of her children.
3. He stole her car.
4. He stole her debit card and withdrew money.
5. When confronted by police he fought them.
6. After being tazzed he still managed to take the violence to his car in front of children.

And here we are weeks later watching the left defend this scumbag.
Personally im glad they shot him. He will no longer be a sexual predator.
And who has named him a saint?
Here's a bit more information.

Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.

He wasn't unarmed, he had a knife.


And Convicts have shivs. Yet somehow the corrections officers manage to take them into custody without guns. Are you saying the CO’s are better than the cops?
Have you ever noticed the equipment the correction's officers use to take down shiv armed convicts? Helmets, body armor, shields, heavy duty tazers, and so forth. If street cops dressed like that you would have a coronary calling them an occupying army and nazis.
Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.

He wasn't unarmed, he had a knife.


And Convicts have shivs. Yet somehow the corrections officers manage to take them into custody without guns. Are you saying the CO’s are better than the cops?

23 feet, do you know the significance of that distance?


So why is it that the Prison Guards are able to get a guy restrained but the cops have only one option?

So you don't know the significance, got it. And to answer your stupid ass deflection, prison guards have the ability to isolate a prisoner, time to gear up in protective garb, and strike with overwhelming force in a confined area on their time, not the criminals. Of course if they don't see the criminal coming, they'll be just as hurt or dead as a police officer.

Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.
.....SMann is PERFECT--he could do it right all the time with jackasses criminals

Help me out here Scooter. If someone runs a red light and T bones a car are we supposed to shrug and say it could happen to anyone and we don’t know the story? Or are we all going to say the dumbass ran a red light.

We do that sort of thing with literally everything. We do it in sports. We do it with politicians. We do it with every other facet of life. Yet we are not allowed to do it with police. No one is allowed to say the cops screwed up.

I will stop saying the cops screwed up when they obviously screwed up when you and the rest of the cheerleaders stop posting it was good and right and necessary to shoot unarmed people.
1. you are saying you never make mistakes
2. unarmed does not mean not a threat/dangerous
3.. there is not a problem of police brutality--if you think there is, read this thread and reply to my posts
making mistakes/etc all explained here

I replied to that thread and demonstrated the math was severely flawed. I can only assume you forgot. Memory problems eh?

No. I never said I don’t make mistakes. I said we can learn from every incident to reduce mistakes in the future. It is what the entire premise of NTSB investigations are about. How do we keep it from happening again?

That isn’t perfection. That is the realistic belief that you can always find improvements. That by the way is how we cut plane crashes, reached the moon, saved lives in combat, and tens of millions of other examples.

You on the other hand believe there is no room for improvement. That attitude is what is making life so bad for cops right now and in the future. I have explained that as well previously and since even if I post it again you won’t read it or remember it in the future we can skip it.

What is funny to me is that problems the cops admit exist you claim do not. Perjury or Testilying as one example. The Chiefs of the NYPD and SFPD admitted it was a problem in their departments. You say it isn’t. You say that it just isn’t happening and anyone who says it does is a cop hater. So the cops are cop haters?

A body cam video was released this week showing the police shooting a man with a gun. Did I object or say it was wrong? No. And I never will.

The difference between us is pretty extreme. You celebrate Blacks getting killed. I do not. I also do not celebrate anyone getting killed. White or Black. I don’t want to see anyone die. But I am reasonable enough to acknowledge it may be necessary if regrettable from time to time.

I simply believe that if you are going to take a life you need to be sure it is necessary. Not think. Not believe. Not figure you can get away with it. Certain. Which is why I will not shoot someone who is unarmed. And never while they are walking away.
Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.
.....SMann is PERFECT--he could do it right all the time with jackasses criminals

Help me out here Scooter. If someone runs a red light and T bones a car are we supposed to shrug and say it could happen to anyone and we don’t know the story? Or are we all going to say the dumbass ran a red light.

We do that sort of thing with literally everything. We do it in sports. We do it with politicians. We do it with every other facet of life. Yet we are not allowed to do it with police. No one is allowed to say the cops screwed up.

I will stop saying the cops screwed up when they obviously screwed up when you and the rest of the cheerleaders stop posting it was good and right and necessary to shoot unarmed people.
1. you are saying you never make mistakes
2. unarmed does not mean not a threat/dangerous
3.. there is not a problem of police brutality--if you think there is, read this thread and reply to my posts
making mistakes/etc all explained here

I replied to that thread and demonstrated the math was severely flawed. I can only assume you forgot. Memory problems eh?

No. I never said I don’t make mistakes. I said we can learn from every incident to reduce mistakes in the future. It is what the entire premise of NTSB investigations are about. How do we keep it from happening again?

That isn’t perfection. That is the realistic belief that you can always find improvements. That by the way is how we cut plane crashes, reached the moon, saved lives in combat, and tens of millions of other examples.

You on the other hand believe there is no room for improvement. That attitude is what is making life so bad for cops right now and in the future. I have explained that as well previously and since even if I post it again you won’t read it or remember it in the future we can skip it.

What is funny to me is that problems the cops admit exist you claim do not. Perjury or Testilying as one example. The Chiefs of the NYPD and SFPD admitted it was a problem in their departments. You say it isn’t. You say that it just isn’t happening and anyone who says it does is a cop hater. So the cops are cop haters?

A body cam video was released this week showing the police shooting a man with a gun. Did I object or say it was wrong? No. And I never will.

The difference between us is pretty extreme. You celebrate Blacks getting killed. I do not. I also do not celebrate anyone getting killed. White or Black. I don’t want to see anyone die. But I am reasonable enough to acknowledge it may be necessary if regrettable from time to time.

I simply believe that if you are going to take a life you need to be sure it is necessary. Not think. Not believe. Not figure you can get away with it. Certain. Which is why I will not shoot someone who is unarmed. And never while they are walking away.
....a minimum of 20 million police contacts and arrests with MAYBE 5 QUESTIONABLE killings --and the math is not good????!!!!!!, also did not graduate from 4th grade

....THERE it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you just fked up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = you said be CERTAIN!!!!!! ----!!!! what have I told you a million times????!!! this is NOT A MOVIE
...the police do not have 5 hours to think about what they should do--they have seconds
..they don't have script writers writing the script BEFORE they have to deal with irrational jackass dangerous criminals--IT IS NOT A MOVIE!! do you understand???
Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.
.....SMann is PERFECT--he could do it right all the time with jackasses criminals

Help me out here Scooter. If someone runs a red light and T bones a car are we supposed to shrug and say it could happen to anyone and we don’t know the story? Or are we all going to say the dumbass ran a red light.

We do that sort of thing with literally everything. We do it in sports. We do it with politicians. We do it with every other facet of life. Yet we are not allowed to do it with police. No one is allowed to say the cops screwed up.

I will stop saying the cops screwed up when they obviously screwed up when you and the rest of the cheerleaders stop posting it was good and right and necessary to shoot unarmed people.
1. you are saying you never make mistakes
2. unarmed does not mean not a threat/dangerous
3.. there is not a problem of police brutality--if you think there is, read this thread and reply to my posts
making mistakes/etc all explained here

I replied to that thread and demonstrated the math was severely flawed. I can only assume you forgot. Memory problems eh?

No. I never said I don’t make mistakes. I said we can learn from every incident to reduce mistakes in the future. It is what the entire premise of NTSB investigations are about. How do we keep it from happening again?

That isn’t perfection. That is the realistic belief that you can always find improvements. That by the way is how we cut plane crashes, reached the moon, saved lives in combat, and tens of millions of other examples.

You on the other hand believe there is no room for improvement. That attitude is what is making life so bad for cops right now and in the future. I have explained that as well previously and since even if I post it again you won’t read it or remember it in the future we can skip it.

What is funny to me is that problems the cops admit exist you claim do not. Perjury or Testilying as one example. The Chiefs of the NYPD and SFPD admitted it was a problem in their departments. You say it isn’t. You say that it just isn’t happening and anyone who says it does is a cop hater. So the cops are cop haters?

A body cam video was released this week showing the police shooting a man with a gun. Did I object or say it was wrong? No. And I never will.

The difference between us is pretty extreme. You celebrate Blacks getting killed. I do not. I also do not celebrate anyone getting killed. White or Black. I don’t want to see anyone die. But I am reasonable enough to acknowledge it may be necessary if regrettable from time to time.

I simply believe that if you are going to take a life you need to be sure it is necessary. Not think. Not believe. Not figure you can get away with it. Certain. Which is why I will not shoot someone who is unarmed. And never while they are walking away.
....a minimum of 20 million police contacts and arrests with MAYBE 5 QUESTIONABLE killings --and the math is not good????!!!!!!, also did not graduate from 4th grade

....THERE it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you just fked up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = you said be CERTAIN!!!!!! ----!!!! what have I told you a million times????!!! this is NOT A MOVIE
...the police do not have 5 hours to think about what they should do--they have seconds
..they don't have script writers writing the script BEFORE they have to deal with irrational jackass dangerous criminals--IT IS NOT A MOVIE!! do you understand???

Yes. And using the same mathematical formula. There is no war on police. Since out of those millions of interactions the police have with the public a tiny fraction results in the death of a cop by violence. So the risk to cops is exaggerated right? They are not threatened with death on an hourly or even daily basis are they?

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