The REAL Jacob Blake. The man the left have elevated to sainthood.

Was Blake doing all these things when he was shot in the back 8 times?

This is just like the lie about George Floyd pulling a gun on a pregnant woman. I posted the case here and nothing in the charges are about Floyd pulling a gun on a pregnant woman.

Now had Blake been doing all those things at the time then tried avoiding the police and was shot, no one would be saying anything. But you racists rush to make blacks criminals in order to justify your racist wishes for black extermination.

How many times have you gotten away with doing "all" of those things? He's in the grave just as Michael Brown is and they both deserved it.
....THERE it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you just fked up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = you said be CERTAIN!!!!!! ----!!!! what have I told you a million times????!!! this is NOT A MOVIE
...the police do not have 5 hours to think about what they should do--they have seconds
..they don't have script writers writing the script BEFORE they have to deal with irrational jackass dangerous criminals--IT IS NOT A MOVIE!! do you understand???

Pilots are faced with situations in which they have a second perhaps to do the right thing and save the aircraft. Not to mention the people on board. We expect them to do the right thing. Assess and identify the problem and deal with it in a second or two. When they do not do that we call it pilot error. It isn’t a movie either. But we expect them to do the right thing.

Paramedics have seconds to identify the problem and start life saving treatment. When they fail it could end their employment. We expect them to do the right thing instantly.

The NASA Controllers at Houston had about three seconds to identify a problem they had never seen before during Apollo 12’s launch. An Abort would cost billions of dollars and possibly the Astronauts lives. John Aaron did the right thing and saved the mission and the lives. That was expected. Mistakes were not tolerated. But apparently that was a movie.

Every single day Truck Drivers have people cut in front of them. Every time the incident is different. Sometimes they can’t stop. Yet we expect them to do the right thing in a second or less. It is awesome that they have script writers isn’t it?

Race car drivers don’t even get a second. But expecting them to do it right is insane isn’t it?

Naval Aviators have to be perfect on the most difficult landings in the world. Trapping aboard a carrier. Yet their script writers are on the job. Right?

On and on it goes. Every other endeavor in human society is expected to be right. Loss of employment is the least they can expect if they are wrong and do the wrong thing. For many criminal charges could and do result.

Yet only Cops are excused from this standard.

When a Baseball player screws up it is called an error. He throws to the wrong guy. How can we expect them to do it right every time? I mean they have a second perhaps to decide what to do right?

When a Football player does it wrong it is a penalty. Same for every other sport. But isn’t that unfair? If they were cops it would be according to you.

So why is it that a Doctor who makes a mistake in those crucial seconds is held accountable for Malpractice while a Cop is given a pass? Treating injuries and illness is pretty tough too isn’t it?

But Doctors are always getting new information on treatments. And they have to adapt to the new immediately.

Why is everyone else expected to do it right in those same seconds while you say Cops just can’t?
Are all those examples charged and thrown in jail before any kind of investigation? Are they threatened and slandered before they have their day in court? Pretty hard to compare a Doctor getting hit with a malpractice suit and someone that makes a mistake and their very life is on the line. Look at the officer in the Michael Brown case. Even though it was PROVEN that he was innocent his entire life was uprooted lost his job, had to move, Had to hide from crazy BLM terrorists.
These officers are being denied any kind of rights of due process. Even when they go to court the media has tainted the jury, politicians have corrupted the judge and the Prosecutor. There is no chance at a fair trial they are GUILTY unless they prove they are innocent but even when they do they are still screwed. Hell the protests themselves are a form of extortion to change the result of the trial.

Charged without any investigation. Right. Can you tell me how long the investigation would be before I was charged if I shot a cop through a closed front door? Hell. Anyone.

Three months. It happened June 3. He was just charged three months later. Now. If anyone else did that they would be arrested on the spot if they were not killed outright. They would be charged ten minutes after the court opened the next morning. What Investigation did they get?

If someone shoots a cop the Chief is out there denouncing the cowardly ambush attack against the police in hours or at most the next day. What investigation could have possibly taken place? If the cop shoots someone then the matter is under investigation. Of course they tell a narrative that makes the shooting sound justified. Without that aforementioned investigation you seem to think never has a chance to take place.

And if the Civilian has a good reason for shooting the cop and the Grand Jury does not indict then the Damned Liberals are blamed for making it OK to kill a cop. It is denounced by the same Chiefs and Union Reps who always defend the cop no matter how outrageous.

Tampa is in the news. Why? Because they are using Minority Report style predictive algorithms to determine who the criminals will be.

They fighting crime right? Who cares if it is harassment. Fuck Unconstitutional complaints.

What kind of investigation do you call that?

In short. Cry me a River.
1. a lot of people are not charged when a murder is committed
many links etc

2. jesus christ--start thinking in real life
the police are not JUST SHOOTING someone for NO reason--
....if you just go shoot someone, that's undeniably wrong.....cops are usually DEFENDING themselves..self defense is a right/it's OK
WHY THE F are you shooting a cop through a door!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES--you would be charged!!!!!!!! big DUH!!!! are very ignorant and sound very young--with your ''I would be perfect''' posts and these

I have no doubts I would be charged. The question was why did it take three months to do so when a cop shot another cop through the door? There was and is no conceivable reason to shoot through the door as he did.

That is the point. If I did it I would be charged immediately. The cop who shot a fellow cop through the door was charged three months later. Why did it take three months?
I just told you why!!!!!!!!!! have NO reason to be anywhere shooting a cop...police are TOLD to go to incidents--plain and simple

Ok. It is obvious you did not read the linked article. So stay with me Scooter. An off duty cop was at home. A police car broke down. Another officer was dispatched to this guys house to get his issue police car to use. With me so far?

So cop walks up to fellow cops house and knocks on the door. Cop inside starts shooting through the door hitting and killing fellow cop. Still with me?

There is no line of duty action involved. There is no searching for a suspect. There is no reasonable belief that mass murdering animal raping hordes are on the other side of the door. Just a knock on the door. Rambo Junior just started shooting through the door when someone knocked.

So why did it take three months to charge the cop? If it had been me shooting through my door for no reason I would have been charged in three hours. So why did it take three months to charge Rambo Junior? That is the question. Read the info. Look up other sources if you doubt me. But the question is why did it take three months? Durst murders TWO people--and does not go to jail!!--he's a civilian

Actually your example is not preferential treatment like Cops get. It was exceptional legal work on the part of the defense. As I said in another thread. Expensive lawyers can get people off. And there is no shortage of examples of that.

Technicalities regarding evidence collection and legalities of searches. The ability of the Defense to cast doubt on several pieces of evidence.

But he was convicted of crimes. Just not murder.
wrong ---cops don't get preferential treatment Mr Perfect

OK. Explain why it took three months to charge a Cop Killer? said a civilian would be charged immediately--I disproved that ..civilians also are not charged immediately AND get away with murder = you DENY this?????????!!!!!!!!!

Really? You did not link to any news story where someone killed a cop and was not charged immediately. The only example you might find would be where they did not know who did it. You are trying to obfuscate and change the subject. Comparing apples to horse apples.
hahahahah--you just lost...babble shit
..civilians sometimes do not get charged immediately if they murder--plain and simple...stop trying to move the goal posts sound very immature with your ''I'm perfect''' crap ..I would do it better would shit in your pants if you had to even deal with these jackasses
To understand the Democrats you have to remember during their Convention they honored a woman who kidnapped an 80+ year old man and for 3 weeks starved, tortured, & sodomized him with a 3 foot pole before killing him ... and then attempted to ransom his dead body.

'nuff said.
Fine. Arrest him. Try him. Convict him. Send him to prison for his crimes. Do not shoot anyone in the back who is unarmed and who you have outnumber so dramatically.
Here's a better idea...let the Police use enough force to subdue people who resist arrest so they don't have to shoot them when they don't comply! Six months ago the Police would have swarmed subjects like Blake, pinned them to the ground and cuffed them. Now they aren't allowed to "hurt" people who they're arresting which leads to them having to shoot them instead! Just one more example of how left wing "theory" doesn't work in the real world!
....THERE it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you just fked up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = you said be CERTAIN!!!!!! ----!!!! what have I told you a million times????!!! this is NOT A MOVIE
...the police do not have 5 hours to think about what they should do--they have seconds
..they don't have script writers writing the script BEFORE they have to deal with irrational jackass dangerous criminals--IT IS NOT A MOVIE!! do you understand???

Pilots are faced with situations in which they have a second perhaps to do the right thing and save the aircraft. Not to mention the people on board. We expect them to do the right thing. Assess and identify the problem and deal with it in a second or two. When they do not do that we call it pilot error. It isn’t a movie either. But we expect them to do the right thing.

Paramedics have seconds to identify the problem and start life saving treatment. When they fail it could end their employment. We expect them to do the right thing instantly.

The NASA Controllers at Houston had about three seconds to identify a problem they had never seen before during Apollo 12’s launch. An Abort would cost billions of dollars and possibly the Astronauts lives. John Aaron did the right thing and saved the mission and the lives. That was expected. Mistakes were not tolerated. But apparently that was a movie.

Every single day Truck Drivers have people cut in front of them. Every time the incident is different. Sometimes they can’t stop. Yet we expect them to do the right thing in a second or less. It is awesome that they have script writers isn’t it?

Race car drivers don’t even get a second. But expecting them to do it right is insane isn’t it?

Naval Aviators have to be perfect on the most difficult landings in the world. Trapping aboard a carrier. Yet their script writers are on the job. Right?

On and on it goes. Every other endeavor in human society is expected to be right. Loss of employment is the least they can expect if they are wrong and do the wrong thing. For many criminal charges could and do result.

Yet only Cops are excused from this standard.

When a Baseball player screws up it is called an error. He throws to the wrong guy. How can we expect them to do it right every time? I mean they have a second perhaps to decide what to do right?

When a Football player does it wrong it is a penalty. Same for every other sport. But isn’t that unfair? If they were cops it would be according to you.

So why is it that a Doctor who makes a mistake in those crucial seconds is held accountable for Malpractice while a Cop is given a pass? Treating injuries and illness is pretty tough too isn’t it?

But Doctors are always getting new information on treatments. And they have to adapt to the new immediately.

Why is everyone else expected to do it right in those same seconds while you say Cops just can’t?
Are all those examples charged and thrown in jail before any kind of investigation? Are they threatened and slandered before they have their day in court? Pretty hard to compare a Doctor getting hit with a malpractice suit and someone that makes a mistake and their very life is on the line. Look at the officer in the Michael Brown case. Even though it was PROVEN that he was innocent his entire life was uprooted lost his job, had to move, Had to hide from crazy BLM terrorists.
These officers are being denied any kind of rights of due process. Even when they go to court the media has tainted the jury, politicians have corrupted the judge and the Prosecutor. There is no chance at a fair trial they are GUILTY unless they prove they are innocent but even when they do they are still screwed. Hell the protests themselves are a form of extortion to change the result of the trial.

Charged without any investigation. Right. Can you tell me how long the investigation would be before I was charged if I shot a cop through a closed front door? Hell. Anyone.

Three months. It happened June 3. He was just charged three months later. Now. If anyone else did that they would be arrested on the spot if they were not killed outright. They would be charged ten minutes after the court opened the next morning. What Investigation did they get?

If someone shoots a cop the Chief is out there denouncing the cowardly ambush attack against the police in hours or at most the next day. What investigation could have possibly taken place? If the cop shoots someone then the matter is under investigation. Of course they tell a narrative that makes the shooting sound justified. Without that aforementioned investigation you seem to think never has a chance to take place.

And if the Civilian has a good reason for shooting the cop and the Grand Jury does not indict then the Damned Liberals are blamed for making it OK to kill a cop. It is denounced by the same Chiefs and Union Reps who always defend the cop no matter how outrageous.

Tampa is in the news. Why? Because they are using Minority Report style predictive algorithms to determine who the criminals will be.

They fighting crime right? Who cares if it is harassment. Fuck Unconstitutional complaints.

What kind of investigation do you call that?

In short. Cry me a River.
1. a lot of people are not charged when a murder is committed
many links etc

2. jesus christ--start thinking in real life
the police are not JUST SHOOTING someone for NO reason--
....if you just go shoot someone, that's undeniably wrong.....cops are usually DEFENDING themselves..self defense is a right/it's OK
WHY THE F are you shooting a cop through a door!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES--you would be charged!!!!!!!! big DUH!!!! are very ignorant and sound very young--with your ''I would be perfect''' posts and these

I have no doubts I would be charged. The question was why did it take three months to do so when a cop shot another cop through the door? There was and is no conceivable reason to shoot through the door as he did.

That is the point. If I did it I would be charged immediately. The cop who shot a fellow cop through the door was charged three months later. Why did it take three months?
I just told you why!!!!!!!!!! have NO reason to be anywhere shooting a cop...police are TOLD to go to incidents--plain and simple

Ok. It is obvious you did not read the linked article. So stay with me Scooter. An off duty cop was at home. A police car broke down. Another officer was dispatched to this guys house to get his issue police car to use. With me so far?

So cop walks up to fellow cops house and knocks on the door. Cop inside starts shooting through the door hitting and killing fellow cop. Still with me?

There is no line of duty action involved. There is no searching for a suspect. There is no reasonable belief that mass murdering animal raping hordes are on the other side of the door. Just a knock on the door. Rambo Junior just started shooting through the door when someone knocked.

So why did it take three months to charge the cop? If it had been me shooting through my door for no reason I would have been charged in three hours. So why did it take three months to charge Rambo Junior? That is the question. Read the info. Look up other sources if you doubt me. But the question is why did it take three months? Durst murders TWO people--and does not go to jail!!--he's a civilian

Actually your example is not preferential treatment like Cops get. It was exceptional legal work on the part of the defense. As I said in another thread. Expensive lawyers can get people off. And there is no shortage of examples of that.

Technicalities regarding evidence collection and legalities of searches. The ability of the Defense to cast doubt on several pieces of evidence.

But he was convicted of crimes. Just not murder.
wrong ---cops don't get preferential treatment Mr Perfect

OK. Explain why it took three months to charge a Cop Killer? said a civilian would be charged immediately--I disproved that ..civilians also are not charged immediately AND get away with murder = you DENY this?????????!!!!!!!!!

Really? You did not link to any news story where someone killed a cop and was not charged immediately. The only example you might find would be where they did not know who did it. You are trying to obfuscate and change the subject. Comparing apples to horse apples.
hahahahah--you just lost...babble shit
..civilians sometimes do not get charged immediately if they murder--plain and simple...stop trying to move the goal posts sound very immature with your ''I'm perfect''' crap ..I would do it better would shit in your pants if you had to even deal with these jackasses

So you can’t find a story where someone murdered a cop and was not charged for three months? Odd. Considering that you say it happens all the time. It should be easy.

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