The real Jesus

We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

Babylon the great = 99% of all religion on earth.
The 7 headed beast with 10 horns= the united nations. a horn = a kingdom-10 horns= a place where kingdoms gather.

Babylon the great was in the OT.
Rome is the New Babylon in the NT.

Babylon and Rome are the only two empires that totally destroyed the Judaic temple.
We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

As far as "intellectual" conversation, if there were no Johns, there would be no Johns to refer to. Your question is moot. I am referring to the John that Peter referred to and Matthew referred to and so on. The one that Jesus spoke of.

Not so sure that fruit trees are germane to the topic, but to get back on OP track:

Yes, I do know Him and He is wonderful.
2 Pet. 3:18
but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

And, what's his name told me Jesus said this:
I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me


Do you know him?-- John 20:17, Revelation 3:12--1Corinthians 15:24-28

John of Giscala, that John?

The thread is about knowing Jesus.

Which Jesus, according to Josephus there were about 11 in the first 50 year of the first century.
The history is very murky, the accounts were written generations after the events.
This is obvious in the inconsistencies in the 'Gospels', that were cherry-picked for inclusion in the
'Holy Bible', a totally man-made confection of dimly-remembered events embroidered with fiction to conform to the ancient prophecies.

It was written in real time. The proof is the Dead Sea Scrolls. There is nothing murky about it. Peter wrote while in the presence of many that saw Christ. Man made confections can't predict the future. 1/4 of the Bible is prophecy to leave no doubt about who the author really is. Like predicting the exact day Israel would become a Nation again. Or that the Jews would revert to their original language when no other displaced peoples have done so. Then there is the discovery of a code that can only be unlocked with the advent of the computer.

You can't even predict the name of the next winner of the Kentucky Derby, let alone the events 2000 years from now...

Please provide quotes from your sources and it had best be the bible, to the exact day Israel would become a nation again and revert to their original language, which Aramaic is what Jesus and his apostles spoke.
We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

Babylon the great = 99% of all religion on earth.
The 7 headed beast with 10 horns= the united nations. a horn = a kingdom-10 horns= a place where kingdoms gather.

Babylon the great was in the OT.
Rome is the New Babylon in the NT.

Babylon and Rome are the only two empires that totally destroyed the Judaic temple.
And on the exact same day of the year, August 30.
We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

Babylon the great = 99% of all religion on earth.
The 7 headed beast with 10 horns= the united nations. a horn = a kingdom-10 horns= a place where kingdoms gather.

Babylon the great was in the OT.
Rome is the New Babylon in the NT.

Babylon and Rome are the only two empires that totally destroyed the Judaic temple.

Revelation teaches--Babylon the great falls( this begins the tribulation, then Har-mageddon--none of this occurred yet. It is close to religion being done away with.= the fall Babylon the great.
We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

As far as "intellectual" conversation, if there were no Johns, there would be no Johns to refer to. Your question is moot. I am referring to the John that Peter referred to and Matthew referred to and so on. The one that Jesus spoke of.

Not so sure that fruit trees are germane to the topic, but to get back on OP track:

Yes, I do know Him and He is wonderful.
2 Pet. 3:18
but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

And, what's his name told me Jesus said this:
I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me


Do you know him?-- John 20:17, Revelation 3:12--1Corinthians 15:24-28

John of Giscala, that John?

The thread is about knowing Jesus.

Which Jesus, according to Josephus there were about 11 in the first 50 year of the first century.

The one Jesus in the New testament.
.There were plenty of people who pissed off the religious and political establishments of the day just like they do today as well... We both know that giving them godlike powers is both nonsensical and rediculous... Yes there are metaphors and secret meanings in the scriptures I will not debate that with you... A code if you like easy to see once it is revealed but I do not attribute it to a Real Jesus...

Yes, its been a while but I see you still have your nose buried deep inside Hashevs butt. But don't worry, I won't make a big deal about it or debate you on the hidden significance of the command to refrain from the flesh of brown nosed dorks.

Anyway, why would the Romans, as bad ass as they were, go through the unimaginable trouble to change traditions and the pantheon of gods throughout the entire empire and compel the entire population to practice a new religion dedicated to perverting the teachings of Jew and the image of his God? Why would they do that unless there was a deep seated hatred for a man that really existed? Why not start a religion dedicated to Giuseppe? Why a Jew that never existed?

Makes no sense unless he was a real historical figure that has a real impact on their culture for good or bad.

..Interestingly the same method has been working worldwide regarding Christianity and its absorbing Hebrew values and concepts..... A sort of osmosis if you like for any who have studied chemistry... Slowly over a long period of time Hebrew concepts and ideals have slowly but surely remoulded the world and the nations...


Jesus said "this generation" (the only branch of Judaism that the Romans permitted to continue) would live to see everything that Jesus predicted come true and would persist until his return..

it wasn't "the romans" hobie. It was CONSTANTINE------well ---actually
his mother, who was ATTRACTED to the sect of followers of the thing
they called "JESUS" Not all that unusual ------even today there are
fervent followers of new jewish sects The late R' Menachem
Schneerson z'l still attracts new followers including non jews.
Whether or not there was a real Jesus (I do believe that there WAS
someone around whom the stories were built -----whenever) The Jesus
sect went viral for the SAME reason lots of religions were established
historically----THE KING SAID SO. Even later on----various sects of
Christianity HAPPENED----because the king said so. Various whole
countries became muslim-----because the king said so

Still that doesn't account for why Constantine would have listened to his mother.

Even that story is suspect darling...You must still be suffering the ill effects of your catechism days.

Why do you suppose the Romans wiped out the pantheon of gods and every other brach of Judaism but allowed rabbinic judaism to persist even after the national religion became compulsory "Christian" worship of a jewish man under penalty of death?

Psst. It wasn't because they were clever. So don't try to be clever now.

what does "the romans wiped out every other branch of Judaism but.....
rabbinic Judaism" mean?? Helena was a very powerful lady----
not just 'his mother' the Jesus sect had already gotten around------in fact
it was popular because Judaism had been popular amongst some greek
and roman intellectuals. There was a time when Christianity was nothing more than a jewish sect centered on a charismatic person (just like early Chassidism). As to 'worship of a jewish man' -----Christianity has been
DIVESTING jesus of his Judaism for the past 2000 years.
Constantine also made conversion to Judaism ILLEGAL <<< first step
to genocide. The church took it from there

What did I mean?

The Jerusalem Talmud was redacted in the year 350 C.E. under the watchful eyes of Roman authorities before widespread publication just a few years after they usurped control over early Christian writings completely destroying every other sect and persecuting and killing anyone who maintained a belief in the hidden nature of those teachings.

What does that tell you?

A modern comparison would be the attempts of the chinese to obliterate the authority of the dali lama and replace him with their own perverse state sanctioned version of Buddhism that eliminated the threat to their control of the population.
Last edited:
We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

Babylon the great = 99% of all religion on earth.
The 7 headed beast with 10 horns= the united nations. a horn = a kingdom-10 horns= a place where kingdoms gather.

Babylon the great was in the OT.
Rome is the New Babylon in the NT.

Babylon and Rome are the only two empires that totally destroyed the Judaic temple.

Revelation teaches--Babylon the great falls( this begins the tribulation, then Har-mageddon--none of this occurred yet. It is close to religion being done away with.= the fall Babylon the great.

The great tribulation began after 325 ce when they created a false sugar coated substitute edible triune mangod and unleashed their ruthless oppression and slaughter of anyone in the empire who objected, that is, everyone who followed the commands of God and maintained their allegiance to Jesus.
We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

Babylon the great = 99% of all religion on earth.
The 7 headed beast with 10 horns= the united nations. a horn = a kingdom-10 horns= a place where kingdoms gather.

Babylon the great was in the OT.
Rome is the New Babylon in the NT.

Babylon and Rome are the only two empires that totally destroyed the Judaic temple.

Revelation teaches--Babylon the great falls( this begins the tribulation, then Har-mageddon--none of this occurred yet. It is close to religion being done away with.= the fall Babylon the great.

the fall of Babylon----is, in your befuddled mind----they dying out of the religions of the world?
Har-mageddon is starting tomorrow----Israel just shot
down a Syrian fighter-plane so the Knesset is talking
about what to do next
.There were plenty of people who pissed off the religious and political establishments of the day just like they do today as well... We both know that giving them godlike powers is both nonsensical and rediculous... Yes there are metaphors and secret meanings in the scriptures I will not debate that with you... A code if you like easy to see once it is revealed but I do not attribute it to a Real Jesus...

Yes, its been a while but I see you still have your nose buried deep inside Hashevs butt. But don't worry, I won't make a big deal about it or debate you on the hidden significance of the command to refrain from the flesh of brown nosed dorks.

Anyway, why would the Romans, as bad ass as they were, go through the unimaginable trouble to change traditions and the pantheon of gods throughout the entire empire and compel the entire population to practice a new religion dedicated to perverting the teachings of Jew and the image of his God? Why would they do that unless there was a deep seated hatred for a man that really existed? Why not start a religion dedicated to Giuseppe? Why a Jew that never existed?

Makes no sense unless he was a real historical figure that has a real impact on their culture for good or bad.

..Interestingly the same method has been working worldwide regarding Christianity and its absorbing Hebrew values and concepts..... A sort of osmosis if you like for any who have studied chemistry... Slowly over a long period of time Hebrew concepts and ideals have slowly but surely remoulded the world and the nations...


Jesus said "this generation" (the only branch of Judaism that the Romans permitted to continue) would live to see everything that Jesus predicted come true and would persist until his return..

it wasn't "the romans" hobie. It was CONSTANTINE------well ---actually
his mother, who was ATTRACTED to the sect of followers of the thing
they called "JESUS" Not all that unusual ------even today there are
fervent followers of new jewish sects The late R' Menachem
Schneerson z'l still attracts new followers including non jews.
Whether or not there was a real Jesus (I do believe that there WAS
someone around whom the stories were built -----whenever) The Jesus
sect went viral for the SAME reason lots of religions were established
historically----THE KING SAID SO. Even later on----various sects of
Christianity HAPPENED----because the king said so. Various whole
countries became muslim-----because the king said so

Still that doesn't account for why Constantine would have listened to his mother.

Even that story is suspect darling...You must still be suffering the ill effects of your catechism days.

Why do you suppose the Romans wiped out the pantheon of gods and every other brach of Judaism but allowed rabbinic judaism to persist even after the national religion became compulsory "Christian" worship of a jewish man under penalty of death?

Psst. It wasn't because they were clever. So don't try to be clever now.

what does "the romans wiped out every other branch of Judaism but.....
rabbinic Judaism" mean?? Helena was a very powerful lady----
not just 'his mother' the Jesus sect had already gotten around------in fact
it was popular because Judaism had been popular amongst some greek
and roman intellectuals. There was a time when Christianity was nothing more than a jewish sect centered on a charismatic person (just like early Chassidism). As to 'worship of a jewish man' -----Christianity has been
DIVESTING jesus of his Judaism for the past 2000 years.
Constantine also made conversion to Judaism ILLEGAL <<< first step
to genocide. The church took it from there

What did I mean?

The Jerusalem Talmud was redacted in the year 350 C.E. under the watchful eyes of Roman authorities before widespread publication just a few years after they usurped control over early Christian writings completely destroying every other sect and persecuting and killing anyone who maintained a belief in the hidden nature of those teachings.

What does that tell you?

A modern comparison would be the attempts of the chinese to obliterate the authority of the dali lama and replace him with their own perverse state sanctioned version of Buddhism that eliminated the threat to their control of the population.

no matter what the romans, in your imagination, did
to Talmud Yerushalmi-------they could not have gotten their paws on Talmud Bavli, even in your imagination. What did they do to the Christian writings?

and the "other sects of Judaism"? got wiped out--HOW?
We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

Babylon the great = 99% of all religion on earth.
The 7 headed beast with 10 horns= the united nations. a horn = a kingdom-10 horns= a place where kingdoms gather.

Babylon the great was in the OT.
Rome is the New Babylon in the NT.

Babylon and Rome are the only two empires that totally destroyed the Judaic temple.

there was no BABYLON in the OT? where did Daniel live?
Yes, its been a while but I see you still have your nose buried deep inside Hashevs butt. But don't worry, I won't make a big deal about it or debate you on the hidden significance of the command to refrain from the flesh of brown nosed dorks.

Anyway, why would the Romans, as bad ass as they were, go through the unimaginable trouble to change traditions and the pantheon of gods throughout the entire empire and compel the entire population to practice a new religion dedicated to perverting the teachings of Jew and the image of his God? Why would they do that unless there was a deep seated hatred for a man that really existed? Why not start a religion dedicated to Giuseppe? Why a Jew that never existed?

Makes no sense unless he was a real historical figure that has a real impact on their culture for good or bad.


Jesus said "this generation" (the only branch of Judaism that the Romans permitted to continue) would live to see everything that Jesus predicted come true and would persist until his return..

it wasn't "the romans" hobie. It was CONSTANTINE------well ---actually
his mother, who was ATTRACTED to the sect of followers of the thing
they called "JESUS" Not all that unusual ------even today there are
fervent followers of new jewish sects The late R' Menachem
Schneerson z'l still attracts new followers including non jews.
Whether or not there was a real Jesus (I do believe that there WAS
someone around whom the stories were built -----whenever) The Jesus
sect went viral for the SAME reason lots of religions were established
historically----THE KING SAID SO. Even later on----various sects of
Christianity HAPPENED----because the king said so. Various whole
countries became muslim-----because the king said so

Still that doesn't account for why Constantine would have listened to his mother.

Even that story is suspect darling...You must still be suffering the ill effects of your catechism days.

Why do you suppose the Romans wiped out the pantheon of gods and every other brach of Judaism but allowed rabbinic judaism to persist even after the national religion became compulsory "Christian" worship of a jewish man under penalty of death?

Psst. It wasn't because they were clever. So don't try to be clever now.

what does "the romans wiped out every other branch of Judaism but.....
rabbinic Judaism" mean?? Helena was a very powerful lady----
not just 'his mother' the Jesus sect had already gotten around------in fact
it was popular because Judaism had been popular amongst some greek
and roman intellectuals. There was a time when Christianity was nothing more than a jewish sect centered on a charismatic person (just like early Chassidism). As to 'worship of a jewish man' -----Christianity has been
DIVESTING jesus of his Judaism for the past 2000 years.
Constantine also made conversion to Judaism ILLEGAL <<< first step
to genocide. The church took it from there

What did I mean?

The Jerusalem Talmud was redacted in the year 350 C.E. under the watchful eyes of Roman authorities before widespread publication just a few years after they usurped control over early Christian writings completely destroying every other sect and persecuting and killing anyone who maintained a belief in the hidden nature of those teachings.

What does that tell you?

A modern comparison would be the attempts of the chinese to obliterate the authority of the dali lama and replace him with their own perverse state sanctioned version of Buddhism that eliminated the threat to their control of the population.

no matter what the romans, in your imagination, did
to Talmud Yerushalmi-------they could not have gotten their paws on Talmud Bavli, even in your imagination. What did they do to the Christian writings?

and the "other sects of Judaism"? got wiped out--HOW?

If you are going to act like you don't know what I am talking about there really is no reason to talk to you.
We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

Babylon the great = 99% of all religion on earth.
The 7 headed beast with 10 horns= the united nations. a horn = a kingdom-10 horns= a place where kingdoms gather.

Babylon the great was in the OT.
Rome is the New Babylon in the NT.

Babylon and Rome are the only two empires that totally destroyed the Judaic temple.

there was no BABYLON in the OT? where did Daniel live?

He was carried off to Babylon in 605 B.C. by Nebuchadnezzar, the Assyrian, but was still living when Assyria was overthrown by the Medes and Persians. In spite of the "captivity" of the Jews, Daniel enjoyed the highest offices of state at Babylon, but he was ever true to Jerusalem.
Daniel (biblical figure) - Wikipedia
it wasn't "the romans" hobie. It was CONSTANTINE------well ---actually
his mother, who was ATTRACTED to the sect of followers of the thing
they called "JESUS" Not all that unusual ------even today there are
fervent followers of new jewish sects The late R' Menachem
Schneerson z'l still attracts new followers including non jews.
Whether or not there was a real Jesus (I do believe that there WAS
someone around whom the stories were built -----whenever) The Jesus
sect went viral for the SAME reason lots of religions were established
historically----THE KING SAID SO. Even later on----various sects of
Christianity HAPPENED----because the king said so. Various whole
countries became muslim-----because the king said so

Still that doesn't account for why Constantine would have listened to his mother.

Even that story is suspect darling...You must still be suffering the ill effects of your catechism days.

Why do you suppose the Romans wiped out the pantheon of gods and every other brach of Judaism but allowed rabbinic judaism to persist even after the national religion became compulsory "Christian" worship of a jewish man under penalty of death?

Psst. It wasn't because they were clever. So don't try to be clever now.

what does "the romans wiped out every other branch of Judaism but.....
rabbinic Judaism" mean?? Helena was a very powerful lady----
not just 'his mother' the Jesus sect had already gotten around------in fact
it was popular because Judaism had been popular amongst some greek
and roman intellectuals. There was a time when Christianity was nothing more than a jewish sect centered on a charismatic person (just like early Chassidism). As to 'worship of a jewish man' -----Christianity has been
DIVESTING jesus of his Judaism for the past 2000 years.
Constantine also made conversion to Judaism ILLEGAL <<< first step
to genocide. The church took it from there

What did I mean?

The Jerusalem Talmud was redacted in the year 350 C.E. under the watchful eyes of Roman authorities before widespread publication just a few years after they usurped control over early Christian writings completely destroying every other sect and persecuting and killing anyone who maintained a belief in the hidden nature of those teachings.

What does that tell you?

A modern comparison would be the attempts of the chinese to obliterate the authority of the dali lama and replace him with their own perverse state sanctioned version of Buddhism that eliminated the threat to their control of the population.

no matter what the romans, in your imagination, did
to Talmud Yerushalmi-------they could not have gotten their paws on Talmud Bavli, even in your imagination. What did they do to the Christian writings?

and the "other sects of Judaism"? got wiped out--HOW?

If you are going to act like you don't know what I am talking about there really is no reason to talk to you.

It is very clear that you do not know what you are talking about. My fave is THE ROMANS CONTROLLED THE REDACTION OF THE TALMUD YERUSHLAMI
----as to "knocking out the 'other' jewish sects"----sheeesh ----at least try to name one that got KNOCKED and by whom
We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

Babylon the great = 99% of all religion on earth.
The 7 headed beast with 10 horns= the united nations. a horn = a kingdom-10 horns= a place where kingdoms gather.

Babylon the great was in the OT.
Rome is the New Babylon in the NT.

Babylon and Rome are the only two empires that totally destroyed the Judaic temple.

there was no BABYLON in the OT? where did Daniel live?

He was carried off to Babylon in 605 B.C. by Nebuchadnezzar, the Assyrian, but was still living when Assyria was overthrown by the Medes and Persians. In spite of the "captivity" of the Jews, Daniel enjoyed the highest offices of state at Babylon, but he was ever true to Jerusalem.
Daniel (biblical figure) - Wikipedia

gee---that's what I thought ----sorta. I do not know
just who much he ENJOYED of Babylon since he so
distrusted Babylonian food that he lived on beans----or so 'it is written'------on the other hand---well spiced beans are ok
.There were plenty of people who pissed off the religious and political establishments of the day just like they do today as well... We both know that giving them godlike powers is both nonsensical and rediculous... Yes there are metaphors and secret meanings in the scriptures I will not debate that with you... A code if you like easy to see once it is revealed but I do not attribute it to a Real Jesus...

Yes, its been a while but I see you still have your nose buried deep inside Hashevs butt. But don't worry, I won't make a big deal about it or debate you on the hidden significance of the command to refrain from the flesh of brown nosed dorks.

Anyway, why would the Romans, as bad ass as they were, go through the unimaginable trouble to change traditions and the pantheon of gods throughout the entire empire and compel the entire population to practice a new religion dedicated to perverting the teachings of Jew and the image of his God? Why would they do that unless there was a deep seated hatred for a man that really existed? Why not start a religion dedicated to Giuseppe? Why a Jew that never existed?

Makes no sense unless he was a real historical figure that has a real impact on their culture for good or bad.

..Interestingly the same method has been working worldwide regarding Christianity and its absorbing Hebrew values and concepts..... A sort of osmosis if you like for any who have studied chemistry... Slowly over a long period of time Hebrew concepts and ideals have slowly but surely remoulded the world and the nations...


Jesus said "this generation" (the only branch of Judaism that the Romans permitted to continue) would live to see everything that Jesus predicted come true and would persist until his return..

it wasn't "the romans" hobie. It was CONSTANTINE------well ---actually
his mother, who was ATTRACTED to the sect of followers of the thing
they called "JESUS" Not all that unusual ------even today there are
fervent followers of new jewish sects The late R' Menachem
Schneerson z'l still attracts new followers including non jews.
Whether or not there was a real Jesus (I do believe that there WAS
someone around whom the stories were built -----whenever) The Jesus
sect went viral for the SAME reason lots of religions were established
historically----THE KING SAID SO. Even later on----various sects of
Christianity HAPPENED----because the king said so. Various whole
countries became muslim-----because the king said so

Still that doesn't account for why Constantine would have listened to his mother.

Even that story is suspect darling...You must still be suffering the ill effects of your catechism days.

Why do you suppose the Romans wiped out the pantheon of gods and every other brach of Judaism but allowed rabbinic judaism to persist even after the national religion became compulsory "Christian" worship of a jewish man under penalty of death?

Psst. It wasn't because they were clever. So don't try to be clever now.

what does "the romans wiped out every other branch of Judaism but.....
rabbinic Judaism" mean?? Helena was a very powerful lady----
not just 'his mother' the Jesus sect had already gotten around------in fact
it was popular because Judaism had been popular amongst some greek
and roman intellectuals. There was a time when Christianity was nothing more than a jewish sect centered on a charismatic person (just like early Chassidism). As to 'worship of a jewish man' -----Christianity has been
DIVESTING jesus of his Judaism for the past 2000 years.
Constantine also made conversion to Judaism ILLEGAL <<< first step
to genocide. The church took it from there

What did I mean?

The Jerusalem Talmud was redacted in the year 350 C.E. under the watchful eyes of Roman authorities before widespread publication just a few years after they usurped control over early Christian writings completely destroying every other sect and persecuting and killing anyone who maintained a belief in the hidden nature of those teachings.

What does that tell you?

A modern comparison would be the attempts of the chinese to obliterate the authority of the dali lama and replace him with their own perverse state sanctioned version of Buddhism that eliminated the threat to their control of the population.

It tells me, The Religion that came out of Rome was this-2Thess 2:3. None of her branches fixed much of it.
try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

Babylon the great = 99% of all religion on earth.
The 7 headed beast with 10 horns= the united nations. a horn = a kingdom-10 horns= a place where kingdoms gather.

Babylon the great was in the OT.
Rome is the New Babylon in the NT.

Babylon and Rome are the only two empires that totally destroyed the Judaic temple.

there was no BABYLON in the OT? where did Daniel live?

He was carried off to Babylon in 605 B.C. by Nebuchadnezzar, the Assyrian, but was still living when Assyria was overthrown by the Medes and Persians. In spite of the "captivity" of the Jews, Daniel enjoyed the highest offices of state at Babylon, but he was ever true to Jerusalem.
Daniel (biblical figure) - Wikipedia

gee---that's what I thought ----sorta. I do not know
just who much he ENJOYED of Babylon since he so
distrusted Babylonian food that he lived on beans----or so 'it is written'------on the other hand---well spiced beans are ok

At the tower of Babel, When they were sent out to all parts back then, all the false god worship practices and pagan practices off the table of demons spread throughout the earth. They live to this day. All false religion makes up Babylon the great.
3 things in power positions with lots of $$$$$--govt, religions, the commercial system. In Revelation it teaches the govts( 7 headed beast with 10 horns) do away with Babylon the great, and the commercial system suffers for it. Thus its religion. Untaxed religion. Riding on the back of the beast.
We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

Babylon the great = 99% of all religion on earth.
The 7 headed beast with 10 horns= the united nations. a horn = a kingdom-10 horns= a place where kingdoms gather.

Babylon the great was in the OT.
Rome is the New Babylon in the NT.

Babylon and Rome are the only two empires that totally destroyed the Judaic temple.

Revelation teaches--Babylon the great falls( this begins the tribulation, then Har-mageddon--none of this occurred yet. It is close to religion being done away with.= the fall Babylon the great.

The great tribulation began after 325 ce when they created a false sugar coated substitute edible triune mangod and unleashed their ruthless oppression and slaughter of anyone in the empire who objected, that is, everyone who followed the commands of God and maintained their allegiance to Jesus.

In Revelation, Babylon the great must fall,( worldwide false religions) that triggers the tribulation. Then at the end of the trib- Harmageddon.
We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

Babylon the great = 99% of all religion on earth.
The 7 headed beast with 10 horns= the united nations. a horn = a kingdom-10 horns= a place where kingdoms gather.

Babylon the great was in the OT.
Rome is the New Babylon in the NT.

Babylon and Rome are the only two empires that totally destroyed the Judaic temple.

Revelation teaches--Babylon the great falls( this begins the tribulation, then Har-mageddon--none of this occurred yet. It is close to religion being done away with.= the fall Babylon the great.

the fall of Babylon----is, in your befuddled mind----they dying out of the religions of the world?
Har-mageddon is starting tomorrow----Israel just shot
down a Syrian fighter-plane so the Knesset is talking
about what to do next

Babylon the great is about to fall. Who else rides on the back of the beast( kingdoms) = untaxed religions.
We know which John...
But if there were no Johns, Jesus, the Christ, would still be Lord.

try not to use the subjunctive tense in "intellectual" conversation. ----
If there were no johns------which john do you KNOW it was?
While your at it--------who is john's "WHORE OF BABYLON"?----
or that beast with a bunch of heads?

Babylon the great = 99% of all religion on earth.
The 7 headed beast with 10 horns= the united nations. a horn = a kingdom-10 horns= a place where kingdoms gather.

Babylon the great was in the OT.
Rome is the New Babylon in the NT.

Babylon and Rome are the only two empires that totally destroyed the Judaic temple.

there was no BABYLON in the OT? where did Daniel live?

Daniel 5 mentions Babylon falling back then as well. All world powers fall.

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