The Real Jew?

Israel is paying and training internet bloggers to delete, rewrite, and revise internet content to shape public opinion to Israel's benefit. Video of the Israeli-sponsored training programs have been leaked to the web (like the video here).

Israel is paying and training internet bloggers to delete, rewrite, and revise internet content to shape public opinion to Israel's benefit. Video of the Israeli-sponsored training programs have been leaked to the web (like the video here).
Palistanian agitprop smut?
Stop Spitting

"A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter.

"When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window. When the clergyman let the window down, the passerby spat in his face.

"The clergyman prefered not to lodge a complaint with the police and told an acquaintance that he was used to being spat at by Jews.

"Many Jerusalem clergy have been subjected to abuse of this kind.

"For the most part, they ignore it but sometimes they cannot.

"On Sunday, a fracas developed when a yeshiva student spat at the cross being carried by the Armenian Archbishop during a procession near the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City.

"The archbishop's 17th-century cross was broken during the brawl and he slapped the yeshiva student."

Real Jews Don't Spit
"A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window. When the clergyman let the window down, the passerby spat in his face.
Looks like followers of the religion of atheism, harassing californian christians.
Lack of tolerance?

"According to Daniel Rossing, former adviser to the Religious Affairs Ministry on Christian affairs and director of a Jerusalem center for Christian-Jewish dialogue, there has been an increase in the number of such (spitting) incidents recently, 'as part of a general atmosphere of lack of tolerance in the country.'"

Maybe a Museum of Tolerance is needed in Jerusalem?

Christians in Jerusalem
"According to Daniel Rossing, former adviser to the Religious Affairs Ministry on Christian affairs and director of a Jerusalem center for Christian-Jewish dialogue, there has been an increase in the number of such (spitting) incidents recently, as part of a general atmosphere of lack of tolerance in the country.'"
Reads like religion of atheism in action in California.
Maybe a Museum of Tolerance is needed in Jerusalem?
Looks like tolerance reeducation is needed in the whole of the US, of course.
The Messiah's Donkey:

"When the Messiah comes, no one will know.

"His donkey, which is white and is named Snowpea, will be impounded in a leaky underground police lot near the Lod railroad station.

"There will be no paperwork.

"By nightfall it will have disappeared, spirited into a closed truck by the lot's watchman, who after his shift will drive the donkey to a moshav. Money will change hands, and the donkey as well, four times, until it is sold by settlers to Palestinians some of whose ancestral land now lies inside the settlement fence.

"When the Messiah comes, the first sign will be a gag order."

A Special Place...
Here's a few more.



More Real Jews:

"Some of the testimonies date from the second Intifada (2000–2005).

"Among the worst is the report of the cold-blooded revenge killing of four (possibly more) innocent Palestinian policemen at a checkpoint near Ramallah in 2001:

"All of a sudden our team commander comes … and says, 'listen, this is the briefing…. we are doing … the operation is a revenge operation. We are going to eliminate six Palestinian policemen from some checkpoint in revenge for the six they took from us.' … there are like four transfer posts … those who are responsible for them are Palestinian police, and everyone from those posts they sent us … to just eliminate all the police that are there. Right?

"It was defined to us like, revenge, and when I even hesitated at the moment, like I asked … 'What did they do? Who are they?' they said to me, '… There is a suspicion that the terrorist who killed the six went through that checkpoint.'

"There is a suspicion, like, but they don’t know for certain. And it could be that it’s one of those, but they said to me, 'it doesn’t matter, they took six of ours, we are going to take six back.'”

There is a suspicion the racist state of Israel will soon join Apartheid South Africa.

Will you find profit in that?

David Shulman
The Real Jew

"As the Israeli philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz predicted forty-three years ago, the occupation has brutalized Israeli society as a whole and eroded the moral foundation of our very existence.

"If there is still hope for Israel, it lies with those remnants of the peace camp that remain active and, in particular, with groups such as Breaking the Silence, who offer a taste of the bitter, but perhaps ultimately healing, truth."

More David Shulman
An Israeli citizen shot dead a Palestinian man who attempted to stab people standing at a hitchhikers station near the West Bank settlement of Shiloh on Monday evening:

"An Ofra resident, in his thirties, returned from his workplace in (the settlement of) Itamar, got off at the Shiloh hitchhikers' station, where a 16-year-old boy was standing. Shortly afterwards, they were approached by the terrorist, who began talking to them in broken English, mixed with Hebrew and Arabic. He seemed nervous, put his hand into his shirt between the buttons, pulled out a knife and shouted, 'Allah Akbar' (God is great).

"The Ofra resident pulled out his weapon, fired two bullets, and the terrorist fell on the floor. Security and medical forces were dispatched to the area and tended to the terrorist, but eventually proclaimed him dead."

Now that's what I call gun control.

Terror attack thwarted near West Bank settlement - Israel News, Ynetnews
Can US Jews be supportive of Israel but critical of its policies?

Are such Jews not "real Jews?"

Let's ask Ira Stup:

"Ira Stup was raised in Philadelphia attending Jewish day school and camps. He found his home in the Jewish community and was “intoxicated with Jewish democracy” as framed in the ideals of Israel’s foundation.

"Now he has returned deeply troubled from a one-year fellowship based in Tel Aviv.

"The worst single incident occurred on Ben Yehuda Street in central Jerusalem. Stup, 24, a Columbia graduate, was returning from a rally with a couple of friends carrying a banner that said, 'Zionists are not settlers.'

"A group of religious Jews wearing yarmulkes approached, spat on them and started punching.

"About 20 people saw the whole thing and just watched. They were screaming, ‘You are not real Jews.’ Most of them were American.

"It was one of the most disappointing moments of my life — you can disagree as much as you want with a banner but to allow violence and not react is outrageous.

"'For me it was a turning point. Nobody previously had said I was not a real Jew.'”

Ira has a simple question for Real Jews:

"Why is it poisoning minds to encourage them to think critically about the actions of the Israeli government?"

The Real Jew...

The one thing that you have, that you were born with, Your Individual Perspective, is a part of you, a part of your Conscience. Learn first to respect that in yourself, then you can see it and respect it in Others too. Nobody that knows Conscience is out to harm yours. ;) That's a good place to start. In All things, God is with you, Present. Consider that, and watch you ass too. ;) Don't space out when trouble is around.
Your advice about spacing out around trouble and the need to show respect for yourself prior to respecting others seems exactly right to me.

I'm not sure you are giving trouble its proper respect with regards to conscience, however.

I've come to the conclusion that conscience is not universally shared in the same way everyone has a unique individual perspective. For many of the most powerful in our world, conscience is a luxury they will not indulge.

Two hundred years ago, I believe, chattel slavery was the cutting edge between people of conscience and people who exploit conscience for personal gain. Recall the economic arguments against outlawing slavery. Civilization would collapse without the cheap labor provided by chattel slavery.

Today we hear similar arguments in favor of war.

Our economy will collapse without spending a trillion dollars a year on war, etc, etc.

I'm not sure appeals to conscience are useful against those who profit from the killing other people's children. At least not as long as our tax codes make war economically practical.

"WAR is a racket.

"It always has been.

"It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious.

"It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

"A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people.

"Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about.

"It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many.

"Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."




Some more Real Jews.




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