The Real Jew?





Some more Real Jews.




That's nice, but this is not a religious conflict.
The View from Ben-Gurion

Israel's slippery slope descent into totalitarianism can be spotted from Internet terminals at the country's only international airport:

"Imagine a college student returning to her university after spending Christmas break at home.

"At the airport she logs on to the Internet to double check some of the sources she used in her final take-home exam for the course 'Introduction to Human Rights.' She gets online and begins to surf the web; however, she soon realizes that the websites of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are blocked.

"She calls the service provider’s 800 number, only to find out that all human rights organizations’ websites have indeed been restricted and that they can no longer be accessed from the airport...

"In the United States students can of course access human rights websites, no matter where they surf from.

"But in Israel, which is also known as the only democracy in the Middle East, human rights websites as well as the websites of some extreme right-wing organizations cannot be accessed from Ben-Gurion, the country’s only international airport."

Imagination is not required.

"It" is happening in Israel.
"It" can happen here.

Israel's Assault on...
Your advice about spacing out around trouble and the need to show respect for yourself prior to respecting others seems exactly right to me.

I'm not sure you are giving trouble its proper respect with regards to conscience, however.

I've come to the conclusion that conscience is not universally shared in the same way everyone has a unique individual perspective. For many of the most powerful in our world, conscience is a luxury they will not indulge.

Two hundred years ago, I believe, chattel slavery was the cutting edge between people of conscience and people who exploit conscience for personal gain. Recall the economic arguments against outlawing slavery. Civilization would collapse without the cheap labor provided by chattel slavery.

Today we hear similar arguments in favor of war.

Our economy will collapse without spending a trillion dollars a year on war, etc, etc.

I'm not sure appeals to conscience are useful against those who profit from the killing other people's children. At least not as long as our tax codes make war economically practical.

"WAR is a racket.

"It always has been.

"It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious.

"It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

"A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people.

"Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about.

"It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many.

"Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."

Where we differ, in matters of Conscience and the Recognition of it, is the realization that it is in each and every one of us, so is the denial and repression of it. Collective thought, Hive Mentality, Represses it as much as conscious Sinful Thought, Word, and Action. One of the consequences is blindness of Spirit. The blind cannot lead the blind. Is it possible to Rule without abandoning Conscience??? I surely hope so??? I'm patient, how about you? ;)
Patience is almost always a virtue, but I don't think eternal patience has any chance of changing how this world has been ruled for the last 5000 years.

During that time period ALL governments have functioned to socialize cost and privatize profit for a fortunate few. War and private bond markets appear to be the prime tools for accomplishing this redistribution of national wealth.

I don't think we can afford any more patience when it comes to ending war. 55 years ago, Einstein and Russell wrote an open letter to the world laying out a choice they described as "stark, dreadful and inescapable: shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"

What's your choice?

"As the Israeli philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz predicted forty-three years ago, the occupation has brutalized Israeli society as a whole and eroded the moral foundation of our very existence.
During the Mideast Insight symposium, held in Washington on May 4, 1998, an Al Ahram journo Houda Tawfik asked James Baker:
"What do you think is right? That these are occupied Arab territories and not disputed territories?"
James Baker responded:
"They're clearly disputed territories. That's what Resolutions 242 and 338 are all about. They are clearly disputed territories."
Possibly they're are disputed AND occupied?

James Baker has never been confused with impartial when it comes to corporate empire:

"Baker is not merely an objective observer in this process.

"He clearly 'has a dog in this fight'. As Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan he put together the basic scaffolding for America's imperial presence in the region and he continues to be connected to many of the corporations which benefit from US relations in the Middle East...

"...Baker sees war as a blunt instrument that is essentially incompatible with commercial interests.

"There are simply more efficient ways for clever men to achieve their objectives."

James Baker Versus...
[ame=]Hamas Evil, Hummus Good. Maybe that's what the Palestinians thought they were voting for? Hummus?[/ame]

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Possibly they're are disputed AND occupied?
Like all "a little pregnant" excuses of arabs and their agitprop cheerleaders. There's no occupied territories, of course.
James Baker has never been confused with impartial when it comes to corporate empire
Did that communiacal-palistaniacal counterpunch outhouse claim he loved jews and Israel too? He.
No occupied territories in exactly the same way there are no UN Resolutions that Israel has failed to comply with:

"list of UN Resolutions against "Israel

"Here is a list of UN resolutions that Israel has not complied. As far as I know they have ignored every single resolution. But the situation is far worse than would at first appear, it involves the serious distortion of the official Security Council record by the profligate use by the United States of its veto power. (See Table)

"Israel's defiance goes back to its very beginnings.

"This collection of resolutions criticizing Israel is unmatched by the record of any other nation.

* 1955-1992:
* * Resolution 106: " . . . 'condemns' Israel for Gaza raid".
* * Resolution 111: " . . . 'condemns' Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people".
* * Resolution 127: " . . . 'recommends' Israel suspends it's 'no-man's zone' in Jerusalem".
* * Resolution 162: " . . . 'urges' Israel to comply with UN decisions".
* * Resolution 171: " . . . determines flagrant violations' by Israel in its attack on Syria".
* * Resolution 228: " . . . 'censures' Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control".
* * Resolution 237: " . . . 'urges' Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees".
* * Resolution 248: " . . . 'condemns' Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan".
* * Resolution 250: " . . . 'calls' on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem".
* * Resolution 251: " . . . 'deeply deplores' Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance...

To be continued.
Interestingly enough, the troll leaves out the fact that there are 57 Muslim countries in the world which consider themselves MUSLIM countries, and treat their women and non-Muslims as second class citizens.

These countries form a Muslim Bloc in the United Nations and since the resolutions are not binding, America does not veto them.

The United Nations Muslim Voting Bloc

These resolutions have been pushed in various forms for over a decade, largely by the 57 states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. These countries have Shariah-based legal systems that boast the most stringent requirements for public worship and the harshest penalties for not adhering to the official religious orthodoxy. Islam is the only religion expressly mentioned in the resolution.

But the Muslim Bloc is seen as a great worldwide danger.

UNITED NATIONS — Muslim governments on Wednesday pressed the United Nations to step up investigations of Western countries to root out what they call “Islamophobia” — defined by them as discrimination against people of the Muslim faith.

From Ottawa, Canada called for a “constructive approach” to ensuring the right of freedom of religion.

But the OIC is likely to see their new guidelines for the freedom-of-religion investigator approved, since Muslim countries and allies — such as Cuba, Russia and China — form a voting bloc in the Geneva-based body that overshadows that of the Western democracies.

Once passed, the new mandate is likely to see Western countries come under increased UN pressure to prevent criticism of Islam, even if that means overriding traditional freedom-of-speech protections.

“UN Watch is alarmed by the Islamic bloc’s attempt to turn an international shield for religious freedom into a sword for religious-motivated state censorship,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of the Geneva-based watchdog group. “It’s part of a larger campaign to invert the real danger of Islamist extremism into an imagined narrative of Western victimization of Islam and its adherents.”



I've seen more than enough proof so I don't buy your story for one second. Muslims spell trouble for any "infidel," whether Jewish, Christian, Buddist, Hindu, you name it. Anyone with reasoned thought can see that Muslims bring trouble to whatever non-Muslim country they inhabit. When Muslims start standing up as a majority against the Islamic Fascism terrorizing the world, then I might reconsider.

No occupied territories in exactly the same way there are no UN Resolutions that Israel has failed to comply with
Yeah, been there, heard that. So, James Baker says there are no occupied territories, then the International Court of Justice issues a ruling, according to which there exists an armed conflict, and that territories are occupied territories of another state; and at the same time the ICJ asserts that, Israel has no right to defend itself, because there is no other state involved. And then there are the United Nations bozos, not to be taken seriously, like any circus.
Real Jew War Crimes

"II. Killings of Gazans Conveying Civilian Status

"On December 27, 2008, Israel launched 'Operation Cast Lead,' with the stated aim of stopping the ongoing rocket fire from Palestinian armed groups into Israel.

"The operation began with a large-scale air campaign, followed by a ground offensive eight days later.

"Below are seven incidents during the operation where Israeli soldiers fired with small arms on civilians, killing 11 people—including five women and four children—and wounding at least another eight.

"These casualties comprise a small fraction of the Palestinian civilians wounded and killed during the operation, but they stand out because, in each case, the victims were standing, walking, or in slowly moving vehicles with other unarmed civilians, and were trying to convey their non-combatant status by waving a white flag.

"All available evidence indicates that Israeli forces were in control of the areas in question, no fighting was taking place there at the time, and no Palestinian forces were hiding among the civilians or using them as human shields."

White Flag Deaths...
Gazans Tell How Hamas Used Them As Human Shields: Among others, an ambulance driver said that during Operation Cast Lead Hamas operatives used ambulances to leave battle sites, a tactic familiar from the past


Use made in the past by Hamas of UN ambulances to evacuate armed terrorists from battle zones (Pictures courtesy of Israeli Channel 10 TV, May 11, 2004). Hamas used the same tactic during Operation Cast Lead, as reported to a Western correspondent by an ambulance driver.

Document Seized during Operation Cast Lead

Note found by IDF forces in a building in the Gaza Strip on January 12, during Operation Cast Lead. The note was left by Hamas operatives who broke into and used the building.


“Greetings, honored residents of this house. We, your brothers, holy war fighters [ mujahideen ], used this house and some of the things in it. Our apologies.”


Example of a fortified position on the roof of a building in a civilian neighborhood in Beit Lahiya. Hamas operatives who fired at IDF forces from the roofs of buildings endangered the residents' lives

Gazans Tell How Hamas Used Them As Human Shields
What Would Moses (Maimonides) Say?

"Killing of Amal ‘Abd Rabbo, 2, and Su’ad ‘Abd Rabbo, 7; Wounding of Su’ad ‘Abd Rabbo, 54, and Samar ‘Abd Rabbo, 4
‘Abd Rabbo Neighborhood, Jabalya , January 7, 2009

"In the early afternoon of January 7, 2009, four days after the start of Israel’s ground offensive in Gaza, Israeli tanks stopped at the house of Khalid ‘Abd Rabbo, who lives at the eastern end of al-Quds Street in Jabalya’s ‘Abd Rabbo neighborhood.[9]

" According to three family members who witnessed the incident, an Israeli soldier fired on two women and three young girls who had come out of the house holding makeshift white flags.

"Two of the girls died; the grandmother and the third girl were wounded, the girl seriously.

"Ballistic evidence found at the scene, medical records of the victims, and examinations by foreign doctors of the two wounded survivors corroborate the witnesses’ account.

"According to residents in the ‘Abd Rabbo neighborhood, Israeli forces first entered the area a few hours after ground operations began on the morning of January 3.

"As during previous IDF incursions, most notably Operation Warm Winter in February-March 2008, Hamas and other armed groups engaged the IDF on the western edges of the neighborhood and tried to lure Israeli soldiers into traps.

"On this occasion, the Palestinian fighters quickly retreated to the west as Israeli armor approached together with air support.

"Fighting ensued in the area over the following days, at times intense. Local residents said that three Palestinian fighters had been killed, and pointed out their photos to Human Rights Watch on a poster of killed fighters.

"Based on eyewitness accounts and the physical destruction observed by Human Rights Watch in the neighborhood several weeks later, the fighting seems to have been concentrated a few hundred meters to the west of Khalid ‘Abd Rabbo’s house, around the Saladin mosque on al-Quds Street.

"The mosque itself and two adjacent buildings were destroyed, and many of the surrounding buildings bore signs of gunfire, some of which were from fighting the previous March."

One side is fighting to impose an illegal occupation.
One side fights to oppose the illegal occupation.
Pick yours.

White Flag Deaths

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