The Real Party Of "No"


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
What was the real reason Democrats dreamed up the Russian Hacking scandal?
Answer: So they could pull stunts like this and hopefully not pay a price for it.

Democrats on Monday all but abandoned their pledge to find common ground with President Trump after he banned some foreign nationals from entering the United States, while Republicans angrily accused him of not telling them ahead of time about the controversial order.

Seizing on growing public outcry over Trump’s executive order temporarily banning citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries and refugees from across the globe, Democrats on Capitol Hill launched what they said would be a protracted fight on several fronts. It will include public protests against the ban, delaying Cabinet confirmations and an attempt to reject Trump’s pick to serve on the Supreme Court, an announcement expected Tuesday.

The plans represent a sharp pivot in Democratic strategy after weeks of vowing to work with Trump and Republicans in areas of agreement — and to allow noncontroversial nominees to be quickly confirmed.

Democrats escalate their attacks on Trump, while Republicans accuse him of leaving them in the dark


January 31, 2017
Sally Yates, superstar
By Thomas Lifson

Don’t worry about Sally Yates missing her next paycheck after being fired as acting attorney general. She is on her way to stardom in the Blue Bubble.

[It was a fully justified firing, and you can read elsewhere an excellent analysis on why, and the political lesson the Trump administration must learn. My purpose here is to is to comment on the obvious show-biz nature of the incident.]
It is very clear to me that Ms. Yates knew she would be fired, so we have to consider her goals in provoking the only possible response to insubordination. The charitable way to describe it is “taking a stand” against the evils of Trump. The slightly demented way of charitably putting it is that she would be a “martyr” to the cause (the cause being stopping The Next Hitler in the fevered imaginations of progressives driven insane by their electoral repudiation of last November).

Either way, she becomes a hero of the left, and the recipient of a lucrative advance on a book. She’ll work on the book during her lecture circuit travels. She should be able to get at least ten grand per gig, maybe more, because her “bravery” can inspire leftists. I don’t know her speaking style, so maybe she needs a little training. Chuck Schumer knows a terrific drama coach.

[Update: Richard Baehr adds: She will be booked on every network’s Sunday news show and get a love-in with Rachel Maddow. Chuck Schumer will call her the type of bipartisan Supreme Court pick he could endorse.]
Blog: Sally Yates, superstar

I don't think anyone really expected the democrats to act in any way rational with Trump. He is not the republican they are used to dealing they are going to have to go nuclear every time he does something...because he is going to hit back twice as hard.....

Can anyone ever imagine any other republican calling out shumer for his fake tears...or john lewis after he attacked Trump.....

Trump is what we have been waiting for...a fighter who is going to kick them in the teeth if they attack him....
I don't think anyone really expected the democrats to act in any way rational with Trump. He is not the republican they are used to dealing they are going to have to go nuclear every time he does something...because he is going to hit back twice as hard.....

Can anyone ever imagine any other republican calling out shumer for his fake tears...or john lewis after he attacked Trump.....

Trump is what we have been waiting for...a fighter who is going to kick them in the teeth if they attack him....
Democrats fomented so much hatred for Trump that any nasty stunt they pull is acceptable to liberals.

And to think the right was obnoxious to Obama. That was nothing....

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