The real reason for face masks

How about this? You don't want to wear a mask? Stay home.

How about this: if you are scared of covid, stay home. Let the rest of us make our own choices and live our lives as we choose.
Nope, the law is on our side (of reality) and not yours, Redfish. So you will comply or stay home or pay the price.

there is no LAW involved here, you ignorant fool. No federal or state or city has passed a law regarding mask wearing.
Does Google not work for you? The internet is literally at your fingertips and still you remain woefully ignorant.

and you cite Berkley as a legitimate example, you really are dumb

I gave you a list of all the places in California where masks are mandated by law...then followed up with the entire country. I'd say "stop being an ignorant Trumptard", but I might as well say "Sun, stop coming up".
Preach sister, show those cities and counties, point them out to Redfish, and then gaff and fillet his other arguments.

sorry jakey, but the old dried up seabuscuit has never won any argument with me on any topic and never will because, like you, she is full of liberal BS
Oh please. I spank you every single time...until you cry and pretend to ignore me.

I am not the least bit interested in your sexual fantasies. Try the spanking on one of your girlfriends.
Oh, puhleese. You’re fixated by what lesbians do. It’s like you never learned to use the internet.

LOL, your perversion is of no interest to me. What you do in private is your business, I dont care to know about it or hear about it. Just keep it in private.
No. She can live here life as she pleases, it's none of your business, so keep your feelings private.
The real reason for face masks is to protect others from you if you have covid.

so your mask does not protect you? so you are wearing it only to protect others? Do you have covid?

do you see the stupidity of your statement?
No, my mask protects YOU. I have not been tested so I don’t know if I am carrying the virus. Until we are testing more and contact tracing, the masks protect everyone.

You want the economy to start to recover don’t you? I know I do. Well, the fastest and safest way to do that is for everyone to wear a damn mask.
I am not responsible for your finances, marriage, social life nor health. It’s another liberal diversion to exclude themself from personal responsibility.
The real reason for face masks is to protect others from you if you have covid.

so your mask does not protect you? so you are wearing it only to protect others? Do you have covid?

do you see the stupidity of your statement?
You finally after seven months figured out what masks are for. Good on you. :)

Masks are political tools to further get Americans used to doing as we are told. Viruses are microscopic.

Get a pail of golf balls and set up to shoot at a soccer goal. Now his them one at a time into the net and see how many get through. 80%? 90%? That's what use regular masks are to viruses.

Why don't you think we wear masks for the flu, Fake Jake?
The real reason for face masks is to protect others from you if you have covid.

so your mask does not protect you? so you are wearing it only to protect others? Do you have covid?

do you see the stupidity of your statement?
You finally after seven months figured out what masks are for. Good on you. :)

Masks are political tools to further get Americans used to doing as we are told. Viruses are microscopic.

Get a pail of golf balls and set up to shoot at a soccer goal. Now his them one at a time into the net and see how many get through. 80%? 90%? That's what use regular masks are to viruses.

Why don't you think we wear masks for the flu, Fake Jake?
We should, but probably because we have a vaccine for the flu and actually have some herd immunity to it. Such is not the case with COVID, Kazzie.
Masks are about control.

One of the main reasons for masks is to use as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. This very quick video from this ICU nurse explains that:

Then ask Trump to change his own policy ...... wear mask. Trump policy should say don’t wear mask.

Nurse is just making a very dumb stupid opinion. Nurses face or handle sick people. It is heavily recommend that they take flu shots. If you don’t so this dumb nurse will not get sick or give a flu virus to her patients. If you don’t take flu shots. Then wear a stupid mask so you don’t get sick or make your patients sicker. It’s that simple.

Totally wrong.
1. If a nurse gets the flu, which they still do even if they get vaccinated, then you want them to feel bad enough to stay home.
Flu shots do NOT prevent you from getting and spreading flu at all.
They actually increase the spread because they make you feel better, good enough to still show up for work, even when you should stay home because you could spread it.

2. A mask is not going to make much difference.
You will still have virus on your hands if you are sick.
The ONLY prevention is to stay home if you are sick.

1. Technically you are right but in reality you are totally wrong and misinformed. True you can still or might get a flu after vaccination But the percentage of that is extremely very low. If you you are right then we should have a massive flu infections in hospitals and clinics. Don’t you think?
2. Mask. Wrong again. Mask is to prevent the slow or spread of the virus. So you don’t infect me or I don’t infect you. If you are sick go to a hospital.
Yes, I know that many Dems would do anything to defeat President Trump.

They have already thrown everything at him since the Dems retook the House.

But I hope with all my heart that their "dislike" for him does not extend to using COVID-19 as a way to oust him.

I, too, hate wearing a mask. It sure takes all the pleasure out of walking for exercise.

But I think that maybe the "experts" are right: wearing masks may have at least some effectiveness in stopping the spread of the virus.

I am guessing that one year from now, even the liberal media will have the decency to admit that some of the measures taken during the pandemic may have been counter-productive.

Masks can not possibly END any pandemic, so then are not accomplishing anything.
All "flattening the curve" does is slow down the rate of infection.
And that does not end an epidemic, but just delays infections and makes an epidemic last MUCH longer.
And since you can't protect the vulnerable forever, that results in the most deaths.

Since only herd immunity can ever end any entrenched epidemic, then we should be accelerating herd immunity, in order to reduce deaths by getting it over as quickly as possible.
Totally false. This is the problem when you listened too much of Tucker, Ingraham or Hannity.

If you listen to scientist, experts, hospitals and doctors you are totally wrong.
Mask will slow down the spread of virus. So you do NOT infect me or infecting you. So you do not infect the vulnerable people. That is a proven facts. Even Trump own policy and his own Surgeon General wear that STUPID mask.

Totally wrong.
There is not a single scientist who says that masks or social distancing can possibly ever end any epidemic.
Not a single entrenched epidemic can or will ever be stopped by masks or social distancing.
All they do is "flatten the curve", which only means delaying infections.
And the longer you delay ending an epidemic, the more dead you cause.
Slowing down the spread ensures you WILL eventually get infected.
The ONLY way to prevent you from getting infected, is for everyone else to obtain herd immunity as quickly as possible.
All scientists say that.
There has never been any entrenched epidemic that has not been ended by herd immunity, ever.
Clearly the lowest death toll come obtaining herd immunity as quickly as possible.
By selecting 30 million young and healthy volunteers, we could easily achieve the required 60% immunity rate in less than 6 weeks, and have ended covid-19 in March, with fewer than 30,000 dead.

Wrong again. I never said mask and social distancing will end a pandemic. Even if we have the vaccine this will not be the end of Covid 19 just like the availability of the flu vaccine. Flu season is coming peak at December to February.

Your herd immunity theory will not end the Covid-19 either. The problem with that is millions have to die before you can achieve that goal. Using your 30 millions as an example. How many Americans has to die? Link below for you to understand what herd immunity means.

Masks are about control.

One of the main reasons for masks is to use as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. This very quick video from this ICU nurse explains that:

Then ask Trump to change his own policy ...... wear mask. Trump policy should say don’t wear mask.

Nurse is just making a very dumb stupid opinion. Nurses face or handle sick people. It is heavily recommend that they take flu shots. If you don’t so this dumb nurse will not get sick or give a flu virus to her patients. If you don’t take flu shots. Then wear a stupid mask so you don’t get sick or make your patients sicker. It’s that simple.

Totally wrong.
1. If a nurse gets the flu, which they still do even if they get vaccinated, then you want them to feel bad enough to stay home.
Flu shots do NOT prevent you from getting and spreading flu at all.
They actually increase the spread because they make you feel better, good enough to still show up for work, even when you should stay home because you could spread it.

2. A mask is not going to make much difference.
You will still have virus on your hands if you are sick.
The ONLY prevention is to stay home if you are sick.

1. Technically you are right but in reality you are totally wrong and misinformed. True you can still or might get a flu after vaccination But the percentage of that is extremely very low. If you you are right then we should have a massive flu infections in hospitals and clinics. Don’t you think?
2. Mask. Wrong again. Mask is to prevent the slow or spread of the virus. So you don’t infect me or I don’t infect you. If you are sick go to a hospital.

Viruses are microscopic. Masks are no where near that granular.

Take a bucket of golf balls to a soccer field and tee them up and shoot them at the net. Tell me that the soccer net prevented the golf balls from getting through. Go for it.

Why don't we wear masks for the flu?
Masks are about control.

One of the main reasons for masks is to use as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. This very quick video from this ICU nurse explains that:

Then ask Trump to change his own policy ...... wear mask. Trump policy should say don’t wear mask.

Nurse is just making a very dumb stupid opinion. Nurses face or handle sick people. It is heavily recommend that they take flu shots. If you don’t so this dumb nurse will not get sick or give a flu virus to her patients. If you don’t take flu shots.

Why should I ask Trump? I don't even live in the US, but even if I did, I don't put my trust in politicians, and his actions on COVID-1984 have just corroborated what I've said about him from the start... but that's another topic.

What the nurse said is absolutely true, and your response just shows how brainwashed you are.

Then wear a stupid mask so you don’t get sick or make your patients sicker. It’s that simple.


Why should it matter where you live? I am basing members based from their post. If you don’t live here how do you even know the the real life, current events, traditions behaviors, in this country? So where do you rely or where do you get your information from? But you have the audacity to give me a dumb picture that shows how immature you are. I don’t trust the politicians either especially Trump.

Wearing a mask is heavily recommended by scientists, doctors, hospitals and medical experts. Who should we listen? The ignorant people?

Nurse job was sworn to protect the sick not to spread bad information.
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Masks are about control.

One of the main reasons for masks is to use as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. This very quick video from this ICU nurse explains that:

Then ask Trump to change his own policy ...... wear mask. Trump policy should say don’t wear mask.

Nurse is just making a very dumb stupid opinion. Nurses face or handle sick people. It is heavily recommend that they take flu shots. If you don’t so this dumb nurse will not get sick or give a flu virus to her patients. If you don’t take flu shots. Then wear a stupid mask so you don’t get sick or make your patients sicker. It’s that simple.

Totally wrong.
1. If a nurse gets the flu, which they still do even if they get vaccinated, then you want them to feel bad enough to stay home.
Flu shots do NOT prevent you from getting and spreading flu at all.
They actually increase the spread because they make you feel better, good enough to still show up for work, even when you should stay home because you could spread it.

2. A mask is not going to make much difference.
You will still have virus on your hands if you are sick.
The ONLY prevention is to stay home if you are sick.

1. Technically you are right but in reality you are totally wrong and misinformed. True you can still or might get a flu after vaccination But the percentage of that is extremely very low. If you you are right then we should have a massive flu infections in hospitals and clinics. Don’t you think?
2. Mask. Wrong again. Mask is to prevent the slow or spread of the virus. So you don’t infect me or I don’t infect you. If you are sick go to a hospital.

Viruses are microscopic. Masks are no where near that granular.

Take a bucket of golf balls to a soccer field and tee them up and shoot them at the net. Tell me that the soccer net prevented the golf balls from getting through. Go for it.

Why don't we wear masks for the flu?

Tell that to the scientists, doctors, hospitals and medical experts that recommend mask. BTW who are you to dispute them?
People do wear mask during flu and off season it’s just not a big numbers. Even without the flu season at casinos, air ports and other places some do wear mask..

I play golf regularly mostly on Saturdays. Yes the net will stop the golf ball. Why do you think they even put the net if it’s worthless? Soccer net and golf net is different just incase you don’t know.
In the spring, stores sold out of masks, hand sanitizer and toilet paper.

This fall, they sold out of ammo.
Masks are about control.

One of the main reasons for masks is to use as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. This very quick video from this ICU nurse explains that:

Then ask Trump to change his own policy ...... wear mask. Trump policy should say don’t wear mask.

Nurse is just making a very dumb stupid opinion. Nurses face or handle sick people. It is heavily recommend that they take flu shots. If you don’t so this dumb nurse will not get sick or give a flu virus to her patients. If you don’t take flu shots. Then wear a stupid mask so you don’t get sick or make your patients sicker. It’s that simple.

Totally wrong.
1. If a nurse gets the flu, which they still do even if they get vaccinated, then you want them to feel bad enough to stay home.
Flu shots do NOT prevent you from getting and spreading flu at all.
They actually increase the spread because they make you feel better, good enough to still show up for work, even when you should stay home because you could spread it.

2. A mask is not going to make much difference.
You will still have virus on your hands if you are sick.
The ONLY prevention is to stay home if you are sick.

1. Technically you are right but in reality you are totally wrong and misinformed. True you can still or might get a flu after vaccination But the percentage of that is extremely very low. If you you are right then we should have a massive flu infections in hospitals and clinics. Don’t you think?
2. Mask. Wrong again. Mask is to prevent the slow or spread of the virus. So you don’t infect me or I don’t infect you. If you are sick go to a hospital.

Viruses are microscopic. Masks are no where near that granular.

Take a bucket of golf balls to a soccer field and tee them up and shoot them at the net. Tell me that the soccer net prevented the golf balls from getting through. Go for it.

Why don't we wear masks for the flu?

Viruses are granular. But the transmission mechanisms are much bigger.

The transmission mechanisms, ie the droplets that are spread from people to people, are usually larger than the openings in the masks.

There’s a reason why doctors and nurses wear masks before they operate on you or your loved ones.
Listen to the experts and scientists or to the confirmation science youtube experts?
Masks are about control.

One of the main reasons for masks is to use as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. This very quick video from this ICU nurse explains that:

Then ask Trump to change his own policy ...... wear mask. Trump policy should say don’t wear mask.

Nurse is just making a very dumb stupid opinion. Nurses face or handle sick people. It is heavily recommend that they take flu shots. If you don’t so this dumb nurse will not get sick or give a flu virus to her patients. If you don’t take flu shots.

Why should I ask Trump? I don't even live in the US, but even if I did, I don't put my trust in politicians, and his actions on COVID-1984 have just corroborated what I've said about him from the start... but that's another topic.

What the nurse said is absolutely true, and your response just shows how brainwashed you are.

Then wear a stupid mask so you don’t get sick or make your patients sicker. It’s that simple.


Why should it matter where you live? I am basing members based from their post. If you don’t live here how do you even know the the real life, current events, traditions behaviors, in this country? So where do you rely or where do you get your information from? But you have the audacity to give me a dumb picture that shows how immature you are. I don’t trust the politicians either especially Trump.

Wearing a mask is heavily recommended by scientists, doctors, hospitals and medical experts. Who should we listen? The ignorant people?

Nurse job was sworn to protect the sick not to spread bad information.

You really don't get it. At all. You're being played big time, and like most average TV-watching people, you have fallen for it.
Listen to the experts and scientists or to the confirmation science youtube experts?

Ah yes, listen to the "experts"! But only the Government-approved experts, of course. Because the government, billionaire technocrats and Big Pharma would NEVER mislead us! They care about us, they really do!!! :laugh2:
ah, yes, my little buttercup, listen to the experts because you know nothing
Masks are about control.

One of the main reasons for masks is to use as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. This very quick video from this ICU nurse explains that:

Then ask Trump to change his own policy ...... wear mask. Trump policy should say don’t wear mask.

Nurse is just making a very dumb stupid opinion. Nurses face or handle sick people. It is heavily recommend that they take flu shots. If you don’t so this dumb nurse will not get sick or give a flu virus to her patients. If you don’t take flu shots. Then wear a stupid mask so you don’t get sick or make your patients sicker. It’s that simple.

Totally wrong.
1. If a nurse gets the flu, which they still do even if they get vaccinated, then you want them to feel bad enough to stay home.
Flu shots do NOT prevent you from getting and spreading flu at all.
They actually increase the spread because they make you feel better, good enough to still show up for work, even when you should stay home because you could spread it.

2. A mask is not going to make much difference.
You will still have virus on your hands if you are sick.
The ONLY prevention is to stay home if you are sick.

1. Technically you are right but in reality you are totally wrong and misinformed. True you can still or might get a flu after vaccination But the percentage of that is extremely very low. If you you are right then we should have a massive flu infections in hospitals and clinics. Don’t you think?
2. Mask. Wrong again. Mask is to prevent the slow or spread of the virus. So you don’t infect me or I don’t infect you. If you are sick go to a hospital.

Viruses are microscopic. Masks are no where near that granular.

Take a bucket of golf balls to a soccer field and tee them up and shoot them at the net. Tell me that the soccer net prevented the golf balls from getting through. Go for it.

Why don't we wear masks for the flu?

Tell that to the scientists, doctors, hospitals and medical experts that recommend mask. BTW who are you to dispute them?
People do wear mask during flu and off season it’s just not a big numbers. Even without the flu season at casinos, air ports and other places some do wear mask..

I play golf regularly mostly on Saturdays. Yes the net will stop the golf ball. Why do you think they even put the net if it’s worthless? Soccer net and golf net is different just incase you don’t know.

A golf net stops golf balls. A soccer net has a larger mesh because it only has to stop a soccer ball. You didn't get the difference? Seriously? I even explained that a soccer net would stop a few golf balls. A virus transmission is not about how many virus cells are stopped, it's about how many get through. Think about it ...

You clearly didn't grasp my virus point. I already gave you the test. Take a bucket of golf balls and shoot them at a soccer net and tell me none of them got through.


And if masks are so unequivocally good, then why did the doctors telling us to wear them now tell us not to wear them? Which time were they lying?

My God man, how clueless can you be? This was all covered in my post
Masks are about control.

One of the main reasons for masks is to use as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. This very quick video from this ICU nurse explains that:

Then ask Trump to change his own policy ...... wear mask. Trump policy should say don’t wear mask.

Nurse is just making a very dumb stupid opinion. Nurses face or handle sick people. It is heavily recommend that they take flu shots. If you don’t so this dumb nurse will not get sick or give a flu virus to her patients. If you don’t take flu shots. Then wear a stupid mask so you don’t get sick or make your patients sicker. It’s that simple.

Totally wrong.
1. If a nurse gets the flu, which they still do even if they get vaccinated, then you want them to feel bad enough to stay home.
Flu shots do NOT prevent you from getting and spreading flu at all.
They actually increase the spread because they make you feel better, good enough to still show up for work, even when you should stay home because you could spread it.

2. A mask is not going to make much difference.
You will still have virus on your hands if you are sick.
The ONLY prevention is to stay home if you are sick.

1. Technically you are right but in reality you are totally wrong and misinformed. True you can still or might get a flu after vaccination But the percentage of that is extremely very low. If you you are right then we should have a massive flu infections in hospitals and clinics. Don’t you think?
2. Mask. Wrong again. Mask is to prevent the slow or spread of the virus. So you don’t infect me or I don’t infect you. If you are sick go to a hospital.

Viruses are microscopic. Masks are no where near that granular.

Take a bucket of golf balls to a soccer field and tee them up and shoot them at the net. Tell me that the soccer net prevented the golf balls from getting through. Go for it.

Why don't we wear masks for the flu?

Viruses are granular. But the transmission mechanisms are much bigger.

The transmission mechanisms, ie the droplets that are spread from people to people, are usually larger than the openings in the masks.

There’s a reason why doctors and nurses wear masks before they operate on you or your loved ones.

Well, bacteria are larger, so even without viruses there is a reason to wear a mask. They also wear medical grade masks that are more granular. And they are more constantly exposed so there's more reason to try to reduce the amount they are exposed each time.

The droplets point is a good point.

I also have a big problem with having been lied to at the beginning by the same people who claim they are not lying now. They killed their credibility.

And we have a lot of things we do in this country now to appease the left. Plastics are NOT a serious problem in this country. We have way more than adequate landfill and a tiny fraction of the plastic in the ocean comes from here. It comes from Asia.

Significant portions of all the recycling we all do ends up in landfills because they can't even pay to have it recycled.

Straws are the biggest fake crisis ever. Straws are a tiny portion of ... beach ... trash. It's virtually zero in restaurant trash that doesn't go to landfills.

Do you notice they always tell us when there are droughts, but they never tell us droughts ended?

And the hole in the ozone layer has been closing for decades. Not a word, no one knows that.

Any critical mind would be skeptical of anything government and the media tell us at this point
ah, yes, my little buttercup, listen to the experts because you know nothing
Fear the Covid. Don’t go anywhere. Shelter in place forever. If enough of you dummies do this, I will enjoy less crowed bars, restaurants, and markets. Plus no more traffic jams. Yippee!
Masks are about control.

One of the main reasons for masks is to use as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. This very quick video from this ICU nurse explains that:

Then ask Trump to change his own policy ...... wear mask. Trump policy should say don’t wear mask.

Nurse is just making a very dumb stupid opinion. Nurses face or handle sick people. It is heavily recommend that they take flu shots. If you don’t so this dumb nurse will not get sick or give a flu virus to her patients. If you don’t take flu shots. Then wear a stupid mask so you don’t get sick or make your patients sicker. It’s that simple.

Totally wrong.
1. If a nurse gets the flu, which they still do even if they get vaccinated, then you want them to feel bad enough to stay home.
Flu shots do NOT prevent you from getting and spreading flu at all.
They actually increase the spread because they make you feel better, good enough to still show up for work, even when you should stay home because you could spread it.

2. A mask is not going to make much difference.
You will still have virus on your hands if you are sick.
The ONLY prevention is to stay home if you are sick.

1. Technically you are right but in reality you are totally wrong and misinformed. True you can still or might get a flu after vaccination But the percentage of that is extremely very low. If you you are right then we should have a massive flu infections in hospitals and clinics. Don’t you think?
2. Mask. Wrong again. Mask is to prevent the slow or spread of the virus. So you don’t infect me or I don’t infect you. If you are sick go to a hospital.

Viruses are microscopic. Masks are no where near that granular.

Take a bucket of golf balls to a soccer field and tee them up and shoot them at the net. Tell me that the soccer net prevented the golf balls from getting through. Go for it.

Why don't we wear masks for the flu?

Tell that to the scientists, doctors, hospitals and medical experts that recommend mask. BTW who are you to dispute them?
People do wear mask during flu and off season it’s just not a big numbers. Even without the flu season at casinos, air ports and other places some do wear mask..

I play golf regularly mostly on Saturdays. Yes the net will stop the golf ball. Why do you think they even put the net if it’s worthless? Soccer net and golf net is different just incase you don’t know.

A golf net stops golf balls. A soccer net has a larger mesh because it only has to stop a soccer ball. You didn't get the difference? Seriously? I even explained that a soccer net would stop a few golf balls. A virus transmission is not about how many virus cells are stopped, it's about how many get through. Think about it ...

You clearly didn't grasp my virus point. I already gave you the test. Take a bucket of golf balls and shoot them at a soccer net and tell me none of them got through.

View attachment 392664

And if masks are so unequivocally good, then why did the doctors telling us to wear them now tell us not to wear them? Which time were they lying?

My God man, how clueless can you be? This was all covered in my post

Currently we don’t know to what extent the golf balls fly around by themselves. What we do know is that the golf balls attach themselves to the soccer balls so the soccer ball net is more than sufficient to stop the golf balls attached to the soccer balls.

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