The real reason for face masks

The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as herd immunity set in.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
The reason for the face masks is to not overwhelm the medical industry all at once with people who are sick. What's dumb is there are a lot of people, MOST PEOPLE, wouldn't even need to be hospitalized. They'll get a cold and move on with life.

Those who do get sick however... They either get the flu, that's what happened to me and a couple members of my family, or they die fuck'n horribly. Ever watch someone gasp for breath just to live? I have, my grandpa had a quarter of a lung for over half his life. His primary goal for over half his life was to breath. Putting him on oxygen didn't even do anything for him, because to give him enough to do anything, it would have burned his remaining lung. Did you know that? High concentrated oxygen is BAD FOR YOU. You have to dilute it with other gases or it'll fuck'n destroy your lungs.

He couldn't exercise... Hell, long conversations would wind him. He was still skinny as a rail... Why? Because chewing and swallowing food took time way from breathing.

If you're gonna die... I suggest you find another way to go about it.

This isn't directed toward the OP because they didn't really say anything against what I'm about to say... This is just my rant on the subject.

I'm PRO-CHOICE. What you do with your body is up to you. I don't believe I have the right to tell you what to do with your own body.

But don't be that asshole who makes fun of or demeans someone else for their choices on how they want to go about doing for their body. If they are wearing a mask obviously for medical reasons... Leave them alone. It's their choice.

PRO-CHOICE. If you don't feel I can tell you what you can or can't do with your body... Don't be a fuck'n hypocrite when you see someone without a mask. It's not your choice.

We don't wear masks for the flu, another virus. And they never say that's what spreads the disease, they say don't touch your face and keep washing your hands.

What is magical about the Biden virus that a mask is required versus other viruses?

It's about government control, it's political. Masks are useless
Cloth masks are BS.........and this virus is not hardly as bad as they all

They are now finding t cell immunity is in a large portion of this nation......from the 6 other strains of corona........why so many are walking though it

Masks DO NOT STOP the microns sized viurs cells..............put your mask over a vaccum......put flour down and try it..........That is way bigger than the virus.

Why do you continue to be so stupid? You have been proven wrong dozens of ties, yet you continue to be a dub motherfucker!

He is 100% correct, look at the disclaimer on the mask package, it confirms that the mask does nothing against any virus.
The virus cannot travel without a host of water droplets. It is an inconvenient truth dumbasses ignore to justify their "masks don't work" bullshit.

Since our state required the use of masks, COVID-19 cases and deaths have plummeted! Are you stupid enough to believe that is just a coincidence?

I attended a funeral for one of my worker's wife who passed away of COVID-19. She was perfectly healthy, mid-50s and had never been sick a day in her life. Maybe when someone you care about dies maybe you will wake up and realize that you are not as smart as you think you are.
I attended a funeral for one of my worker's wife who passed away of COVID-19. She was perfectly healthy, mid-50s and had never been sick a day in her life. Maybe when someone you care about dies maybe you will wake up and realize that you are not as smart as you think you are.
I attended the funeral of someone who died in a motorcycle accident. Unlike with you, it didn't cause me to lose my ability to think rationally.
I attended a funeral for one of my worker's wife who passed away of COVID-19. She was perfectly healthy, mid-50s and had never been sick a day in her life. Maybe when someone you care about dies maybe you will wake up and realize that you are not as smart as you think you are.
I attended the funeral of someone who died in a motorcycle accident. Unlike with you, it didn't cause me to lose my ability to think rationally.

You stupid motherfuckers keep saying that the COVID-19 virus is nothing. I beg to differ and my company is suffering immensely from it, and we have all worked at home since March!.
Wow, and the Dems have even convinced other countries to use masks too!

They're so evil!
FEAR and CHAOS is CONTROL---------the globalists seeking control and power aren't worried just about the US even though we are the world leader now and are their main target.
We're not "the world leader" any more. Trump has withdrawn us from that position. Trumpsters have said, over and over, that they don't give two shits about what other countries think of us, and they cheer when we withdraw from global initiatives. Germany is probably the world leader now, and China is gaining, unfortunately.
We are the world leader. And Trump's withdrawal of us is making us China and Germany and other have all been parasites robbing us. Supporting the whole world and letting China and others take advantage of us has been making us weaker and weaker----Trump is ending this nonsense from our enemies and our supposed allies. If we continue down the old road---China would replace us as world leader within 20 years............
It’s virtue signaling to other overly compliant dummies
King and Queen Shit for Brains are those driving in their car , by themself, with a mask on
It’s virtue signaling to other overly compliant dummies
King and Queen Shit for Brains are those driving in their car , by themself, with a mask on
Now THAT is pretty stupid. I'll give you that one.
QUOTE="Redfish, post: 25405674, member: 42379"]
Compare stats sure, bring it on.
NYC vs Sweden
Population 8 million vs 10 million
Covid Cases 230,000 vs 84,000
Deaths 19,000 vs 6,000
Right! Brilliant! Fucking Brilliant. Compare city to a country. Keep on peddling your irresponsible inane equine excrement and keep being responsible for the lose of life and countless more who will suffer chronic health problems for the rest of their lives. You can find states somewhere that say whatever you want but the fact is that this is a national tragedy and the trump Admin. botched it.

National tragedy????? Are you off your nut? the national tragedy was 8 years of obozo the kenyan clown and his sidekick senile Joe. Those two did more damage to this country than all the diseases in hisgtory.

By the way, Covid now has a 99.8% survival rate. and 94% of those whose deaths are attributed to it had serious underlying medical conditions and were very elderly. National tragedy?? not even close.
... its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. ...

The risk to die after the diagnose "covid-19" was in Wuhan not 0.2% but 1.4%. And you underestimate perhaps that covid-19 is able to cause long term damages and only 15% are without or nearly without symptoms (although they infect others too).

good for you, you are officially a sheep of the left.

Good for you that you are far from Thors hammer in my hand. I don't like to send it around the half planet to knock at the home of your irreal thoughts about the real worldwide pandemic covid-19.

you have bought the rhetoric hook line and sinker, you are the perfect drone to spread the bullshit. totally incapable of independent thought, a mere puppet of your masters--------------can you say slavery?

Good grief. Whan an idiotic nonsense. And such an idiotic nonsense works in the USA for to manipulate masses?

see post #114, even the CDC is now saying its a hoax.

What hoax and which CDC? The CDC of Madistan or Trumperia?
QUOTE="Redfish, post: 25405674, member: 42379"]
Compare stats sure, bring it on.
NYC vs Sweden
Population 8 million vs 10 million
Covid Cases 230,000 vs 84,000
Deaths 19,000 vs 6,000
Right! Brilliant! Fucking Brilliant. Compare city to a country. Keep on peddling your irresponsible inane equine excrement and keep being responsible for the lose of life and countless more who will suffer chronic health problems for the rest of their lives. You can find states somewhere that say whatever you want but the fact is that this is a national tragedy and the trump Admin. botched it.

National tragedy????? Are you off your nut? the national tragedy was 8 years of obozo the kenyan clown and his sidekick senile Joe. Those two did more damage to this country than all the diseases in hisgtory.

By the way, Covid now has a 99.8% survival rate. and 94% of those whose deaths are attributed to it had serious underlying medical conditions and were very elderly. National tragedy?? not even close.
... its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. ...

The risk to die after the diagnose "covid-19" was in Wuhan not 0.2% but 1.4%. And you underestimate perhaps that covid-19 is able to cause long term damages and only 15% are without or nearly without symptoms (although they infect others too).

good for you, you are officially a sheep of the left.

Good for you that you are far from Thors hammer in my hand. I don't like to send it around the half planet to knock at the home of your irreal thoughts about the real worldwide pandemic covid-19.

you have bought the rhetoric hook line and sinker, you are the perfect drone to spread the bullshit. totally incapable of independent thought, a mere puppet of your masters--------------can you say slavery?

Good grief. Whan an idiotic nonsense. And such an idiotic nonsense works in the USA for to manipulate masses?

see post #114, even the CDC is now saying its a hoax.

What hoax and which CDC? The CDC of Madistan or Trumperia?
I think couple threads about it have disappeared
Compare stats sure, bring it on.
NYC vs Sweden
Population 8 million vs 10 million
Covid Cases 230,000 vs 84,000
Deaths 19,000 vs 6,000
Right! Brilliant! Fucking Brilliant. Compare city to a country. Keep on peddling your irresponsible inane equine excrement and keep being responsible for the lose of life and countless more who will suffer chronic health problems for the rest of their lives. You can find states somewhere that say whatever you want but the fact is that this is a national tragedy and the trump Admin. botched it.

National tragedy????? Are you off your nut? the national tragedy was 8 years of obozo the kenyan clown and his sidekick senile Joe. Those two did more damage to this country than all the diseases in hisgtory.

By the way, Covid now has a 99.8% survival rate. and 94% of those whose deaths are attributed to it had serious underlying medical conditions and were very elderly. National tragedy?? not even close.
... its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. ...

The risk to die after the diagnose "covid-19" was in Wuhan not 0.2% but 1.4%. And you underestimate perhaps that covid-19 is able to cause long term damages and only 15% are without or nearly without symptoms (although they infect others too).

good for you, you are officially a sheep of the left.

Good for you that you are far from Thors hammer in my hand. I don't like to send it around the half planet to knock at the home of your irreal thoughts about the real worldwide pandemic covid-19.

you have bought the rhetoric hook line and sinker, you are the perfect drone to spread the bullshit. totally incapable of independent thought, a mere puppet of your masters--------------can you say slavery?

Good grief. Whan an idiotic nonsense. And such an idiotic nonsense works in the USA for to manipulate masses?

see post #114, even the CDC is now saying its a hoax.
QUOTE="Redfish, post: 25405674, member: 42379"]
Compare stats sure, bring it on.
NYC vs Sweden
Population 8 million vs 10 million
Covid Cases 230,000 vs 84,000
Deaths 19,000 vs 6,000
Right! Brilliant! Fucking Brilliant. Compare city to a country. Keep on peddling your irresponsible inane equine excrement and keep being responsible for the lose of life and countless more who will suffer chronic health problems for the rest of their lives. You can find states somewhere that say whatever you want but the fact is that this is a national tragedy and the trump Admin. botched it.

National tragedy????? Are you off your nut? the national tragedy was 8 years of obozo the kenyan clown and his sidekick senile Joe. Those two did more damage to this country than all the diseases in hisgtory.

By the way, Covid now has a 99.8% survival rate. and 94% of those whose deaths are attributed to it had serious underlying medical conditions and were very elderly. National tragedy?? not even close.
... its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. ...

The risk to die after the diagnose "covid-19" was in Wuhan not 0.2% but 1.4%. And you underestimate perhaps that covid-19 is able to cause long term damages and only 15% are without or nearly without symptoms (although they infect others too).

good for you, you are officially a sheep of the left.

Good for you that you are far from Thors hammer in my hand. I don't like to send it around the half planet to knock at the home of your irreal thoughts about the real worldwide pandemic covid-19.

you have bought the rhetoric hook line and sinker, you are the perfect drone to spread the bullshit. totally incapable of independent thought, a mere puppet of your masters--------------can you say slavery?

Good grief. Whan an idiotic nonsense. And such an idiotic nonsense works in the USA for to manipulate masses?

see post #114, even the CDC is now saying its a hoax.

What hoax and which CDC? The CDC of Madistan or Trumperia?

I think couple threads about it have disappeared

Which information do you miss? I use normally information from different German virologist and specialists for epedemies, from the RKI (Robert Koch Institut) in Germany, from the WHO and from the European Union including GB.
Compare stats sure, bring it on.
NYC vs Sweden
Population 8 million vs 10 million
Covid Cases 230,000 vs 84,000
Deaths 19,000 vs 6,000
Right! Brilliant! Fucking Brilliant. Compare city to a country. Keep on peddling your irresponsible inane equine excrement and keep being responsible for the lose of life and countless more who will suffer chronic health problems for the rest of their lives. You can find states somewhere that say whatever you want but the fact is that this is a national tragedy and the trump Admin. botched it.

National tragedy????? Are you off your nut? the national tragedy was 8 years of obozo the kenyan clown and his sidekick senile Joe. Those two did more damage to this country than all the diseases in hisgtory.

By the way, Covid now has a 99.8% survival rate. and 94% of those whose deaths are attributed to it had serious underlying medical conditions and were very elderly. National tragedy?? not even close.
... its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. ...

The risk to die after the diagnose "covid-19" was in Wuhan not 0.2% but 1.4%. And you underestimate perhaps that covid-19 is able to cause long term damages and only 15% are without or nearly without symptoms (although they infect others too).

good for you, you are officially a sheep of the left.

Good for you that you are far from Thors hammer in my hand. I don't like to send it around the half planet to knock at the home of your irreal thoughts about the real worldwide pandemic covid-19.

you have bought the rhetoric hook line and sinker, you are the perfect drone to spread the bullshit. totally incapable of independent thought, a mere puppet of your masters--------------can you say slavery?

Good grief. Whan an idiotic nonsense. And such an idiotic nonsense works in the USA for to manipulate masses?

see post #114, even the CDC is now saying its a hoax.

More bullshit!!

so the CDC is now lying? I thought they were your gods.
Cloth masks are BS.........and this virus is not hardly as bad as they all

They are now finding t cell immunity is in a large portion of this nation......from the 6 other strains of corona........why so many are walking though it

Masks DO NOT STOP the microns sized viurs cells..............put your mask over a vaccum......put flour down and try it..........That is way bigger than the virus.

Why do you continue to be so stupid? You have been proven wrong dozens of ties, yet you continue to be a dub motherfucker!

He is 100% correct, look at the disclaimer on the mask package, it confirms that the mask does nothing against any virus.
The virus cannot travel without a host of water droplets. It is an inconvenient truth dumbasses ignore to justify their "masks don't work" bullshit.

Since our state required the use of masks, COVID-19 cases and deaths have plummeted! Are you stupid enough to believe that is just a coincidence?

I attended a funeral for one of my worker's wife who passed away of COVID-19. She was perfectly healthy, mid-50s and had never been sick a day in her life. Maybe when someone you care about dies maybe you will wake up and realize that you are not as smart as you think you are.

People die every day, its part of life------------life causes death. Cases have plummeted because we now know how to treat those who catch the virus. Masks have nothing to do with it. But I am quite sure that you wear yours while driving alone in your car. When I see someone doing that I think---you don't need a Biden bumper sticker, we already know.
I attended a funeral for one of my worker's wife who passed away of COVID-19. She was perfectly healthy, mid-50s and had never been sick a day in her life. Maybe when someone you care about dies maybe you will wake up and realize that you are not as smart as you think you are.
I attended the funeral of someone who died in a motorcycle accident. Unlike with you, it didn't cause me to lose my ability to think rationally.

You stupid motherfuckers keep saying that the COVID-19 virus is nothing. I beg to differ and my company is suffering immensely from it, and we have all worked at home since March!.

your company is not suffering from the virus, you are suffering from the stupid unnecessary shut down.
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
A boatload of bizarre bovine excrement to rival that of QANON.

for the record, "progressive patriot" is an oxymoron, and you my friend, are simply a moron.
Good fucking God! Is that really the most intelligent and original retort that you could pull out of your pie hole??

truth hurts, eh?
jwoodie gives us a statement without any support other than his opinion: " If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern." How about some solid evidence? Old Yeller may be puzzled by my request.
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Wow, and the Dems have even convinced other countries to use masks too!

They're so evil!
Netherlands told their citizens not to wear masks, so there goes that argument. Masks are nothing but a psychological security blanket so that the citizens who are highly neurotic feel like the government is doing something to save them. There was only ever one real scientific medical solution to a novel disease like this. That is going the controlled herd immunity route. Pour your resources into protecting the vulnerable, and let the rest live their lives and let this disease, that is less dangerous to the healthy than the flu, burnout among the healthy. The problem with that is, everything has to be political now, and it is not a political solution for the neurotic and those with a tyrant complex who feel they need total control in any stressful occurrence.

If you look at the years of life lost as a metric, not just vanilla Covid deaths, the lockdown has been far more detrimental to the overall health of the country. Record breaking and skyrocketing suicide rates. Record breaking and skyrocketing opium deaths. People dying because they’re shying away from much needed doctor appointments, or doctors being forced to use inferior telemedicine. Only 6% of the total covid deaths have been from strictly covid, which is bonkers. Co-morbidities are what’s driving that death rate up, the operative word there being MORBIDITIES. The continued lockdown, and not letting kids into schools is completely absurd. Absurd,
I attended a funeral for one of my worker's wife who passed away of COVID-19. She was perfectly healthy, mid-50s and had never been sick a day in her life. Maybe when someone you care about dies maybe you will wake up and realize that you are not as smart as you think you are.
I attended the funeral of someone who died in a motorcycle accident. Unlike with you, it didn't cause me to lose my ability to think rationally.

You stupid motherfuckers keep saying that the COVID-19 virus is nothing. I beg to differ and my company is suffering immensely from it, and we have all worked at home since March!.

your company is not suffering from the virus, you are suffering from the stupid unnecessary shut down.

That makes no sense whatsoever, but that's normal for morons like you.
jwoodie gives us a statement without any support other than his opinion: " If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern." How about some solid evidence? Old Yeller may be puzzled by my request.

Do you dispute my opinion, or are you just playing your usual word games?
jwoodie gives us a statement without any support other than his opinion: " If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern." How about some solid evidence? Old Yeller may be puzzled by my request.

Do you dispute my opinion, or are you just playing your usual word games?
Your opinion means nothing without factual support. In fact, if we had let the virus run its course, we would have had tens of thousands of more deaths that would have maximized and increased the cycle without any end in sight.
It's more than herd immunity. Anti-maskers are not clued up. How could they be, when post-COVID symptoms are lasting and there is multi-organ involvement? In their overconfidence, they dangerously poetize themselves as knowing all the most important stuff about this new virus.

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