The real reason for the Carly Fiorina pick

It's a last desperate "Hail Mary" play and Fiorina should be insulted to be used this way.

Insulted? that would require self awareness and a bit of humility. She has neither and she has no problem with telling outrageous lies. Look at this joke of an email from her today....

Today, I am proud to announce that I have accepted Ted Cruz's offer to be his Vice Presidential nominee.

As a loyal supporter, I want to tell you why:

It's clear the media elites are ready to anoint Donald Trump as the Republican nominee before this race is even over. It's also clear, that Donald Trump's nomination would be a disaster for America.

If Trump is our nominee, conservatives will be forced to choose between two liberals in November: both corrupt, both big government crony capitalists, and both part of the system that has gotten us in the mess we're in.

Worse, if we nominate Donald Trump, we would be guaranteeing four years of Hillary Clinton in the White House.

That's why I'm asking you to please stop what you are doing right now and commit to joining our campaign by making a special, urgent contribution.


Over the past weeks, I've traveled the country with Senator Cruz and his wife Heidi. I have come to know him and his family.

I know the Ted Cruz the media won't tell you about – the loving father, the devoted husband, the movie buff. (Did you know he can recite every single line from The Princess Bride?)

Ted Cruz is a constitutional conservative who has made enemies in both parties – because he's dared to stand up to bipartisan corruption in Washington.

He has fought tirelessly to change the system. And I know, if elected, he will bring back American jobs, protect our constitutional freedoms, and defend our nation.

Our country is being taken away by the elites, the crony capitalists, and the special interests that have captured both parties. They want to take away what we treasure about this nation.

And without your immediate support – they will get away with it.

With your help, Ted and I can stop them – but only if you will join us right now by making an immediate and urgent contribution to show your support.


As you have heard me say before, we need to take our country back. I believe Ted Cruz is the man to lead that fight now. And I am prepared to give everything I have to ensure we defeat Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Make no mistake: this is a fight now. Ted and I can't do this without your help.

But this fight is about all of us.

It's about whether we want our kids to be able to get a good paying job when they get out of school. It's about whether we want to turn our backs on religious liberty and our second amendment. It's about whether we want to live in a nation that secures its borders and calls Islamic terrorism by its name.

Alex, it's about the future of the American people, the character of our nation, and the great country we must rebuild together.

This is why we fight.

I would consider it a personal favor if you would join us by making an urgent contribution right now. Please join us.



At this point it's settled that Cruz is mathematically eliminated from reaching 1237. And that Kasich is a joke, whose only purpose is to suck up votes from morons in the remaining states to try to stop Trump from reaching 1237.

So why this befuddling announcement today that Fiorina will be the VP choice? We know it's not to win California, because Fiorina is not popular there, or anywhere for that matter. We know it's not going to help Cruz win other states, or get him to 1237....

Well guess what... it all comes back to the brokered convention. Cruz never had a chance at winning the people's vote, and in fact had the Texas primary happened a month later he would be long gone from this process. But he's managed slime his way into a position where if he greases the right establishment palms and makes enough promises to special interests he can get himself a brokered convention and steal the nomination.

Fiorina is from the state with the most delegates. As an establishment politician there, she has connections and a framework there from her failed senate bid 6 years ago when she was one of the only republicans in America who didn't get swept into office.

She was selected today because she can make the right secret backroom deals, grease the right palms, make promises to the California establishment, and steal away votes in the most populous state. And you won't hear a peep about that in the establishment "conservative" media.

If Trump doesn't get to 1237, then the GOP may cease to exist.

Why? Why do people keep on insisting on this single ballot or bust nonsense?

At this point it's settled that Cruz is mathematically eliminated from reaching 1237. And that Kasich is a joke, whose only purpose is to suck up votes from morons in the remaining states to try to stop Trump from reaching 1237.

So why this befuddling announcement today that Fiorina will be the VP choice? We know it's not to win California, because Fiorina is not popular there, or anywhere for that matter. We know it's not going to help Cruz win other states, or get him to 1237....

Well guess what... it all comes back to the brokered convention. Cruz never had a chance at winning the people's vote, and in fact had the Texas primary happened a month later he would be long gone from this process. But he's managed slime his way into a position where if he greases the right establishment palms and makes enough promises to special interests he can get himself a brokered convention and steal the nomination.

Fiorina is from the state with the most delegates. As an establishment politician there, she has connections and a framework there from her failed senate bid 6 years ago when she was one of the only republicans in America who didn't get swept into office.

She was selected today because she can make the right secret backroom deals, grease the right palms, make promises to the California establishment, and steal away votes in the most populous state. And you won't hear a peep about that in the establishment "conservative" media.

If Trump doesn't get to 1237, then the GOP may cease to exist.

Why? Why do people keep on insisting on this single ballot or bust nonsense?


Because there is no path to 1237 for Trump or Cruz in the first several dozen ballots. It'll be a Romney redux or some other nonsense on the 100th ballot.
Trump will walk into Cleveland with more than 1237 pledged delegates. There will not be a brokered convention.

Stop underestimating Trump.
You are probably correct but let's face another issue. Carly is able to split the female vote and she actually makes Cruz look better. Cruz is a very smart guy to pull Carly back into the fight against Hillary as she is probably the only way he has a chance to hold off Trump and to come against Hillary in the General election.

Trump would make the coming election more exciting but very polarizing. Facing Trump she will move left to bring out the Bernie supporters. But to face Cruz, she will not move left as she will try to pull the independent vote from Cruz leaving the Bernie supporters mostly on the sidelines except for a few bones. Carly makes it so that Hillary has to try and juggle both as moving left costs her the independent vote while moving to the moderate she has to face off against another strong woman.

Cruz made the right play in fact the only play that will keep him alive long enough to have a real fight against Hillary.

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There is absolutely zero possibility of Cruz winning any Sanders voters over. You'd have to be crazy to believe that.

I was talking about Hillary facing Trump versus Cruz and the choice she must make with Carly now in the equation. Carly isn't facing trump or Cruz, Hillary has to.
There is an established strategy for defeating Fiorina. Just look at her 2010 Senate bid when she lost even despite a republican wave sweeping into power. She's an incredibly weak candidate.

And I want to reemphasize that there is absolutely zero chance Cruz gets any Sanders supporters. Trump maybe, if he can connect to their anti-establishment sentiment.

Who is the bigger joke in this? Cruz or Carly? I mean, couldn't he find anyone better? And, why would anyone accept the VP spot in a campaign circling the rim? It's ridiculous.

Also, I don't see so called liberal 'anti-establishment' candidates supporting Trump who as we all know has to at least make a little sense to mainstream Republicans in a general election.
I can't predict the future. All I know is that Cruz is a creep and has done nothing but embarrass the country since getting elected into office. And not a single vote he gets in the primary is a pro-Cruz vote, it's a pro-establishment vote for a brokered convention. Where odds are neither Cruz or Trump will be the nominee.

Hmm, a vote against Trump does not necessarily equal an establishment vote.

I don't blame Republicans for being pissed off, especially the further right you go, it's obvious those morons have been used and abused since at least Reagan. If It were me and I was pissed off at the GOP, I wouldn't vote for Trump, he's just the guy who knows what they all want to hear. I'd look for another party, I'd take my vote away all together rather than vote for a guy who up until recently had little in common with hardcore conservatism and introduced himself by pandering to birthers.

I'm a liberal saying that Republicans should vote 3rd party and I realize how convenient that sounds, but a vote for Trump, whether a mainstream Republican or far right is selling out principles to gain nothing. I don't see the point of Trump. Who is he possibly going to make happy?
There is absolutely zero possibility of Cruz winning any Sanders voters over. You'd have to be crazy to believe that.

I was talking about Hillary facing Trump versus Cruz and the choice she must make with Carly now in the equation. Carly isn't facing trump or Cruz, Hillary has to.
There is an established strategy for defeating Fiorina. Just look at her 2010 Senate bid when she lost even despite a republican wave sweeping into power. She's an incredibly weak candidate.

And I want to reemphasize that there is absolutely zero chance Cruz gets any Sanders supporters. Trump maybe, if he can connect to their anti-establishment sentiment.

Who is the bigger joke in this? Cruz or Carly? I mean, couldn't he find anyone better? And, why would anyone accept the VP spot in a campaign circling the rim? It's ridiculous.

Also, I don't see so called liberal 'anti-establishment' candidates supporting Trump who as we all know has to at least make a little sense to mainstream Republicans in a general election.
I can't predict the future. All I know is that Cruz is a creep and has done nothing but embarrass the country since getting elected into office. And not a single vote he gets in the primary is a pro-Cruz vote, it's a pro-establishment vote for a brokered convention. Where odds are neither Cruz or Trump will be the nominee.

Hmm, a vote against Trump does not necessarily equal an establishment vote.

I don't blame Republicans for being pissed off, especially the further right you go, it's obvious those morons have been used and abused since at least Reagan. If It were me and I was pissed off at the GOP, I wouldn't vote for Trump, he's just the guy who knows what they all want to hear. I'd look for another party, I'd take my vote away all together rather than vote for a guy who up until recently had little in common with hardcore conservatism and introduced himself by pandering to birthers.

I'm a liberal saying that Republicans should vote 3rd party and I realize how convenient that sounds, but a vote for Trump, whether a mainstream Republican or far right is selling out principles to gain nothing. I don't see the point of Trump. Who is he possibly going to make happy?

Same could be said to the far left who support Sanders. Why would they vote for the epitome of the establishment they are fighting against?

Why would anyone vote for a person that most people believe is totally untrustworthy? Hillary has lied so much to the American people she should be going to jail instead of running for office.

Why would anyone vote for Trump? Because he's the only one of the four remaining jerk-offs that has a clue. It isn't about making us happy, it is about getting the government dick out of our asses so that we are able to make ourselves happy again.
I was talking about Hillary facing Trump versus Cruz and the choice she must make with Carly now in the equation. Carly isn't facing trump or Cruz, Hillary has to.
There is an established strategy for defeating Fiorina. Just look at her 2010 Senate bid when she lost even despite a republican wave sweeping into power. She's an incredibly weak candidate.

And I want to reemphasize that there is absolutely zero chance Cruz gets any Sanders supporters. Trump maybe, if he can connect to their anti-establishment sentiment.

Who is the bigger joke in this? Cruz or Carly? I mean, couldn't he find anyone better? And, why would anyone accept the VP spot in a campaign circling the rim? It's ridiculous.

Also, I don't see so called liberal 'anti-establishment' candidates supporting Trump who as we all know has to at least make a little sense to mainstream Republicans in a general election.
I can't predict the future. All I know is that Cruz is a creep and has done nothing but embarrass the country since getting elected into office. And not a single vote he gets in the primary is a pro-Cruz vote, it's a pro-establishment vote for a brokered convention. Where odds are neither Cruz or Trump will be the nominee.

Hmm, a vote against Trump does not necessarily equal an establishment vote.

I don't blame Republicans for being pissed off, especially the further right you go, it's obvious those morons have been used and abused since at least Reagan. If It were me and I was pissed off at the GOP, I wouldn't vote for Trump, he's just the guy who knows what they all want to hear. I'd look for another party, I'd take my vote away all together rather than vote for a guy who up until recently had little in common with hardcore conservatism and introduced himself by pandering to birthers.

I'm a liberal saying that Republicans should vote 3rd party and I realize how convenient that sounds, but a vote for Trump, whether a mainstream Republican or far right is selling out principles to gain nothing. I don't see the point of Trump. Who is he possibly going to make happy?

Same could be said to the far left who support Sanders. Why would they vote for the epitome of the establishment they are fighting against?

Why would anyone vote for a person that most people believe is totally untrustworthy? Hillary has lied so much to the American people she should be going to jail instead of running for office.

Why would anyone vote for Trump? Because he's the only one of the four remaining jerk-offs that has a clue. It isn't about making us happy, it is about getting the government dick out of our asses so that we are able to make ourselves happy again.

Actually, I don't think until within the last month that Sanders went after the Democratic party. during the campaign, at least to the extend he is now He pointed out differences between how he and Clinton funded their campaigns and I think that's valid but he hasn't come close to the rhetoric of Trump until April and even then, it's paddy-cake compared to calling Cruz "Lyin' Ted".

I also think there is no question, only because Sanders himself said it, Clinton is better than any of the Republicans.

But, I don't think an of that is convincing to you, you don't seem like someone who will talk about their candidates own faults. Trump or bust. I get it, the wingnuts have been troopers supporting their party that everyone else knew was playing the wingnuts for dupes. So, you've figured it out and now are going to defend Trump until the end like you probably did every other Republican you supported while being duped. Good for you. .
There is an established strategy for defeating Fiorina. Just look at her 2010 Senate bid when she lost even despite a republican wave sweeping into power. She's an incredibly weak candidate.

And I want to reemphasize that there is absolutely zero chance Cruz gets any Sanders supporters. Trump maybe, if he can connect to their anti-establishment sentiment.

Who is the bigger joke in this? Cruz or Carly? I mean, couldn't he find anyone better? And, why would anyone accept the VP spot in a campaign circling the rim? It's ridiculous.

Also, I don't see so called liberal 'anti-establishment' candidates supporting Trump who as we all know has to at least make a little sense to mainstream Republicans in a general election.
I can't predict the future. All I know is that Cruz is a creep and has done nothing but embarrass the country since getting elected into office. And not a single vote he gets in the primary is a pro-Cruz vote, it's a pro-establishment vote for a brokered convention. Where odds are neither Cruz or Trump will be the nominee.

Hmm, a vote against Trump does not necessarily equal an establishment vote.

I don't blame Republicans for being pissed off, especially the further right you go, it's obvious those morons have been used and abused since at least Reagan. If It were me and I was pissed off at the GOP, I wouldn't vote for Trump, he's just the guy who knows what they all want to hear. I'd look for another party, I'd take my vote away all together rather than vote for a guy who up until recently had little in common with hardcore conservatism and introduced himself by pandering to birthers.

I'm a liberal saying that Republicans should vote 3rd party and I realize how convenient that sounds, but a vote for Trump, whether a mainstream Republican or far right is selling out principles to gain nothing. I don't see the point of Trump. Who is he possibly going to make happy?

Same could be said to the far left who support Sanders. Why would they vote for the epitome of the establishment they are fighting against?

Why would anyone vote for a person that most people believe is totally untrustworthy? Hillary has lied so much to the American people she should be going to jail instead of running for office.

Why would anyone vote for Trump? Because he's the only one of the four remaining jerk-offs that has a clue. It isn't about making us happy, it is about getting the government dick out of our asses so that we are able to make ourselves happy again.

Actually, I don't think until within the last month that Sanders went after the Democratic party. during the campaign, at least to the extend he is now He pointed out differences between how he and Clinton funded their campaigns and I think that's valid but he hasn't come close to the rhetoric of Trump until April and even then, it's paddy-cake compared to calling Cruz "Lyin' Ted".

I also think there is no question, only because Sanders himself said it, Clinton is better than any of the Republicans.

But, I don't think an of that is convincing to you, you don't seem like someone who will talk about their candidates own faults. Trump or bust. I get it, the wingnuts have been troopers supporting their party that everyone else knew was playing the wingnuts for dupes. So, you've figured it out and now are going to defend Trump until the end like you probably did every other Republican you supported while being duped. Good for you. .

The only one being duped are the fools who believe they had a choice about if Clinton was going to get the nomination as the DNC gave her this nomination 8 years ago when Obama was elected. The left is nothing but a bunch of vote your party brainless robots who believe all the lies they are fed. Good luck with your pathetic hold on reality.
Who is the bigger joke in this? Cruz or Carly? I mean, couldn't he find anyone better? And, why would anyone accept the VP spot in a campaign circling the rim? It's ridiculous.

Also, I don't see so called liberal 'anti-establishment' candidates supporting Trump who as we all know has to at least make a little sense to mainstream Republicans in a general election.
I can't predict the future. All I know is that Cruz is a creep and has done nothing but embarrass the country since getting elected into office. And not a single vote he gets in the primary is a pro-Cruz vote, it's a pro-establishment vote for a brokered convention. Where odds are neither Cruz or Trump will be the nominee.

Hmm, a vote against Trump does not necessarily equal an establishment vote.

I don't blame Republicans for being pissed off, especially the further right you go, it's obvious those morons have been used and abused since at least Reagan. If It were me and I was pissed off at the GOP, I wouldn't vote for Trump, he's just the guy who knows what they all want to hear. I'd look for another party, I'd take my vote away all together rather than vote for a guy who up until recently had little in common with hardcore conservatism and introduced himself by pandering to birthers.

I'm a liberal saying that Republicans should vote 3rd party and I realize how convenient that sounds, but a vote for Trump, whether a mainstream Republican or far right is selling out principles to gain nothing. I don't see the point of Trump. Who is he possibly going to make happy?

Same could be said to the far left who support Sanders. Why would they vote for the epitome of the establishment they are fighting against?

Why would anyone vote for a person that most people believe is totally untrustworthy? Hillary has lied so much to the American people she should be going to jail instead of running for office.

Why would anyone vote for Trump? Because he's the only one of the four remaining jerk-offs that has a clue. It isn't about making us happy, it is about getting the government dick out of our asses so that we are able to make ourselves happy again.

Actually, I don't think until within the last month that Sanders went after the Democratic party. during the campaign, at least to the extend he is now He pointed out differences between how he and Clinton funded their campaigns and I think that's valid but he hasn't come close to the rhetoric of Trump until April and even then, it's paddy-cake compared to calling Cruz "Lyin' Ted".

I also think there is no question, only because Sanders himself said it, Clinton is better than any of the Republicans.

But, I don't think an of that is convincing to you, you don't seem like someone who will talk about their candidates own faults. Trump or bust. I get it, the wingnuts have been troopers supporting their party that everyone else knew was playing the wingnuts for dupes. So, you've figured it out and now are going to defend Trump until the end like you probably did every other Republican you supported while being duped. Good for you. .

The only one being duped are the fools who believe they had a choice about if Clinton was going to get the nomination as the DNC gave her this nomination 8 years ago when Obama was elected. The left is nothing but a bunch of vote your party brainless robots who believe all the lies they are fed. Good luck with your pathetic hold on reality.

They did? That's usually a Republican thing where the former runner up gets the nomination. McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Or even Reagan in 1980.

Anyway, Republicans vote for Republicans and Democrats vote for their own party for happens every 4 years, but I guess you didn't put much thought into your post, did you?
I can't predict the future. All I know is that Cruz is a creep and has done nothing but embarrass the country since getting elected into office. And not a single vote he gets in the primary is a pro-Cruz vote, it's a pro-establishment vote for a brokered convention. Where odds are neither Cruz or Trump will be the nominee.

Hmm, a vote against Trump does not necessarily equal an establishment vote.

I don't blame Republicans for being pissed off, especially the further right you go, it's obvious those morons have been used and abused since at least Reagan. If It were me and I was pissed off at the GOP, I wouldn't vote for Trump, he's just the guy who knows what they all want to hear. I'd look for another party, I'd take my vote away all together rather than vote for a guy who up until recently had little in common with hardcore conservatism and introduced himself by pandering to birthers.

I'm a liberal saying that Republicans should vote 3rd party and I realize how convenient that sounds, but a vote for Trump, whether a mainstream Republican or far right is selling out principles to gain nothing. I don't see the point of Trump. Who is he possibly going to make happy?

Same could be said to the far left who support Sanders. Why would they vote for the epitome of the establishment they are fighting against?

Why would anyone vote for a person that most people believe is totally untrustworthy? Hillary has lied so much to the American people she should be going to jail instead of running for office.

Why would anyone vote for Trump? Because he's the only one of the four remaining jerk-offs that has a clue. It isn't about making us happy, it is about getting the government dick out of our asses so that we are able to make ourselves happy again.

Actually, I don't think until within the last month that Sanders went after the Democratic party. during the campaign, at least to the extend he is now He pointed out differences between how he and Clinton funded their campaigns and I think that's valid but he hasn't come close to the rhetoric of Trump until April and even then, it's paddy-cake compared to calling Cruz "Lyin' Ted".

I also think there is no question, only because Sanders himself said it, Clinton is better than any of the Republicans.

But, I don't think an of that is convincing to you, you don't seem like someone who will talk about their candidates own faults. Trump or bust. I get it, the wingnuts have been troopers supporting their party that everyone else knew was playing the wingnuts for dupes. So, you've figured it out and now are going to defend Trump until the end like you probably did every other Republican you supported while being duped. Good for you. .

The only one being duped are the fools who believe they had a choice about if Clinton was going to get the nomination as the DNC gave her this nomination 8 years ago when Obama was elected. The left is nothing but a bunch of vote your party brainless robots who believe all the lies they are fed. Good luck with your pathetic hold on reality.

They did? That's usually a Republican thing where the former runner up gets the nomination. McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Or even Reagan in 1980.

Anyway, Republicans vote for Republicans and Democrats vote for their own party for happens every 4 years, but I guess you didn't put much thought into your post, did you?

I am a registered libertarian who supported Rand Paul until he dropped out. As a relative independent, I can tell you that you are as big of an asshole as any Republican voter that you can't stand. It is the guys like me who will be deciding the coming election not you party entrenched douchebags. It is laughable that you try to throw your stones as you have less objectivity than the last shit I took. You diehard libs make me laugh.
Hmm, a vote against Trump does not necessarily equal an establishment vote.

I don't blame Republicans for being pissed off, especially the further right you go, it's obvious those morons have been used and abused since at least Reagan. If It were me and I was pissed off at the GOP, I wouldn't vote for Trump, he's just the guy who knows what they all want to hear. I'd look for another party, I'd take my vote away all together rather than vote for a guy who up until recently had little in common with hardcore conservatism and introduced himself by pandering to birthers.

I'm a liberal saying that Republicans should vote 3rd party and I realize how convenient that sounds, but a vote for Trump, whether a mainstream Republican or far right is selling out principles to gain nothing. I don't see the point of Trump. Who is he possibly going to make happy?

Same could be said to the far left who support Sanders. Why would they vote for the epitome of the establishment they are fighting against?

Why would anyone vote for a person that most people believe is totally untrustworthy? Hillary has lied so much to the American people she should be going to jail instead of running for office.

Why would anyone vote for Trump? Because he's the only one of the four remaining jerk-offs that has a clue. It isn't about making us happy, it is about getting the government dick out of our asses so that we are able to make ourselves happy again.

Actually, I don't think until within the last month that Sanders went after the Democratic party. during the campaign, at least to the extend he is now He pointed out differences between how he and Clinton funded their campaigns and I think that's valid but he hasn't come close to the rhetoric of Trump until April and even then, it's paddy-cake compared to calling Cruz "Lyin' Ted".

I also think there is no question, only because Sanders himself said it, Clinton is better than any of the Republicans.

But, I don't think an of that is convincing to you, you don't seem like someone who will talk about their candidates own faults. Trump or bust. I get it, the wingnuts have been troopers supporting their party that everyone else knew was playing the wingnuts for dupes. So, you've figured it out and now are going to defend Trump until the end like you probably did every other Republican you supported while being duped. Good for you. .

The only one being duped are the fools who believe they had a choice about if Clinton was going to get the nomination as the DNC gave her this nomination 8 years ago when Obama was elected. The left is nothing but a bunch of vote your party brainless robots who believe all the lies they are fed. Good luck with your pathetic hold on reality.

They did? That's usually a Republican thing where the former runner up gets the nomination. McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Or even Reagan in 1980.

Anyway, Republicans vote for Republicans and Democrats vote for their own party for happens every 4 years, but I guess you didn't put much thought into your post, did you?

I am a registered libertarian who supported Rand Paul until he dropped out. As a relative independent, I can tell you that you are as big of an asshole as any Republican voter that you can't stand. It is the guys like me who will be deciding the coming election not you party entrenched douchebags. It is laughable that you try to throw your stones as you have less objectivity than the last shit I took. You diehard libs make me laugh.

Oh, a registered libertarian. Do tell, registered libertarian when have you ever decided an election of consequence?
Same could be said to the far left who support Sanders. Why would they vote for the epitome of the establishment they are fighting against?

Why would anyone vote for a person that most people believe is totally untrustworthy? Hillary has lied so much to the American people she should be going to jail instead of running for office.

Why would anyone vote for Trump? Because he's the only one of the four remaining jerk-offs that has a clue. It isn't about making us happy, it is about getting the government dick out of our asses so that we are able to make ourselves happy again.

Actually, I don't think until within the last month that Sanders went after the Democratic party. during the campaign, at least to the extend he is now He pointed out differences between how he and Clinton funded their campaigns and I think that's valid but he hasn't come close to the rhetoric of Trump until April and even then, it's paddy-cake compared to calling Cruz "Lyin' Ted".

I also think there is no question, only because Sanders himself said it, Clinton is better than any of the Republicans.

But, I don't think an of that is convincing to you, you don't seem like someone who will talk about their candidates own faults. Trump or bust. I get it, the wingnuts have been troopers supporting their party that everyone else knew was playing the wingnuts for dupes. So, you've figured it out and now are going to defend Trump until the end like you probably did every other Republican you supported while being duped. Good for you. .

The only one being duped are the fools who believe they had a choice about if Clinton was going to get the nomination as the DNC gave her this nomination 8 years ago when Obama was elected. The left is nothing but a bunch of vote your party brainless robots who believe all the lies they are fed. Good luck with your pathetic hold on reality.

They did? That's usually a Republican thing where the former runner up gets the nomination. McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Or even Reagan in 1980.

Anyway, Republicans vote for Republicans and Democrats vote for their own party for happens every 4 years, but I guess you didn't put much thought into your post, did you?

I am a registered libertarian who supported Rand Paul until he dropped out. As a relative independent, I can tell you that you are as big of an asshole as any Republican voter that you can't stand. It is the guys like me who will be deciding the coming election not you party entrenched douchebags. It is laughable that you try to throw your stones as you have less objectivity than the last shit I took. You diehard libs make me laugh.

Oh, a registered libertarian. Do tell, registered libertarian when have you ever decided an election of consequence?

If you think that this election will be like the past, you are in for a big surprise.
Sick Of Political Parties, Unaffiliated Voters Are Changing Politics

We usually don't bother to get involved but the rigged elections of both Bush and Obama have consequences. The two main parties are about to be torn apart and it seems like it is just in time.

Far left and far right can suck it. The government is run by the majority and that is us moderates who are tired of eating shit for either side of you asshats.
Actually, I don't think until within the last month that Sanders went after the Democratic party. during the campaign, at least to the extend he is now He pointed out differences between how he and Clinton funded their campaigns and I think that's valid but he hasn't come close to the rhetoric of Trump until April and even then, it's paddy-cake compared to calling Cruz "Lyin' Ted".

I also think there is no question, only because Sanders himself said it, Clinton is better than any of the Republicans.

But, I don't think an of that is convincing to you, you don't seem like someone who will talk about their candidates own faults. Trump or bust. I get it, the wingnuts have been troopers supporting their party that everyone else knew was playing the wingnuts for dupes. So, you've figured it out and now are going to defend Trump until the end like you probably did every other Republican you supported while being duped. Good for you. .

The only one being duped are the fools who believe they had a choice about if Clinton was going to get the nomination as the DNC gave her this nomination 8 years ago when Obama was elected. The left is nothing but a bunch of vote your party brainless robots who believe all the lies they are fed. Good luck with your pathetic hold on reality.

They did? That's usually a Republican thing where the former runner up gets the nomination. McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Or even Reagan in 1980.

Anyway, Republicans vote for Republicans and Democrats vote for their own party for happens every 4 years, but I guess you didn't put much thought into your post, did you?

I am a registered libertarian who supported Rand Paul until he dropped out. As a relative independent, I can tell you that you are as big of an asshole as any Republican voter that you can't stand. It is the guys like me who will be deciding the coming election not you party entrenched douchebags. It is laughable that you try to throw your stones as you have less objectivity than the last shit I took. You diehard libs make me laugh.

Oh, a registered libertarian. Do tell, registered libertarian when have you ever decided an election of consequence?

If you think that this election will be like the past, you are in for a big surprise.
Sick Of Political Parties, Unaffiliated Voters Are Changing Politics

We usually don't bother to get involved but the rigged elections of both Bush and Obama have consequences. The two main parties are about to be torn apart and it seems like it is just in time.

Far left and far right can suck it. The government is run by the majority and that is us moderates who are tired of eating shit for either side of you asshats.

I see, so, let's be clear, libertarians don't decide elections, your lack of an answer on that and the obvious attempt to equate libertarian with moderate is noted. So, there is a fail.

Second, yes, I hope more people unregister from their parties. While I am currently a registered Democrat I had spent the previous decade as an Independent. However, political parties and political make up are two very different things. I'd like to see younger voters not enter a party while remaining liberal on most issues and it appears that is what they are doing.

In the meantime, go play with pseudo libertarian Rand Paul.
Her performance in the campaign rather indicates that Fiorina doesn't have that much influence.

She's a smart girl, but she may have made a mistake hitching to this wagon.

The biggest problem for Carly Fiorina is she jumped on the Planned Parenthood band wagon, and her poll numbers dropped off a cliff. IOW she fell on the abortion sword.

But Cruz is doing this to capture some of the women vote, because his numbers with women are actually lower than Donald Trump's which are horrible.

Neither Trump or Cruz are electable. Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. Cruz is too far right on abortion, women would never vote for him. Plus his eligibility would be challenged as soon as he won the nomination, (which he won't win.) Trump has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in this nation's history.
Gallup: Trump Has Highest Unfavorable Rating of Any Candidate Ever

In their efforts to get a non-establishment candidate they have rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency a certain loss of the senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot state races all across this country.

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The only one being duped are the fools who believe they had a choice about if Clinton was going to get the nomination as the DNC gave her this nomination 8 years ago when Obama was elected. The left is nothing but a bunch of vote your party brainless robots who believe all the lies they are fed. Good luck with your pathetic hold on reality.

They did? That's usually a Republican thing where the former runner up gets the nomination. McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Or even Reagan in 1980.

Anyway, Republicans vote for Republicans and Democrats vote for their own party for happens every 4 years, but I guess you didn't put much thought into your post, did you?

I am a registered libertarian who supported Rand Paul until he dropped out. As a relative independent, I can tell you that you are as big of an asshole as any Republican voter that you can't stand. It is the guys like me who will be deciding the coming election not you party entrenched douchebags. It is laughable that you try to throw your stones as you have less objectivity than the last shit I took. You diehard libs make me laugh.

Oh, a registered libertarian. Do tell, registered libertarian when have you ever decided an election of consequence?

If you think that this election will be like the past, you are in for a big surprise.
Sick Of Political Parties, Unaffiliated Voters Are Changing Politics

We usually don't bother to get involved but the rigged elections of both Bush and Obama have consequences. The two main parties are about to be torn apart and it seems like it is just in time.

Far left and far right can suck it. The government is run by the majority and that is us moderates who are tired of eating shit for either side of you asshats.

I see, so, let's be clear, libertarians don't decide elections, your lack of an answer on that and the obvious attempt to equate libertarian with moderate is noted. So, there is a fail.

Second, yes, I hope more people unregister from their parties. While I am currently a registered Democrat I had spent the previous decade as an Independent. However, political parties and political make up are two very different things. I'd like to see younger voters not enter a party while remaining liberal on most issues and it appears that is what they are doing.

In the meantime, go play with pseudo libertarian Rand Paul.

See you at the polls shit for brains. Killary is going down hard. No more political dynasties. No Bush/No Clinton. You just don't get it, but you will. The working middle class will be getting their way this time, not the elites and not the degenerates who don't contribute to society. If we find illegal bullshit in the coming election from the establishment, there will be hell to pay. Accountability is coming back to government whether you die hard douchebags like it or not.
They did? That's usually a Republican thing where the former runner up gets the nomination. McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Or even Reagan in 1980.

Anyway, Republicans vote for Republicans and Democrats vote for their own party for happens every 4 years, but I guess you didn't put much thought into your post, did you?

I am a registered libertarian who supported Rand Paul until he dropped out. As a relative independent, I can tell you that you are as big of an asshole as any Republican voter that you can't stand. It is the guys like me who will be deciding the coming election not you party entrenched douchebags. It is laughable that you try to throw your stones as you have less objectivity than the last shit I took. You diehard libs make me laugh.

Oh, a registered libertarian. Do tell, registered libertarian when have you ever decided an election of consequence?

If you think that this election will be like the past, you are in for a big surprise.
Sick Of Political Parties, Unaffiliated Voters Are Changing Politics

We usually don't bother to get involved but the rigged elections of both Bush and Obama have consequences. The two main parties are about to be torn apart and it seems like it is just in time.

Far left and far right can suck it. The government is run by the majority and that is us moderates who are tired of eating shit for either side of you asshats.

I see, so, let's be clear, libertarians don't decide elections, your lack of an answer on that and the obvious attempt to equate libertarian with moderate is noted. So, there is a fail.

Second, yes, I hope more people unregister from their parties. While I am currently a registered Democrat I had spent the previous decade as an Independent. However, political parties and political make up are two very different things. I'd like to see younger voters not enter a party while remaining liberal on most issues and it appears that is what they are doing.

In the meantime, go play with pseudo libertarian Rand Paul.

See you at the polls shit for brains. Killary is going down hard. No more political dynasties. No Bush/No Clinton. You just don't get it, but you will. The working middle class will be getting their way this time, not the elites and not the degenerates who don't contribute to society. If we find illegal bullshit in the coming election from the establishment, there will be hell to pay. Accountability is coming back to government whether you die hard douchebags like it or not.

Is that your motivation? dynasties? I'm not really concerned. The Bushs aren't coming back anytime soon and the Clintons have even less of a dynasty than the Adams or Roosevelts. Nice drama, I could almost see the drooling red faced anger of your post.
I am a registered libertarian who supported Rand Paul until he dropped out. As a relative independent, I can tell you that you are as big of an asshole as any Republican voter that you can't stand. It is the guys like me who will be deciding the coming election not you party entrenched douchebags. It is laughable that you try to throw your stones as you have less objectivity than the last shit I took. You diehard libs make me laugh.

Oh, a registered libertarian. Do tell, registered libertarian when have you ever decided an election of consequence?

If you think that this election will be like the past, you are in for a big surprise.
Sick Of Political Parties, Unaffiliated Voters Are Changing Politics

We usually don't bother to get involved but the rigged elections of both Bush and Obama have consequences. The two main parties are about to be torn apart and it seems like it is just in time.

Far left and far right can suck it. The government is run by the majority and that is us moderates who are tired of eating shit for either side of you asshats.

I see, so, let's be clear, libertarians don't decide elections, your lack of an answer on that and the obvious attempt to equate libertarian with moderate is noted. So, there is a fail.

Second, yes, I hope more people unregister from their parties. While I am currently a registered Democrat I had spent the previous decade as an Independent. However, political parties and political make up are two very different things. I'd like to see younger voters not enter a party while remaining liberal on most issues and it appears that is what they are doing.

In the meantime, go play with pseudo libertarian Rand Paul.

See you at the polls shit for brains. Killary is going down hard. No more political dynasties. No Bush/No Clinton. You just don't get it, but you will. The working middle class will be getting their way this time, not the elites and not the degenerates who don't contribute to society. If we find illegal bullshit in the coming election from the establishment, there will be hell to pay. Accountability is coming back to government whether you die hard douchebags like it or not.

Is that your motivation? dynasties? I'm not really concerned. The Bushs aren't coming back anytime soon and the Clintons have even less of a dynasty than the Adams or Roosevelts. Nice drama, I could almost see the drooling red faced anger of your post.

Suck that Clinton ass while you can. See if they make it as a lollipop otherwise you won't have your favorite flavor once the election is over.
They did? That's usually a Republican thing where the former runner up gets the nomination. McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Or even Reagan in 1980.

Anyway, Republicans vote for Republicans and Democrats vote for their own party for happens every 4 years, but I guess you didn't put much thought into your post, did you?

I am a registered libertarian who supported Rand Paul until he dropped out. As a relative independent, I can tell you that you are as big of an asshole as any Republican voter that you can't stand. It is the guys like me who will be deciding the coming election not you party entrenched douchebags. It is laughable that you try to throw your stones as you have less objectivity than the last shit I took. You diehard libs make me laugh.

Oh, a registered libertarian. Do tell, registered libertarian when have you ever decided an election of consequence?

If you think that this election will be like the past, you are in for a big surprise.
Sick Of Political Parties, Unaffiliated Voters Are Changing Politics

We usually don't bother to get involved but the rigged elections of both Bush and Obama have consequences. The two main parties are about to be torn apart and it seems like it is just in time.

Far left and far right can suck it. The government is run by the majority and that is us moderates who are tired of eating shit for either side of you asshats.

I see, so, let's be clear, libertarians don't decide elections, your lack of an answer on that and the obvious attempt to equate libertarian with moderate is noted. So, there is a fail.

Second, yes, I hope more people unregister from their parties. While I am currently a registered Democrat I had spent the previous decade as an Independent. However, political parties and political make up are two very different things. I'd like to see younger voters not enter a party while remaining liberal on most issues and it appears that is what they are doing.

In the meantime, go play with pseudo libertarian Rand Paul.

See you at the polls shit for brains. Killary is going down hard. No more political dynasties. No Bush/No Clinton. You just don't get it, but you will. The working middle class will be getting their way this time, not the elites and not the degenerates who don't contribute to society. If we find illegal bullshit in the coming election from the establishment, there will be hell to pay. Accountability is coming back to government whether you die hard douchebags like it or not.

Basic Math says your wrong.

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her.

Trump & his supporters have chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at. Specifically Hispanics or 17% of the population, when the GOP nominee since Reagan needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at an historic negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Now half of Republican women won't vote for Trump, in effect they will be casting a vote for Hillary Clinton, and millions of Republican men won't take the bait on Donald Trump either.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

When you have the Koch brothers state that Hillary Clinton would make a better President than Donald Trump or Ted Cruz, that makes a painting of a thousand words about what they think of the GOP Presidential candidates this year.
Charles Koch says Hillary Clinton might be better than GOP candidates

These numbers are already indicating that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea.
You are making an assumption that Cruz wins Indiana. If he loses there he is done and trump is the nominee and Carly, who I love, may have bet on the wrong horse. You have to wonder how a smart woman like her was persuaded to put so much of her rep on the line for a possible loser. Could Cruz be considering a third party run?

She's establishment all the way. Makes sense to me she's backing him. Oh and half a million goes a long way. Cruz's super pac gave her campaign $500,000 last year.

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