The real reason for the Carly Fiorina pick

At this point it's settled that Cruz is mathematically eliminated from reaching 1237. And that Kasich is a joke, whose only purpose is to suck up votes from morons in the remaining states to try to stop Trump from reaching 1237.

So why this befuddling announcement today that Fiorina will be the VP choice? We know it's not to win California, because Fiorina is not popular there, or anywhere for that matter. We know it's not going to help Cruz win other states, or get him to 1237....

Well guess what... it all comes back to the brokered convention. Cruz never had a chance at winning the people's vote, and in fact had the Texas primary happened a month later he would be long gone from this process. But he's managed slime his way into a position where if he greases the right establishment palms and makes enough promises to special interests he can get himself a brokered convention and steal the nomination.

Fiorina is from the state with the most delegates. As an establishment politician there, she has connections and a framework there from her failed senate bid 6 years ago when she was one of the only republicans in America who didn't get swept into office.

She was selected today because she can make the right secret backroom deals, grease the right palms, make promises to the California establishment, and steal away votes in the most populous state. And you won't hear a peep about that in the establishment "conservative" media.

If Trump doesn't get to 1237, then the GOP may cease to exist.

An excellent deconstruction of Cruz's V.P. proposal. The fact that it is one of the most Machiavellian, cynical, and easily predicted to be an inevitably ridiculous non-happening only gives this explanation more Cruz credibility. If you want to know Cruz's motive, pick the most underhanded one you can think of applying to the given situation.

Have you seen the plans for the "Stop the Steal" rally? This may be the most "interesting" convention since Chicago '68. Check out the implied threat to the security of persons in the establishment Republican hierarchy.

During a speech in Syracuse, N.Y. on Saturday, Trump claimed that the delegate system “is all rigged,” and warned the Republican National Committee (RNC) that if it does not change its nomination rules, "you’re going to have a rough July at that convention."

“These are our days of rage,” said Roger Stone, a longtime political consultant who “played a key role in the election of Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan to George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush,” according to his website.

During an April 4 interview with Freedomain Radio host Stefan Molyneux, Stone said his group intends to “disclose the hotels and the room numbers” of GOP delegates to the convention.

“We’ll tell you who the culprits are,” he said.

“So the fix is in,” said Stone. “If Trump does not run the table on the rest of the primaries and caucuses, we’re looking at a very, very narrow path in which the kingmakers go all out to cheat, steal and to snatch this nomination from the candidate who is overwhelmingly selected by the voters.

“Which is why I have urged Trump supporters: Come to Cleveland. March on Cleveland. Join us in the Forest City,” Stone told Molyneux.

“We’re going to have protests, demonstrations,” said Stone. “We will disclose the hotels and the room numbers of those delegates who are directly involved in the steal.”
At this point it's settled that Cruz is mathematically eliminated from reaching 1237. And that Kasich is a joke, whose only purpose is to suck up votes from morons in the remaining states to try to stop Trump from reaching 1237.

So why this befuddling announcement today that Fiorina will be the VP choice? We know it's not to win California, because Fiorina is not popular there, or anywhere for that matter. We know it's not going to help Cruz win other states, or get him to 1237....

Well guess what... it all comes back to the brokered convention. Cruz never had a chance at winning the people's vote, and in fact had the Texas primary happened a month later he would be long gone from this process. But he's managed slime his way into a position where if he greases the right establishment palms and makes enough promises to special interests he can get himself a brokered convention and steal the nomination.

Fiorina is from the state with the most delegates. As an establishment politician there, she has connections and a framework there from her failed senate bid 6 years ago when she was one of the only republicans in America who didn't get swept into office.

She was selected today because she can make the right secret backroom deals, grease the right palms, make promises to the California establishment, and steal away votes in the most populous state. And you won't hear a peep about that in the establishment "conservative" media.

If Trump doesn't get to 1237, then the GOP may cease to exist.

I agree.

The pick of Carly was to make it clear that the Establishment plans on stealing the Nomination from Trump and even if Trump make 1237 it does not guarantee the establishment will not steal it still.

Cruz is connected to the Bush family and they are the Establishment and they're going to do their best to stop Trump even if it mean destroying the GOP.

One thing Trump did for sure ( also Bernie ) is shine the light on the corruption and how the two party system will never allow someone that does not tow the party line to win the nomination...

“I just don’t like the guy,” said former President George W. Bush of Senator Ted Cruz, according to reports of a meeting Bush had with donors not too long ago. The 43rd president went on to add that he believed Cruz was an opportunist running for president for personal gain, unlike his sainted brother, who is a true public servant."

The Real Reason G.W. Bush Hates Ted Cruz

that's only his most recent statement. there are tons more. now while your boy drumphf was blowing bill clinton, Chuck Schumer and many more Cruz was busy pissing off all the republicans in this state rught down to county judges like Ed Emmitt, Dickinson Perry and our current govrener Greg "wheels" Abbot. sheesh.
Enough said. You proved my point.[/QUOTE]

Because I agree with Clinton so naturally I'd vote for her to you means what exactly? I don't think you've proved anything. And a Libertarian supporting Trump is

I don't like the idea of a candidate supporting criminally investigating his political opponents.


Something unsavory about it. and shoudl be left up to the justice deparment.
Trump vows to investigate Clinton's email scandal 'for a second time'
Something very 3rd world authoritarian about it.[/QUOTE]

How David Petraeus avoided felony charges and possible prison time

Clinton did much worse than Petraeus by giving access to internet companies, unauthorized staffers, attorneys, and possibly even foreign hackers to classified information. But the same administration that fought to prosecute Petraeus now fights to protect Killary. That is definitely very 3rd world authoritarian.

I hope Trump investigates all of these political criminals. The Clintons, The Bushes, The Obamas, Most of Congress. It is time someone makes sure they are watching these currently untouchable political douchebags.

You are supporting the Clinton Crime Syndicate. She's trash and so are you.
At this point it's settled that Cruz is mathematically eliminated from reaching 1237. And that Kasich is a joke, whose only purpose is to suck up votes from morons in the remaining states to try to stop Trump from reaching 1237.

So why this befuddling announcement today that Fiorina will be the VP choice? We know it's not to win California, because Fiorina is not popular there, or anywhere for that matter. We know it's not going to help Cruz win other states, or get him to 1237....

Well guess what... it all comes back to the brokered convention. Cruz never had a chance at winning the people's vote, and in fact had the Texas primary happened a month later he would be long gone from this process. But he's managed slime his way into a position where if he greases the right establishment palms and makes enough promises to special interests he can get himself a brokered convention and steal the nomination.

Fiorina is from the state with the most delegates. As an establishment politician there, she has connections and a framework there from her failed senate bid 6 years ago when she was one of the only republicans in America who didn't get swept into office.

She was selected today because she can make the right secret backroom deals, grease the right palms, make promises to the California establishment, and steal away votes in the most populous state. And you won't hear a peep about that in the establishment "conservative" media.

If Trump doesn't get to 1237, then the GOP may cease to exist.
This may be true. But it's also a fascinating study in how people (especially in politics) can talk themselves into pretty much anything. Evidently, Cruz & Fiorina and their people convinced themselves that this wouldn't look like a bizarre Hail Mary.
It's in the cards: Landslide victory for Mrs. Clinton.

Victory or The Penitentiary should be her campaign slogan. This is the campaign to keep Killary out of jail.
It there were actually a problem, she would have been indicted by now. :rolleyes: Give up on the wishful's very tiresome.

Spin that BS, Boss Tweed. You Dems have always protected your criminals. You are correct that it is very tiresome.
Oh and if Hillary moves to the left to pick up Sanders supporters the independents are going to crush her for it. No independent wants more debt or socialism. I'd rather see her face Trump and get juiced. At least that way the dirty Washington elites will have to walk on eggshells for 4 years instead of use a rack to pull in the mother load of Wall Street cash that Hillary will spray around DC.

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Why are you focused on Sanders voters? Those are crazy people.
Because a Sanders supporter for Trump is a +2 in an election where Hillary will be already struggling to get Democrat voters to come out anyway.
You are making an assumption that Cruz wins Indiana. If he loses there he is done and trump is the nominee and Carly, who I love, may have bet on the wrong horse. You have to wonder how a smart woman like her was persuaded to put so much of her rep on the line for a possible loser. Could Cruz be considering a third party run?

She's establishment all the way. Makes sense to me she's backing him. Oh and half a million goes a long way. Cruz's super pac gave her campaign $500,000 last year.

I am puzzled. Why would Cruz pack spend that money on her?
You are making an assumption that Cruz wins Indiana. If he loses there he is done and trump is the nominee and Carly, who I love, may have bet on the wrong horse. You have to wonder how a smart woman like her was persuaded to put so much of her rep on the line for a possible loser. Could Cruz be considering a third party run?

She's establishment all the way. Makes sense to me she's backing him. Oh and half a million goes a long way. Cruz's super pac gave her campaign $500,000 last year.

I am puzzled. Why would Cruz pack spend that money on her?

It's extremely odd. They said....are you was to give her a voice. Go figure.

Good article on it here.

Key quote just so you know the professionals don't understand this donation at all either. Not just anti Cruz people.

“This is very rare, I can’t recall another instance in which one super PAC contributed to another super PAC supporting an opponent, ” election law expert Paul Ryan said."

More at link:

The Mysterious Case of Ted Cruz PAC’s $1/2 Million ‘Donation’ to Help Carly Fiorina

The Mysterious Case of Ted Cruz PAC’s $1/2 Million ‘Donation’ to Help Carly Fiorina

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