The REAL Reason Masks Are Being Made Mandatory

Ah, so now anybody who laughs at your paranoia is being told what to say by Bill Gates .... Maybe if you ' free thinkers' weren't so lazy and produced more of those tinfoil hats, mine would have gotten here by now.

What on earth are you talking about? That's not at all what I said, and you clearly did not comprehend my point.

I said that Bill Gates has been talking openly about how this world is going to be, we will not be able to do normal things if we are not vaccinated. My point was simply that you have not been paying attention.

It's not 'paranoid' to simply hear what is being said, and see it going in that direction. You'd have to be a total moron not to.
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Live Free or Die...........

The Media and the Virtue Signaling has gone to Pluto and beyond...........I'm over the masks...........and I'm very much OVER OBEY............

Those who don't understand the SOCIAL WARRIORS are lost already anyways.

The next phase will be everyone is losing everything they own phase and the gov't is here to save you..........enjoy the show..........It IS SCRIPTED.

I absolutely agree, and I'm with you! I admire your passion. The limp-wristed bootlickers here who continually enable authoritarians disgust me.
Well, I don't care what Bill Gates or any other corporate pirate has to say about anything, and I knew his love for the Red Chinese a long long tome ago, it's all been out in the open, and one can merely read Foreign Affairs to know what is coming along in the future re establishment policy, we don't need talk radio and a bunch of libertarian lunatics to interpret anything for us. This is why people think you're nuts, when the real stuff is all out in the open in the first place,, and aren't super secret speshul top secret knowledge only you 'Enlightened' conspiratorial buffs think you know that nobody else does. Your anti-vaccine silliness is just juvenile weirdness; nobody would bother with that stuff for the reasons you claim, no matter how megalomaniacal they were.
Well, I don't care what Bill Gates or any other corporate pirate has to say about anything, and I knew his love for the Red Chinese a long long tome ago, it's all been out in the open, and one can merely read Foreign Affairs to know what is coming along in the future re establishment policy, we don't need talk radio and a bunch of libertarian lunatics to interpret anything for us. This is why people think you're nuts, when the real stuff is all out in the open in the first place,, and aren't super secret speshul top secret knowledge only you 'Enlightened' conspiratorial buffs think you know that nobody else does. Your anti-vaccine silliness is just juvenile weirdness; nobody would bother with that stuff for the reasons you claim, no matter how megalomaniacal they were.

I never said it was special or secret, I said just the opposite! It's all out in the open, the problem is that people aren't paying attention.

As for vaccines, it's not about being against vaccines, it's about being for medical freedom. You don't see a problem with it, but for those of us who don't want to take a vaccine from a man who has 500,000 shares of Monsanto, has a horrible track record with vaccines, is a long-time friend / associate of Jeffrey Epstein and can't seem to keep a smirk and giddiness off his face whenever talking about the "pandemic," we DO have a problem with it being mandated.

And it's much more than that too. But I'm not even going to get into all the other stuff on this thread.
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Well, I don't care what Bill Gates or any other corporate pirate has to say about anything, and I knew his love for the Red Chinese a long long tome ago, it's all been out in the open, and one can merely read Foreign Affairs to know what is coming along in the future re establishment policy, we don't need talk radio and a bunch of libertarian lunatics to interpret anything for us. This is why people think you're nuts, when the real stuff is all out in the open in the first place,, and aren't super secret speshul top secret knowledge only you 'Enlightened' conspiratorial buffs think you know that nobody else does. Your anti-vaccine silliness is just juvenile weirdness; nobody would bother with that stuff for the reasons you claim, no matter how megalomaniacal they were.

I never said it was special or secret, I said just the opposite! It's all out in the open, the problem is that people aren't paying attention.

As for vaccines, it's not about being against vaccines, it's about being for medical freedom. You don't see a problem with it, but for those of us who don't want to take a vaccine from a man who has a horrible track record with vaccines, has 500,000 shares of Monsanto, is a long-time friend / associate of Jeffrey Epstein and can't seem to keep a smirk and giddiness off his face whenever talking about the "pandemic," we DO have a problem with it being mandated.

And it's much more than that too. But I'm not even going to get into all the other stuff on this thread.
I myself will not run out and get vaccinated as soon as it comes out.
I would rather not by a test guinea pig.
I will wait at least 6 months to a year to see what the effect is. There is a lot of political power play going around coupled with corporate greed.
Well, I don't care what Bill Gates or any other corporate pirate has to say about anything, and I knew his love for the Red Chinese a long long tome ago, it's all been out in the open, and one can merely read Foreign Affairs to know what is coming along in the future re establishment policy, we don't need talk radio and a bunch of libertarian lunatics to interpret anything for us. This is why people think you're nuts, when the real stuff is all out in the open in the first place,, and aren't super secret speshul top secret knowledge only you 'Enlightened' conspiratorial buffs think you know that nobody else does. Your anti-vaccine silliness is just juvenile weirdness; nobody would bother with that stuff for the reasons you claim, no matter how megalomaniacal they were.
Fuck the vaccine and this BS.....that sums it up......

Have a nice day......and OBEY.
Well, I don't care what Bill Gates or any other corporate pirate has to say about anything, and I knew his love for the Red Chinese a long long tome ago, it's all been out in the open, and one can merely read Foreign Affairs to know what is coming along in the future re establishment policy, we don't need talk radio and a bunch of libertarian lunatics to interpret anything for us. This is why people think you're nuts, when the real stuff is all out in the open in the first place,, and aren't super secret speshul top secret knowledge only you 'Enlightened' conspiratorial buffs think you know that nobody else does. Your anti-vaccine silliness is just juvenile weirdness; nobody would bother with that stuff for the reasons you claim, no matter how megalomaniacal they were.
Fuck the vaccine and this BS.....that sums it up......

Have a nice day......and OBEY.

lol sorry, I'm not any more susceptible to noise from right wing peer herds than I am left wing tardisms; talk radio is for entertainment purposes only, and those of you influenced by it are no more credible than the left wing shills posting fake news here. The only reason some right wingers get slack and respect is because they are at least patriots; the rest are just shills for the GOP establishment and/or 'social Darwinist' sociopaths, not any real differences between them and Marxist loons as far as what they offer the country as a 'future'.

Credible medical sources are clear that masks can reduce the risk, and none of your 'noise has proven otherwise. You sound like 10 year olds all mad n stuff cuz Mommy told you to brush your teeth and go to bed. The noise about 'data not being correct n stuff' is just more reasons to wear one when requested, not an excuse to run around pretending you're qualified to run around telling people not to wear them, cuz you heard stuff.
Live Free or Die...........

The Media and the Virtue Signaling has gone to Pluto and beyond...........I'm over the masks...........and I'm very much OVER OBEY............

Those who don't understand the SOCIAL WARRIORS are lost already anyways.

The next phase will be everyone is losing everything they own phase and the gov't is here to save you..........enjoy the show..........It IS SCRIPTED.

I absolutely agree, and I'm with you! I admire your passion. The limp-wristed bootlickers here who continually enable authoritarians disgust me.

lol another clue you're all in some kind of conspiritard cult is your own terminology; all of you parrot 'sheep', 'sheeple', 'bootlickers', and similar terms like clocks repeating themselves, it's part of a mantra you're told to repeat.
Oh this all started 35 years ago when they made wearing seat belts a law! This is the long play to eventually make everyone get a vaccine that implants a '666' chip in everyone that can be used to kill people instantly if they don't comply! :rolleyes:
Oh this all started 35 years ago when they made wearing seat belts a law! This is the long play to eventually make everyone get a vaccine that implants a '666' chip in everyone that can be used to kill people instantly if they don't comply! :rolleyes:

Actually it all started when radical faggots terrorized the APA into changing their stand of faggots beng mentally ill via a campaign of mau-mauing and fake science was used as a cover. The vote was 5,800 for, 3,800 against the change, and another 10,000 members who were too scared to vote. So, some 25% of the membership voted for lying and redefining their placement of homosexual fetishism into 'something else' other than what it is, a mental illness, and ever since, fake science has been a staple of the 'mental health' industry, and that also blew over into disease control and forcing the CDC to give faggots 'special treatment' over AIDS, destroying the CDC's credibility on anything as well. Left wingers loved that victory; they don't get to whine about right wingnuts doing the same thing with politicizing fake science and the lack of credibility on modern medical institutions. All of you tards are competing to be the most retarded cultist loons in U.S. history.
Well, I don't care what Bill Gates or any other corporate pirate has to say about anything, and I knew his love for the Red Chinese a long long tome ago, it's all been out in the open, and one can merely read Foreign Affairs to know what is coming along in the future re establishment policy, we don't need talk radio and a bunch of libertarian lunatics to interpret anything for us. This is why people think you're nuts, when the real stuff is all out in the open in the first place,, and aren't super secret speshul top secret knowledge only you 'Enlightened' conspiratorial buffs think you know that nobody else does. Your anti-vaccine silliness is just juvenile weirdness; nobody would bother with that stuff for the reasons you claim, no matter how megalomaniacal they were.
Fuck the vaccine and this BS.....that sums it up......

Have a nice day......and OBEY.

lol sorry, I'm not any more susceptible to noise from right wing peer herds than I am left wing tardisms; talk radio is for entertainment purposes only, and those of you influenced by it are no more credible than the left wing shills posting fake news here. The only reason some right wingers get slack and respect is because they are at least patriots; the rest are just shills for the GOP establishment and/or 'social Darwinist' sociopaths, not any real differences between them and Marxist loons as far as what they offer the country as a 'future'.

Credible medical sources are clear that masks can reduce the risk, and none of your 'noise has proven otherwise. You sound like 10 year olds all mad n stuff cuz Mommy told you to brush your teeth and go to bed. The noise about 'data not being correct n stuff' is just more reasons to wear one when requested, not an excuse to run around pretending you're qualified to run around telling people not to wear them, cuz you heard stuff.
I'm 55 years old.........STFU and mind your own damned business.
Mandatory face masks are an insidious plot by the New World Order to force orthodontists out of business.

Well, I don't care what Bill Gates or any other corporate pirate has to say about anything, and I knew his love for the Red Chinese a long long tome ago, it's all been out in the open, and one can merely read Foreign Affairs to know what is coming along in the future re establishment policy, we don't need talk radio and a bunch of libertarian lunatics to interpret anything for us. This is why people think you're nuts, when the real stuff is all out in the open in the first place,, and aren't super secret speshul top secret knowledge only you 'Enlightened' conspiratorial buffs think you know that nobody else does. Your anti-vaccine silliness is just juvenile weirdness; nobody would bother with that stuff for the reasons you claim, no matter how megalomaniacal they were.
Fuck the vaccine and this BS.....that sums it up......

Have a nice day......and OBEY.

lol sorry, I'm not any more susceptible to noise from right wing peer herds than I am left wing tardisms; talk radio is for entertainment purposes only, and those of you influenced by it are no more credible than the left wing shills posting fake news here. The only reason some right wingers get slack and respect is because they are at least patriots; the rest are just shills for the GOP establishment and/or 'social Darwinist' sociopaths, not any real differences between them and Marxist loons as far as what they offer the country as a 'future'.

Credible medical sources are clear that masks can reduce the risk, and none of your 'noise has proven otherwise. You sound like 10 year olds all mad n stuff cuz Mommy told you to brush your teeth and go to bed. The noise about 'data not being correct n stuff' is just more reasons to wear one when requested, not an excuse to run around pretending you're qualified to run around telling people not to wear them, cuz you heard stuff.
I'm 55 years old.........STFU and mind your own damned business.

Take your own advice, cult boi. Keep your crazy shit to yourself if you can't handle the facts.
Mandatory face masks are an insidious plot by the New World Order to force orthodontists out of business.

View attachment 365502

Now they will claim the tinfoil hats 'got lost in the mail', perpetrated by nefarious NWO operatives in the Post Office.

You really have no idea what is going on in the world, that much is clear. Take your ignorant, arrogant nastiness elsewhere. Thank you.

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