The real reason muslims wear rags on their heads.

You think IS will "lighten up"? Chop off a few heads, do a few suicide mass murders, yuck it up. Hardy har har. It's all a big joke.
Last time I checked this was 'Merica, we make fun of everybody especially our enemies.
You think IS will "lighten up"? Chop off a few heads, do a few suicide mass murders, yuck it up. Hardy har har. It's all a big joke.
Last time I checked this was 'Merica, we make fun of everybody especially our enemies.
As long as we actually understand the nature of our enemies, mocking them or our leaders isn't bad. Don't forget how bad the BAD guys are, all I am saying. Pedantic as it sounds.
race humor can be funny if intelligent or it can be thinly veiled racism and hate
I agree.

I made my retirement in 85% black schools, and most of the people I know are black.

I surely don't joke about race IRL unless I know the people.

I would never intentionally hurt the feelings of anyone based on race.

I am honorary PaPa to lots of the children of children I taught, and get a whole lot of love from former students and their kids.

We know when to joke, and when to be serious.

I have done eulogies for enough dead black kids to have earned my title of 'honorary nigga'.

Without my blacks friends, I'd be one lost whiteboy.

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