The real reason the GOP is still after Benghazi

It seems that ordinary Americans----those not blinded by party bias---would be incensed that our Secretary of State would go up to a grieving parent, right in front of his son's casket, and tell him that "We are going to get the guy who made that video that got your son killed".

She knew then that it was a bald faced lie...and the setting in which the lie was told is relevant to me as an American as to whether she is fit to serve as President.

Bringing to justice a member of the other party who is guilty of malfeasance will always have political overtones, but that is no reason to let her walk away scot-free from the malefactions that obviously occurred.
Hillary and Barry lied and people died. It's the duty of congress to investigate the murder of a US Ambassador. Why does it seem strange in the eyes of low information lefties.
Hillary and Barry lied and people died. It's the duty of congress to investigate the murder of a US Ambassador. Why does it seem strange in the eyes of low information lefties.
Because they are a pure partisan cult that is void of integrity :evil:
Republicans are who they are. Let him die. Feed the poor and they will breed. And so on. No surprise there.
why liberals always forget the dems who started and were birthers?

selective outrage and memory....


as if no dem has ever used a tragedy for political gain.....

You never let a serious crisis go to waste

^ guess which dem said that....
Obama told a politically motivated lie about a terror attack right before the 2012 election
Republicans are who they are. Let him die. Feed the poor and they will breed. And so on. No surprise there.
Why don't you use the back of Zimmerman's head for your avatar you fucking phony! :badgrin: Liberals make a mountain out of every republican molehill, but they want the world to dismiss anything that is politically adverse to them - no matter how egregious :evil:
GOP Raising Cash off Benghazi Committee - NBC News

Yup, the scuzzy GOP is using a fake scandal to raise money and to get the hard core RWers excited. Your tax money is paying for their theatrics.

They are whipping up their slack jawed pinheads

It doesn't take much to excite the low information crowd. You know, if Hannity starts one of his rants or if Rush comes up with another "magic negro" ditty, the drooling low infos will strap on their guns and go out to their local little league game.
The radio right wants to stir up hate for Hillary. This will backfire. They don't grasp the different nature of Hillary's popular support.

Half the people killed at Benghazi were CIA guys. There is a wall of classified information which the House GOP is about to splatter into.
Gezz how many Benghazi threads are libs going to start to obfuscate and confuse the issue?

The only relevant question to Benghazi is why lefties are not outraged that their president lied to them in order to get re-elected.

I have posted that question about 20 times. All I get are deflections and obfuscations, when it isnt ignored entirely.
The reason that Boehner has called for this Select Committee is that the White House has been obstructing the Congressional investigation.

This is very serious. Judicial Watch has been winning in court. Congress is pissed off that the administration is stonewalling them.

Under FOIA, the government is required to release existing documents unless they are exempt under any of nine major categories that protects things like confidential commercial information or personal identification information, said Ginger McCall, director of the Open Government Program at the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

McCall said that if an agency is forced to release information via court order, “it basically means that agency shouldn’t have been withholding the information from the beginning.”

The battle to get WH Benghazi emails | TheHill
How would we feel about Benghazi if it had happened under President McCain? I mean everything the exact same as it has happened the only difference being McCain is President not Obama would those on both the right and the left still feel about it as you do now?

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