The REAL story behind the economy


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. As is usually the case the official story of happy economic numbers is hiding the reality of the grim and ever growing per Capita debt. The debt and the inflation have gone nowhere....they have simply been moved to the next room where they will continue to grow into the next correction bomb.


pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. As is usually the case the official story of happy economic numbers is hiding the reality of the grim and ever growing per Capita debt. The debt and the inflation have gone nowhere....they have simply been moved to the next room where they will continue to grow into the next correction bomb.


The real story behind the economy is corporate greed. Inflation, for those who have ever had one class in economics, knows it is simply to many dollars, chasing to few products.

That hasn't been the case for over a year now. All prices now are artificially inflated, and shareholder meetings reporting earnings, which are public, have exposed all of the corporate CEO's bragging openly about how they are keeping prices high on purpose, to keep shareholder dividends high.

Oil is being produced domestically at all time highs, and the current per barrel price should have gasoline prices at the pump below $2.25.

Solar and wind energy production, have now overtaken coal as leading producers, and the GW output far exceeds the need, permitting generators from inflating prices, with the cost of natural gas.

Job growth is the highest since 1969, with wage growth outpacing inflation, which are 4.9%, and 4% respectively.

The national debt is 100% tied to increased military spending, and interest paid on borrowed money, that should have never had to be borrowed in the first place, because of tax cuts to the morbidly rich, that do not deserve them, and corporations who are paying no taxes at all, or less taxes than their workers.

Do you really believe the stupid shit that comes out your mouth, or are you a paid salesman for a billionaire, or corporation?
The real story behind the economy is corporate greed. Inflation, for those who have ever had one class in economics, knows it is simply to many dollars, chasing to few products.

That hasn't been the case for over a year now. All prices now are artificially inflated, and shareholder meetings reporting earnings, which are public, have exposed all of the corporate CEO's bragging openly about how they are keeping prices high on purpose, to keep shareholder dividends high.

Oil is being produced domestically at all time highs, and the current per barrel price should have gasoline prices at the pump below $2.25.

Solar and wind energy production, have now overtaken coal as leading producers, and the GW output far exceeds the need, permitting generators from inflating prices, with the cost of natural gas.

Job growth is the highest since 1969, with wage growth outpacing inflation, which are 4.9%, and 4% respectively.

The national debt is 100% tied to increased military spending, and interest paid on borrowed money, that should have never had to be borrowed in the first place, because of tax cuts to the morbidly rich, that do not deserve them, and corporations who are paying no taxes at all, or less taxes than their workers.

Do you really believe the stupid shit that comes out your mouth, or are you a paid salesman for a billionaire, or corporation?
Per Capita debt is rising quickly. You should be asking yourself the same question.

I don't care who is doing what. It's the end result that affects the bottom tier consumer. A gallon of milk has no political party. Your response is non-sequitur. The bright and shining prognostications are smoke. You have the answers? Ok fine... doesn't change the realty of rising personal debt.
The real story behind the economy is corporate greed. Inflation, for those who have ever had one class in economics, knows it is simply to many dollars, chasing to few products.

That hasn't been the case for over a year now. All prices now are artificially inflated, and shareholder meetings reporting earnings, which are public, have exposed all of the corporate CEO's bragging openly about how they are keeping prices high on purpose, to keep shareholder dividends high.

Oil is being produced domestically at all time highs, and the current per barrel price should have gasoline prices at the pump below $2.25.

Solar and wind energy production, have now overtaken coal as leading producers, and the GW output far exceeds the need, permitting generators from inflating prices, with the cost of natural gas.

Job growth is the highest since 1969, with wage growth outpacing inflation, which are 4.9%, and 4% respectively.

The national debt is 100% tied to increased military spending, and interest paid on borrowed money, that should have never had to be borrowed in the first place, because of tax cuts to the morbidly rich, that do not deserve them, and corporations who are paying no taxes at all, or less taxes than their workers.

Do you really believe the stupid shit that comes out your mouth, or are you a paid salesman for a billionaire, or corporation?

Oil is being produced domestically at all time highs, and the current per barrel price should have gasoline prices at the pump below $2.25.

Show your math.
Oil is being produced domestically at all time highs, and the current per barrel price should have gasoline prices at the pump below $2.25.

Show your math.
I don't know where he buys gas. Not anywhere near me. But no matter....they are using politics instead of math anyway. The inflationary load is simply being moved over into another real estate balloon. I would have bet against real estate being the cause of the next currency correction but there ya go. Nine trillion in imaginary (non existent)'s happening all over again. When the time comes they will be unable to translate all of that newly minted debt into any kind of hard goods....then BOOM! Another massive wealth implosion like 2008.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. As is usually the case the official story of happy economic numbers is hiding the reality of the grim and ever growing per Capita debt. The debt and the inflation have gone nowhere....they have simply been moved to the next room where they will continue to grow into the next correction bomb.


Maybe I'm part of that number. I keep one open, usually with zero balance for short term management on the fly and then paying off quickly, as 2% money even in the short term is better than 22%Plus money. Sometime more tax advantageous when dealing with investment accounts to make two different moves in two different tax years, than to jump a bracket, but that's not Biden or the economy, simply minimal income tax management as required by best policy.
Maybe I'm part of that number. I keep one open, usually with zero balance for short term management on the fly and then paying off quickly, as 2% money even in the short term is better than 22%Plus money. Sometime more tax advantageous when dealing with investment accounts to make two different moves in two different tax years, than to jump a bracket, but that's not Biden or the economy, simply minimal income tax management as required by best policy.
Smart...I can follow your reasoning on it ....but don't know if I would manage it correctly. Still...pretty smart.
The national debt is 100% tied to increased military spending, and interest paid on borrowed money, that should have never had to be borrowed in the first place, because of tax cuts to the morbidly rich, that do not deserve them, and corporations who are paying no taxes at all, or less taxes than their workers.
The world's most powerful military and economic bloc is only defensive minded. This presents a special and unusual opportunity for lasting peace in the 21st. century.

The outcome of America's war against Russia is going to open new windows of peace and opportunity for America, if it makes the right choices.
The world's most powerful military and economic bloc is only defensive minded. This presents a special and unusual opportunity for lasting peace in the 21st. century.

The outcome of America's war against Russia is going to open new windows of peace and opportunity for America, if it makes the right choices.
I'm afraid that as long as humanity exists the thirst for power and domination will also exist.
I'm afraid that as long as humanity exists the thirst for power and domination will also exist.
China is demonstrating a different approach in that they understand that prosperity can only come with peaceful cooperation.
That doesn't mean that China will take a seat in the back of the bus for America, but active military aggression isn't their goal and really never has been.

If Russia isn't defeated and broken up into manageable pieces, America will have no choice.

Putin has stated that the Russian people are prepared to meet their God, and they are confident that they will be accepted as the righteous.

That was meant to say that Russia will not ever accept defeat!

I think that so far at least, Americans are likewise confident. However the election must take place for destiny to play out.

We hope that nuclear war doesn't come first.

The game must be played cautiously so that neither side loses.

That doesn't include the UKraine. It has already lost!
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. As is usually the case the official story of happy economic numbers is hiding the reality of the grim and ever growing per Capita debt. The debt and the inflation have gone nowhere....they have simply been moved to the next room where they will continue to grow into the next correction bomb.


And yet....

China is demonstrating a different approach in that they understand that prosperity can only come with peaceful cooperation.
That doesn't mean that China will take a seat in the back of the bus for America, but active military aggression isn't their goal and really never has been.

If Russia isn't defeated and broken up into manageable pieces, America will have no choice.

Putin has stated that the Russian people are prepared to meet their God, and they are confident that they will be accepted as the righteous.

That was meant to say that Russia will not ever accept defeat!

I think that so far at least, Americans are likewise confident. However the election must take place for destiny to play out.

We hope that nuclear war doesn't come first.

The game must be played cautiously so that neither side loses.

That doesn't include the UKraine. It has already lost!
Indeed the Ukrainian people have been used as fodder for politics and greed. There is no question that Chinese politics is far more cerebral that the west. Though it wasn't always that way.
The sad reality seems to lie in the morbid realization that Washington DC no longer represents American citizens. It represents itself and everything is for sale...even freedom.
Anyone can produce that slight of hand ratio with inflated dollars. The real reason for the dropoff is not actual gain in personal wealth. The real reason is back to reality.... impoverishment via confiscation. By removing the accounts from the national totals you are left with the impression that personal debt has decreased. Instead it was simply corrected....we are heading there again.

Anyone can produce that slight of hand ratio with inflated dollars. The real reason for the dropoff is not actual gain in personal wealth. The real reason is back to reality.... impoverishment via confiscation. By removing the accounts from the national totals you are left with the impression that personal debt has decreased. Instead it was simply corrected....we are heading there again.

So, foreclosure rates went up after 2 years of a moratorium on such things....crazy, who would have ever foreseen that happening
So, foreclosure rates went up after 2 years of a moratorium on such things....crazy, who would have ever foreseen that happening
Actually it's not as bad as I would have imagined. We could certainly be in a worse position.

On the bright would appear that grocery prices are starting to come back to a more reasonable scale.

Let's hope that doesn't get erased by inflation.

Not to be ignored are the contributions that each municipality makes to the financial distress of the individual. As pension rolls grow and operating expenses expand so does the tax burden on each individual home owner.

Eventually you reach an upper limit... At which point the system begins to break.
Indeed the Ukrainian people have been used as fodder for politics and greed. There is no question that Chinese politics is far more cerebral that the west. Though it wasn't always that way.
The sad reality seems to lie in the morbid realization that Washington DC no longer represents American citizens. It represents itself and everything is for sale...even freedom.
Do you have any idea of the horrors the West has perpetrated on the Chinese people?
Don't try to tell 'me' that it hasn't always been that way!

Do you even know the reason why H.K. became a British colony for so many years?

The West doesn't want to talk about any of those issues now especially!
Do you have any idea of the horrors the West has perpetrated on the Chinese people?
Don't try to tell 'me' that it hasn't always been that way!

Do you even know the reason why H.K. became a British colony for so many years?

The West doesn't want to talk about any of those issues now especially!
I am not well versed in that particular history; But I do not doubt what you are saying. What I know of myself tongue's takeover was that it was quite bloody but I certainly do not know why precisely.

The world's most powerful military and economic bloc is only defensive minded. This presents a special and unusual opportunity for lasting peace in the 21st. century.

The outcome of America's war against Russia is going to open new windows of peace and opportunity for America, if it makes the right choices.
Can'tada needs to up their ante when it comes to nato and Ukraine ...

Per Capita debt is rising quickly. You should be asking yourself the same question.

I don't care who is doing what. It's the end result that affects the bottom tier consumer. A gallon of milk has no political party. Your response is non-sequitur. The bright and shining prognostications are smoke. You have the answers? Ok fine... doesn't change the realty of rising personal debt.
BTW what is the current cost of a gallon of milk?
The real story behind the economy is corporate greed. Inflation, for those who have ever had one class in economics, knows it is simply to many dollars, chasing to few products.

That hasn't been the case for over a year now. All prices now are artificially inflated, and shareholder meetings reporting earnings, which are public, have exposed all of the corporate CEO's bragging openly about how they are keeping prices high on purpose, to keep shareholder dividends high.

Oil is being produced domestically at all time highs, and the current per barrel price should have gasoline prices at the pump below $2.25.

Solar and wind energy production, have now overtaken coal as leading producers, and the GW output far exceeds the need, permitting generators from inflating prices, with the cost of natural gas.

Job growth is the highest since 1969, with wage growth outpacing inflation, which are 4.9%, and 4% respectively.

The national debt is 100% tied to increased military spending, and interest paid on borrowed money, that should have never had to be borrowed in the first place, because of tax cuts to the morbidly rich, that do not deserve them, and corporations who are paying no taxes at all, or less taxes than their workers.

Do you really believe the stupid shit that comes out your mouth, or are you a paid salesman for a billionaire, or corporation?

The Balloon masquerading as an economy is being built on credit cards and equity loans. As the total debt grows the portion of each spending dollar that is consumed by interest steals away the prosperity misrepresented by fairytale wage increases and gobbledegook jobs numbers.
The public will vote their wallets.

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