The reason right wing Christians freak over Islam

show me an article from Salon being critical of radical islam, i'll show you three articles FROM SALON you can say are making excuses for radical islam, rationalizing it, making moral equaivalencies of it.
well now, so it's ONLY the right wing Christians who freaks over Islam? did you go and take a poll on that or your crystal ball told you?

this little one has a real hate for anything or anyone theY consider to be on the RIGHT.

It's not very attractive and I wonder if he's rdeans long lost cousin? :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
What is the reason the left wing freaks out over Christians and not Islam?
Everything the left does that is supposedly a "war on Christianity" is also against Islam. But there are very few Muslims compared to Christians in this country so we only ever hear whining from the Christians.

As for the issues, it is Christians, not Muslims, driving hatred against gay people in this country. It is Christians, not Muslims, begging for us to go to war in the middle east. It is Christians, not Muslims, trying to give creationism equal weight to evolution in schools. It is Christians, not Muslims, trying to write their religion into our laws.

I think that evangelicals aren't used to dealing with crazy religious people they oppose, because THEY have been the crazy religious people up until now. Social liberals have been dealing with crazy religious people for centuries, and we see little difference between evengelical Christianity and Islam. Other than that our secular government has moved to restrict religious insanity, while in Muslim countries the crazy religious people remain in charge because the west props them up for convenience.
So first you use the excuse that Islam isn't as popular. THEN you use that fact against you? :lol:
If that's what you took from it then whatever. Religious nuttery has been losing the war in the U.S. since its creation. It'll continue doing so.
How did you NOT? :lol:
The fact is, if you bothered to actually give a shit, you would see what the tiny fraction of muslims do in the USA.
And YES you did use their small population as a defense and then you could apply that EXACT THING to you everything else you said.
You been gruberfied bro
The most powerful nations on the planet, from the USA to Russia, are ammassing to take on what the idiot obama described as a "JV" team, and you're saying people, one group, Christians, are "freaking out over Islam"????

and you wonder why left-wingers arent taken seriously???
it's cause they hate THE COMPETITION! Americans are becoming less religious . The only religion seeing any gains is Islam ! The Christians are freaking over this. It's like a rival coming into your territory .

But don't woory . The good news is that the secularlists are gaining , and we can keep all the religious kooks under control .
I'm not Christian and I hate Islam because it is a despicable religion based on a child molester & it promotes murder


Islam doesn't promote that, but there are people within the religion that do. Islamic countries are in the developing countries which are more under developed.

But to compare Islam with Christianity on the same level compare Uganda with these countries...

Men have used Religion for Centuries for evil acts...
What is the reason the left wing freaks out over Christians and not Islam?

The left has Islam all wrong: Bill Maher, Pamela Geller and the reality progressives must face -

Whatever her views on other matters are, Pamela Geller is right about one thing: last week’s Islamist assault on the “Draw Muhammad” cartoon contest she hosted in Texas proves the jihad against freedom of expression has opened a front in the United States. “There is,” she said, “a war on free speech and this violent attack is a harbinger of things to come.” Apparently undaunted, Geller promises to continue with such “freedom of speech” events. ISIS is now threatening to assassinate her. She and her cohorts came close to becoming victims, yet some in the media on the right and the center-right have essentially blamed her for the gunmen’s attack, just as far too many, last January, surreptitiously pardoned the Kouachi brothers and, with consummate perfidy to human decency, inculpated the satirical cartoonists they slaughtered, saying “Charlie Hebdo asked for it.”


But first, allow me a brief yet illustrative digression.

did you seriously just say it is mainly the right saying Geller is to blame for Muslims attacking???
could have sworn many on the right cheered her for being undaunted in the face of threats against her life; FAR FROM CONDEMNING HER

You have a comprehension problem.

"yet some in the media on the right and the center-right" does not mean mainly!

Salon is a left leaning publication and they are highly critical of radical Islam.

IDIOT; THEN your rebuttal is to use the exception and not the rule. again why does the Left freak out over christianity more than it does over islam??

Sorry but your comprehension problem is worse than I thought. Here, let me quote the final bit of that Salon piece. Perhaps you'll understand what they are saying.

"We need to heed Gérard Biard, Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief, whodeclared, as he received the PEN award, that “They don’t want us to write and draw. We must write and draw. They don’t want us to think and laugh. We must think and laugh. They don’t want us to debate. We must debate.”

In doing as he urges, we will give the terrorists too many targets to attack and convince them that we will not surrender, not cede an inch. That means the media needs to begin showing Charlie Hedbo’s Muhammad cartoons. We must stop traducing reason by branding people “Islamophobes,” and start celebrating our secularism, remembering that only it offers true freedom for the religious and non-religious alike. And we should reaffirm our humanistic values, in our conviction that we have, as Carlyle wrote, “One life – a little gleam of time between two eternities,” and need to make the most of it for ourselves and others while we can. There is nothing else.

This is not a battle we have chosen; the battle has chosen us.

It’s time to fight back, and hard."
What is the reason the left wing freaks out over Christians and not Islam?

The left has Islam all wrong: Bill Maher, Pamela Geller and the reality progressives must face -

Whatever her views on other matters are, Pamela Geller is right about one thing: last week’s Islamist assault on the “Draw Muhammad” cartoon contest she hosted in Texas proves the jihad against freedom of expression has opened a front in the United States. “There is,” she said, “a war on free speech and this violent attack is a harbinger of things to come.” Apparently undaunted, Geller promises to continue with such “freedom of speech” events. ISIS is now threatening to assassinate her. She and her cohorts came close to becoming victims, yet some in the media on the right and the center-right have essentially blamed her for the gunmen’s attack, just as far too many, last January, surreptitiously pardoned the Kouachi brothers and, with consummate perfidy to human decency, inculpated the satirical cartoonists they slaughtered, saying “Charlie Hebdo asked for it.”


But first, allow me a brief yet illustrative digression.

did you seriously just say it is mainly the right saying Geller is to blame for Muslims attacking???
could have sworn many on the right cheered her for being undaunted in the face of threats against her life; FAR FROM CONDEMNING HER

You have a comprehension problem.

"yet some in the media on the right and the center-right" does not mean mainly!

Salon is a left leaning publication and they are highly critical of radical Islam.

IDIOT; THEN your rebuttal is to use the exception and not the rule. again why does the Left freak out over christianity more than it does over islam??

Sorry but your comprehension problem is worse than I thought. Here, let me quote the final bit of that Salon piece. Perhaps you'll understand what they are saying.

"We need to heed Gérard Biard, Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief, whodeclared, as he received the PEN award, that “They don’t want us to write and draw. We must write and draw. They don’t want us to think and laugh. We must think and laugh. They don’t want us to debate. We must debate.”

In doing as he urges, we will give the terrorists too many targets to attack and convince them that we will not surrender, not cede an inch. That means the media needs to begin showing Charlie Hedbo’s Muhammad cartoons. We must stop traducing reason by branding people “Islamophobes,” and start celebrating our secularism, remembering that only it offers true freedom for the religious and non-religious alike. And we should reaffirm our humanistic values, in our conviction that we have, as Carlyle wrote, “One life – a little gleam of time between two eternities,” and need to make the most of it for ourselves and others while we can. There is nothing else.

This is not a battle we have chosen; the battle has chosen us.

It’s time to fight back, and hard."


WHAT in the above post disproves the notion that the Left is more likely to freak out over Christianity than it is over Islam?

WHAT and HOW is the Left fighting back, and hard, against islamic fanaticism???


yes you idiot ex-pat; i'm sure that Ugandan group nobody heard of is as bad as ISIS, or Al Qaeda, or Hezbollah, or HAMAS, or al Nusra....etc

and Russia and obama will be targeting that mean ol ugandan christian group right afte they take care of ISIS

it's cause they hate THE COMPETITION! Americans are becoming less religious . The only religion seeing any gains is Islam ! The Christians are freaking over this. It's like a rival coming into your territory .

But don't woory . The good news is that the secularlists are gaining , and we can keep all the religious kooks under control .

Don't get too excited "Timmy", Hispanics are overwhelmingly Christian, and much more into actually walking the walk.
I've said for many years now, the future in the U.S. at least for a while, is likely to be more socially conservative due of course to the growth of the Hispanic community.
The left has Islam all wrong: Bill Maher, Pamela Geller and the reality progressives must face -

Whatever her views on other matters are, Pamela Geller is right about one thing: last week’s Islamist assault on the “Draw Muhammad” cartoon contest she hosted in Texas proves the jihad against freedom of expression has opened a front in the United States. “There is,” she said, “a war on free speech and this violent attack is a harbinger of things to come.” Apparently undaunted, Geller promises to continue with such “freedom of speech” events. ISIS is now threatening to assassinate her. She and her cohorts came close to becoming victims, yet some in the media on the right and the center-right have essentially blamed her for the gunmen’s attack, just as far too many, last January, surreptitiously pardoned the Kouachi brothers and, with consummate perfidy to human decency, inculpated the satirical cartoonists they slaughtered, saying “Charlie Hebdo asked for it.”


But first, allow me a brief yet illustrative digression.

did you seriously just say it is mainly the right saying Geller is to blame for Muslims attacking???
could have sworn many on the right cheered her for being undaunted in the face of threats against her life; FAR FROM CONDEMNING HER

You have a comprehension problem.

"yet some in the media on the right and the center-right" does not mean mainly!

Salon is a left leaning publication and they are highly critical of radical Islam.

IDIOT; THEN your rebuttal is to use the exception and not the rule. again why does the Left freak out over christianity more than it does over islam??

Sorry but your comprehension problem is worse than I thought. Here, let me quote the final bit of that Salon piece. Perhaps you'll understand what they are saying.

"We need to heed Gérard Biard, Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief, whodeclared, as he received the PEN award, that “They don’t want us to write and draw. We must write and draw. They don’t want us to think and laugh. We must think and laugh. They don’t want us to debate. We must debate.”

In doing as he urges, we will give the terrorists too many targets to attack and convince them that we will not surrender, not cede an inch. That means the media needs to begin showing Charlie Hedbo’s Muhammad cartoons. We must stop traducing reason by branding people “Islamophobes,” and start celebrating our secularism, remembering that only it offers true freedom for the religious and non-religious alike. And we should reaffirm our humanistic values, in our conviction that we have, as Carlyle wrote, “One life – a little gleam of time between two eternities,” and need to make the most of it for ourselves and others while we can. There is nothing else.

This is not a battle we have chosen; the battle has chosen us.

It’s time to fight back, and hard."


WHAT in the above post disproves the notion that the Left is more likely to freak out over Christianity than it is over Islam?

WHAT and HOW is the Left fighting back, and hard, against islamic fanaticism???



Christians are not killing artists over what they draw!

Salon is a left wing magazine and in that article they are urging the media to publish all the cartoons, drawings and every thing secular that makes the religionist freak out.
did you seriously just say it is mainly the right saying Geller is to blame for Muslims attacking???
could have sworn many on the right cheered her for being undaunted in the face of threats against her life; FAR FROM CONDEMNING HER

You have a comprehension problem.

"yet some in the media on the right and the center-right" does not mean mainly!

Salon is a left leaning publication and they are highly critical of radical Islam.

IDIOT; THEN your rebuttal is to use the exception and not the rule. again why does the Left freak out over christianity more than it does over islam??

Sorry but your comprehension problem is worse than I thought. Here, let me quote the final bit of that Salon piece. Perhaps you'll understand what they are saying.

"We need to heed Gérard Biard, Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief, whodeclared, as he received the PEN award, that “They don’t want us to write and draw. We must write and draw. They don’t want us to think and laugh. We must think and laugh. They don’t want us to debate. We must debate.”

In doing as he urges, we will give the terrorists too many targets to attack and convince them that we will not surrender, not cede an inch. That means the media needs to begin showing Charlie Hedbo’s Muhammad cartoons. We must stop traducing reason by branding people “Islamophobes,” and start celebrating our secularism, remembering that only it offers true freedom for the religious and non-religious alike. And we should reaffirm our humanistic values, in our conviction that we have, as Carlyle wrote, “One life – a little gleam of time between two eternities,” and need to make the most of it for ourselves and others while we can. There is nothing else.

This is not a battle we have chosen; the battle has chosen us.

It’s time to fight back, and hard."


WHAT in the above post disproves the notion that the Left is more likely to freak out over Christianity than it is over Islam?

WHAT and HOW is the Left fighting back, and hard, against islamic fanaticism???



Christians are not killing artists over what they draw!

Salon is a left wing magazine and in that article they are urging the media to publish all the cartoons, drawings and every thing secular that makes the religionist freak out.

wow!! actual examples please?

didnt Charle Hebdo themselves say they would no longer publish drawings of Mohammad after the attack on their offices??

doesnt that by itself negate that left-wing call to arms???
Any sane person should freak just a tad over radical Islam. I don't freak over Islam any more than I do over the Mormons... unlike the leftwing moonbats who freaked over Romney being a Mormon. They were incensed over Carson's comments about Islam and the presidency, yet held the exact same view regarding Mormonism.
We should just carpet bomb the murderous beheading killers off the planet, see how they like a dose of that.
You have a comprehension problem.

"yet some in the media on the right and the center-right" does not mean mainly!

Salon is a left leaning publication and they are highly critical of radical Islam.

IDIOT; THEN your rebuttal is to use the exception and not the rule. again why does the Left freak out over christianity more than it does over islam??

Sorry but your comprehension problem is worse than I thought. Here, let me quote the final bit of that Salon piece. Perhaps you'll understand what they are saying.

"We need to heed Gérard Biard, Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief, whodeclared, as he received the PEN award, that “They don’t want us to write and draw. We must write and draw. They don’t want us to think and laugh. We must think and laugh. They don’t want us to debate. We must debate.”

In doing as he urges, we will give the terrorists too many targets to attack and convince them that we will not surrender, not cede an inch. That means the media needs to begin showing Charlie Hedbo’s Muhammad cartoons. We must stop traducing reason by branding people “Islamophobes,” and start celebrating our secularism, remembering that only it offers true freedom for the religious and non-religious alike. And we should reaffirm our humanistic values, in our conviction that we have, as Carlyle wrote, “One life – a little gleam of time between two eternities,” and need to make the most of it for ourselves and others while we can. There is nothing else.

This is not a battle we have chosen; the battle has chosen us.

It’s time to fight back, and hard."


WHAT in the above post disproves the notion that the Left is more likely to freak out over Christianity than it is over Islam?

WHAT and HOW is the Left fighting back, and hard, against islamic fanaticism???



Christians are not killing artists over what they draw!

Salon is a left wing magazine and in that article they are urging the media to publish all the cartoons, drawings and every thing secular that makes the religionist freak out.

wow!! actual examples please?

didnt Charle Hebdo themselves say they would no longer publish drawings of Mohammad after the attack on their offices??

doesnt that by itself negate that left-wing call to arms???

No it doesn't mean the radical Islamics win either

Stories about Charlie Hebdo
IDIOT; THEN your rebuttal is to use the exception and not the rule. again why does the Left freak out over christianity more than it does over islam??

Sorry but your comprehension problem is worse than I thought. Here, let me quote the final bit of that Salon piece. Perhaps you'll understand what they are saying.

"We need to heed Gérard Biard, Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief, whodeclared, as he received the PEN award, that “They don’t want us to write and draw. We must write and draw. They don’t want us to think and laugh. We must think and laugh. They don’t want us to debate. We must debate.”

In doing as he urges, we will give the terrorists too many targets to attack and convince them that we will not surrender, not cede an inch. That means the media needs to begin showing Charlie Hedbo’s Muhammad cartoons. We must stop traducing reason by branding people “Islamophobes,” and start celebrating our secularism, remembering that only it offers true freedom for the religious and non-religious alike. And we should reaffirm our humanistic values, in our conviction that we have, as Carlyle wrote, “One life – a little gleam of time between two eternities,” and need to make the most of it for ourselves and others while we can. There is nothing else.

This is not a battle we have chosen; the battle has chosen us.

It’s time to fight back, and hard."


WHAT in the above post disproves the notion that the Left is more likely to freak out over Christianity than it is over Islam?

WHAT and HOW is the Left fighting back, and hard, against islamic fanaticism???



Christians are not killing artists over what they draw!

Salon is a left wing magazine and in that article they are urging the media to publish all the cartoons, drawings and every thing secular that makes the religionist freak out.

wow!! actual examples please?

didnt Charle Hebdo themselves say they would no longer publish drawings of Mohammad after the attack on their offices??

doesnt that by itself negate that left-wing call to arms???

No it doesn't mean the radical Islamics win either

Stories about Charlie Hebdo

of course it does, and by your own standard cited in the article you provided.

basically they are doing the exact opposite, saying they WONT "publish all the cartoons, drawings, and everything secular that maked the religionist freak out"

that isnt an example of "fight hard", it's a capitulation

why do you fools insist on thinking you can say something then deny its meaning????

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