The reason right wing Christians freak over Islam

Christians and Muslims believe the same shit. The only difference is that our Christinans evolved to a point where they just ignore a bunch of what the bible says .

We now have polyester Christians . Aka...fakes. Thank god ! Cause theyd be as bad as these mooslims if they were really into it .
it's cause they hate THE COMPETITION! Americans are becoming less religious . The only religion seeing any gains is Islam ! The Christians are freaking over this. It's like a rival coming into your territory .

But don't woory . The good news is that the secularlists are gaining , and we can keep all the religious kooks under control .
The the way they treat their women and children tells everything you need to know about the cult that is Islam...
What in the hell is this moronic thread even talking about?

Where is anyone "freakin" out about Islam?

I suppose a Muslim extremist beheads a someone and we are just to ignore the depravity that cause them to act in such a fashion.

Never the less every great civilizations down fall can be measured by their falling away from a faith or religion. Religion binds a civilization together, take joy in the US losing religion and you are taking joy in the down fall of American. Which I think is really what you are doing.
Timmy, the THUG, just hasn't the intelligence to recognize FACTS!

it's cause they hate THE COMPETITION! Americans are becoming less religious . The only religion seeing any gains is Islam ! The Christians are freaking over this. It's like a rival coming into your territory .

But don't woory . The good news is that the secularlists are gaining , and we can keep all the religious kooks under control . The reason we have a problem with islam....they murder innocent people and say they are going to come here and kill our people.....and they do not give up.....

And the atheist kooks murdered 100 million innocent modern times...not the middle ages.....
Playa please!

All that crazy shit is happening overseas . But our local kooks feel the need to pass laws against "shira law" . And at the same time push for christaian law!
But don't woory . The good news is that the secularlists are gaining , and we can keep all the religious kooks under control .
I wish, and I do. Those goddamned nutters are gonna burn the world, if they get the chance.

The atheists tried burning down the world in the 1940s......50s and was the religious country of America that stopped them.
In a way the poster is correct. Christian values and traditions are victims of the progressive revolution and 1st Amendment protected Christians are facing jail and expulsion from learning institutions for adhering to their beliefs while American girls are forced to endure role playing and don burkas for fun and the Koran is respected while the Bible is outlawed.
But don't woory . The good news is that the secularlists are gaining , and we can keep all the religious kooks under control .
I wish, and I do. Those goddamned nutters are gonna burn the world, if they get the chance.

The atheists tried burning down the world in the 1940s......50s and was the religious country of America that stopped them.
The Axis wasn't atheist and the USSR who was helped us save Europe.
it's cause they hate THE COMPETITION! Americans are becoming less religious . The only religion seeing any gains is Islam ! The Christians are freaking over this. It's like a rival coming into your territory .

But don't woory . The good news is that the secularlists are gaining , and we can keep all the religious kooks under control .

it might be because muslims have ten kids per family and Christians 2.
"The reason right wing Christians freak over Islam"

It's for the most part ignorance, fear, and hate – indeed, the hate many Christians exhibit toward Islam and Muslims isn't very 'Christian.'
it's cause they hate THE COMPETITION! Americans are becoming less religious . The only religion seeing any gains is Islam ! The Christians are freaking over this. It's like a rival coming into your territory .

But don't woory . The good news is that the secularlists are gaining , and we can keep all the religious kooks under control .

Easiest to hate things you know nothing about. If they just took a look at Qur'an they'd see it's a total ripoff of Judaism and a bit of Christianity. If they like their Bibles so much they'll love Qur'an. :)
Just wait until these dumb ass Christian hating Libtards find out what the Muslims have in store for them. They will all get down on their knees and pray for a return to a Christian dominated society.
Why do secularists believe that islam will permit secularism?

Islam doesn't have a chance of stopping American secularists . It's the Christians that are the big challenge because they are entrenched everywhere .

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