The reason that it appears the mid-terms are tied

The GOP has not been small government since the days of Coolidge. They talk about it during the campaigns, but they do not govern that way. Even the Republican saint Reagan was not small government
Most republicans don't want the federal government controlling our lives. There is a small faction that does but they will soon be weeded out.
….is because Republicans have been targeted for attack by their own government and vilified as threats to democracy, and thus they are reluctant to answer pollsters.

The only poll that counts will be held on November 8th.
You go with that. :heehee:
Well, my impression in Pennsylvania is this: The Media have been all-in for the two Democrats running for state-wide office: Shapiro for Governor, and Fetterman for Senate. Every opinion piece favors them, and all of the news stories that involve them are slanted to their benefit.

And yet, they are both only showing slight leads against Mastriano and Oz, respectively. So with the tides turning Red and the typical undercount of Republican strength, it is very encouraging for Republicans.

And yet, election night will be the same as always. At ten o'clock both Republicans will be "winning," and as the night goes on and more and more votes from Philadelphia and Allegheny County come rolling in, the final result will not be known until a few days later. How many votes will the corrupt Democrats in those two cities be able to manufacture?

Keep in mind, the Leftists in those two cities, aided and abetted by a Leftist PA Supreme Court, allowed illegal and unconstitutional election changes during the 2020 cycle - which the USSC REFUSED TO HEAR - and many of those changes remain in effect, despite the rules being clearly stated in the U.S. Constitution and the Pennsylvania state constitution.

Democrats are evil.
Working on your excuses for loss already, I see.
Republicans didn’t attack democracy, and I’m not a villain.

Get control over your demonization of your fellow Americans. You sound like a German lying about the Jews.
"Republicans didn't attack democracy".....

Most republicans don't want the federal government controlling our lives. There is a small faction that does but they will soon be weeded out.
They just want the federal government con-trolling other people's lives.
Most republicans don't want the federal government controlling our lives. There is a small faction that does but they will soon be weeded out.

Yet everyone you vote into office does just that has had been for as long as I have been alive.

Why is that?
How do you know who I vote for? You should quit assuming things.

I know just crazy how I would assume such a thing when you spend all your time on here defending the Repubs like they were your own children

I am not so much pro republican as I am anti democrat. I consider myself a libertarian.

Have you ever voted one?

The Repubs are no more libertarian than the Dems, why do you favor one side over the other?
Democrats been kicking ass in most of the special elections.

That is, polls have been undercounting Democrats.

Everyone is underestimating how strongly abortion and other anti-fascism issues are driving voters. People see how authoritarian Republicans have become, and they're worried.
The polls you say. Right the polls that always oversample Dems rigging them in favor of Dems. The only poll that matters will take place in Nov when Dems get obliterated. RIP Dem party.
All the Democrats have is abortion rights and climate change as their issues. Not a winning formula.
Sure....tell that to all the women now registering to vote in record numbers. You go with ignoring that.

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