The reason that it appears the mid-terms are tied

If they do, nothing will change. However if the Rs win the House they likely impeach dumb Joe, which their base will love. But they will do nothing to help Americans other than the 1%.

Same old story repeated over and over, but duopoly types still fall for it.

It is a binary system, Insane person.
Democrats are embracing progressive programs that are socialist in nature.

Yes they are. I do not disagree with you on the Dems, just your devotion to the Repubs (Yeah, I know you claim not to have it, but your post say otherwise)

No, that's NOT the reason they are behind in the polls and in danger of becoming the first party in a long time NOT to make any gains during the opposing President's first midterm.
It's because Republicans, after almost 5 decades, they have NOTHING. No fresh policy initiatives, no new ideas, no plans to do ANYTHING to help the working voter.
They have sunk into the black hole of culture wars, division, and conspiracy theories. The majority of voters see Republicans for the whack jobs they've become.

THAT's why they're behind in the polls.

Bookmarking this post for November 9th.
Over representation of Democrats at the same time fewer Americans identify as Democrats,
The latest Gallup poll shows the opposite. More people are identifying as Democrats.

Democrats are now at +6. Over the past 2 years, that number has varied from -2 to +14, so it's right in the middle now, but the current trend favors Democrats.

The latest Gallup poll shows the opposite. More people are identifying as Democrats.

Democrats are now at +6. Over the past 2 years, that number has varied from -2 to +14, so it's right in the middle now, but the current trend favors Democrats.
More folks identify as Independents because of the extreme positions being taken by democrats and republicans.
I have not always been kind to Republicans either.

You have not sad a bad word at all about them in this thread, just praised their amazing small governmentness...which does not actually even exist.
You have not sad a bad word at all about them in this thread, just praised their amazing small governmentness...which does not actually even exist.
I said not all Republicans are for small government. They are just as bad as Democrats.
I said not all Republicans are for small government. They are just as bad as Democrats.

This is what you said...The difference between the two parties is small government versus big government although there are a few republicans that trumpet big government too.

So, is it more than just a few now?
Well, there may be an alternate reality where you are correct.

In actual reality, no.

President Trump was someone not part of the duopoly.
Each side worked against him.
That is reality in a sane world.

He has always been part of the duopoly. he spent a good part of his adult life helping to fund it.

Within a year of becoming POTUS he had pretty much replaced all his "outsiders" with DC swamp critters.

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