The recent anti-abortion laws in Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri and Louisiana are a backlash...

...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.


The recent spate of laws being passed in Republican legislatures across the county have nothing to do with your description of recent laws in New York and Virginia as "infanticide", and everything to do with the conservative majority on the Supreme Court, and their hopes of overturning Roe v Wade. These states are hoping to create a law which WILL be challenged in the courts and they're prepared to defend it all the way to the Supreme Court in the hopes of attacking and destroying a woman's right to the privacy and security of her own body.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. It's that simple. But fully 80% of the American people believe that a woman has the RIGHT to determine how many children she can afford to raise, and how many children her family should have.

Women have been having abortions since humans live in caves. Criminalizing abortion will not end abortions. It will end the availability of legal, safe abortion, and women will die in back alley abortions. Rich women will simply travel to jurisdictions for a legal, safe abortion. I have a friend who was flown to Japan by her parents, to have an abortion when she was 13 and abortions were illegal. Poor women will have babies who will be a drain on the public purse.

Women will NEVER vote for a Republican Party which pushes an abortion ban, and there are 8 million more registered voters who are women. Fully 25% of all women have had a abortion by age 40. Many of the women I know who have had an abortion have told me that they would never have another one, but if they had it to do over again, they would still terminate that pregnancy. Even those of us, like me, who have never had an abortion, are grateful that our friends, our sisters, and our daughters have always had access to safe, legal abortions. Even my oldest daughter who is both a practicing Catholic and pro-life, will not vote for a candidate who doesn't advocate on behalf of reproductive choice for women.

DO NOT TRY TO FORCE YOUR BELIEFS ON REPRODUCTIVE CHOICE ON THE WOMEN OF AMERICA. THEY'RE NOT BUYING IT. Until you start advocating for universal health care, maternity leave, job protections for pregnant women, subsidized child care for the poor, and better schools in poor neighbourhoods, it's merely an attempt to control women. Never again!
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

It's not infanticide and you know this.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

No it won't. We're not going to have a civil war over abortion. If Roe V. Wade is overturned you'll just have states that restrict choice and of course won't give a shit about the children that will be born into abject poverty.
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

Nope, they are a direct response to the new SC appointments by Trump.

Conservatives are itching for another round of abortion cases to challenge Roe vs Wade with a new set of conservative Judges
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

Are you even aware that infanticide is illegal in the US in every state. Also mind your own business.

Apparently in NY and Virginia, it is AOK!

No its not, read their bills.

How would you know? You can't even read!
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

Are you even aware that infanticide is illegal in the US in every state. Also mind your own business.

Apparently in NY and Virginia, it is AOK!

No its not, read their bills.

How would you know? You can't even read!

You wish.
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.
Except the laws in NY and VA were not infanticide.
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

Are you even aware that infanticide is illegal in the US in every state. Also mind your own business.
CRCs are easily fooled into believing all sorts of crap.
Infanticide advocates can just make sure each state has adequate baby killing laws.

Its illegal to kill a healthy infant. Even republicans take their infants off of life support.

You have to understand these are Social Justice Warriors who simply repeat what they are told to without questioning the meaning of the words. Their new buzz word is infanticide.
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

They are further proof of the authoritarian right's contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
Infanticide advocates can just make sure each state has adequate baby killing laws.

Its illegal to kill a healthy infant. Even republicans take their infants off of life support.
Those states that do say it is illegal to kill a healthy infant simply need to change the law. Start with something simple. They don't have hearts that beat it's just pulsing.
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

It's not infanticide and you know this.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

No it won't. We're not going to have a civil war over abortion. If Roe V. Wade is overturned you'll just have states that restrict choice and of course won't give a shit about the children that will be born into abject poverty.
It is NO coincidence that the states that just passed the strictest anti-choice laws are ALSO the same states with the worst record for child care, education, and all around concern for its youngest citizens.
Infanticide advocates can just make sure each state has adequate baby killing laws.

Its illegal to kill a healthy infant. Even republicans take their infants off of life support.
Those states that do say it is illegal to kill a healthy infant simply need to change the law. Start with something simple. They don't have hearts that beat it's just pulsing.

Infanticide would still be illegal in every state. The federal law was passed in 2002. If you want to kill people after they're born, you'll have to change federal law first.
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

It's not infanticide and you know this.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

No it won't. We're not going to have a civil war over abortion. If Roe V. Wade is overturned you'll just have states that restrict choice and of course won't give a shit about the children that will be born into abject poverty.
It is NO coincidence that the states that just passed the strictest anti-choice laws are ALSO the same states with the worst record for child care, education, and all around concern for its youngest citizens.

They also have the highest levels of infant mortality and maternal death in childbirth of any of the states in the US.

They're opposed to spending money on universal health care but they passed a law requiring investigations of women who have miscarriages, and prosecution of women who go out of state to have a legal abortion in another jurisdiction. Spending money prosecuting women having abortions is far more precious to them than spending money to save the lives of the women who are having babies, or the babies they're having.
Women need abortions because the state doesn't take good enough care of children.

Now that is some creepy shit right there.
If child care were truly equal all children would be removed from their mothers and raised in state run care centers.

That is familiar. Oh yes. It's Cuba.
Women need abortions because the state doesn't take good enough care of children.

Now that is some creepy shit right there.

I think it starts with the parents either unable or not willing to. Somebody has to step in to save the child and we know you can't count on pro lifers to do it since they like to play word games about the state.

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