The red pill


Gold Member
Mar 29, 2009
I recently rented and watched on YouTube a documentary called the red pill by Cassie Jaye I watched it because I have been becoming more interested in mens issues because shocker I am a man. I saw the trailer for it and had some extra money in my google wallet so I rented it . I truly recommend everyone see this movie. It is made by a feminist meaning to expose the Mens rights movement for being misogynists. What she got was something all together different.

I learned many things in this. All men know we get the shaft in custody hearings. But it is more then that. Something like 93% of work place deaths are men.... If 20% of workplace deaths were women there would be News reports daily about it. Domestic abuse is almost neck in neck with men being the victim. 70% of suicides are men. Anyone watch 13 ways? I dont but my daughter does and she told me it is about a girl who commits suicide... Mind you that's tragic but it seems seldom that Hollywood depicts it as a tragedy if a man does this they sure as hell wouldn't make a series about it.

There comes a point while watching this that you realize or at least I did that Feminism is not for equality. They seem to be for power. Not even women's rights. Just power. They go out of their way to dismiss mens issues because to them they dont really matter.

There is a part in the movie where Cassie is interviewing Karen Staughan And she says something like if feminist didn't think men where the problem then why did they name all things evil the patriarchy (men) and all things Just feminism (women).

If you haven't seen this movie you should. The hate you see from the SJW's and feminists are mostly from people who has never seen the movie or ever will because it might be uncomfortable for them.

If you have seen this movie tell me what you think and if you haven't why wont you?
What is your opinion of mens issues ?

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