The Reich is America's main enemy

Okay. So what is your problem? Do you like to live on a planet with other wrong ideas about history than your own wrong ideas about history?
I live in the USA----what was "wrong" about anything I presented about history?
I guess your form to see the world influenced the Wagner terrorists of Russia much more to be senseless cruel and criminal violent than any form of this how we see the world. Your suffragettes are much more comparable with valkyries. But what do you do? You use a German music as an excuse for your war crimes. Same had done the Russian "Wagner". And what learn Russians and US-Americans out of such weird stories? "Wipe out all Germans"
Try again----I don't USE Wagner and his music for anything at all---but the fact
is that your BFF ---adolf, did imagine something about it PROVING the glory of
"GERMAN CULTURE" and "GERMAN BLOOD". When were the US people out to
wipe out "ALL GERMANS"? -----if Truman wanted to he COULD HAVE dropped
DA BOMB. Even the german neighbor of my childhood did not make such
a claim---HE was obsessed with the RAF and THEIR BOMBING OF BERLIN. YOU
are as confused at that old vociferious german person.
Okay. So what is your problem? Do you like to live on a planet with other wrong ideas about history than your own wrong ideas about history?
I am still wondering about your assertion suggesting that I have "wrong
ideas about history" ??? did I insult your heroine QUEEN ISABELLA OF
THE GLORIOUS AUTO DE FE? or is it about your love for the late
Frau Winifred Wagner, glorious uncle Adolf fan?
I am fascinated----just how did the group come to be named "WAGNER"---
I do not buy into the above explanation-----ANYONE?
They justify this by saying that, allegedly, this is in honor of the call sign of one of the terrorists. But it doesn't matter where it came from, the public name is always ideological and symbolic. No one will figure out where it comes from, the main thing is that this is their name.
Again: "Bereich" is an "area". "Reich" means "realm". For example: The "Reich" of a farmer is his farm. And "world Reich" is a nonsense word. The word is "Weltreich". This means empire. "Das römische Weltreich" for example = the Roman [world] empire. But I fear also a "Weltreich der Musik" is something else than an "empire of music". Example: In the "Weltreich der Musik" music rules. In an "empire of music" or "world empire of music" I'm not sure who or what rules. Das "Reich der Mathematik" the "empire of mathematics" is in the German language something what someone is able to discover but not able to rule. I don't know what you see in such a word.

It's not about the word, it's about the content.

Both words are probably stolen.

The Romanesque country was created by the Romanians, and the word "Reich" is associated with knights - reiters - riders.

But the German merchants and servants stole it all.
t is by the way really a fact that Germany never did do anything bad to the USA in all history of mankind - but you had been the worst enemy Germany ever had. For us Germans this means nothing - but your culture drives mad with hate on Germans.
This is not about the "German nation", these are simply peoples captured by the Prussians. Here we are talking about the German government, which created bloody empires and regimes in Europe.

German elites colonized America. America is the first country to fight back.
They justify this by saying that, allegedly, this is in honor of the call sign of one of the terrorists. But it doesn't matter where it came from, the public name is always ideological and symbolic. No one will figure out where it comes from, the main thing is that this is their name.
I don't see the fairly common name "WAGNER" as a MAIN THING. If it is symbolic,
there is no reason to believe that the Composer Richard Wagner has anything to do
with the SYMBOLISM----it's a STRETCH to so assert. In fact--why would a RUSSIAN
group cozy up to that aspect of German history?
it's a STRETCH to so assert. In fact--why would a RUSSIAN
group cozy up to that aspect of German history?
They are for real russians - the German tribe of Rus and the Litvins subordinate to them.
I am fascinated----just how did the group come to be named "WAGNER"---
I do not buy into the above explanation-----ANYONE?
Hello irosie my lovely nurse. Either Prigoshin likes Wagner and considers the gun fire to be his music or he loves German Wagner Pizza.
Try again----I don't USE Wagner and his music for anything at all---but the fact
is that your BFF ---adolf, did imagine something about it PROVING the glory of

Hitler - this Hitler who had been a product of world war 1 - spoke a lot of nonsense. And you speak a lot of nonsense without you had to be the product of a cruel war which wiped out the past which had been called "the good old time".

When were the US people out to wipe out "ALL GERMANS"?

An US-American from the year 1913 - the last year of the good old time - has today about 3 descendents. A German from they year 1913 has today 1/3 descendent. (Indeed it is about 1/2 descendent but on "poetic" reasons 1/3 sounds better).


-----if Truman wanted to he COULD HAVE dropped DA BOMB. Even the german neighbor of my childhood did not make such
a claim---

I don't know who this idiot had been nor what he felt, thought and said on whatever reasons. You speak on your own for sure a lot of nonsense in a way which produces in me the feeling to speak with someone who has perhaps a psychiatric problem. To remember: In two years World War 2 will be over since 80 years and World War 1 will had been started 111 years ago.

HE was obsessed with the RAF and THEIR BOMBING OF BERLIN. YOU are as confused at that old vociferious german person.

Red Army Fraction? ... Oh no ... Royal Air Force. No idea what all this idiots thought. I guess they thought nothing at all while they took care to make World War 2 longer than it had to be so many more millions had to die.
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I am still wondering about your assertion suggesting that I have "wrong
ideas about history" ??? did I insult your heroine QUEEN ISABELLA OF
THE GLORIOUS AUTO DE FE? or is it about your love for the late
Frau Winifred Wagner, glorious uncle Adolf fan?

Weird - very very very weird. Perhaps you should really try to speak with a doctor about your mental problems.
Hello irosie my lovely nurse. Either Prigoshin likes Wagner and considers the gun fire to be his music or he loves German Wagner Pizza.

Or you are also a weird idiot like the founder of the Russian "Wagner" gang, which was payed from the Russian state doing war crimes in masses while they tried the same time not to be responsible for all this crimes.
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... German elites colonized America.


America is the first country to fight back.

America is a continent and not a country. The country you speak about is the United States of America. And in the USA lived also German colonists. This German colonists married many other colonists who came from other countries to the USA - that's why many US-Americans today have a German ancestor. Looks like the German colonists of the USA had been less racist than all others. This explains this high number of German descendants in the USA.

And I took a look now: In the beginning six Euroepen nations fought to dominate North-America: The French, Netherlanders, Swedes, Russians, Brits and Spaniards.
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Who - what - where - how - why - ... ??? ... ahm sorry: What for heavens sake do you speak about? Putin started a war on Europe without only a little need to have to do so. Now he has to live with his own consequences - and the whole world
together has also to live with this consequences, whether someone likes to do so or not.
Your scribble is so absurd that it seems you are pretending to be wilfully ignorant of facts . Guess this a German variation of attempted humour .Hilarious .

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