The Reich is America's main enemy

Russian, become real. Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers and military equipment. But another question: What will Putin do now with this fake-Russian jihadist-like army from Chechenya?
You betray your ignorance like a lazy school kid . You have no idea whom Ramzan Kadyrov is , or his father . Suffice to say "Uncle" Volodya and Ramzan are like Father and Son and the Chechnyans are lethal fighters -- would probably run rings round Wagner, and win the World Championship for Elite Forces time after time --- never covered by the MSM because the Americans come near to the bottom . Back to school for you for a few years sonny boy .
You betray your ignorance like a lazy school kid . You have no idea whom Ramzan Kadyrov is , or his father .

Who are Ramzan Kadyrov and his father. What do I have to know about this two people and why do I have to know this?

Suffice to say "Uncle" Volodya and Ramzan are like Father and Son and the Chechnyans are lethal fighters -- would probably run rings round Wagner, and win the World Championship for Elite Forces time after time --- never covered by the MSM because the Americans come near to the bottom . Back to school for you for a few years sonny boy .

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I understood very well what you said and how you disparage the Christian religion. And I know very well how extremely dangerous are Nazis for everyone. The old Nazis are harmless compared with you. They had not been able to know what will happen - you could know what really had happened.
Belittlement of the National Socialism is a penal offense in Germany. Hereby, you committed a Nazi crime, dumbfuck.
Belittlement of the National Socialism is a penal offense in Germany. Hereby, you committed a Nazi crime, dumbfuck.

Nazi - you always remember me to buy some silver bullets - and always again I forget to do so. I should really buy some. Helps garlick too? ... aha .. yeah - Internet garlick burns indeed some holes in your empty phrases. ... Wonderful.
Nazi - you always remember me to buy some silver bullets - and always again I forget to do so. I should really buy some. Helps garlick too? ... aha .. yeah - Internet garlick burns indeed some holes in your empty phrases. ... Wonderful.
Are you now trying to dwarf your prior idiocy, screwball?
Not untrue. But also not true. The Prussians are the people who lived - who is astonished? - in Prussia - today called "Oblast Kaliningrad".
There is no other "Germany" except the renamed Prussian Empire.
Not only there. The Vandals for example - by the way: the Vandals not had been Vandals; they had been very nice people - made an empire in North-Africa. Later some of them came back to Europe and founded ... (V)Andalusia in Spain.
And what? France is also Celtica, captured by the Germans.
We are just against it.

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