The Reich is America's main enemy

Your scribble is so absurd that it seems you are pretending to be wilfully ignorant of facts . Guess this a German variation of attempted humour .Hilarious .

Russian, become real. Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers and military equipment. But another question: What will Putin do now with this fake-Russian jihadist-like army from Chechenya?
They are for real russians - the German tribe of Rus

... hmmm ... If you refer to the Varagians there - they had been in the origin Scandinavian Vikings. The Rus had been a trading post of them. I guess they had been rulers of the "Russians" who lived there before. Your culture has no Scandinavian elements as far as I can see.

and the Litvins subordinate to them.

"Litvins"? Says nothing to me. A fantasy product? Nearly everything what you say about history is only fantasy.
Nazi - Why are you continously trying to say something about a subject you know less than nothing about?
Mein Reich komme, mein Wille geschehe.
Or you are also a weird idiot like the founder of the Russian "Wagner" gang, which was payed from the Russian state doing war crimes in masses while they tried the same time not to be responsible for all this crimes.
Good thing you judge are aboard so we all know who we are.
This is not about the "German nation", these are simply peoples captured by the Prussians.

Not untrue. But also not true. The Prussians are the people who lived - who is astonished? - in Prussia - today called "Oblast Kaliningrad". The Prussians are dead now - you wiped them out by murdering and displacing them. But this is for "Germany" indeed relativelly unimportant because the Prussians never had been very important under the German nations which they made step by step to colonies of Prussia. We called Prussia once "an army which owns a country". Indeed this Germany what you and the world call "Germany" never had been really Germany. A better name for this state had been "Great Prussia".

Here we are talking about the German government, which created bloody empires and regimes in Europe. ...

Not only there. The Vandals for example - by the way: the Vandals not had been Vandals; they had been very nice people - made an empire in North-Africa. Later some of them came back to Europe and founded ... (V)Andalusia in Spain.

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... hmmm ... If you refer to the Varagians there - they had been in the origin Scandinavian Vikings. The Rus had been a trading post of them. I guess they had been rulers of the "Russians" who lived there before. Your culture has no Scandinavian elements as far as I can see.

"Litvins"? Says nothing to me. A fantasy product? Nearly everything what you say about history is only fantasy.
Zaang.----you make vague general statements like a school kid who just
DOES NOT KNOW. "nothing you say is true" reveals your obtuse, unprepared
Zaang.----you make vague general statements like a school kid who just
DOES NOT KNOW. "nothing you say is true" reveals your obtuse, unprepared

You don't know the Varagians? ... Then Russia not exists. ... What a luck: Then the Ukrainians are able to meditate the Russian soldiers out of their wonderful country where the Slawic language which the Russians not seem to understand was born once.
And what exactly is your mental problem? What did you find out about?
Zaang-----"mental problems" -----your terminology reveals your dense ignorance
regarding the field of study which is "psychology" or "psychiatry" ----even more so--- your idiot question "....what exactly is your mental problem" ? something you
read in the "reader's digest"? If you have any questions related to the field of
"neuro-psychiatry"----feel free to ask
Not really. I learned to read and to listen.

With dreams has history nothing to do. History are frozen facts which no one is able to change any longer. That's why you are damned stupid to be a Nazi - even if you should have an IQ of 10,000 and more.
Balderdash. You can´t be a Christian. You have now idea what I am saying.
Zaang-----"mental problems" -----your terminology reveals your dense ignorance
regarding the field of study which is "psychology" or "psychiatry" ----even more so--- your idiot question "....what exactly is your mental problem" ? something you
read in the "reader's digest"? If you have any questions related to the field of
"neuro-psychiatry"----feel free to ask

I ask whether you ever tried to find out what makes you so unreal, crazy or mad. This you are not able to answer in the internet. This you have to answer in your real life. I hope you don't believe the bullshit which you say.
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Better are you not a able to explain your extremist super-stupidity, Nazi.
Under my rule you are no longer eligible to tell others what to do. Maybe you will be subjected to the mental home since you have stated for several times that you want to kill people who don´t agree with you on anything. In the row you will be heard: Nazi, Nazi! Russian! Wagner!
Zaang-----"mental problems" -----your terminology reveals your dense ignorance
regarding the field of study which is "psychology" or "psychiatry" ----even more so--- your idiot question "....what exactly is your mental problem" ? something you
read in the "reader's digest"? If you have any questions related to the field of
"neuro-psychiatry"----feel free to ask
He is just a regular German. Now you know what I have to go through every day in Real Life. Morons, unsufferable fucks, retarded do-gooders and know it alls.
Balderdash. You can´t be a Christian. You have now idea what I am saying.

I understood very well what you said and how you disparage the Christian religion. And I know very well how extremely dangerous are Nazis for everyone. The old Nazis are harmless compared with you. They had not been able to know what will happen - you could know what really had happened.
I ask whether you ever tried to find out what makes you so unreal, crazy or mad. This is you are not able to answer in the internet. This you have to answer in your real life.
Try to focus and clear your disordered mind, Zaang..... You throw words around
without meaning. Try to support your assertion "....what makes you unreal,
crazy or mad" your terms are meaningless in the field of neuropsychiatry and
absolutely do not constitute anything like a diagnosis. An important point---
persons familiar with neuro-psychiatry NEVER use the terms "crazy" or "mad"
and the very vague term "unreal"

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