The Reich is America's main enemy

Prigozhin's terrorists used exclusively North German symbols. Like a wolf hook. The name of the terrorist group is the name of the Nazi composer Wagner.

Death to the Reich!
I am fascinated----just how did the group come to be named "WAGNER"---
I do not buy into the above explanation-----ANYONE?
Again: "Reich" means "realm". For example: The "Reich" of a farmer is his farm. And "world Reich" is a nonsense word. The word is "Weltreich". This means empire. "Das römische Weltreich" for example = the Roman [world] empire. But I fear also a "Weltreich der Musik" is something else than an "empire of music". Example: In the "Weltreich der Musik" music rules. In an "empire of music" or "world empire of music" I'm not sure who or what rules. Das "Reich der Mathematik" the "empire of mathematics" is in the German language something what someone is able to discover but not able to rule. I don't know what you see in such a word.


Everything is totally idiotic what he said. So if someone uses the word "Reich" as a central part of a violent form of fake-philosophy why not first to try to find out what this world really means? Then you are able to correct step by step all other idiocies.

It is by the way really a fact that Germany never did do anything bad to the USA in all history of mankind - but you had been the worst enemy Germany ever had. For us Germans this means nothing - but your culture drives mad with hate on Germans.
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I am fascinated----just how did the group come to be named "WAGNER"---

The Russian idiot who founded this criminal organisation was convinced this was Hitlers favorite componist because Wagner had been an anti-Semite. It is said he heard all day long Wagner - loud.

Wagners anti-Semitism is by the way a little strange and has perhaps more to do with a Jewish girl which he loved - and who did not respond in a way which was for him transparent. She got some money from him in his testament for example. That's why I think he used perhaps anti-Semitic cliches on reason to forget her - but was not able to forget her.

Wagner was by the way also no Nazi. He died in 1883 - the NSDAP was founded in 1920.

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Everything is totally idiotic what he said. So if someone uses the word "Reich" as a central part of a violent form of fake-philosophy why not first to try to find out what this world really means? Then you are able to correct step by step all other idiocies.

It is by the way really a fact that Germany never did do anything bad to the USA in all history of mankind - but you had been the worst enemy Germany ever had. For us Germans this means nothing - but your culture drives mad with hate on Germans.
"Germany never did anything bad to the USA...."????? I got bad news----I grew up in
the USA----(post WWII) in a land rife with the descendants of German migrants-----
far too sympathetic to the ambitions of Der Fuhrer------hint----walking distance from the
town called "edison" ----ie a part of the USA which harbors nazi enclaves. Blutwurst
in the local bodegas----and some VERY NOT NICE PEOPLE----spiritually speaking,
Your culture kinda annoys lots of us
PS---I should mention----albeit BESIDE DAS POINT. Wagner has a bad name
because ADOLF liked his music and promoted it to the point that it is said
that his BFF Mengele whistled tristan and isolde while he worked. As to REICH---
another bad name since the time of the FIRST REICH----das holey roman empire
of constantine das dog the FIRST REICH-----to the medieval holey roman empire
of Europe and the Inquisition SECOND REICH----all the way to the holey roman empire
of Adolf, Josef,, and Josef etc ---the THIRD REICH. Like it or not----the Inquisition was
actually imposed in the Americas
Oh by the way:

"German" Wagner "Ride of the Valkyries":

Special US-form of "Ritt der Walküren". Your form of "self-critics". Message to your people and everyone else "We are on our own able to be like the evil Germans". (I'm quite sure Germans never had done what is shown here):


I guess your form to see the world influenced the Wagner terrorists of Russia much more to be senseless cruel and criminal violent than any form of this how we see the world. Your suffragettes are much more comparable with valkyries. But what do you do? You use a German music as an excuse for your war crimes. Same had done the Russian "Wagner". And what learn Russians and US-Americans out of such weird stories? "Wipe out all Germans"
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PS---I should mention----albeit BESIDE DAS POINT. Wagner has a bad name
because ADOLF liked his music and promoted it to the point that it is said
that his BFF Mengele whistled tristan and isolde while he worked. As to REICH---
another bad name since the time of the FIRST REICH----das holey roman empire
of constantine das dog the FIRST REICH-----to the medieval holey roman empire
of Europe and the Inquisition SECOND REICH----all the way to the holey roman empire
of Adolf, Josef,, and Josef etc ---the THIRD REICH. Like it or not----the Inquisition was
actually imposed in the Americas

Do you have any problem with drugs? Very simple: Use the flags of Germany and you do not confuse what you confuse here. And the inquisition in general never played any important role here. And your use of the word "Reich" is just simple a racist form to use words.

And how to whistle Tristan und Isolde? Have fun for the next 4-5 hours if you take a look at this video:

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I guess your form to see the world influenced the Wagner terrorists of Russia much more to be senseless cruel and criminal violent than any form of this how we see the world. Your suffragettes are much more comparable with valkyries. But what do you do? You use a German music as an excuse for your war crimes. Same had done the Russian "Wagner". And what learn Russians and US-Americans out of such weird stories? "Wipe out all Germans"
I am FASCINATED. There was a neighbor of german background in my childhood who
ALSO COMPLAINED bitterly about the abuse of Germany by the allies in World War I--II
and counting. He was very bitter----the only time he got happy was an acute case of
Schadenfreude in 1967 when he was confident that DIE JUDEN would be annihilated
in the Middle east. ------gee-----poor guy got screwed AGAIN. To add to the dramatic
effect......he voiced his opinions in a thick german accent. Well---at least it was amusing
Do you have any problem with drugs? Very simple: Use the flags of Germany and you do not confuse what you confuse here. And the inquisition in general never played any important role here.
what are you calling 'HERE' ? In fact the INQUISITION was the galvanizing
issue in both the slave trade and in oppression of native americans in Spanish
controlled areas of mostly South America and to some extent---NORTH America.
Remember ISABELLA THE PIOUS? She wanted Montezuma's gold more than
she "loved" Jesus. I found pharmacology a boring and difficult study
The Democrat party poses the greatest threat to our way of life, our freedoms and our prosperity. They are public enemy #1.
what are you calling 'HERE' ? In fact the INQUISITION was the galvanizing
issue in both the slave trade

¿Inquisition and slave trades? A totally unknown theme for me.

and in oppression of native americans in Spanish


Sorry - but members of the church continuously attacked in front of the king of Spain the conquistadores and their wrong behavior against Indios. Whatever. I did not speak about Spain nor about Southamerica.

controlled areas of mostly South America and to some extent

I have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about by using the German word "Reich".
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I am FASCINATED. There was a neighbor of german background ...

A man from what? What for heavens sake has Germany to do with your US-American neighbor? Many or even most US-American have a Germanic or Celtic background. Barrack Obama for example had a German ancestors whose oldest representant lived in the USA a long time before the USA existed in 16xx. So he is a man of German background. 5-10% or so, biologically. We liked him very much. And we don't like Donald Trump. This has a lot to do with education. Barrack Obama is a civilized man. Donald Trump is either criminally stupid or a stupid criminal.
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A man from what? What for heavens sake has Germany to do with your US-American neighbor? Many or even most US-American have a Germanic or Celtic background. Barrack Obama for example had a German ancestors whose oldest representant lived in the USA a long time before the USA existed in 16xx. So he is a man of German background. 5-10% or so, biologically. We liked him very much. And we don't like Donald Trump. This has a lot to do with education. Barrack Obama is a civilized man. Donald Trump is either criminally stupid or a stupid criminal.
more information for you. The area in which I grew up was a NAZI BASTION---
Thomas Edison was from that area and even the little town of my childhood
was "restricted" ----that is UNTIL the post war baby boom RAISED the real estate
value so that the local yokels gave up politics in favor of profit. However they
drew the line at blacks-----until very recently. When my family moved in---with
FIVE KIDS ---there was a rumble of protest----da joooos is invading!!!! As a kid,
I had lots to read----four brothers meant lots of superman comics and the local
population favored hard core islamo-nazi propaganda which floated in the breeze
in the form of seedy little pamphlets that dated as far back as the 1930s. ----1950s ---
not 21st century. PS the first christmas carol I knew was O' TANNENBAUM
Isabella I.? Also called "Isabella the Catholic". Wife from Ferdinand II? 1451-1504? Queen of Castilia and Queen of Aragon? What's wrong with her?
Nothing wrong with her. Thru marriage I have relatives who STILL SPEAK
SPANISH at home. Their people have not seen Spain since the 15th century
thanks to Isabella and her embrace of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (second reich)
INQUISITION. Those who survived ended up in Turkey and/or Morocco.
Ferdinand is not to blame---an anecdote---it is said that the death figure of
Ferdinand----which depicts dead Ferdinand lying in repose----reveals that the
carved pillow holding his head shows NO DEPRESSION---the artist was conveying
the fact that Ferdinand had an empty head. Isabella was the BRAINS of that
GLORIOUS reign which produced CORTEZ who murdered Montezuma for
GOD AND THE CHURCH and the end of judaism in Spain for GOD AND THE
more information for you.

You are desinforming - not informing.

The area in which I grew up was a NAZI BASTION---

Aha. What a luck to be a German who lives in Germany.

Thomas Edison was from that area and even the little town of my childhood
was "restricted" ----that is UNTIL the post war baby boom RAISED the real estate
value so that the local yokels gave up politics in favor of profit. However they
drew the line at blacks-----until very recently. When my family moved in---with
FIVE KIDS ---there was a rumble of protest----da joooos is invading!!!! As a kid,
I had lots to read----four brothers meant lots of superman comics and the local
population favored hard core islamo-nazi

Islamo what? You are really strange.

propaganda which floated in the breeze
in the form of seedy little pamphlets that dated as far back as the 1930s. ----1950s ---
not 21st century. PS the first christmas carol I knew was O' TANNENBAUM

¿O Tannenbaum? ¿Nazi song? ...

3. O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
dein Kleid will mir was lehren:
die Hoffnung und Beständigkeit
giebt Trost und Kraft zu jeder Zeit!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
dein Kleid will mir was lehren.

O fir tree, o fir tree,
your dress wants to teach me something:
hope and constancy
give comfort and strength at all times!
O fir tree, O fir tree,
Your dress will teach me something.

Ernst Anschütz, 1824

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